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Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights April 2024 EN

En bref

Travaux de recherche pour la commission TRAN – Tendances, enjeux et perspectives sur le marché du travail de l’Union européenne dans le secteur des transports

29-02-2024 PE 747.266 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est la synthèse de l’étude menée sur le document intitulé «Research for TRAN Committee − Trends, challenges and opportunities in the EU transport labour market» (Travaux de recherche pour la commission TRAN – Tendances, enjeux et perspectives sur le marché du travail de l’Union européenne dans le secteur des transports). L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : Andrea BROUGHTON, Jasper TANIS, Marco BRAMBILLA, Eckhard VOSS and Katrin VITOLS
Documents connexes

En bref

Research for TRAN Committee - Trends, challenges and opportunities in the EU transport labour market EN

01-02-2024 PE 747.267 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study on Trends, challenges and opportunities in the EU transport labour market. This study provides a comprehensive review of the transport labour market trends in the EU, the challenges and the future prospects that transport workers and undertakings are confronted with, notably for digitalisation, automation and decarbonisation processes. The study describes the impacts on the EU transport labour market in terms of number of jobs, job structure by age, workers’ skills, working conditions, shortage of workers and attractiveness of the occupations. A stakeholder consultation complements the findings of the literature review.
Auteurs : Andrea BROUGHTON, Jasper TANIS, Marco BRAMBILLA, Eckhard VOSS and Katrin VITOLS
Documents connexes


Alternative dispute resolution for consumers EN

31-01-2024 PE 753.200 IMCO TRAN
Résumé : The impact assessment (IA) underpinning the revision of the alternative dispute resolution (ADR) framework presents a robust intervention logic. It puts forward four policy options (including a non-regulatory option) with varying degrees of ambition; however, the description of the different policy options would have benefited from more depth and detail. The IA assesses the policy options in terms of their economic, social and environmental impacts and their effects on fundamental rights. While large parts of the analysis are mainly qualitative, the section on economic impacts is also supported by quantitative data and estimations. Although the IA acknowledges that most businesses concerned are SMEs, the impact on SMEs is not further assessed. Similarly, more reflection on the impact of extending the directive's scope to third-country traders would have been warranted. The IA's evidence base appears solid: in addition to a comprehensive stakeholder consultation, it drew on an ex-post evaluation (conducted 'back to back' with the IA), Commission reports on the application of the current ADR/ODR framework, and several highly relevant and up to-date studies. The legislative proposal appears to follow broadly the IA's preferred option, despite some clear differences.
Auteurs : Irmgard ANGLMAYER

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights January 2024 EN

En bref

Research for TRAN Committee - Chinese Investments in European Non-Maritime Transport Infrastructure EN

18-12-2023 PE 752.442 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study looking at Chinese investments in non-maritime transport infrastructure in the EU and EU Neighbourhood through the lens of ‘de-risking’ for the first time. It provides a comprehensive overview of Chinese investments in the European non-maritime transport infrastructure over the past two decades and weighs the associated risks. The study borrows the framework adopted by the National Risk Assessment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2022 for its risk assessment and further develops it to score the impact and likelihood of the investments across five major threat areas: EU-level dependency risk, individual dependency risk, coercion/influence risk, cybersecurity/data risk and hard security risk. The analysis illustrates that the risks remain insufficiently understood by Member States, despite their high likelihood and/or impact. This is particularly true for economic coercion and cybersecurity/data risks.
Auteurs : Francesca GHIRETTI, Jacob GUNTER, Gregor SEBASTIAN, Meryem GÖKTEN, Olga PINDYUK, Bernd Christoph STRÖHM, Zuzana ZAVARSKÁ & Plamen TONCHEV
Documents connexes


Étude réalisée pour la commission TRAN − Investissements chinois dans les infrastructures européennes non maritimes

13-12-2023 PE 747.279 TRAN
Auteurs : Francesca GHIRETTI, Jacob GUNTER, Gregor SEBASTIAN, Meryem GÖKTEN, Olga PINDYUK, Bernd Christoph STRÖHM, Zuzana ZAVARSKÁ & Plamen TONCHEV
Documents connexes

