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On Thursday, MEPs adopted plans to facilitate the uptake of renewable and low-carbon gases, including hydrogen, into the EU gas market.

The reform adopted on Thursday will make the EU electricity market more stable, affordable, and sustainable.

The new law will enable the EU to reduce methane emissions from the energy sector to reach the EU’s climate goals and improve air quality.

På tisdagen antog parlamentet en plan för att minska energiförbrukningen i och växthusgasutsläppen från byggnader. Parlamentet och rådet hade redan tidigare kommit överens om planen.

On Tuesday, Parliament approved new cyber resilience standards to protect all digital products in the EU from cyber threats.

The “Cyber Solidarity Act”, informally agreed upon with the Belgian Presidency of the Council on Wednesday, aims to build a more resilient, collective EU response against cyber-threats.

The new digital identity framework will provide EU citizens with cross border digital access to key public services.

Legislation to tackle energy market manipulation by strengthening transparency and oversight was approved by MEPs on Thursday.

Ledamöterna har godkänt en långsiktig finansiering för Ukraina, en plattform för strategisk teknik och de stora förändringar i EU:s flerårsbudget som detta medför.

MEPs approve long-term funding for Ukraine, the “Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform” (STEP), and associated major changes to the multi-year EU budget.