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PV 27/11/2014 - 7.1
CRE 27/11/2014 - 7.1

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Četvrtak, 27. studenog 2014. - Strasbourg Revidirano izdanje

7.1. Pakistan: zakoni o bogohuljenju
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  Πρόεδρος. - Το επόμενο σημείο στην ημερήσια διάταξη αφορά την συζήτηση σχετικά με τους νόμους περί βλασφημίας στο Πακιστάν (2014/2696(RSP))


  Charles Tannock, author. - Mr President, Pakistan’s blasphemy law prescribes life imprisonment or even a death sentence for any individual who expresses disparaging remarks about Islam. Such laws have been invoked in order to target minorities and disproportionately, in particular, have been targeting Shia Muslims, Ahmadi Muslims, Christians and Hindus.

Sadly, the vast majority of cases are fabricated. Death and prison sentences are administered by the lower first instance courts, and whilst Pakistan has, to its credit, never actually carried out an execution for blasphemy, significant numbers of those accused and their families are forced to endure threats of – if not actual – mob violence and possibly even public lynchings.

Whilst Pakistan has taken steps in recent years to ensure that renewed respect for fundamental human rights remains a top priority on its political agenda, we must continue to urge the authorities to go further, to adhere to the Constitution of Pakistan and modern international standards by fully guaranteeing the human rights of all people and citizens in Pakistan, particularly the most vulnerable citizens, minority groups, women and children. Therefore my group, the ECR, urges Pakistan to repeal these laws, which incite profound intimidation and fear.


  Ignazio Corrao, autore. - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, nel suo discorso all'Assemblea costituente del Pakistan l'11 agosto 1947, Ali Jinnah, padre fondatore della nazione, ha sancito il principio dell'uguaglianza fra i cittadini. Jinnah sosteneva che i pakistani fossero liberi, liberi di andare nei loro templi, liberi di andare nelle loro moschee e in ogni altro luogo di culto nello Stato del Pakistan. I pakistani potevano appartenere ad ogni religione o casta o credo, perché ciò non aveva a che fare in nessun modo con gli affari di Stato.

Shahzad Masih e sua moglie Shama incinta e Aisha Bibi sono solo le ultime delle tante vittime che miete la legge sulla blasfemia pakistana. Questa legge rappresenta il più importante strumento di oppressione delle minoranze religiose e nega gli stessi valori sui quali è stato fondato il Pakistan. Ogni episodio di presunta blasfemia forma una catena di ingiustizie, in cui le violenze aumentano esponenzialmente ad ogni passaggio.

L'Unione europea deve fare quanto in suo potere affinché il governo pakistano garantisca ai suoi cittadini il pieno rispetto dei diritti umani sanciti nella Convenzione internazionale di cui è parte, anche attraverso la minaccia di sospensione del sistema di preferenze generalizzate.


  Josef Weidenholzer, Verfasser. - Herr Präsident! Für Europa ist Pakistan ein wichtiger Partner. Es ist daher von besonderem Interesse, dass gerade hier auch die Menschenrechte uneingeschränkte Beachtung finden. Leider kommt es immer wieder zu Besorgnis erregenden Menschenrechtsverletzungen. Im Besonderen beunruhigt uns die Vollziehung des Blasphemiegesetzes. Menschen werden zu langjährigen Gefängnisstrafen verurteilt und in vielen Fällen auch zum Tod, weil sie angeblich den Propheten Mohammed beleidigt haben.

Diese Blasphemiegesetze sind ebenso abzulehnen wie die damit verbundene Todesstrafe. Es darf nicht sein, dass das Menschenrecht auf freie Religionsausübung in Pakistan systematisch verletzt wird und diese sogenannten Gesetze dabei eine tragende Rolle einnehmen. Vor allem muss Pakistan daran erinnert werden, dass es die in diesem Zusammenhang immer mehr um sich greifende Selbstjustiz stoppen muss. Wir brauchen kein mob law, wir brauchen die rule of law in Pakistan.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat, auteure. - Monsieur le Président, le relativisme culturel sévit de plus en plus dans ce Parlement, je le regrette. Les chrétiens sont effectivement victimes de discriminations au Pakistan, mais ils ne sont pas les seuls, hindous, ahmadis, soufis, chiites ou même sunnites, pour peu qu'ils prônent la tolérance religieuse, le sont aussi.

Les lois pakistanaises érigent le blasphème et l'apostasie en infraction. Elles restreignent la liberté d'expression et sont employées à des fins de persécution, de mauvais traitements et d'intimidation. Elles sont utilisées de façon abusive et doivent donc être abolies et pas seulement revues comme le demande la résolution. Il faut que les violences cessent et que ceux qui les orchestrent soient traduits en justice et condamnés. La peine de mort doit être abolie, et une réelle séparation entre politique et religion doit être mise en œuvre.

Les violences religieuses sont insupportables, notamment quand elles sont instrumentalisées à des fins politiques, et ce n'est pas en composant avec des intégristes qui réclament l'application de la charia que l'on ramènera la paix civile au Pakistan.

