
Uħud minn dawn id-dokumenti jistgħu ma jkunux disponibbli bil-lingwa tiegħek; għaldaqstant, verżjoni oħra tiġi ssuġġerita awtomatikament. Ikunu murija b'ikona li tirrappreżenta l-verżjoni lingwistika suġġerita. (e.g.: FR ).

Budget MEPs have approved changes to the current EU budget resulting from the revised Multiannual Financial Framework, leading to a €5.8 billion increase.

390 employees of the meat processing company “Danish crown”, who lost their jobs due to the closure of the Sæby slaughterhouse, should receive €1.9 million in EU aid.

835 employees of Vallourec Deutschland GmbH, who lost their jobs due to the closure of the company’s German tube mills, should receive almost €3 million in EU aid.

In talks with EU member states, MEPs have secured key improvements to a new support facility for the Western Balkans, focusing on transparency, rule of law, and economic integration.

MEPs have made sure that the revision of the EU’s Financial Regulation results in better budgetary scrutiny, respect for EU values and more transparency.

Parliament’s priorities for the 2025 EU budget include enhanced support for the green and digital transitions, competitiveness, and ensuring prosperity, inclusiveness and security.

MEPs support stringent reforms and bolster EU values in the Western Balkans, focusing on transparency, rule of law, and economic integration.

Among the priorities for next year’s EU budget are enhanced support for the green and digital transitions, competitiveness, and ensuring prosperity, inclusiveness and security across the EU.

Parliament adopted its position on the European Investment Bank's 2023 activities, emphasizing climate action, SME support, and governance improvements.

Il-MPE approvaw il-finanzjament fit-tul għall-Ukrajna, il-“Pjattaforma għat-Teknoloġiji Strateġiċi għall-Ewropa” (STEP), u bidliet kbar assoċjati fil-baġit pluriennali tal-UE.