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Joint statement by leading MEPs on the reintroduction of the draft law on “Transparency of Foreign Influence” in Georgia.

The Committee on Foreign Affairs will discuss the progress of EU reforms in Montenegro with Prime Minister Milojko Spajić on Tuesday.

In talks with EU member states, MEPs have secured key improvements to a new support facility for the Western Balkans, focusing on transparency, rule of law, and economic integration.

On 25-26 March, MEPs discussed with high-level politicians and civil society representatives in Kyiv the need to step-up EU support for Ukraine.

On Tuesday, MEPs on the Committee on Foreign Affairs will discuss the future of EU enlargement with ministers, vice-ministers and secretaries of state of EU member states.

Les députés sont vivement préoccupés par la situation humanitaire catastrophique à Gaza et par le risque imminent de famine.

El Parlamento Europeo condenó el jueves el encarcelamiento en Venezuela de cientos de presos políticos, sometidos además a condiciones inhumanas.

MEPs support stringent reforms and bolster EU values in the Western Balkans, focusing on transparency, rule of law, and economic integration.

El Estado ruso, y Vladimir Putin en concreto, son resonsables penal y políticamente de la muerte de su principal opositor, Alexéi Navalni, según el Parlamento Europeo.

La UE debe apoyar a Ucrania en lo que sea necesario para que gane la guerra contra Rusia, señala el Parlamento Europeo en una resolución aprobada el jueves