Pour nous, cette résolution n'est pas à la hauteur des enjeux, c'est pourquoi nous ne la voterons pas.


  Dita Charanzová, author. – Mr President, not one year has passed since this House adopted a resolution on this topic, and we are once again faced with various horrific incidents resulting from these laws. This is a tragedy. How can Pakistanis have faith in the rule of law when claims that are near impossible to prove can mean life imprisonment or the death penalty? How can those acquitted on blasphemy charges return to an environment that breeds hostility? How can religious minorities feel safe in their homes, having seen a couple beaten and burnt alive?

Even lawyers who are courageous enough to defend those charged are at risk of mob violence and murder. This is the situation we are dealing with repeatedly, and we have seen no improvement. It is time for Pakistan to embrace the human rights obligations and the constitutional duty it owes its citizens to protect them, whether they are Christian, Muslim, Hindu or atheist.


  Jeroen Lenaers, author. - Mr President, I appreciate very much the fact that we have this opportunity to discuss this, with the resolution, after the debate we had in the last plenary about Asia Bibi, because we also, like our colleagues, are deeply concerned about the controversial blasphemy laws in Pakistan, blasphemy laws that are used to make freedom of expression, freedom of religion for all faiths, increasingly difficult.

Several wild accusations have already led to death sentences. One of the most famous, which we discussed last month, was that of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman who was sentenced to death. We need to call strongly on the authorities of Pakistan to repeal these laws, to have a thorough review and to repeal these laws.

To achieve that, a strong signal from the European Union is also necessary. I call on the Commission and the EEAS to use all the tools at their disposal to put pressure on the Pakistani authorities to actually introduce some change.


  Pavel Svoboda, za skupinu PPE. – Naše rezoluce na ochranu náboženské svobody mají občas i konkrétní pozitivní výsledky.

V červenci jsme schvalovali rezoluci o súdánské křesťance Meriam Ibrahimové odsouzené na smrt. Tato žena byla týden po přijetí naší rezoluce osvobozena. Dnes se zastáváme Pákistánky Asii Bibiové, také odsouzené na smrt, a dalších obětí pákistánského zákona proti rouhání.

Vyzývám nejvyšší představitele Evropské unie, aby požádali prezidenta Pákistánu o udělění milosti Asii Bibiové, protože to je nejrychlejší právní cesta k jejímu osvobození.

Pokud nebude Asia Bibiová a další oběti osvobozeny, vyzývám představitele Evropské unie, aby zrevidovali rozvojovou pomoc a obchodní preference, které Evropská unie Pákistánu poskytuje. To proto, že dodržování základních práv je jednou z podmínek, za kterých Evropská unie rozvojovou pomoc a obchodní preference poskytuje. V súdánském případu tato hrozba zapůsobila.

(Řečník souhlasil s tím, že odpoví na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty (čl. 162 odst. 8 jednacího řádu).)




  Amjad Bashir (EFDD), blue-card question. – My question is: are we in this House discussing Christian rights as opposed to Muslim rights? Let us not make this debate Christianity versus Islam. Let us defend all people that are targeted under these blasphemy laws. You, sir, and others have mentioned a lot of Christian people that have been persecuted throughout the world. We are here to defend all people of all faiths, not just Christians.


  Pavel Svoboda (PPE), odpověď na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty. – Ze statistik vyplývá, že zákonem proti rouhání jsou postiženi nejvíce muslimové, i za ně tady v tomto domě bojujeme.


  Liisa Jaakonsaari, S&D-ryhmän puolesta. – Arvoisa puhemies, Pakistan on Euroopalle tärkeä kumppani, kuten edustaja Weidenholzer sanoi, ja siksi kumppaneille ja ystäville täytyy sanoa suoraan. Ja nyt sanomme Pakistanille suoraan, että kumotkaa nämä jumalanpilkkalait, ne ovat selvästi johtaneet sortoon, syrjintään ja julkisiin nöyryytyksiin. Ja ne koskettavat kristittyjä, monia muita uskonnollisia vähemmistöjä, varmasti myös muslimeja.

Pakistanin viranomaiset ovat epäonnistuneet tässä työssä, vaikka kansainvälinen yhteisö, YK, Euroopan parlamentti ja muut kansainväliset toimijat ovat monta kertaa tästä huomauttaneet ja vaatineet korjausta. Pakistanin pitää näihin perusasioihin nyt puuttua. Mistä syntyy tällainen vääryys, ja pyydämme todella sitä, että Euroopan unioni keskustelee näistä ongelmista, joita jumalanpilkkalait ovat aiheuttaneet Pakistanin viranomaisten kanssa.


  Javier Couso Permuy, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señor Presidente, nuestra formación defiende el laicismo, es decir, la separación de la religión y el Estado. De esta manera, protegemos a todas las religiones. Repito: protegemos a todas las religiones.

Por eso, no podemos más que manifestarnos en contra de esas leyes contra la blasfemia, porque vulneran las convenciones internacionales sobre derechos humanos. Por eso, solicitamos, instamos al Gobierno de Pakistán a abolirlas para cumplir todo el Derecho internacional. Y ellos han firmado el Pacto Internacional de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, la Convención contra la Tortura e incluso una moratoria de la pena de muerte.

