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On the day of the ceremony, journalists will be able to interview representatives of the five films shortlisted for the 2024 LUX European Audience Film Award.

Mercoledì, i deputati hanno dato il via libera definitivo alla legge europea per la libertà dei media intesa a proteggere i giornalisti e i media dell'UE da ingerenze politiche o economiche.

Rapporteur Sabine Verheyen (EPP, Germany) will brief journalists ahead of the plenary vote on the European Media Freedom Act.

Ministers are holding a series of meetings in parliamentary committees to present the priorities of the Belgian Presidency of the Council.

EP’s committee on Wednesday approved the provisional co-legislator agreement on a new bill to protect EU journalists from growing threats to media freedom and the industry’s viability.

Mercoledì, il Parlamento ha adottato una serie di proposte per garantire che il settore dello streaming musicale sia equo e sostenibile e per promuovere la diversità culturale.

On Tuesday the Parliament assessed the mid-term results of the 2021-2027 Erasmus+. Creative Europe and ‘Rights and Values’ programmes.

Parliament and Council negotiators agreed on Friday on a new bill to protect EU journalists from growing threats to media freedom and the industry’s viability.

On Tuesday, the Culture Committee called for EU rules to ensure a fair and sustainable environment for music streaming and to promote cultural diversity.

On Tuesday European Parliament adopted it’s mid-term assessment of the EU volunteering programme.