
Press Release of Javi López of 18 January 2024 on the opening of the European Parliament office in Latin America and the Caribbean

Javi López, Co-President of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (Eurolat), warmly welcomed and stressed the strategic relevance of the Parliament's Bureau decision to open a European Parliament (EP) office in Panama City.

The decision to open this office in Latin America and the Caribbean shows the importance that this region holds for the European Parliament and reaffirms the commitment to continue promoting and strengthening the bi-regional Strategic Partnership based on common principles, values and interests, where the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) plays an essential role.

This decision is part of efforts to strengthen the parliamentary dimension in the EU's external representations and in particular in multilateral parliamentary assemblies and international organisations. EP offices abroad are key to building relationships, publicising the Parliament's work, and exchanging knowledge and best practices.

Panama City is also the seat of the Latin American and Caribbean Parliament (Parlatino) a regional, permanent and unicameral body, composed of the national parliaments of the region. In addition, Panama is a key regional hub where EuroLat Assembly meetings have frequently taken place.

With this decision, the European Parliament deepens its linkage and commitment to the rest of the world and the external action of the European Union. In addition, in a world of high geopolitical competition, the opening of Parliament's office in Panama underlines the strategic importance of the relationship with Latin America, an ally with a high degree of complementarity and with which the Union shares the strong defence of an inclusive rules-based multilateral order.


The decision to open an EP office in Latin America and the Caribbean was announced during the III EU-CELAC Summit held in Brussels on 17 and 18 July with the participation of Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament and Javi López and Oscar Darío Pérez, co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat).

At its meeting of Monday 16 January 2024, the Bureau of the European Parliament ratified this announcement and designated Panama City as its seat.

The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) is the parliamentary institution of the European Union's Bi-Regional Strategic Partnership - Latin America and the Caribbean. The Assembly is made up of 150 Members, where half-75 - belong to the European Parliament and the other half - 75 - come from the regional parliaments of Latin America and the Caribbean, including the Parlatino.

The declaration of the III EU-CELAC Summit adopted by more than 60 EU and Latin American and Caribbean leaders recognised the constructive work of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) and highlights parliamentary diplomacy as an important aspect of the bi-regional relationship.

Declaração conjunta do PE de 9 de janeiro de 2023 sobre o ataque violento e ilegal às instituições democráticas no Brasil

Declaração conjunta sobre o ataque violento e ilegal às instituições democráticas no Brasil

Os eurodeputados condenam a violenta invasão, domingo, ao Congresso, ao Palácio Presidencial e ao Supremo Tribunal de Justiça, em Brasília, por apoiantes do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro.

O presidente da Comissão dos Assuntos Externos, David McAllister, o presidente da Delegação à Assembleia Parlamentar Euro-Latino-Americana, Javi López, o presidente da Delegação para as Relações com a República Federativa do Brasil, José Manuel Fernandes, e o presidente da Delegação para as Relações com o Mercosul Jordi Cañas afirmaram:

"Condenamos veementemente a invasão violenta e ilegal de ontem ao Congresso, ao Palácio do Planalto e ao Supremo Tribunal Federal, em Brasília, por partidários do ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro. Este foi um ataque inaceitável e hediondo ao coração da democracia brasileira, cujos autores e instigadores devem ser punidos com toda a força da lei.

Expressamos nossa total solidariedade ao Congresso Brasileiro, ao governo do presidente Lula da Silva e a todas as demais instituições democráticas do Brasil. É um dos princípios fundamentais das democracias que os resultados de eleições justas e transparentes devem ser respeitados e qualquer tentativa de derrubá-los por meio de atos violentos deve ser firmemente rejeitada.

Estamos preocupados com os crescentes atos de violência política por parte de extremistas partidários do ex-presidente do Brasil, que promovem diretamente discursos e ações que levam ao confronto, ao ódio, à radicalização e até à criminalidade. Apelamos a todas as partes para que façam todo o possível para superar esta situação perigosa e adotem medidas urgentes para impedir que esses atos voltem a acontecer, levando os responsáveis ​​à justiça".

Declaration of the CoPresidents of 14 April 2022 - 'A just, inclusive and peaceful economic recovery'

The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Óscar Darío Pérez, Member of the Colombian House of Representatives and Andean Parliament, and Javi López, Member of the European Parliament, pursuant to Article 18 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure and on the occasion of the Fourteenth Ordinary Plenary Session held on 11-14 April 2022 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, hereby:

1. Welcome the virtual meeting held on 2 December 2021 between the leaders of the European Union (EU) and Latin America and the Caribbean under the slogan 'Joining forces for a sustainable post-COVID recovery', which has given renewed impetus to revitalising and strengthening dialogue and cooperation between the two regions. Emphasise support for the production and distribution of vaccines in Latin America and the Caribbean, the mobilisation of funding to support a long-term recovery and designation of the fight against climate change and biodiversity loss as an absolute priority for both regions.

2. Insist that this should be a step towards a full resumption of top-level political dialogue between the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean. Accordingly reiterate their call for an EU-CELAC bi-regional summit to be organised as soon as circumstances allow, setting out the objectives, priorities and a strategy to tackle common challenges, accompanied by a specific action plan.


