Use of the 470-790 MHz frequency band in the Union (“spectrum”)

Sound wave on a dark blue background
frequency-band.jpg © European Parliament

This proposal for a regulation was published by the Commission in February 2016. Its main objective is to free up additional radio spectrum for wireless broadband. This is to take account of the exponential growth in mobile traffic and in order to prepare for the arrival of 5G in the next few years.

The 694-790 MHz band is currently used in most Member States for digital terrestrial television, so under the proposal these broadcasting services would have to be migrated to the 470-694 MHz band. Under the proposal, Member States have to publish national plans and schedules detailing the steps they will take to ensure the 694-790 MHz band can be used for wireless broadband services by the deadline.

Rapporteur: P. Toia
Shadows: Gunnar Hökmark (EPP), Amjad Bashir (ECR), Jens Rohde (ALDE), Michel Reimon (Greens), Paloma López Bermejo (GUE/NGL), David Borrelli (EFDD), Barbara Kappel (ENF).