Pero, aun así, no podemos olvidar que el crecimiento de los extremistas religiosos tiene mucho que ver con la injerencia de Occidente: con la utilización de esos grupos extremistas, la desestabilización del Baluchistán o la utilización, por nuestro querido premio Nobel de la Paz, del asesinato extrajudicial por medio de los vehículos aéreos no tripulados.


  Jean Lambert, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. – Mr President, I speak in my role as Chair of Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with the Countries of South Asia, which includes Pakistan. I want once again to reassure Members that these issues are raised by the delegation with the highest authorities when we travel there. I think there are many people in Pakistan who recognise that there is a need for change, not just for minorities but for all Pakistanis, whatever their belief.

People should not be facing arbitrary accusation; they should not be in a situation where evidence is presented against them which they cannot hear and which they cannot test. But we also have to realise that to argue for change is really literally putting your life on the line, and I do wonder sometimes how brave many of us would be in those situations. Part of what we are trying to do in Pakistan is to change the situation on the ground, to make change possible, so that is why we need to support universal education which does not undermine Islam but undermines the power of those who would use it for their own purposes.

(The speaker agreed to take one blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Sajjad Karim (ECR), blue-card question. – Ms Lambert, you are, of course, Chair of the relevant delegation, and there have been calls for a review of aid and trade preferences. Would it not be right for us to maintain the reviews that we are carrying out under the scorecard mechanism and, in particular, to keep an eye on who would be most affected by any actions we would wish to take? It is, of course, also very indicative that the Pakistani authorities are now beginning to take a certain view on such things, with over 40 arrests having been carried out in the most recent episode. Would you regard that as a positive development? Would you also agree with me that, in fact, Pakistan requires our assistance to deal with this issue, rather than simply receiving resolution after resolution?


  Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE), blue-card answer. – Thank you for the question. I do believe that we should, obviously, be sticking to the European Union’s rules about the way we review aid and trade policy. It is something that I have certainly asked for, as a consistency of approach in the way in which we do that. I think the scorecard mechanism is really important. The arrests are welcome as part of a signal from government to people that they should stop the manipulation of these laws. I think we need to be working with the Pakistanis to enable change, which is not to say we should step back from the rules we have in place on human rights.

(The speaker agreed to take one blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Charles Tannock (ECR), blue-card question. – Mrs Lambert, I too would like to support the point made by my colleague here, Sajjad Karim, on the scorecard and on the arrests and the investigations. But I would like to ask you as an expert to take up the point made by Mr Bashir earlier, where he tried to make this out to be something about protecting Christians versus Muslims. In my reading of the statistics, there is a disproportionate – vastly disproportionate – targeting of minorities, including Muslim minorities – the Ahmadi Muslims in particular, the Shia Muslim communities, as well as Christians and Hindus – and statistics would suggest that it is nothing to do with Christianity versus Islam, it is about targeting minorities. Would you agree with that statement?


  Jean Lambert (Verts/ALE), blue-card answer. – I would not call myself an expert in this, but in terms of the targeting that we are seeing, yes, I think quite a degree of it is against a range of Muslims and, indeed, a range of minorities. Some of it, I think you can see, is politically manipulated and some of it is much more to settle local scores, but I do think that when we are talking about the issue, we have to be very careful that we are not presenting this in a way which can be interpreted as an anti-Islam agenda, because that plays into the hands of those who actually do not want to see any reform.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, quello della condizionalità è un concetto tanto importante quanto abusato. Infatti il Pakistan, nostro partner importante, rappresenta un buon esempio di come la coerenza sia spesso merce rara nelle relazioni esterne dell'UE. Dal 1° gennaio 2014 gli è stato concesso il regime SGP+, un accesso preferenziale al mercato unico dato a paesi in via di sviluppo che si impegnino a ratificare 27 convenzioni relative ai diritti umani, lavorativi, all'ambiente e al buon governo.

Io mi chiedo come questo obbligo e come la Convenzione internazionale sui diritti civili e politici del '66 si concilino con le cosiddette leggi contro la blasfemia, che in alcuni casi prevedono la pena di morte o la prigione a vita e in altri l'impossibilità di poter predicare o propagare la propria fede, qualunque essa sia. Che la concessione dello status sia dovuta ad un'improvvisa crisi di cecità della Commissione? Sono crisi frequenti, quando in ballo ci sono interessi commerciali da far primeggiare sui diritti. Scelte incredibili che ci rendono poco credibili e che non aiutano i nostri amici pakistani. Il non indignarsi per questo, per me, è la vera blasfemia.

(L'oratore accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 162, paragrafo 8, del regolamento)).