En bref

Introducing a European disability card and a European parking card EN

Résumé : The IA supporting the proposal for a European disability card and a European parking card builds on the experience of two instruments already in place: i) the EU disability card pilot project rolled out in eight participating Member States since 2016, and ii) the EU parking card for persons with disabilities, introduced EU-wide in 1998 through Council Recommendation 98/376/EC. The IA draws on a wide range of data, including a supporting study (which, however, is not linked and does not seem to have been published) and a recent study assessing the implementation of the disability card pilot project. The IA presents a clear and comprehensive intervention logic. It puts forward two policy options in addition to the baseline scenario, duly analysing the potential impacts, with a focus on social, fundamental rights and economic impacts. Stakeholder input was taken into account throughout the IA. Disability organisations were involved in the consultations; in addition, in line with the UN CRPD and the BRG, the open public consultation included accessible formats (e.g. a questionnaire in easy-to-read format). The legislative proposal broadly follows the IA, with some minor differences regarding the scope, delegated acts and review clauses.
Auteurs : Irmgard ANGLMAYER

AT A GLANCE Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - November 2023 EN

En bref

Commitments made at the hearing of MAROŠ ŠEFČOVIČ Executive Vice-President of the Commission on the European Green Deal EN

20-10-2023 PE 754.187 AGRI ENVI ITRE TRAN
Résumé : The Executive Vice-President of the Commission, Maroš Šefčovič, appeared before the European Parliament on 3 October 2023 to answer questions put by MEPs from the Committees on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI); Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE); Transport and Tourism (TRAN) and Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI). During the hearing, he made a number of commitments which are highlighted in this document. These commitments refer to his portfolio, as described in the mission letter sent to him by Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, including on the European Green Deal.
Auteurs : Georgios AMANATIDIS, Ariane DEBYSER

Policy Departments' Monthly highlights - October 2023 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, on the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for TRAN Committee - Chinese Investments in European Maritime Infrastructure EN

03-10-2023 PE 752.443 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note sumarises the study for the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) looking at Chinese investments in European Maritime Infrastructure through the lens of ‘de-risking’ for the first time. It provides a comprehensive overview of Chinese investments in the European maritime sector over the past two decades and weighs the associated risks. The study borrows the framework adopted by the National Risk Assessment of the Kingdom of the Netherlands 2022 for its risk assessment and further develops it to score the impact and likelihood of the investments across five major threat areas: EU-level dependency risk, individual dependency risk, coercion/influence risk, cyber/data risk and hard security risk. The analysis illustrates that the risks remain insufficiently understood by Member States, despite their high likelihood and/or impact. This is particularly true for economic coercion and cyber/data security risks.

Étude réalisée pour la commission TRAN − Investissements chinois dans les infrastructures maritimes européennes

02-10-2023 PE 747.278 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est le résumé de l’étude sur les investissements chinois dans les infrastructures maritimes européennes. L’étude complète, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : Francesca GHIRETTI, Jacob GUNTER, Gregor SEBASTIAN, Meryem GÖKTEN, Olga PINDYUK, Zuzana ZAVARSKÁ & Plamen TONCHEV

Policy Departments' Monthly highlights - September 2023 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, on the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Étude pour la commission TRAN − Perspectives pour l’approvisionnement en matériel roulant dans l’Union

13-07-2023 PE 747.263 TRAN
Auteurs : Hugh GARDNER, Marco BRAMBILLA, David MATHEUS

Research for TRAN Committee - Unmanned Aircraft Systems integration into European airspace and operation over populated areas EN

12-07-2023 PE 733.125 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study providing research into the operations of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) within European Airspace and in particular over populated areas. It provides an overview of good practices and military and civil UAS integration. This research has been used to inform an assessment of the Drone Strategy 2.0 and the extent to which it addresses the challenges and barriers identified. The study concludes with a set of proposed policy recommendations.
Auteurs : Fabrizio CARIPPO, Arthur FUNG, Edward HUNT, Valentina LO PASSO, Sam MARSLAND, Alberto PRETI, Paul RAVENHILL, Clémence ROUTABOUL.

