 Texto íntegro 
Procedimiento : 2015/2679(RSP)
Ciclo de vida en sesión
Ciclo relativo al documento : O-000051/2015

Textos presentados :

O-000051/2015 (B8-0551/2015)

Debates :

PV 20/05/2015 - 20
CRE 20/05/2015 - 20

Votaciones :

Textos aprobados :

Acta literal de los debates
Miércoles 20 de mayo de 2015 - Estrasburgo Edición revisada

20. Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil (debate)
Vídeo de las intervenciones

  La Présidente. – L'ordre du jour appelle le débat sur la question orale au Conseil sur l'initiative pour l'emploi des jeunes – nécessité d'une mise en œuvre rapide au niveau des États membres, de Marita Ulvskog, au nom de la commission de l'emploi et des affaires sociales (O–000051/2015 – B8–0551/2015) (2015/2679(RSP)).


  Marita Ulvskog, author. Madam President, the crisis has caused youth unemployment to reach alarming levels in many Member States and regions. Many young people are deprived of taking on a first job and are thus obstructed from assuming independent adult lives. In 2013, to urgently help address the situation, the Youth Employment Initiative was adopted. The purpose of this initiative is to provide funding to promote youth employment in the most affected regions of the European Union, including by establishing youth guarantee schemes.

With a view to ensuring swift implementation, the Youth Employment Initiative was front-loaded and expenditure was made eligible as of 1 September 2013. Yet well over one year into the programme, the results on the ground do not meet initial expectations. Measures designed to allow for a quick uptake of funds have not led to a quick and efficient mobilisation of the Youth Employment Initiative, and opportunities to urgently address youth unemployment have been left unused. The initiative was initially proposed by the European Council, yet at present – over one-and-a-half years after expenditure was made eligible – Member States’ use of its resources falls far short of expectations, and progress is uneven.

Besides a lack of liquidity to launch the Youth Employment Initiative, an issue now addressed by the proposed substantial increase in pre-financing, what is holding Member States back? How does the Council intend to urgently encourage swift and efficient implementation? The Member States faced with the highest youth unemployment rates and hardest hit by the crisis are, on average, lagging behind in using Youth Employment Initiative resources and implementing Youth Guarantee schemes, while long-term policies are needed to address this issue.

What specific hurdles do they face? What improvements can the Council promise? Can the Council ensure sound funding for the Youth Employment Initiative once the frontloading funds have been used? Parliament is expecting a quick, efficient and result-oriented use of the additional pre-financing within 12 months after the entry into force of the amending regulation.

What measures does the Council envisage in order to assure the young unemployed, and Parliament, of this swift use of funds? How does it intend to report on progress to the young unemployed, to Parliament, and to other stakeholders involved? Can the Council promise an assessment of progress six months after the entry into force of the amending regulation? How does the Council intend to proceed where those results do not meet expectations, even after the current increased pre-financing?


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, I am grateful for this opportunity to discuss with you the youth labour market situation in the European Union. The Presidency attached great importance to improving the conditions of groups facing the biggest challenges to accessing or remaining in employment. These groups include, in particular, young people, and among them especially those without proper education and skills.

Fighting youth unemployment and ensuring sustainable labour market integration remains a top priority for the EU. Indeed, the Europe 2020 strategy has put a special focus on implementing effective measures to address youth unemployment.

The reality is that youth unemployment is still at a very high level in several Member States, leading to underutilised talents, the loss of human resources and, in some cases, leaving damaging consequences for the rest of the working life.

In this context, the Youth Guarantee, together with the financial provisions of the Youth Employment Initiative, are highly relevant: both measures seek to support the fight against youth unemployment in the most affected regions, namely those with youth unemployment rates above 25%.

As a positive example, I would like to underscore the experience of Latvia. Latvia is one of the countries which started the implementation of the Youth Guarantee as of January 2014. We can already see the first results: the youth unemployment rate decreased by 3.8% in 2014. A lot depends on the programmes implemented by the Member States. Nevertheless, it is already clear that more needs to be done.

Despite the promising stimulus, the Youth Employment Initiative and the Youth Guarantee are not a panacea to solve Europe’s youth unemployment problems. They are part of a range of tools to address the issue.

As we all know, the shorter implementation period of the Youth Employment Initiative compared to the Multiannual Financial Framework cycle means that concrete progress in the first years will be crucial for the overall success of the Initiative. This can help to tackle the problem faced by the millions of young Europeans who are without a job and who do not have adequate access to education or training.

Therefore, I am convinced that the honourable Members of the European Parliament share my view that any further delay in the implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative is likely to weaken the impact of actions undertaken by Member States to combat youth unemployment.

One of the main obstacles in the implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative is the lack of sufficient cash flow to provide advance payments to beneficiaries. The Presidency wants to highlight the importance and timeliness of the current legislative proposal to accelerate the implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative. I therefore fully agree with the European Parliament that making funding available to Member States earlier in the implementation process is a key condition for improving the performance and generating tangible results soon. Sufficient liquidity at the beginning of the implementation process will allow for faster delivery of the relevant policy measures set out in the national Youth Guarantee Implementation Plans.

We can be proud that the current amending legislative proposal has been finalised in record time. The Council adopted the draft proposal yesterday. Today, immediately after your vote, we, together with President Schulz, co—signed the text already. After the publication, which will occur in the coming week, Member States will be able to receive pre-financing.