  Amjad Bashir (EFDD), blue-card question. – Does my colleague Mr Castaldo accept that a lot of the crimes that are being committed, especially in the Third World and in Pakistan, are due to poverty? Is it right that we penalise a nation, and therefore further impoverish people that many a time try and abscond or try and take land, dispossess neighbours, etc? I think it is wrong to penalise a nation on that basis and then cause it to become poorer.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD), risposta a una domanda "cartellino blu". – Signor Presidente, collega, come tu ben sai io sono uno di quelli che lo denuncia sempre, però mi chiedo anche: cosa ha a che vedere questo con la libertà di religione e con la libertà di pensiero?

Io credo sinceramente che l'Unione europea possa sviluppare un importante e un sano rapporto commerciale e politico con il Pakistan. E proprio per questo da amici dobbiamo ricordare ai nostri amici che, come noi dobbiamo sforzarci di più per permettere lo sviluppo nei paesi che attualmente sono ancora più indietro rispetto ai nostri, anche loro devono cercare di dare una maggiore libertà di espressione e di religione. L'approccio giusto è il "più per più" e noi dobbiamo perseguirlo con coerenza.


  Gianluca Buonanno (NI). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la questione del Pakistan mi sembra evidente: l'Europa aiuta il Pakistan e il Pakistan sta distruggendo le nostre piccole e medie imprese a livello europeo e a livello italiano. Hanno bruciato due cristiani e qui si fa finta praticamente di nulla, però appena Putin dice una cosa siete contro la Russia e contro Putin. Siete dei codardi, dovete svegliarvi. Io faccio una proposta, la soluzione per migliorare l'Europa e far più felice il Pakistan: prendete Katainen e Juncker, portateli in Pakistan, che stiano là, e che così l'Europa riprenda. Perché è una presa per i fondelli! Come Juncker, che dice che muove 315 miliardi quando ne ha 21, è una presa per i fondelli! È come dire che l'Europa può svegliarsi e, come diciamo noi in Italia, la beata minchia! Altro che si svegliano qua, non funziona niente. Qua non funziona niente e voi non vi svegliate, altro che Pakistan.


  Preşedintele. - Mă abțin de la orice comentariu.


  Lars Adaktusson (PPE). - Herr talman! Pakistan är ett av världens farligaste länder för kristna. I decennier har landets blasfemilagar haft förödande konsekvenser för olika religiösa minoriteter. En anklagelse om blasfemi räcker för att dömas, för att livet ska ta slut. Det som inträffade i östra Pakistan den 7 november är ett dystert exempel på precis detta. En grundlös anklagelse mot det kristna paret Shama Bibi och Shahzad Masih ledde till att de misshandlades av en gigantisk folkmobb innan de brändes till döds.

Inför behandlingen av den här resolutionen har företrädare för Pakistan försäkrat mig och andra ledamöter att Pakistan respekterar alla medborgares rättigheter. Vi är många som tvivlar på den försäkran. Därför är den allvarliga uppmaningen till Pakistans ansvariga: Avskaffa blasfemilagarna. Respektera religionsfriheten. Det avskyvärda som hände den 7 november får inte upprepas.


  Ana Gomes (S&D). - Senhor Presidente, quando em 2013 integrei uma delegação deste Parlamento ao Paquistão, o governo de Nawaz Sharif comprometeu-se a aplicar uma moratória do uso da pena de morte e a melhorar os direitos humanos. Isso foi condição fundamental para que este Parlamento considerasse conceder o estatuto GSP Plus ao Paquistão. Mas estamos a regredir e, como vemos, a coberto da reacionária lei da blasfémia que serve para espalhar medo e intolerância religiosa e étnica e anula quaisquer progressos legislativos que tenham sido feitos entretanto.

A lei da blasfémia impede a liberdade religiosa, oprime minorias, cristãs e muçulmanas, xiitas e sunitas, e oprime cidadãos. Retém o Paquistão no fundo da escala civilizacional. Pior: propagandeada como instrumento antiterrorismo, faz o jogo dos terroristas, esmaga a sociedade civil, que quer viver num Paquistão livre e democrático.

Nós temos que exigir, temos que passar uma mensagem clara a Nawaz Sharif e temos que apoiar todos aqueles que no Paquistão se batem por liberdade e democracia e direitos humanos.

(O orador aceita responder a uma pergunta formulada ao abrigo do procedimento "cartão azul" (artigo 162.º, n.º 8, do Regimento))


  Afzal Khan (S&D), blue-card question. – The question I want to ask is: would she agree with me that some in this House have asked for suspension of the GSP+ agreement? Whilst we all agree on the need for a change, if we want to see change and help the victims, do we need to work with Pakistan or to threaten Pakistan?


  Ana Gomes (S&D), blue-card answer. – In my opinion, what is necessary is the abolishment of the blasphemy laws, because these blasphemy laws clearly contradict basic human rights, which were a condition for GSP+, so that message must be sent to Pakistan. I do not think that withdrawing from GSP+ would be positive at this point, but that must definitely be on the horizon if Pakistan does not take the necessary measures and continues to obey, for instance, reactionary forces from Saudi Arabia and to put forward these laws that basically violate the human rights of Christians, as well as Muslims, in Pakistan.


