20-06-2018 09:00
How to better combat fraud?

European Parliament, Brussels, Paul-Henri Spaak Building, Room PHS5B001
Anti-Fraud Workshop
Workshop Anti-fraud.png © European Parliament

Follow up of the Commission’s anti-corruption sharing programme

Since April 2015, the European Commission has organised 8 workshops on effective asset disclosure, whistle-blower protection, healthcare corruption, local public procurement, private sector corruption, political immunities, anti-corruption indicators and economic impact of corruption. Firstly, the workshop will focus on the most important subjects and assess the outcome of the Commission workshops. It will also try to know what impact did they have on improving effectiveness of competent national authorities in fighting corruption? How should the European Commission encourage Member States to fight against corruption?

The main part of the workshop will be devoted to the question what are the EU and Member States doing to tackle corruption and what are the key best practices to share at EU level?