In total, the initial pre-financing made available from the specific allocation for the Youth Employment Initiative will be increased to about EUR 1 billion in 2015.

I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that the Council will continue to actively monitor developments concerning the youth employment situation and the implementation by the Member States of the Youth Guarantee and the Youth Employment Initiative. At the same time, we need to keep in mind that the causes behind youth unemployment are complex. The increase in funding is complementary to other measures and reforms that Member States have to make in order to tackle the different crisis-related and structural problems behind the youth employment situation. All in all, to significantly reduce unemployment, we need to do more to create new jobs.

Last but not least, let me also underscore the important role the Social Partners play in this context.


  Elisabeth Morin-Chartier, au nom du groupe PPE. Madame la Présidente, je voudrais dire ce soir à notre représentante du Conseil que les États membres ont voulu cette initiative pour l'emploi des jeunes. C'est leur invention. Ils ont fait de la communication à bon compte sur l'initiative pour l'emploi des jeunes. Parfois même, je dois dire, ils ont créé la confusion entre la garantie jeunesse et l'initiative pour l'emploi des jeunes. Mais cette initiative pour l'emploi des jeunes correspond à un véritable besoin des citoyens; vous parliez de l'importance du nombre de jeunes chômeurs qui appelle une réaction très forte.

Pourtant, au cours de la première année de fonctionnement de cette initiative pour l'emploi des jeunes, on a observé dans les États membres une véritable faiblesse dans la mise en œuvre. Il y a quelques bons exemples – vous les citiez à l'instant –, mais ce n'est pas le cas partout. Était-ce un manque de financement? Nous avons réagi aussitôt au quart de tour. Sur ce sujet, pour une fois, la réaction de l'Union européenne a été d'une rapidité exceptionnelle. Et, en trois mois, nous faisons passer le préfinancement de 1 % à 3 %.

Merci à tous les groupes politiques qui nous ont aidés à réagir. Merci au Conseil et merci à la Commission. Mais nous ne lâcherons rien parce que ce que nous voulons, c'est que ce dispositif soit utilisé. J'ai vu beaucoup de ministres qui confondaient encore garantie jeunesse et initiative pour l'emploi des jeunes. J'ai vu beaucoup de gens qui avaient besoin d'information, de communication.

Nous voulons vraiment que cette initiative soit mise en œuvre, alors aidez-nous et faites pression sur les États membres.


  Brando Benifei, a nome del gruppo S&D. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, cara rappresentante del Consiglio, sono lieto di avere nuovamente la possibilità di affrontare il grave tema della disoccupazione giovanile a poche settimane dall'approvazione del provvedimento per l'aumento della somma di prefinanziamento per l'iniziativa a favore dell'occupazione giovanile.

Oggi il Parlamento europeo chiede agli Stati membri una dimostrazione di serietà nell'affrontare la piaga della disoccupazione dei giovani europei. Abbiamo bisogno di ricevere rassicurazioni sul fatto che il Consiglio sia disposto a battersi per i suoi giovani, a qualunque costo: "ready to do whatever it takes", per usare una terminologia a noi tutti ben nota.

Lo abbiamo detto in precedenza, lo ripeto oggi: il Parlamento ha fatto un gioco di squadra con la Commissione e il Consiglio nell'approvare la modifica al regolamento FSE, permettendo così lo sblocco di risorse per gli Stati in tempi record. È giunto però ora il momento di produrre risultati, di lanciare i programmi e superare in modo definitivo gli ostacoli.

Non si tratta solo di un problema di natura finanziaria, però. Innanzitutto bisognerà risolvere grossi problemi legati a un eccesso di burocrazia nella registrazione ai programmi sia per i giovani sia per le aziende, i partner che vorrebbero associarsi. Inoltre sarà essenziale potenziare l'aspetto della comunicazione riguardo a questi programmi, che è ad oggi assolutamente insufficiente. Tanti ragazzi, soprattutto quelli che più ne hanno bisogno, non conoscono nemmeno l'esistenza della garanzia per giovani e dell'iniziativa per l'occupazione giovanile. Questo è francamente assurdo.

Dobbiamo cambiare la marcia in fretta. Bisogna aumentare gli sforzi affinché i giovani ricevano offerte di qualità, impedendo il rischio che questi strumenti diventino un'anticamera alla precarietà o addirittura uno strumento di sfruttamento. Tutto ciò va portato avanti dagli Stati membri, con l'aiuto della Commissione e con la vigilanza del Parlamento. Essi devono essere all'altezza di una sfida che può definire o costare le sorti di un'intera generazione.

L'iniziativa a favore dell'occupazione giovanile da sola non è in grado di creare nuovi posti di lavoro. Non esistono bacchette magiche: a fianco dell'utilizzo rapido ed efficiente di tutte le risorse offerte dall'Unione serve associare una politica di crescita dell'economia che passi dagli investimenti in settori strategici. In sostanza serve quindi una politica industriale europea, la capacità di distribuire reddito in un'Unione ancora troppo marchiata dalle disuguaglianze per lasciare un futuro migliore alle prossime generazioni.