  Branislav Škripek (ECR). - Dámy a páni, pokúste sa predstaviť si, že vaša sestra je odsúdená na smrť v Pakistane a nedokážete jej pomôcť. Alebo je tam zavretá občianka našej krajiny, čo urobíme? Napríklad Asia Bibi je obeťou náboženskej nevraživosti a my Európania ako ochrancovia ľudských práv sme povinní jej pomôcť. Je to kresťanka, ktorá chcela uhasiť smäd moslimkám, tie ju na základe bohorúhačských zákonov udali a išla do väzenia. Je na samotke často bitá, hladná aj smädná. Naša spoločnosť si zakladá na pomoci tým, ktorý ju potrebujú. Zachrániť matku piatich detí, ktorá je potrestaná za pomoc blížnemu iba preto, že je kresťanka, si zaslúži extrémne úsilie o jej záchranu. Obyvatelia východnej Európy toto poznajú, zažili sme prenasledovanie pre vieru komunistickým režimom a kresťania trpeli. Po 25 rokov od režimu musím konštatovať, že v mnohých krajinách je sloboda vierovyznania luxusom. Viaceré krajiny ako Pakistan, Irak či Sýria nedovoľujú slobodne vyznávať vieru v boha, to nie je správne. Šírenie strachu cez náboženstvo nie je hodné týchto čias. Za milosrdenstvo sa neodpláca smrťou. V civilizovanom svete je pomoc odmeňovaná. Iracionálne zákony o rúhaní vytvárajú príležitosť na prenasledovanie, perzekúciu, kriminalizáciu ľudí inej viery.


  António Marinho e Pinto (ALDE). - Senhor Presidente, senhores Deputados, nenhuma religião pode justificar a barbárie e a selvajaria. Nenhuma religião pode justificar que uma multidão em fúria agrida até à morte um casal cristão e queime os seus corpos nos fornos da fábrica onde trabalhava. Nenhuma religião pode justificar que se mate a tiro um governador na província do Punjab e um ministro cristão das minorias apenas porque criticavam a lei da blasfémia e eram a favor dos direitos das minorias religiosas. Nenhuma lei pode justificar que se mantenham na prisão, com a possibilidade de serem condenados à morte, mais de mil pessoas cujo caso mais conhecido e emblemático é o de Asia Bibi. Nenhuma religião pode justificar que se mate a tiro um advogado, Rashid Rehman, no pleno exercício do seu mandato, por defender em tribunal um constituinte acusado de blasfémia.

Basta de barbárie! É preciso trazer o Paquistão à comunidade das nações civilizadas.


  Amjad Bashir (EFDD). - Mr President, I strongly condemn the brutal killings of Shama Bibi and Shahzad Masih, Pakistani Christians, by a violent mob and other abuses committed in the name of blasphemy. These barbaric acts cannot be acceptable to this Parliament, the international community and the Pakistani nation. I know the Pakistani nation is in a state of deep shock and outrage.

It is important to understand that these laws have existed in Pakistan since colonial times and that the majority of cases registered under this law have been against Muslims.

I have been assured by the Pakistani authorities that they are taking adequate steps to prevent possible misuse and abuse of the laws. It is also important to remember that no one has so far been punished under these laws. Cases instituted under the law have normally failed to withstand judicial scrutiny at the various levels. It has been made compulsory that no police officer below the rank of superintendent of police can investigate the charges.


  Aymeric Chauprade (NI). - Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, en novembre 2010, Asia Bibi, une chrétienne pakistanaise, a été condamnée à la peine de mort par les autorités de son pays au motif qu'elle aurait insulté Mahomet. Depuis, toutes les tentatives de faire appel de cette décision ont été rejetées. Elle attend actuellement dans le couloir de la mort la décision de la Cour suprême pakistanaise, son ultime recours pour sauver sa vie.

Chers collègues, j'aimerais rappeler que, selon Le livre noir de la condition des chrétiens dans le monde, entre 120 et 200 millions de chrétiens subissent chaque année une persécution. Autrement dit, des millions de personnes risquent chaque jour leur vie pour le seul fait de croire au Christ.

Néanmoins, une fois de plus, l'idéologie arrogante des droits de l'homme fonde cette résolution, et c'est la raison pour laquelle je m'abstiendrai de la soutenir. Je ne soutiendrai pas une nouvelle ingérence de l'Union européenne qui n'a qu'un seul but: abattre la souveraineté des États pour réaliser les ambitions géopolitiques d'une puissance globale et des oligarchies qui la servent.

Que nos gouvernements occidentaux commencent à s'opposer à l'islamisation de l'Europe et à l'extension du fondamentalisme islamique dans nos propres sociétés avant de donner des leçons à la terre entière! Asia Bibi ne sera pas sauvée par le droit-de-l'hommisme occidental, elle sera sauvée par une Europe qui assumera sa civilisation chrétienne et qui, par le fait de sa puissance, offrira une protection naturelle aux chrétiens dans leur propre pays.


