Sondages d'opinion du Parlement européen 

Climate change 

The main results of the survey on climate change, jointly commissioned by the European Parliament and the Commission, show Europeans have a real awareness of the problem and are willing to act in a more environmentally responsible way.

Climate change is seen by Europeans as one of the world’s most serious problems, second only to poverty. Over half said they were fairly well informed about climate change but a large number said they still lacked information.

When asked what should be done, a majority of Europeans thought that industry, governments, the public and the EU do not do enough to combat climate change. Three out of four primarily blamed industry.

The survey shows that more and more Europeans are personally doing something to combat climate change, both in their personal consumption (sorting waste, reducing energy and water consumption at home, consuming fewer throw-away products, purchasing local and seasonal products) and their mode of transport. It is noted that more effort needs to be made in relation to renewable energy.

One last point to note: 44% of Europeans say they are ready to pay more to combat climate change.