Étude pour la commission TRAN – Intégration des systèmes de drones dans l’espace aérien européen et vols au-dessus des zones peuplées

10-07-2023 PE 733.124 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est la synthèse de l’étude intitulée «Intégration des systèmes de drones dans l’espace aérien européen et vols au-dessus des zones peuplées» L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : Fabrizio CARIPPO, Arthur FUNG, Edward HUNT, Valentina LO PASSO, Sam MARSLAND, Alberto PRETI, Paul RAVENHILL, Clémence ROUTABOUL

Research for TRAN Committee - Perspectives for the rolling stock supply in the EU EN

01-07-2023 PE 747.264 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study providing an assessment of the foreseeable demand and supply of rolling stock up to the year 2030 and highlightING the obstacles to the provision of rolling stock, which may potentially hinder the attainment of EU goals in rail transport. The study provides the basis to consider whether or not there is a necessity to incentivise rolling stock supply within the EU (including imports and/or domestic production) and provides policy recommendations relevant to EU decision-making. The EU market is mature and expected to growth.
Auteurs : Hugh GARDNER, Marco BRAMBILLA, David MATHEUS

Stress-testing to promote the resilience of EU policies EN

12-05-2023 PE 734.710 COVI TRAN
Résumé : Stress-testing is a promising foresight policy tool that can support the design of EU policies able to withstand the shocks and challenges of both the present day and the years to come. This study explores how the European Parliament could use stress-tests to identify weak points in EU legislation and avenues for further EU action. The study draws on the findings of a stress-test of EU rail transport policy and recommendations from an expert practitioner of foresight and regulatory policy. It finds that stress-tests across different policy areas could boost the European Parliament's role as co-legislator in the European Union, especially in the agenda-setting and law-making phases of the legislative cycle.

Research for TRAN Committee - Assessment of the potential of sustainable fuels in transport EN

01-04-2023 PE 733.104 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note sumarises the study providing the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an assessment of the potential of sustainable fuels to decarbonise the transport sector, and help the sector achieve the 2050 decarbonisation goals. It assesses their potential for use in maritime, aviation and road transport, considering their technology readiness, feedstock availability, sustainability of supply, resource and energy efficiency, and the most appropriate match-making between fuels and applications.
Auteurs : Pierpaolo CAZZOLA, Frank GERARD, Marine GORNER, Mark GIBBS, Katrina YOUNG.

Recherche pour la commission TRAN – Évaluation du potentiel des carburants durables pour le transport.

31-03-2023 PE 733.103 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est le résumé de l’étude intitulée «Évaluation du potentiel des carburants durables pour le transport». L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : Pierpaolo CAZZOLA, Frank GERARD (Trinomics), Marine GORNER (Trinomics), Mark GIBBS (Aether), Katrina YOUNG (Aether)
Type de document

Revision of Directive (EU) 2015/413 on cross-border exchange of information on road-safety-related traffic offences EN

29-03-2023 PE 740.237 TRAN
Résumé : When it comes to road safety, the EU is the world leader by far. Over the past 20 years, the number of people killed on roads has decreased by 60 %, from around 51 400 in 2001 to around 20 600 in 2022. However, since 2014, this decrease has stagnated, with hardly any drop in the number of road fatalities in the years between then and 2020. Moreover, improvements in road safety have not been significant enough to meet the EU's 2010 and 2020 objectives for reducing road death numbers. Much more will need to be done to achieve the EU's ambitious objectives of halving fatalities in road transport by 2030 and reducing them to close to zero by 2050. While enforcement of traffic rules contributes to road safety, many non-resident road offenders have long enjoyed impunity in the EU. In 2011, to improve enforcement of financial penalties for traffic offences committed by non-resident drivers, the EU adopted a directive on facilitating cross-border exchange of information on road safety-related traffic offences (Directive 2011/82/EU). Its successor, Directive (EU) 2015/413 (the 'CBE Directive') pursued two main goals: to improve road safety – helping Member States' authorities to prosecute offenders by allowing the person behind the vehicle's registration to be disclosed – and to ensure equal treatment for resident and non-resident drivers. In 2016, an ex-post evaluation carried out by the European Commission pinpointed major shortcomings of both the CBE Directive and its implementation: while the directive had helped remove the anonymity of foreign offenders by increasing significantly the number of cross-border cases investigated, it was considered insufficient for removing the offenders' impunity. To tackle this issue, the Commission adopted a proposal amending the CBE Directive on 1 March 2023.

