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MEPs adopted their proposals to revamp EU pharmaceutical legislation, to foster innovation and enhance the security of supply, accessibility and affordability of medicines.

Parlament v stredu prijal nové opatrenia, na ktorých sa už dohodol s Radou, na posilnenie cieľov zníženia emisií CO2 pre nové ťažké úžitkové vozidlá (HDV).

On Wednesday, MEPs approved new EU rules for the collection, treatment and discharge of urban wastewater.

To improve the health of EU soils, MEPs support efforts to monitor and improve the soil ecological status in the EU.

Cieľom revízie „smerníc o raňajkách“ je pomôcť spotrebiteľom prijímať informované a zdravšie rozhodnutia o produktoch ako sú med, ovocné šťavy, džemy a marmelády.

The new law will enable the EU to reduce methane emissions from the energy sector to reach the EU’s climate goals and improve air quality.

The revision of the Mercury Regulation aims to establish a mercury-free Europe to protect EU citizens and the environment from toxic mercury.

The law will set up an EU certification framework for carbon removals to boost their uptake and help achieve EU climate neutrality by 2050.

MEPs adopted their proposals to revamp EU pharmaceutical legislation, to foster innovation and enhance the security of supply, accessibility and affordability of medicines.

The Environment Committee adopted its proposals to better prevent plastic pellets losses throughout the supply chain, with the goal of achieving zero losses.