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Joint statement by leading MEPs on the reintroduction of the draft law on “Transparency of Foreign Influence” in Georgia.

The Committee on Foreign Affairs will discuss the progress of EU reforms in Montenegro with Prime Minister Milojko Spajić on Tuesday.

In talks with EU member states, MEPs have secured key improvements to a new support facility for the Western Balkans, focusing on transparency, rule of law, and economic integration.

On 25-26 March, MEPs discussed with high-level politicians and civil society representatives in Kyiv the need to step-up EU support for Ukraine.

On Tuesday, MEPs on the Committee on Foreign Affairs will discuss the future of EU enlargement with ministers, vice-ministers and secretaries of state of EU member states.

I deputati sono profondamente preoccupati per la catastrofica situazione umanitaria a Gaza, compreso il rischio di un’imminente carestia.

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted two resolutions on the respect for human rights in Afghanistan and Venezuela.

MEPs support stringent reforms and bolster EU values in the Western Balkans, focusing on transparency, rule of law, and economic integration.

Lo Stato russo, e Vladimir Putin personalmente, hanno la responsabilità penale e politica per la morte del loro più forte avversario, Alexei Navalny, dicono i deputati europei.

L'UE deve sostenere l'Ucraina con tutto ciò che è necessario a Kyiv per vincere la sua guerra contro la Russia, affermano i deputati in una risoluzione adottata giovedì.