Procedura „catch the eye”


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). - Mr President, as is the case with other minority communities in the country, such as Christians, the Baloch people have been targeted through the blasphemy laws in Pakistan. Mentally ill people have also been victims of these laws, which demonstrates how the Pakistani State fails to protect and mistreats the vulnerable groups in its society. The blasphemy laws are in violation of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which Pakistan needs to adhere to if it wants to benefit from the GSP with the EU. We should not overlook the fact that many secular parties in Pakistan have been advocating amending or abolishing the blasphemy laws. This is something for the European External Action Service to pay attention to when dealing with Pakistan.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). - Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il Pakistan è l'unico paese musulmano che ha una legge sulla blasfemia. Dal 1990, anno in cui è stata introdotta questa norma, ci sono state circa 60 esecuzioni. La violenza della Sharia non tocca soltanto i cristiani ma anche altre minoranze. In quest'Aula abbiamo protestato contro la decisione dell'Alta corte di Lahore di confermare la condanna a morte per blasfemia di Aisha Bibi, così come abbiamo manifestato il nostro orrore per l'uccisione di due giovani, sposi cristiani, genitori di quattro figli, bruciati vivi in Pakistan da una folla inferocita perché ingiustamente accusati di blasfemia.

Ma l'indignazione non basta. L'Europa deve esortare il Pakistan a promuovere i passi necessari per arrivare all'abrogazione dell'odiosa legge sulla blasfemia. L'Unione europea ha il dovere di sollecitare il governo di Islamabad affinché prenda in considerazione una moratoria sulle esecuzioni capitali. Non bastano più le condanne formali. L'Europa deve utilizzare tutti gli strumenti di pressione che ha a disposizione sul governo pakistano per aiutare le comunità religiose. L'Europa può e deve intervenire affinché il Pakistan rispetti i suoi obblighi nei confronti della libertà di espressione e della libertà di religione e di credo.


  Peter van Dalen (ECR). - Terecht vraagt het Europees Parlement vandaag aandacht voor de blasfemiewetgeving, die moet worden ingetrokken. Terecht, omdat Asia Bibi al vele jaren onschuldig in een dodencel zit. Zij moet vrij! En dat kan door een presidentieel decreet of door een snelle behandeling voor het Hooggerechtshof in Lahore.

Terecht behandelen wij nu deze zaak, omdat er honderden Asia Bibi's zijn. De blasfemiewetten zijn een deken van angst over de hele Pakistaanse samenleving en worden daar misbruikt door extremisten. De blasfemiewetten moeten weg. Terecht bespreken wij dit nu vandaag omdat de wetten in strijd zijn met de mensenrechtenverdragen die Pakistan heeft ondertekend en in strijd zijn met de GSP+-relatie die het met de Europese Unie heeft.

Mevrouw Malmström, de Europese Commissie, moet dus snel onderzoeken of de verplichtingen die zijn nagekomen in het kader van het GSP+, wel terecht zijn. Geen handelsvoordelen als er geloofsvervolging is.


  Rachida Dati (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, beaucoup de choses ont été dites et je m'associe à l'ensemble des propos de mes collègues. Avec cette résolution, nous voulons à la fois envoyer un message clair de soutien à Asia Bibi et exhorter les autorités pakistanaises à sauver cette femme, notamment en abrogeant les lois sur le blasphème.

Cette résolution reprend toutes les persécutions subies par des personnes qui ne font rien d'autre que de croire en Dieu. Notre Parlement et l'Union européenne ont une responsabilité très claire qui est de défendre la liberté religieuse, quelle que soit la religion; cela s'adresse à M. Chauprade mais je le rejoins sur un point: notre responsabilité consiste aussi à défendre les chrétiens puisque notre histoire et notre identité profonde sont profondément ancrées dans le christianisme.

Si nous ne défendons pas les plus de 150 millions de chrétiens persécutés dans le monde, qui le fera à notre place?


  Marek Jurek (ECR). - Panie Przewodniczący! Wielu naszych kolegów mówiło już o sprawie Asii Bibi – mówili panowie Škripek, van Dalen, Svoboda, Chauprade, Caputo. Ja chcę zaproponować i domagać się działań bardziej pragmatycznych, bo Asia Bibi nie może już dłużej znosić tej tortury psychicznej, jaką jest przetrzymywanie od wielu lat w celi śmierci. Władze województwa podkarpackiego w Polsce zaproponowały władzom Pakistanu przyjęcie Asii Bibi na leczenie. To samo proponuje mer Paryża. Te konkretne propozycje społeczne muszą być wspierane przez dyplomację Unii Europejskiej. To jest konkretny apel do pani minister Mogherini, żeby inicjatywy podejmowane przez konkretne władze samorządowe w naszych państwach były wspierane. Tę kobietę trzeba już wydostać z więzienia. I oczywiście naszym partnerom w świecie islamu musimy powtarzać jedno: żaden muzułmanin w Europie nie jest prześladowany w ten sposób z powodu swojej religii. Powinniśmy się więc domagać tych zasad, tych praw, które sami stosujemy.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). - Gospodine predsjedniče, ja tražim da se poništi presuda o smrtnoj kazni Asiji Bibi, kršćanki te majci petero djece, koja je uhićena 2009. godine pod lažnom optužbom za bogohuljenje i tražim da je se pusti na slobodu. Tražim da se otkriju počinitelji ubojstva kršćanskog para Shama Bibi i Shahzad Masih koje je pretukla skupina muslimana, optužujući ih za spaljivanje stranica Kurana i žive ih spalila u ciglani u kojoj su radili.

