
Parlamendikomisjon võib korraldada ekspertide osavõtul kuulamisi, kui see on vajalik komisjoni tööks teatud valdkondades. Kuulamisi võivad ühiselt korraldada ka kaks või enam parlamendikomisjoni. Enamik komisjone korraldab kuulamisi korrapäraselt, kuna need võimaldavad ekspertidega konsulteerida ja pidada arutelusid olulistel teemadel. Siit lehelt leiate kogu teabe kuulamiste kohta, sealhulgas kavad ja sõnavõtud.

The hearing looks at the rise of artificial intelligence on the work floor, including through automated monitoring and decision making and human-machine interaction.

Two pictures side by side. The left one showing a woman working behind a screen with a prosthetic arm. The other picture shows two women working respectively behind a screen; the woman on the right has down syndrome.

The hearing aims to show which targeted solutions and policy measures should be applied to eradicate any obstacles in specific sectors, in order to ensure the equal opportunities of women and girls with disabilities for independent living, and in particular in the open labour market.

Picture showing a scale with on the one hand-side a bag of money and on the other cardboard boxes

This hearing seeks to contribute to the ongoing work of the EMPL Committee by looking into future avenues to support more socially responsible public procurement in the EU.

On 5 October 2022, Parliament adopted with a large majority a resolution on the situation of Roma people living in settlements in the EU, highlighting that an unacceptably high number of Roma - Europe’s largest ethnic minority - live in poverty and are socially excluded, enduring extremely precarious, unsafe and overcrowded living conditions in segregated rural and urban areas.

green transition and digital skills of people in future

On 17 July EMPL Committee held a hearing on "Future-proof jobs and skills training for the digital and green transitions". Members discussed how vital it is to ensure that the current and future workforce is equipped with necessary skills to fully reap the benefits of the green and digital transitions.

Firefighters working in full equipment

On 22 March, the EMPL Committee held a public hearing on “Working conditions of firefighters”. The World Health Organisation recently re-classified firefighters as a profession that is vulnerable to carcinogenics. This hearing informed the EMPL committee’s work in various areas, and in particular the ongoing revision of the Asbestos at Work Directive.

On 6 February, EMPL Committee held a public hearing to evaluate the situation of workers and all people in the Member States suffering from the rising cost of living. This will bring to light the measures, which are /could be taken at both Member State and EU level in order to effectively address the social and employment consequences of the rising cost of living.

Hands together

On 7 November, EMPL committee will hold a public hearing to debate on the implementation of the child guarantee national action plans, which should guarantee children in need with free access to early childhood education and care, education and school based activities, healthcare and effective access to adequate housing and healthy nutrition.

Uber drivers

On 25 October 2022 members of the EMPL Committee will hold a hearing on Uber with the participation of Mark MacGann, Whistleblower, former Head of Public Policy of Uber, as well as other speakers. The hearing will give an overview on the situation of Uber drivers in Europe, and on the extent to which Uber's lobbying activities have affected their labour and social rights.

Hands holding a hand

On 24 March 2022, the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality together with the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs are organising a joint public hearing on A European Care Strategy - How to improve the lives of the carers and their dependants".

question mark

The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically affected our labour markets and brought permanent changes to the way we work.


The EMPL Committee will organise a hearing on the ‘Application of the Employment Equality Directive and the Racial Equality Directive’ on 1 December following the publication of a Commission Report on the topic on 19 March 2021.