Étude réalisée pour la commission TRAN − Les défis environnementaux tout au long du cycle de vie des véhicules électriques.

27-03-2023 PE 733.112 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est une synthèse de l’étude intitulée «Les défis environnementaux tout au long du cycle de vie des véhicules électriques à batterie». L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : Ricardo: Nikolas HILL, Marco RAUGEI, Aleix PONS, Nikos VASILEIADIS, Hugo ONG, Lorenzo CASULLO
Type de document

Documents connexes

En bref

Research for TRAN Committee - Environmental challenges through the life cycle of battery electric vehicles EN

01-03-2023 PE 733.113 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study providing an up-to-date expert assessment and comparison between the life cycle’s carbon footprint of battery electric and internal combustion engine passenger cars. It presents evidence from the literature and from life cycle assessment modelling and concludes with policy recommendations. The analysis includes sensitivities, regional variations for six Member States, and also the effects of technical and legislative development on the potential outlook up to 2050.
Auteurs : Nikolas HILL, Marco RAUGEI, Aleix PONS, Nikos VASILEIADIS, Hugo ONG, Lorenzo CASULLO

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - February 2023 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Towards EU leadership in the space sector through open strategic autonomy - Cost of non-Europe EN

Résumé : This 'cost of non-Europe' report looks at the potential benefits of efficient, ambitious and united EU-level action in the space sector. The report finds that to enable the European space sector to benefit from open strategic autonomy, and to ensure EU access to and use of space, including for its security, the EU must act decisively. Moving away from fragmentation could bring large benefits, amounting to at least €140 billion per year by 2050.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - January 2023 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for TRAN Committee - Investment scenario and roadmap for achieving aviation Green Deal objectives by 2050 EN

21-10-2022 PE 699.652 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note sumarises the study discussing the technological innovations, operational measures and alternative fuels that are needed for the aviation industry to achieve the objectives of the European Green Deal by 2050. The study also presents estimates of the investment needed for the industry to achieve those goals and analyses the EU regulatory framework and funding sources that can support the industry in its decarbonisation pathway.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - October 2022 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Étude réalisée pour la commission TRAN − Scénario d’investissement et feuille de route pour la réalisation des objectifs du pacte vert pour l’aviation d’ici à 2050

29-09-2022 PE 699.651 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est le résumé de l’étude sur le scénario d’investissement et la feuille de route pour la réalisation des objectifs du pacte vert pour l’aviation à l’horizon 2050. L’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024 EN

Résumé : This document is a compilation of briefings that track the commitments made by the Vice-Presidents and Commissioners to the European Parliament – in their written answers to Parliament’s questions, at their hearings, and, in some cases, in subsequent appearances before Parliament’s committees. The document provides an overview of the state-of-play at the mid-term of the von der Leyen Commission. Since many of these commitments were made, major international crises have shifted some political priorities. The Vice-Presidents’ and Commissioners’ progress on their commitments should be considered in this context.

Tracking the EU Commissioners’ commitments - Von der Leyen Commission, 2019 - 2024: Adina-Ioana Vălean EN

20-09-2022 PE 699.627 TRAN
Résumé : This briefing follows up on the commitments made by the commissioner in 2019.

Research for TRAN Committee - Assessment of the potential of sustainable fuels in transport in the context of the Ukraine/Russia crisis EN

09-09-2022 PE 733.086 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note sumarises the briefing providing the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the potential of sustainable fuels in transport in the context of the current Ukraine/Russia crisis. It assesses biofuel’s potential to be quickly ramped up, the impact on LNG demand in the EU transport sector, and the potential use of gas pipelines repurposed for hydrogen.