Tražim da se ukine zakon o bogohuljenju u Pakistanu, jer se njegovom primjenom krše ljudska prava te pravo na slobodu izražavanja vjere. Činjenica je da Pakistan ima važnu ulogu u promicanju stabilnosti u jugoistočnoj Aziji, stoga pozivam pakistanske vlasti da budu primjer u jačanju zakona i ljudskih prava, a ne u njihovom kršenju.


  Sajjad Karim (ECR). - Mr President, I stand here actually feeling very proud of the fact that we are having the type of debate that we are, in this Chamber. Once again, his Holiness the Pope took the floor just the day before yesterday and made it clear that when Europe does not hold firmly to its values, we are set adrift, and that I see being demonstrated here today. So many of our colleagues may be unaware, but actually this House and the European Union have already been instrumental in securing the release of a European citizen from death row in Pakistan. It is something that we achieved some years ago. There is no reason why our dialogue should not allow us to pursue that sort of constructive dialogue again.

To the Commission, I can simply repeat: we have, of course, a variety of calls in terms of the trade relationship that we have with Pakistan. After a considerable and very vigorous exercise, we granted the GSP+ to Pakistan. We have the scorecard mechanism. Let us please apply that as vigorously as we possibly can. This is a time for every colleague in this House to come together and work with Pakistan in order to achieve the ultimate end of saving that life.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). - Gospodine predsjedniče, nema te religije koja može opravdati ovakve postupke. Mi danas ovdje koristimo instrumente koji nam stoje na raspolaganju, instrument je i ova Rezolucija i pohvalno je da imamo Rezoluciju. Međutim, činjenica je da je 150 milijuna kršćana diljem svijeta progonjeno.

Činjenica je da je zakon o blasfemiji u Pakistanu vrlo represivan i netolerantan i zaista ne možemo hladno promatrati da nakon ubojstva u pećnici dvaju građana Pakistana, Asia Bibi biva osuđena na smrt. Samo zato što je bila kršćanka i samo zato što je koristila pravo na vodu za svoju djecu. Dakle, ugrožena su ljudska prava po više osnova. Imam jedan prijedlog, dakle mi danas šaljemo poruku ako je moguće. Međutim, nisam sigurna da će ta poruka imati pozitivan učinak.

Imam prijedlog prema gospodinu Stylianidesu, obzirom da razvojna pomoć ide iz Unije i prema Pakistanu, da razmotrimo način na koji se ta razvojna pomoć šalje Pakistanu, i to bi možda mogao biti jedan konstruktivan prijedlog.


  Constance Le Grip (PPE). - Monsieur le Président, c'est au nom des valeurs universelles fondatrices que sont le respect des droits fondamentaux des individus, la liberté d'opinion, la liberté de pensée, la liberté de conscience, la liberté de culte, la tolérance religieuse que nous exhortons les autorités pakistanaises à abroger les lois sur le blasphème.

Je rappelle que c'est la constitution pakistanaise elle-même qui est censée garantir les droits des minorités et la liberté religieuse, les droits de toutes les minorités et, avant tout, de toutes les minorités religieuses. Nous devons donc vraiment, nous, Union européenne, exiger de notre partenaire pakistanais qu'il respecte ses propres engagements, qu'il respecte les droits de l'homme.

Mais pourquoi nous cacher derrière notre petit doigt? Nous savons que ce sont les chrétiens qui, aujourd'hui de par le monde, dans de trop nombreux pays du monde, sont parmi les minorités religieuses les plus persécutées. Le cas d'Asia Bibi, cette jeune femme, que nous devons réussir à sortir du couloir de la mort, émeut particulièrement l'opinion. Il faut tout faire pour libérer Asia Bibi.


(Încheierea procedurii „catch the eye”)


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. - Mr President, honourable Members, on behalf of the High Representative/Vice-President, Federica Mogherini, we welcome the adoption of your resolution on the blasphemy laws in Pakistan. As recalled in the European Union guidelines on freedom of religion or belief and the European Union guidelines on freedom of expression, laws that criminalise blasphemy can have serious inhibiting effects on the exercise of these human rights. As a general principle, the European Union recommends the decriminalisation of blasphemy offences.

In Pakistan the blasphemy laws are frequently used to settle personal conflicts or to stoke up secretarian and interfaith tensions. The application of blasphemy laws is an issue of considerable concern for the European Union, not least because they carry the death penalty. In our human rights dialogue with Pakistan in June we discussed the blasphemy laws. We reminded the Government of Pakistan of its obligation to enforce the provision of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights concerning freedom of religion or belief.

