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Parliament has given its final green light to the construction products regulation that aims to boost digitalisation, harmonisation and sustainability in the sector.

An exchange of views on the implementation of the DMA will take place on Wednesday with EC Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager, independent experts and industry representatives.

The delays in commercial transactions not only compromise the cash flow of SMEs but also hamper the competitiveness and resilience of the entire supply chain.

MEPs will discuss the latest developments in the implementation of the DSA with representatives from the European Commission, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency and civil society.

Uzlaboto noteikumu mērķis būs samazināt ES vienotajā tirgū pārdoto bīstamo rotaļlietu skaitu un labāk aizsargāt bērnus no ar rotaļlietām saistītajiem riskiem

Trešdien Parlaments apstiprināja Mākslīgā intelekta aktu, kas garantē gan drošību, gan pamattiesību ievērošanu un vienlaikus rosina inovāciju.

The overhaul of the EU Customs Code reform would change the way customs authorities operate, cooperate with traders and manage goods that people order online.

Alternative dispute resolution allows consumers and traders to resolve disputes quickly and inexpensively without the need of court intervention.

Parlaments pieņēmis nostāju par pārbaudes un apstiprināšanas sistēmu apgalvojumiem par produktu un preču pozitīvu ietekmi uz vidi, lai vēl vairāk pasargātu iedzīvotājus no zaļmaldināšanas.

On Tuesday, MEPs adopted new EU consumer-protection rules to better respond to increased online shopping, emerging technologies and the transition to a circular economy.