Research for TRAN Committee - The future of transport in the context of the Recovery Plan EN

07-07-2022 PE 733.090 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note sumarises the report that provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the EU’s 29 transport sector priorities and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan’s (NRRP) funding to achieve those priorities. NRRP transport sector measures also contribute to the further development of nine TEN-T Core Network Corridors and achievement of TEN-T goals.
Documents connexes

Étude réalisée pour la commission TRAN − L’avenir des transports dans le contexte du plan de relance

07-07-2022 PE 733.089 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est une synthèse de l’étude sur l’avenir des transports dans le contexte du plan de relance. L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Documents connexes

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - July 2022 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Étude réalisée pour la commission TRAN − Évaluation du potentiel des carburants durables pour le secteur des transports dans le contexte de la crise opposant l’Ukraine à la Russie

30-06-2022 PE 699.650 TRAN
Analyse approfondie
Résumé : Le présent document est une synthèse de l’étude sur l’évaluation du potentiel des carburants durables pour le secteur des transports dans le contexte de la crise opposant l’Ukraine à la Russie. L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : Pierpaolo CAZZOLA, Marine GORNER, Frank GERARD, Melanie HOBSON, Katrina YOUNG, Peter LEMOINE, Joris MOERENHOUT, Victor DE HAAS

Research for TRAN Committee: Pricing instruments on transport emissions EN

19-05-2022 PE 699.646 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This at a glance note summarizes the research paper that provides a general overview of the current and proposed pricing instruments on road transport CO2 emissions in the EU.
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Recherche pour la commission TRAN - Instruments de tarification des émissions du transport

11-05-2022 PE 699.641 TRAN
Auteurs : Arno SCHROTEN, Julius KIRÁLY, Peter SCHOLTEN

Revision of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Regulation EN

04-05-2022 PE 730.316 TRAN
Résumé : The IA provides a comprehensive problem analysis, based on the evaluation of the current TEN-T Regulation, a public consultation, and targeted consultations with stakeholders and Member States. It is transparent about the methods and uncertainties (e.g. long-term funding) and limitations. The objectives and the policy options have a clear link to the problem definition. The IA comprehensively analyses the economic, social and environmental impacts of the policy options. However, territorial impacts linked to the shift to more sustainable modes of transport could have been explained in more depth. Costs and benefits are assessed and quantified. It could have been explained in more detail how funding will be mobilised. All in all, the IA provides useful information for policy-makers and future policy choices.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - May 2022 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - April 2022 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for TRAN Committee - Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19 - Part VI - Public transport EN

17-03-2022 PE 690.900 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study on Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19: Public transport
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Recherche pour la commission TRAN – La relance des transports et du tourisme dans l’UE après la COVID-19 Partie VI: Transport public

21-02-2022 PE 690.899 TRAN
Résumé : This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the public transport sector, as well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis.
Auteurs : Giacomo LOZZI, Ivo CRÉ, Carolina RAMOS

‘Fit for 55’ package: Fuel EU Maritime EN

18-02-2022 PE 699.482 ENVI IMCO TRAN
Résumé : The impact assessment (IA) supporting the proposal 'Fuel EU Maritime' provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis, which is based on sound and recent data. It also explains some uncertainties in the analysis of impacts. The IA presents a well-evidenced problem definition and a sufficiently broad range of policy options. The quality of the IA is weakened by some inconsistencies in the comparison of options. In addition, the IA does not assess to what extent SMEs are effected of this proposal and the stakeholders' views on the fully fledged options are not indicated. It can be noted also that the open public consultation period does not meet the 12 week-requirement.

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - February 2022 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for TRAN Committee − The future of transport in the context of the Recovery Plan - overview briefing EN

31-01-2022 PE 699.613 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study on The future of transport in the context of the Recovery Plan - overview briefing
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Research for TRAN Committee: Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19 - Part V - Freight transport EN

28-01-2022 PE 699.610 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study on Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19: Freight transport
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Recherche pour la commission TRAN – L’avenir des transports dans le contexte du plan de relance – Vue d’ensemble

27-01-2022 PE 699.612 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document constitue la synthèse d’un briefing général sur l’avenir des transports dans le contexte du plan de relance. L’intégralité du briefing, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - January 2022 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Recherche pour la commission TRAN La relance des transports et du tourisme dans l’UE après la COVID-19 Partie V: Transport de marchandises

24-12-2021 PE 699.608 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est la synthèse du briefing thématique intitulé «La relance des transports et du tourisme dans l’UE après la COVID-19 - Partie V: Transport de marchandises». L’intégralité du briefing, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : Maria RODRIGUES, Tharsis TEOH, Emilia SANDRI, Edoardo MARCUCCI, Giacomo LOZZI, Valerio GATTA