(L'oratore accetta di rispondere a una domanda "cartellino blu" (articolo 162, paragrafo 8, del regolamento))


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. Igen, én is azt gondolom, amit Ön, hogy minőségi munkahelyekre van szükség, de vajon Ön lát-e olyan ellenőrző, értékelő rendszert, amely valóban garantálni tudja, hogy a pénzfelhasználás során a kormányok ne csak valamiféle „alibi” állásokról gondoskodjanak, ne csak pénzt költsenek úgy általában, ne csak statisztikát javítsanak, hanem valódi, ellenőrizhető módon nyújtsanak segítséget a fiataloknak?


  Brando Benifei (S&D), risposta a una domanda "cartellino blu". Credo che sia necessario un misto di azioni: da una parte, una capacità di far crescere l'economia in modo che i lavori, i posti lavoro che si creano siano veri e si faccia in modo che questi progetti, questi fondi europei, non diventino dei sussidi, quindi delle politiche di sussidio, ma siano davvero degli attivatori del lavoro; dall'altra parte, serve che la Commissione, con indicazioni chiare, e il Parlamento vigilino sugli Stati membri. Quindi, servono entrambe le cose.


  Anthea McIntyre, on behalf of the ECR Group. Madam President, unemployment in my country and in my own region of the West Midlands has in fact been declining significantly over the last few years. Unemployment amongst the 16-24 year olds has been falling rapidly over the last year. Yet it edged down only slightly in the 3 months to March and, as a result, youth unemployment now stands at 15.9%, and the most recent figures from the CBI show that unemployment actually rose last month in the West Midlands.

So whatever the statistics tell us, what I know is that we still have six and a half thousand 16-24 year olds unemployed in the city of Birmingham. So we need to take a very good look at what is, and what is not, successful.

The Youth Employment Initiative has fallen very short of expectations. I find the Court of Auditors report very worrying and I particularly welcome the opportunity of an exchange of views with Iliana Ivanova, in the Employment Committee next week, on the ECA’s special report. If the Youth Employment Initiative is not having a positive impact, we should be looking carefully at why this is the case and, in a week when we see the better regulation package announced by Vice President Timmermans, let us make sure that we help SMEs, because that is where growth comes, and that is where jobs for young people will come.


  Marian Harkin, on behalf of the ALDE Group. Madam President, the reason we are here this evening is to ask searching questions about the Youth Employment Initiative. Some of those questions have been put already. They include: why has the uptake been so slow, what is the delay, what improvements can we expect, and when?

I do not need to quote the youth unemployment figures. All of us in this House know that they are unacceptably high. The EU institutions have put forward the Youth Employment Initiative as their response to youth unemployment. We are supposed to be adding value at European level and yet, so far, unfortunately, there seems to be little European added value.

If we are to be successful, the Council must play its role (and it is a hugely important role) in implementing the Youth Employment Initiative. There is plenty of flexibility within the Youth Employment Initiative: the possibility to provide traineeships and apprenticeships, the provision of first job experience, targeted and well-designed wage and recruitment subsidies, job and training mobility measures and start-up support for young entrepreneurs.

The Council has already told us that the Youth Employment Initiative and the Youth Guarantee are not a panacea. We know that, but they are substantial and the reason we are pushing the Council is because we are genuinely concerned about the delay regarding this issue of youth unemployment. As our question says, we are expecting a quick, efficient and result-oriented use of the additional pre-financing.

My colleague, Anthea McIntyre, has spoken about the issues raised by the Court of Auditors in regard to the Youth Guarantee. We have already had an exchange of views with the Court of Auditors and some of these issues need to be addressed: the fact that there was no proper ex-ante assessment carried out and that Member States did not provide accurate and complete information in regard to the source of funding used to support their Youth Guarantee implementation plans. These issues need to be addressed but, crucially, we are expecting Member States to take on their full responsibility and immediately implement the Youth Employment Initiative.


  Tania González Peñas, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. Señora Presidenta, más allá de las dudas razonables planteadas en la pregunta de Marita Ulvskog existe un problema estructural, y es que las políticas de recortes sociales están conduciendo a los países que las aplican hacia un cambio de modelo en el que la precariedad y la pobreza se convierten en la norma, un modelo en el que es normal trabajar y no llegar a final de mes. Para llevar a cabo políticas expansivas y de creación de empleo, debemos, entre otras cosas, encontrar una solución razonable y dialogada al problema de la deuda en el sur de Europa, democratizar el Banco Central Europeo y abordar en nuestros países una reforma fiscal progresiva que aumente los impuestos sobre los más ricos.

Mientras tanto, medidas como la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil y la Garantía Juvenil funcionan más bien como una excusa para transferir fondos públicos a las empresas, abaratando la contratación temporal de menores de 26 años y partiendo de una premisa errónea: la falta de empleabilidad de los jóvenes.

Los jóvenes no necesitan más formación, sino una nueva política económica que inyecte dinero público en la economía y cree empleo de calidad y socialmente útil. El autoempleo juvenil actualmente conlleva, en muchos casos, el endeudamiento y la quiebra de un negocio que no tiene mercado ni consumidores. Si seguimos empobreciendo a la población y recortando en fondos públicos, la demanda de los bienes y servicios que pueden aportar empresas privadas, cooperativas y autónomos va a seguir contrayéndose y limitando sus posibilidades.

Reiteramos nuestra apuesta por un nuevo rumbo económico que coloque en el centro la creación de empleo útil y de calidad.