During his official visit to Pakistan in October 2014, the EU Special Representative for Human Rights, Mr Stavros Lambrinidis, specifically raised the misuse of blasphemy laws with several ministers as well as with religious leaders. He also expressed deep concern at the decision of the High Court to uphold the conviction of Mrs Asia Bibi, despite blasphemy legislation being a sensitive issue within Pakistani society. The EU message is that leaders, whether political or religious, must find the courage to address this. Threats and violence against judges, lawyers and human rights defenders involved with these cases are common. Some of them have even been killed. It must be clear that any form of immunity for such crimes would undermine the justice system and the rule of law.

The European Union will continue to use any appropriate opportunity to raise this issue with our Pakistani counterparts. In this regard, the GSP+ trade preferences are a major milestone in our relations with Pakistan. GSP+ offers a clear framework for assessing and promoting progress in implementing the 27 co-international conventions on human rights, labour rights, environment and good governance – a process we are following closely. The European Union, and notably our delegation in Islamabad, will continue to follow the case of Asia Bibi closely and to advocate for the verdict to be overturned and for Mrs Bibi to be released. The European Union will use any opportunity to raise this case, and the wider issues of the death penalty and the blasphemy law, with our Pakistani counterparts.

I have taken note of and welcome your strong interest in this issue. Let me assure you that the European Union remains fully committed to engage with Pakistan – with the government, human rights defenders and other stakeholders – to promote and defend human rights. The forthcoming visit to Europe by the Chair of the Pakistani Senate early next year may be a useful opportunity to discuss our concerns.


  Președintele. - Dezbaterea a fost închisă.

Votul va avea loc la sfârșitul dezbaterilor.

Declarații scrise (articolul 162)


  Lorenzo Cesa (PPE), per iscritto. Voglio intervenire oggi per ricordare a tutti noi l`importanza di continuare a batterci senza sosta in difesa dei diritti umani in tutti quei luoghi dove sono costantemente minacciati. Mi riferisco adesso, in particolare, alla situazione in atto in Pakistan. Sappiamo tutti la storia di Asia Bibi, la madre cristiana di 5 figli condannata a morte solo perché ha bevuto dell`acqua da un pozzo destinato ai musulmani. La faccenda è ancora più sconvolgente se pensiamo che l`Alta Corte di Giustizia del Pakistan ha ratificato la sentenza di morte, che dovrà essere eseguita da qui a breve. Quindi in Pakistan non esiste proprio lo stato di diritto e i cristiani continuano ad essere perseguitati impunemente. E `importante che le autorità pakistane si rendano conto che se continuano a violare i diritti umani così barbaramente il dialogo con l`Unione europea diventerà impossibile, visto che una conditio sine qua non di dialogo è proprio relativa al buon governo e al rispetto dei diritti umani. E il caso di Asia Bibi non è l´unico della storia recente, poiché solo due settimane fa, il 7 novembre, una coppia cristiana è stata picchiata a morte, accusata di aver bruciato pagine del Corano.


  James Nicholson (ECR) , in writing. Under blasphemy laws in Pakistan, defiling the Koran or insulting the Prophet Muhammed can result in life imprisonment or the death penalty. Under these provisions, which are part of the Pakistani Penal Code, dozens of people are persecuted every year, although the vast majority of cases are actually fabricated and part of land or workplace disputes. While no one has been executed by the state for blasphemy, those accused of breaking these laws often spend years in prison and along with their family are at all times in danger of mob violence. Even advocates for reform in Pakistan run the risk of being targeted by extremists. It is abundantly clear that the blasphemy laws have been used to instil fear into religious minority communities, and in particular Christians. While minority rights are guaranteed by Pakistan’s constitution, the government must actively address religious hostility within society. Pakistan has a duty to respect, and provide adequate protection to, people of all faiths. Freedom of thought, conscience and religion are fundamental human rights. These rights belong to all Pakistanis, irrespective of their faith.


  Franz Obermayr (NI), schrifftlicht Wir sind heute dabei, Pakistan zu einer Überarbeitung seiner Blasphemiegesetze aufzufordern. Bereits im Vorfeld wurde uns von pakistanischer Seite unter anderem mitgeteilt, dass diese Gesetze dem Schutz jedweder Religion dienten und Prinzipien der Rechtsstaatlichkeit ohnehin gewahrt würden. Tatsache ist aber, dass zwischen 1986 und 2007 647 Personen auf Grundlage dieser Gesetze angeklagt wurden und die Hälfte der Angeklagten keine Moslems waren. Allerdings bekennen sich 95 % der Einwohner Pakistans zum moslemischen Glauben! Faktisch treffen die Gesetze also, allen Behauptungen der pakistanischen Regierung zum Trotz, in erster Linie Nicht-Mosleme. Weiterhin zeigen Fälle wie derjenige von Muhammad Asghar, dass Menschen aufgrund dieser Gesetze zum Tode verurteilt werden, die nach westlicher Jurisdiktion für schuldunfähig befunden würden. Eine Aufforderung zur Überarbeitung dieser Gesetze mag ein öffentlichkeitswirksamer erster Schritt sein. Wir müssen aber schon heute weitere Schritte andenken, um dieser Aufforderung Taten folgen zu lassen, falls Pakistan an seiner rigorosen Linie der Anwendung dieses Unrechts festhält.

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