'Fit for 55' package: Revision of the Effort-Sharing Regulation EN

15-12-2021 PE 699.465 AGRI ENVI ITRE TRAN
Résumé : The IA analyses the nature and scale of the problem, which triggers the revision of the Effort Sharing Regulation. While subsidiarity is suffiicently addressed, the proportionality aspects of the revision are not addressed by the IA. One general and three specific objectives, clearly deriving from the problem, were set up. Three policy options were identified and analysed in detail. The options (and their sub-options) were compared in terms of their potential to achieve the specific objectives, in particular, regarding their scope, environmental integrity, distribution of efforts (in terms of fairness and cost-efficiency) and flexibility offered. The options have been analysed mostly for their environmental, economic and administrative impacts. Stakeholder views are abundently used and transparently referenced throughout the analysis of impact. The IA is based on a solid knowledge base combining the use of qualitative and quantitiave methods.
Auteurs : Ekaterina KARAMFILOVA

'Fit for 55' legislative package: ReFuel EU Aviation EN

10-12-2021 PE 699.466 TRAN
Résumé : The impact assessment (IA) accompanying Commission's ReFuelEU Aviation proposal provides a qualitative and quantitative analysis, which is based on sound and recent data. The IA presents clearly described policy options and openly explains uncertainties in the analysis. However, contrary to the Better Regulation Guidelines, the IA does not assess the impacts on SMEs. In addition, the assessment would have benefited of further clarification in the comparison of options, the scale of the defined problems, and monitoring and evaluation plans. Moreover, the description of stakeholder consultation lacks some transparency.

Research for TRAN Committee: Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19 - Tourism sector EN

24-11-2021 PE 690.885 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study on Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19: Tourism sector
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Research for TRAN Committee - Alternative fuels infrastructure for heavy-duty vehicles - final study EN

24-11-2021 PE 690.902 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This At a glance note summarises the study on Alternative fuels infrastructure for heavy-duty vehicles.
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Étude pour la commission TRAN – La relance des transports et du tourisme dans l’UE après la COVID-19 Partie IV: Secteur du tourisme

19-11-2021 PE 690.884 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est la synthèse de la note thématique intitulée «La relance des transports et du tourisme dans l’UE après la COVID-19 - Secteur du tourisme». L’intégralité de la note, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

Recherche pour la commission TRAN – Infrastructures pour les carburants de substitution pour les poids lourds

10-11-2021 PE 690.901 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est la synthèse de l’étude finale sur les infrastructures pour les carburants de substitution pour les poids lourds. L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : CE Delft: Anouk VAN GRINSVEN, Matthijs OTTEN, Emiel VAN DEN TOORN, Reinier VAN DER VEEN, Julius KIRÁLY, Roy VAN DEN BERG

Research for TRAN Committees - The aviation and maritime sectors and the EU Emission Trading System - (EU ETS): challenges and impacts EN

27-10-2021 PE 690.878 TRAN
En bref
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Étude pour la commission TRAN – Les secteurs aérien et maritime et le SEQE-UE: enjeux et incidences

25-10-2021 PE 690.897 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est une synthèse de l’étude intitulée «Les secteurs aérien et maritime et le SEQE-UE: enjeux et incidences». L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : Dagmar NELISSEN, Jasper FABER, Sven MAERTENS, David ENNEN, Wolfgang GRIMME

Research for TRAN Committee - Alternative fuels infrastructure for heavy-duty vehicles EN

28-09-2021 PE 690.889 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This briefing presents the opportunities and challenges for use and deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure in the EU for heavy-duty vehicles, in particular for trucks. Details on the current state of play and future needs are presented in the context of the ambitions of the Green Deal and current legislative developments, in particular the upcoming reviews of the Alternative Fuels Directive and TEN-T regulation.
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Research for TRAN - Committee: Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19 - Part III: Aviation sector EN

27-09-2021 PE 690.870 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on the aviation sector, as well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis.
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - September 2021 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for TRAN Committee - The aviation and maritime sectors and the EU-ETS: challenges and impacts EN