  Terry Reintke, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. Madam President, we are having this debate today because the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs has posed an oral question to the Council under the title ‘Youth Employment Initiative – need for swift implementation at Member State level’.

As important as this question is, I would assume that at least 99% of EU citizens do not have a clue what an oral question actually is and what this debate is about. So I thought I should explain. It is stated in the question that the financial and economic crisis ʽhas caused youth unemployment to reach alarming levels in many Member States’. Let me translate this statement briefly and bluntly.

Neo-liberal policies, following a deregulation agenda, have messed up European economies and created massive levels of youth unemployment in recent years. The group most affected by this are young people who had no opportunity to influence the policies that led to this situation. Now, as a reaction to this, we see a common pattern – youth is blamed, the EU reacts, the EU allocates money. For me, it is still far too little, but, well, the EU allocated money to fight youth unemployment that is now supposed to be spent by the Member States in the regions most affected by youth unemployment.

The oral question reads: ‘results on the ground do not meet initial expectations’. Wow! This sentence is almost too diplomatic to even be translated, but I will try. Many Members of this Parliament, including me, are simply outraged by the fact that the money allocated to the Member States for the Youth Employment Initiative has still, after 22 months, not been properly taken up. We, as parliamentarians, thus use this tool of an oral question to tell the Member States very clearly that we need to see action now. I hope that many citizens will follow this example and go out on the streets, write letters and pose questions to their governments, urging them to take action.


  Laura Agea, a nome del gruppo EFDD. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, grazie alla rappresentanza del Consiglio; io mi sono chiesta più volte il perché di un'inefficacia così tanto evidente di un'iniziativa che doveva avere uno scopo ben preciso, ahimè, quello di risolvere il problema della disoccupazione e non di incrementare l'occupazione. Perché noi purtroppo ad oggi stiamo lavorando nell'emergenza di un problema gravissimo, quale la disoccupazione, che non ci permette ovviamente di fare progetti a lungo termine, che non ci permette minimamente di pensare al futuro, di creare occupazione e di innovare.

La collega Morin-Chartier ha fatto una precisazione: ha detto che molto spesso si confonde l'iniziativa per l'occupazione giovanile con la garanzia per giovani, e questa è una problematica che molto spesso hanno i ministri e i capi di governo. Molto spesso, purtroppo, sono costretta a dire che in molti non sanno probabilmente neanche che cosa è l'iniziativa per l'occupazione giovanile e ugualmente non sanno che cos'è la garanzia per giovani, e non fare la differenza tra le due e stabilire quale è l'una e quale è l'altra. Questo è ancora più grave, perché se si sapesse quali sono le opportunità, se si facessero dei programmi specifici che tengano conto veramente delle esigenze dei nostri giovani, beh, forse si potrebbero fare delle politiche estremamente più efficaci, cosa che nel mio paese, purtroppo, non avviene. Abbiamo mancato tutti gli obiettivi.

Io posso chiedere una cosa, perché continuo a vergognarmi del modo in cui vengono sprecate le occasioni fornite dall'Unione europea: fate un monitoraggio attento di come vengono utilizzate queste risorse dai paesi e dagli Stati membri, vigilate, controllate i programmi, controllate le modalità d'attuazione, controllate dove e come vengono spesi i soldi, perché vi posso garantire che i giovani che hanno beneficiato di queste risorse in Italia si contano sulle dita di una mano – lasciatemi passare il paragone, che non regge tanto, ma questa è la realtà. Questa è la realtà e bisogna prenderne atto.

Io invito a un monitoraggio, a un controllo attento e continuo di come vengono utilizzati questi soldi.


  Verónica Lope Fontagné (PPE). Señora Presidenta, hemos de reconocer que los resultados obtenidos todavía no cumplen las expectativas y, por ello, debemos trabajar conjuntamente para convertir la Iniciativa en un instrumento útil y efectivo. Uno de los principales obstáculos a la implementación parece solucionado. El incremento de la prefinanciación permitirá que los Estados miembros que no eran capaces de adelantar fondos por problemas de liquidez puedan poner en marcha las acciones necesarias para que los jóvenes se incorporen al mercado laboral.

Por ello, debemos ser capaces de identificar y solventar otros obstáculos que puedan existir. Pero yo soy optimista, y permítanme que, por ello, ponga de ejemplo a mi propio país. España es uno de los países con mayores tasas de desempleo juvenil. Cuenta con un modelo descentralizado que ralentiza, en algunos casos, su implementación, pero, pese a estas dificultades, es uno de los primeros que ha puesto en marcha las medidas necesarias. Ya disponemos de más de cuarenta y ocho mil inscripciones, un 43 % de mujeres, que, gracias al incremento de prefinanciación y a las campañas de publicidad en marcha, se verán multiplicadas exponencialmente. También puede ayudar mucho la cooperación con las cámaras de comercio, una mayor implicación de las empresas y una mejora de los asesoramientos en la búsqueda de empleo para alcanzar los objetivos.


  Jutta Steinruck (S&D). Frau Präsidentin! Es ist traurig, wie lange das dauert und wie die Chancen vieler junger Europäerinnen und Europäer durch Initiativlosigkeit vergeudet, ja vernichtet werden. Aber wir hier im Europäischen Parlament werden bei der Bekämpfung der Jugendarbeitslosigkeit nicht locker lassen. Deswegen ist es uns auch wichtig gewesen, heute diese Anfrage zur mündlichen Beantwortung an den Rat zu stellen. Denn vom Ziel, die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa zu reduzieren oder gar auf null zu fahren, sind wir ja nach wie vor Lichtjahre entfernt.