Communiqué of the Co-Presidents of 6 May 2021 on increased EU-LAC cooperation with a view to the equitable and fair distribution of COVID-19 vaccines

Declaration by the Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) of 6 May 2021 on increased EU-LAC cooperation with a view to the equitable and fair distribution of COVID-19 vaccines

The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), Óscar Darío Pérez, Member of the Colombian House of Representatives and Andean Parliament, and Javi López, Member of the European Parliament, pursuant to Article 18of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure and on the occasion of the ordinary meetings of the Assembly's bodies held from 3 to 6 May 2021 in Brussels, Belgium, hereby:

1. Reiterate their deep concern about the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has affected millions of people over the past 14 months, claiming hundreds of thousands of lives on both our continents and sparking an economic crisis that has crippled employment and productivity and exacerbated social problems such as poverty, malnutrition and hunger, gender violence, paternal-filial violence and child abuse. Stress the importance of public and universal health systems as a means of ensuring a comprehensive response to this pandemic.

2. Congratulate countries making progress with their mass vaccination drives and note that the increasing availability of vaccines and the intensification of campaigns constitute a decisive step towards overcoming the challenges posed by the pandemic, adding that providing universal and equitable access to high-quality, safe and effective vaccines thus constitutes an urgent priority. Call, therefore, on all states and governments to secure universal, free access to vaccines without undue delay, and to pursue transparent vaccination strategies that are underpinned by scientific and ethical criteria, giving priority to protecting the most vulnerable groups. Underline that the pandemic knows no geographical borders, merely social borders grounded in poverty and marginalisation; only by working together, at the global level, to promote multilateral solutions in a spirit of solidarity, equality and fairness will we be able to vanquish it.


Communiqué of the CoPresidents of 14 December 2020 on the EU-LAC Ministerial Meeting


On the occasion of our participation as observers in the informal meeting of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the EU and Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), organised physically and virtually in Berlin on 14 December by the EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy and the German Presidency of the Council, we hereby state the following:

The Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) Co-Presidents endorse the conclusions of the deliberations of the Foreign Affairs Ministers of the EU-27 and LAC, which call for post-COVID-19 relations between our regions to take the form of a reinforced, innovative partnership based on common interests and values to pave the way for a sustainable and inclusive economic recovery, bringing digital technologies to bear for the benefit of all, and with a view to meeting the challenges of climate change.


Declaration of the CoPresidents of 5 November 2020 - Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic

Declaration of the Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat) on a comprehensive and bi-regional EU-LAC strategy to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, of 5 November 2020

The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the President of the Latin American Parliament Jorge Pizarro and Javi López, MEP, in accordance with Article 18 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure and on the occasion of the 13th ordinary plenary session of the Assembly held from 4 to 5 November 2020 in Brussels, Belgium:

1. Note that the COVID-19 pandemic has claimed nearly one million lives in the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean; that it has led to unprecedented economic losses; and that it has a profound negative impact on the employment, education, poverty, health, inequality and living conditions of our citizens.


Comunicado de la CoPresidencia de 2 de septiembre de 2020 - Nueva presidencia del BID

Nueva presidencia del BID: copresidentes de EuroLat piden aplazar la elección

Comunicado conjunto del eurodiputado Javi López (S&D, España) y el presidente del Parlamento Latinoamericano, Jorge Esteban Pizarro, copresidentes de la Asamblea parlamentaria EuroLat:

"El continente americano está sufriendo los efectos devastadores de la pandemia decovid-19 y aún no se pueden aventurar ni el momento ni el modo en que AméricaLatina y el Caribe podrán emprender la ingente tarea de reconstrucción económica ysocial postcovid. Sin embargo, estimamos que dicha tarea requerirá políticas dedesarrollo y cooperación basadas en el multilateralismo.


Declaration by the CoPresidents of 30 March 2020 on the COVID-19 pandemic

The Co-Presidents of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the President of the Latin American Parliament, Jorge Pizarro, and Javi López MEP, hereby declare, pursuant to Rule 18 of the Assembly's Rules of Procedure, the following on the COVID-19 pandemic:

1. The COVID-19 pandemic is probably the greatest challenge the internationalcommunity has faced since the Second World War, with unpredictable consequencesfor human health and the economic and social systems in all the countries of Europeand Latin America and the Caribbean. We therefore urge national authorities torigorously apply and comply with international standards, and express our support tothe World Organisation (WHO), in its efforts to combat the pandemic.

Comunicado de la CoPresidencia de 23 de marzo de 2020 sobre la pandemia del COVID-19


Los CoPresidentes de la Asamblea Parlamentaria Eurolatinoamericana (EuroLat), en sustento de los propósitos y objetivos establecidos en la Alianza Estratégica Birregional, de manera conjunta comunicamos las siguientes consideraciones y decisiones a objeto de contribuir en la batalla mundial contra la pandemia del Covid-19.


Eurolat Press Release of 13 December 2019 on migration and support multilateral trade

EuroLat: serious concern about migration and support to multilateral trade

The worsening migration situation in Latin America and Europe worries parliamentarians in both regions, who also warn against increasing trade protectionism.

In a joint declaration on the occasion of the twelfth plenary session of the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EuroLat), the two co-presidents of the assembly, Javi López (S&D, Spain) and Jorge Pizarro, insist that inequality "is the main challenge our democracies are facing" and point to the growing distrust in politicians and the subsequent rise of populism and nationalism.