30-07-2021 PE 690.887 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This paper gives an initial overview of the market structure in a revised EU ETS for the European aviation and maritime sectors. Key design options like the scheme’s geographical scope, the baseline year(s), cap and allocation of allowances, and – in the case of aviation – the relationship with CORSIA, can have impacts on the competitive situation of EU carriers and vessels. This is the first stage in the research project focusing on the implementation and socio-economic perspectives related to the eventual inclusion of aviation and maritime in the EU ETS system. The analysis of the Commission’s proposal is expected to follow in fall 2021.
Auteurs : CE Delft: Dagmar NELISSEN, Jasper FABER DLR: Sven MAERTENS, David ENNEN, Wolfgang GRIMME, Florian WOZNY

Recherche pour la commission TRAN – Infrastructures pour les carburants de substitution pour les poids lourds

14-07-2021 PE 690.888 TRAN
Résumé : Ce document est la synthèse de la note d’information sur les infrastructures pour les carburants de substitution pour les poids lourds. L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : CE Delft: Anouk VAN GRINSVEN, Matthijs OTTEN, Emiel VAN DEN TOORN, Reinier VAN DER VEEN, Julius KIRÁLY, Roy VAN DEN BERG

Étude pour la commission TRAN – La relance des transports et du tourisme dans l’UE après la COVID-19 Partie III: Le secteur de l’aviation

09-07-2021 PE 690.869 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est la synthèse d’un briefing thématique sur la relance des transports et du tourisme dans l’UE après la COVID-19 - Le secteur de l’aviation. L’intégralité du briefing, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : • PANTEIA: Maria RODRIGUES, Emilia SANDRI, Ljubica KNEZEVIC, Tharsis TEOH • Università degli Studi Roma Tre: Barbara ANTONUCCi, Nicole CUTRUFO, Lidia MARONGIU

Recherche pour la commission TRAN – Les secteurs aérien et maritime et le SEQE de l’UE: enjeux et incidences

09-07-2021 PE 690.886 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est une synthèse de l’étude intitulée «Les secteurs aérien et maritime et le SEQE de l’UE: enjeux et incidences». L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : CE Delft: Dagmar NELISSEN, Jasper FABER DLR: Sven MAERTENS, David ENNEN, Wolfgang GRIMME, Florian WOZNY

Revision of the TEN-T Regulation EN

30-06-2021 PE 694.205 TRAN
Résumé : Regulation (EU) 1315/2013 (the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) Regulation), has shaped EU transport infrastructure policy by strengthening the network approach. It has furthermore established guidelines for national and EU investment in transport infrastructure, and introduced targeted funding under the Connecting Europe Facility and other relevant EU schemes. In the context of new technological and social challenges and new policy approaches, the TEN-T Regulation needs to better address present and future needs. To this end, the European Commission has started a revision process that should end with the adoption of a new legislative proposal, planned for the third quarter of 2021.
Auteurs : Alina Ileana DINU

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - June 2021 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for TRAN - Committee: Relaunching transport and tourism in the EU after COVID-19 - Part II: Transport workers EN

03-06-2021 PE 690.868 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This thematic briefing provides the European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) with an overview of the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU transport workers and their working conditions, as well as policy recommendations to address the challenges emerging from the crisis.
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Ariane DEBYSER

Recherche pour la commission TRAN – La relance des transports et du tourisme dans l’UE après la COVID-19 Partie II: Travailleurs du secteur des transports

27-05-2021 PE 690.867 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent briefing thématique fait partie d’un ensemble de briefings axés sur les défis auxquels les secteurs des transports et du tourisme sont confrontés en raison de la pandémie. Elle porte sur la question des travailleurs du secteur des transports, qui ont été particulièrement touchés par les répercussions de la COVID-19.
Auteurs : PANTEIA: Maria RODRIGUES, Tharsis TEOH, Carolina RAMOS, Ljubica KNEZEVIC Università degli Studi Roma Tre: Edoardo MARCUCCI, Giacomo LOZZI, Valerio GATTA POLIS: Giacomo LOZZI, Ivo CRÉ