Seit Jahren gibt es wirksame Gipfel, öffentliche Konferenzen, schöne Worte, viele Versprechungen – aber nichts hat sich getan. Und immer wieder wurden Gründe und Probleme aufgezeigt für den Misserfolg. Erst war kein Geld da, dann wurde Geld zur Verfügung gestellt. Dann war Geld da, aber es wurde nicht abgerufen. Dann waren Ko- oder Vorfinanzierung das Problem, das haben wir jetzt auch gelöst. Aber jetzt darf es endlich keine Ausreden mehr geben. Jetzt müssen die Mitgliedstaaten endlich handeln und wirklich sichtbare Initiativen vorweisen. Helfen Sie der Jugend, bitte!


  Jana Žitňanská (ECR) Vieme, že návrh Komisie o navýšení predfinancovania iniciatívy pre mladých sa tu v Parlamente stretol s významnou podporou. Táto podpora ale nie je bianko šekom. Je predovšetkým o tom, že už nebudú existovať výhovorky, pre ktoré program nefunguje tak, ako by mal. Ak napriek navýšeniu nie sme schopní ponúkať mladým zručnosti a prácu, ktorú sme im sľúbili, ukáže to predovšetkým na pochybnosť takýchto schém. Ak totiž aktivizácia nezamestnaných dobre fungovala napríklad vo Fínsku a teraz zlyháva v štátoch, kde je najviac potrebná, ukazuje to, že problém s nezamestnanosťou je komplikovanejší a vyžaduje si iné riešenia. Európska únia síce vie pomôcť, ale len tým naozaj pripraveným. Preto ma dnes naozaj najviac zaujíma odpoveď Rady na poslednú otázku, a síce: ak aj napriek uplynutému času, navýšeniu prostriedkov a odbornej pomoci nie sú členské štáty schopné efektívne pomáhať mladým, sme si stále istí, že nepoznáme lepšie spôsoby pomoci?


  Martina Dlabajová (ALDE). Paní předsedající, iniciativa na podporu zaměstnanosti mladých je kromě reforem trhu práce jedním z důležitých nástrojů ke zvyšování aktivity mladých lidí na pracovním trhu. Proto považuji zprávu o tom, že Evropská rada zvýšila předběžné financování v roce 2015 o téměř jednu miliardu EUR za velice důležitou. O to více mě těší, že ke schválení v Evropské komisi, Parlamentu i Radě došlo v rekordně krátkém čase. Efektivní a smysluplná spolupráce je totiž jedinou cestou, která může vést k lepší budoucnosti mladých.

Všichni jsme si vědomi toho, že rozdíly v nezaměstnanosti mezi jednotlivými členskými státy jsou propastné. V některých zemích je dokonce vyšší počet mladých lidí bez práce než těch zaměstnaných. Jiné země jsou na tom s pracovním uplatněním mladých naopak tak dobře, že na prostředky z iniciativy vůbec nedosáhnou. Věřím, že nyní po schválení předfinancování Evropskou radou se celý proces implementace urychlí. Je znepokojující, že ještě po více než roce od spuštění iniciativy nevidíme reálné výsledky a možnosti, které jsou k dispozici, zůstávají nevyužity. Jsou příčinou této situace administrativní překážky? Nebo vágní definice typu „kvalitní zaměstnání“, které stanovují těžko definovatelné a hodnotitelné cíle?

Ráda bych osobně vyzvala členské státy, aby se této velké příležitosti změnit neradostnou situaci na trhu práce chopily zodpovědně a opravdu účinně využily podanou ruku. Jak vy, zástupci Rady, chcete členské státy motivovat?


  Karima Delli (Verts/ALE). Madame la Présidente, Madame la représentante du Conseil, j'ai un message très simple à faire passer. Dites à Mesdames et Messieurs les chefs d'État ou de gouvernement: "Arrêtez le bla bla. Faites preuve d'audace. Faites réellement preuve de courage. Faites en sorte que la priorité de vos choix politiques soit l'emploi des jeunes!" À ce jour – c'est une honte –, selon la Cour des comptes, aucun emploi n'a été créé grâce à l'initiative européenne pour la jeunesse. Le retard à l'allumage, dont les États membres se sont rendus coupables, n'est plus justifiable puisqu'on l'a dit, l'enveloppe a été augmentée. Bien sûr, il faut améliorer les dispositifs administratifs pour soutenir activement les jeunes et les prémunir de pauvreté et de l'exclusion, mais il faut bâtir l'avenir.

Les chefs d'État ou de gouvernement doivent comprendre qu'on connaît les secteurs d'avenir. Quels sont-ils? Les énergies renouvelables, l'isolation thermique. On connaît aussi le numérique. C'est là qu'il faut vraiment investir. Pourquoi? Parce que tous ces débouchés sont des débouchés solides, durables et non délocalisables.

Mesdames et Messieurs les chefs d'État ou de gouvernement, vous n'avez aujourd'hui plus le droit de faire de la communication. La jeunesse n'est plus une variable d'ajustement.