Revision of Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure EN

23-04-2021 PE 662.631 TRAN
Résumé : Alternative fuels can help to diminish the negative effects on the environment and health caused by both passenger and freight transport. Examples of alternative fuels include: electricity, hydrogen, biofuels, synthetic and paraffinic fuels, natural gas, including biomethane, in gaseous form (compressed natural gas, CNG) and liquefied form (liquefied natural gas, LNG), and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). At European Union (EU) level, a directive on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure was adopted in 2014, with the aim of boosting the development of standard rules and minimum requirements as regards alternative fuels infrastructure (i.e. electric car recharging stations or natural gas refuelling points) in the EU Member States. However, a revision of the directive is planned for 2021 to take account of the latest technological and market developments.
Auteurs : Alina Ileana DINU

Research for TRAN Committee - Transport infrastructure in low-density and depopulating areas EN

05-02-2021 PE 652.225 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : The study investigates key challenges and trends concerning transport infrastructure in low-density and depopulating areas . It also provides a comprehensive assessment of relevant transport policies and projects already implemented as well as policy recommendations aimed at overcoming those identified challenges and gaps.
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Balazs MELLAR, Ariane DEBYSER

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - February 2021 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Recherche pour la commission TRAN – Les infrastructures de transport dans les territoires à faible densité de population et en voie de dépeuplement

03-02-2021 PE 652.227 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est la synthèse de l’étude sur les infrastructures de transport dans les territoires à faible densité de population et en voie de dépeuplement. L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante :
Auteurs : Luca BISASCHI, Francesco ROMANO, Malin CARLBERG, Jessica CARNEIRO, Davide CECCANTI, and Liviu CALOFIR.

Recherche pour la commission TRAN – La relance des transports et du tourisme dans l’UE après la COVID-19

01-02-2021 PE 652.235 TRAN
Résumé : La pandémie de COVID-19 a eu de graves répercussions sur les secteurs des transports et du tourisme en 2020. Outre une incidence directe sur leurs recettes, ils ont aussi été touchés indirectement du fait de l’évolution des habitudes de déplacement et des modèles touristiques. Si l’économie de l’Union a souffert, les conséquences pour les pays et régions qui dépendent du tourisme ont été autrement plus dramatiques (jusqu’à 40 % des emplois supprimés dans certaines régions).
Auteurs : PANTEIA: Maria RODRIGUES, Tharsis TEOH, Carolina RAMOS, Thomas de WINTER, Ljubica KNEZEVIC Università degli Studi Roma Tre: Edoardo MARCUCCI, Giacomo LOZZI, Valerio GATTA, Barbara ANTONUCCI, Nicole CUTRUFO, Lidia MARONGIU POLIS: Giacomo LOZZI, Ivo CRÉ

Research for TRAN Committee-Sustainable and smart urban transport EN

26-01-2021 PE 652.233 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : Recent trends and developments indicate a growing user-centric approach to mobility, prioritising individual needs and users’ interests. Disruptive emerging technologies and shared mobility solutions bring new stakeholders to the urban ecosystem. COVID-19 has changed behaviours, with walking, cycling and private car use increasing. E-commerce demand has increased significantly, and contactless solutions are still preferred.
Auteurs : Jacques LECARTE, Davide PERNICE, Balazs MELLAR, Ariane DEBYSER

Recherche pour la commission TRAN − Transports urbains durables et intelligents

16-12-2020 PE 652.211 TRAN
Résumé : Le présent document est la synthèse de l’étude sur les transports urbains durables et intelligents. L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:
Auteurs : Giacomo Lozzi, Edoardo Marcucci, Valerio Gatta, Maria Rodrigues, Tharsis Teoh, Carolina Ramos, Eline Jonkers

Recherche pour la commission TRAN –L’impact des technologies émergentessur le système de transport

23-11-2020 PE 652.226 TRAN
Résumé : Ce document est le résumé de l’étude sur l’impact des technologies émergentes sur le système de transport. L’étude en anglais peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

Policy Departments’ Monthly Highlights - November 2020 EN

En bref
Résumé : The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

Research for TRAN Committee-The impact of emerging technologies on the transport system EN

10-11-2020 PE 652.228 TRAN
En bref
Résumé : This study provides an overview of the impact of Smart Mobility and their underlying emerging technologies on transport, the transport infrastructure and society. The main challenges for the deployment of Smart Mobility applications are identified and (policy) actions are defined that could be taken to overcome these challenges.