  Jonathan Arnott (EFDD). Madam President, well who could possibly have guessed that we would end up here – a headline EU policy involving taxpayers’ money that just has not worked out. It kind of sums up the European Union really, does it not? A big idea, splashing about taxpayers’ money like cologne, and the results are ineffective and disappointing. And when countries realise that this EU state intervention is not right for their countries, what does this Parliament seek to do but try to force them to do it the EU way anyway!

There is such a simple alternative: British taxpayers funding British projects with British knowledge to get British young people into work; German taxpayers funding German projects; Latvian taxpayers funding Latvian projects. It is so simple and straightforward. It does not have to be the EU way. Stop interfering and leave countries to spend their own money to support their own young people.


  Joëlle Mélin (NI). Madame la Présidente, Mme la présidente de la commission de l'emploi et des affaires sociales a très bien fait de poser sa dernière question. Que faire si l'augmentation des préfinancements ne donne aucun effet dans les douze mois?

Sans doute est-elle frappée par la grâce de la lucidité car, les mêmes causes produisant les mêmes effets, l'utilisation incohérente des fonds européens, en l'occurrence le FSE, continuera de conforter le chômage des jeunes au lieu de le diminuer. En effet, plus de chômage égale plus de charges sociales, égale moins d'embauches: cercle vicieux que tous les États membres connaissent bien.

Il est donc urgent de quitter la sphère des mots et des jargons utilisés depuis plus de 30 ans dans cette institution et de passer aux actes: allégeons les contraintes européennes sur les États et les entreprises, tout particulièrement les TPE et les PME; libérons les contraintes normatives en matière de formation professionnelle et d'emploi; levons les freins à l'entrepreneuriat et aux énergies. Stop donc aux sommes colossales déversées dans des puits sans fond et sans contrôle!

Rendez-vous dans un an. Hélas, sauf surprise, les résultats négatifs sont connus d'avance.


  Agnes Jongerius (S&D). Het is bijna zomer en het is bijna acht jaar nadat de grote financiële crisis in Europa toesloeg. Banken wankelden, bedrijven gingen over de kop en de werkloosheid liep pijlsnel op. Zes lichtingen schoolverlaters kwamen op de arbeidsmarkt zonder al te beste vooruitzichten. Overal in Europa is de werkloosheid onder jongeren torenhoog.

Het Europees Parlement heeft zich ingezet voor een nieuw perspectief voor de jongeren uit de meest getroffen regio's. Mede door deze inzet is er nu geld beschikbaar voor prefinanciering. Programma's om jongeren naar de arbeidsmarkt te begeleiden hoeven niet langer te wachten tot regeringen in hun land de medefinanciering rond hebben. Zij hoeven geen tijd te verspillen.

Maar noblesse oblige, adel verplicht. Over zes maanden willen wij weten of wij op de goede koers zijn, want wij willen niet een achtste lichting schoolverlaters zonder perspectieven op de arbeidsmarkt.


  Enrique Calvet Chambon (ALDE). Señora Presidenta, señora Presidenta en ejercicio del Consejo, si en algo se juega su credibilidad Europa, si en algo se juega, de cara a nuestros votantes y de cara a la ciudadanía europea, la posibilidad del proyecto europeo, es en acabar con la lacra del desempleo masivo y brutal. Es fundamental para el futuro de nuestros jóvenes en particular.

Si el Consejo ha decidido tomar las riendas de esto, me parece muy bien. Pues que se busque la vida, pero que haga trabajar a los Estados miembros, que no vengan con excusas absolutamente inútiles frente al drama que se vive: que si la descentralización administrativa; que si no tienen capacidades administrativas; que si el dinero les llega tarde. Miren ustedes: ¡no estamos de broma! Lo último que he oído es que, además, hablar de empleos de calidad hace que no puedan ser recogidos determinados proyectos. Es un absurdo. Queremos incluir a los jóvenes y ¡tienen que hacerlo ahora!


  Javi López (S&D). Señora Presidenta, lo que tenemos claro es que no acaba de arrancar la Iniciativa de Empleo Juvenil. Aun habiendo hecho un esfuerzo en la prefinanciación de los Estados, sabiendo que los objetivos de déficit estaban ahogando la financiación de este programa para algunos Estados, no acaba de funcionar.

Tenemos cinco millones de jóvenes parados —cinco millones de jóvenes parados de menos de 25 años— y resulta que el Eurobarómetro hace poco nos ha recordado que solo ocho de cada diez ha oído hablar de esta Iniciativa —solo ocho de cada diez—, y habla de la eficacia que estamos teniendo. Pero pongamos algún ejemplo: se ha puesto el ejemplo de España. España es importante, no solo porque tiene mucho desempleo juvenil, sino sobre todo porque es el primer país en recursos. Pues resulta que de los 800 000 parados jóvenes sólo 48 000 se han registrado, y digo «registrado» porque sólo se han registrado; eso no quiere decir que hayan encontrado un empleo, ni que se estén formando. Y, además, resulta que los recursos se van a dedicar a deducciones fiscales, es decir, van a despedir a tu padre para contratarte a ti por la mitad del precio con subvención de la Unión Europea. ¡Eso es un escándalo!


  Yana Toom (ALDE). Madam President, I would like to raise some concerns regarding the measurement of the efficiency of the Youth Guarantee in some Member States. For impact assessment we need certain criteria and the youth unemployment rate is only one of them.

In Eastern and Southern Europe, we can observe rapid changes to young populations due to emigration. For example, in Estonia the youth unemployment rate went down from about 17% at the beginning to about 12 % at the end of 2014: what a success story! But if unemployment rates fall basically due to a youth exodus, these figures cannot prove the efficiency of the program. The Commission shall also consider the unemployment rates of key social groups.

In my country, the annual unemployment rate for ethnic Estonians is 1.6 times lower than for Russian speakers. Russian speakers made up 27% in this age group, but their unemployment rate was almost 21%. This aggregated statistical data is crucial for the adequate analysis of any measures, including the Youth Guarantee.


  Emilian Pavel (S&D) Doamnă Președinte, aș dori să încep prin a saluta decizia de suplimentare a fondurilor de prefinanțare privind Inițiativa angajării tinerilor. Pentru un impact cât mai mare, încurajez Comisia să aloce și mai multe resurse programelor care vizează combaterea șomajului, punând accentul pe încurajarea antreprenoriatului în rândul tinerilor și femeilor și să lucreze împreună cu statele membre, cu Fondul european de investiții, cu Banca Europeană de Investiții pentru a crea un grup consultativ menit să dezvolte mecanisme de finanțare pentru noile afaceri ale tinerilor și femeilor,în fiecare stat membru. Acest lucru le va facilita dezvoltarea. Doar așa le vom putea păstra ideile creative în Uniunea Europeană. În ceea ce privește sistemul de educație, în opinia mea, acesta trebuie să fie ancorat în realitate și cât mai practic. Pentru realizarea acestui lucru trebuie să insistăm pe lângă statele membre să îmbunătățească și să intensifice relațiile între principalii actori implicați, respectiv guverne, angajatori, instituții de învățământ publice sau private și, nu în ultimul rând, organizațiile societăților civile în fiecare stat membru. În calitate de reprezentant al tineretului, consider că școala trebuie să ofere debușeuri reale absolvenților și să le asigure o tranziție cât mai ușoară către câmpul de muncă.


  Siôn Simon (S&D). Madam President, this scheme had been running for a year before – in March 2014 – the Tory Government of the UK even presented any programmes to draw down any money whatsoever. They then only proposed to draw down a minimum amount. There were EUR 206 million available to the UK, tens of millions of euros available to help put young people in my region of the West Midlands back into work. The United Kingdom Government, led by these Conservatives has now put in a minimal proposition to draw it down a year late. And, of course, they refuse to accept the basic rules that apply to everybody else in the Union, that govern this scheme, to enable the money to be drawn down. They will not in fact draw it down unless it is done in their own special different way. The result is that young people in the West Midlands, tens of thousands of them, remain unemployed.


  Георги Пирински (S&D). Г-жо Председател, въпросът, който се обсъжда, всъщност е един: какво е отношението на Съвета по въпросите на изпълнението на така шумно рекламираната вече няколко години младежка гаранция?

Във въпросите, които бяха зададени на Съвета и не получиха отговор в началното изявление, обръщам внимание на два. Ще се ангажира ли Съветът да представи оценка за хода на изпълнението на тази гаранция, шест месеца след като тя влиза в сила съгласно поправения регламент и какво ще прави Съветът в случай че та тази гаранция очевидно не работи?

Това са въпросите, на които искаме отговор, това е задължението на Съвета във всяко свое заседание в състав министри на труда и социалните въпроси, на първо място да поставя как се изпълнява гаранцията.


  Evelyn Regner (S&D). Frau Präsidentin! 153 Milliarden pro Jahr – diese Summe kennt hier in diesem Hause wohl jeder – sind die Kosten, die die Jugendarbeitslosigkeit in Europa verursacht. Trotzdem gibt es in vielen Ländern immer noch Probleme beim Einreichen von Projekten und bei der Abholung der Gelder.

Ich möchte darauf hinweisen, dass die Jugendlichen selbst nun dieses Programm bereits kritisieren, und zwar genau deshalb, weil die Mittel bei den jungen Menschen so gar nicht ankommen. Ich möchte Sie, sehr geehrte Vertreterinnen des Rates, auf eine Kampagne des Europäischen Gewerkschaftsbundes und seiner Jugendverbände aufmerksam machen: Back to our Future. Diese Kampagne zeigt deutlich, welches Bild der europäischen Politik bei den Jugendlichen entstanden ist. Für Bankenrettungen sind binnen kürzester Zeit unvorstellbare Summen zur Verfügung gestellt worden. Aber wenn es um die jungen Menschen geht, kommt viel zu wenig Geld viel zu spät an.

Ich denke, dass dieses Gefühl der jungen Menschen keinesfalls trügt. Ich hoffe, dass alle Mitgliedstaaten bald dasselbe behaupten können wie das Europäische Parlament, nämlich ihre Aufgaben gemacht zu haben.


  Thomas Mann (PPE). Frau Präsidentin! Uns geht es – das spürt man bei allen – um 5 Millionen junge Menschen, die ohne Ausbildung sind, ohne Arbeit, ohne Perspektive. Wir wollen nicht mit schönen Worten trösten, wir wollen konkrete Maßnahmen, also europäische Jugendgarantie plus Jugendbeschäftigungsinitiative.

Nur, wenn die 6 Milliarden Euro – und es sind mehr – nicht abgerufen werden, wenn die regionalen Institutionen sich in den Kompetenzen nicht einig sind, wenn die Kofinanzierung in Problemregionen und in Krisenstaaten nicht ausreicht, heißt das doch nur, dass wir die Verhinderer von effektivem Handel verhindern.

Daher frage ich Sie, Frau Ratsvertreterin: Wird die Jugendgarantie besser umgesetzt, wenn der Vorschussbetrag von 1 % auf 30 % steigt? Werden Sie das Thema bei den Ratsgipfeln ständig auf die Tagesordnung setzen? Beziehen Sie die Sozialpartner ein? Sorgen Sie dafür, dass die kleinen und mittelständischen Unternehmen selbstverständlich dabei sind?

Wir im Europäischen Parlament wollen die Betroffenen niemals allein lassen. Diese Botschaft ist, glaube ich, angekommen. Hoffentlich können Sie die Mitgliedstaaten davon überzeugen.


  Miapetra Kumpula-Natri (S&D). Arvoisa puhemies ja neuvoston edustaja, nuorisotyöttömyysaloite otettiin kiitollisena vastaan, kun se hyväksyttiin vuonna 2013.

Vaalien alla puhuttiin hyvin monen puolueen toimesta nuorille, että tämä on myös teidän mantereenne, Eurooppa toimii myös teidän hyväksenne. Missä on unionin uskottavuus, jos nuorille luvataan suurin kirjaimin, mutta tämä raha, joka on myös käytettävissä, ei konkretisoidu heille saakka?

Nuorisotyöttömyyden hoitoon ei saa väsyä millään tasolla. On kamppailtava jatkuvasti uusien keinojen ja käytänteidenkin löytämiseksi. Kaikkia keinoja ja työkaluja tulee käyttää, ja koko yhteiskunta, julkinen sektori, yritykset, pienyritykset ja kansalaisjärjestöt täytyy ottaa mukaan, löytää projekteja ja jakaa hyviä ideoita, unohtamatta myöskään pehmeämpiä aloja. Tekemätöntä työtä Euroopassa riittää.

En suostu puhumaan kadotetusta sukupolvesta. Myös lama-ajan nuorille ja sukupolvelle on pystyttävä tarjoamaan avaimia itsenäiseen elämään, kokemusta ja koulutusta, jotta he voivat viedä Eurooppaa eteenpäin.


Interventions à la demande


  Sofia Ribeiro (PPE). Senhora Presidente, passados dois anos do lançamento da Iniciativa para o Emprego Jovem esta ainda não está a ser implementada em toda a União como era esperado, com prejuízo para os jovens europeus. A taxa de desemprego jovem permanece em níveis absurdamente elevados, numa altura em que são disponibilizadas todas as condições para sua total implementação, pelo que exorto o Conselho a rapidamente ajudar a resolver esta situação.

No sentido de motivar os Estados-Membros que ainda não implementaram esta iniciativa, gostaria de aqui deixar o exemplo do meu país, Portugal, que, após um programa duríssimo de assistência financeira, implementou a Iniciativa Jovem e apesar de manter números inaceitáveis de desemprego jovem, começa a verificar os efeitos da aplicação deste programa, nomeadamente: nas diversas medidas da Garantia Jovem, nestes últimos dois anos, estão envolvidos cerca de 246 mil jovens; no último ano apenas, assistimos à diminuição de 2,2% do desemprego correspondente a cerca de 15 mil jovens entre os 15 e os 24 anos, mas se estendermos esta faixa dos 15 aos 34, como foi proposta deste Parlamento, então temos menos 50 mil jovens envolvidos desempregados.


  Victor Negrescu (S&D). Doamnă Președinte, șapte milioane de tineri șomeri, șapte milioane de persoane al căror viitor este pus sub semnul întrebării - un proiect precum Inițiativa privind angajarea tinerilor ar fi trebuit să genereze noi locuri de muncă, mai ales în zonele defavorizate. În schimb, proiectele lipsesc, chiar dacă rata de prefinanțare pentru acestea a crescut. Nu ne mai putem permite să așteptăm ca statele membre să se trezească. În consecință, dacă nu sunt în stare statele, propun ca aceste fonduri să fie transformate în programe gestionate direct de către Uniunea Europeană și în granturi și ajutoare deminimis pentru tineri, școli sau compania angajatoare. Trebuie să realizăm că tinerii șomeri nu mai pot aștepta să se miște birocrațiile naționale și au nevoie de măsuri care să fie ușor de înțeles, de utilizat și de a accesat. Fiecare zi care trece înseamnă mai mult decât o etapă procedurală și o zi din viața a șapte milioane de tineri europeni, care și-au pierdut speranța că pot duce un trai normal. Pentru că unora din statele membre nu le pasă!


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Η λιτότητα έχει γεμίσει στρατιές ανέργων την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Έχουμε πάνω από πέντε εκατομμύρια ανέργους νέους. Στην Ελλάδα, τον Νοέμβριο του 2014, το ποσοστό ανεργίας ήταν 50,5%. Τον Ιανουάριο του 2015, στην Ιταλία το ποσοστό ανεργίας των νέων έφτασε το 41,5%, στην Ισπανία 50,9%. Αν θέλουμε πραγματικά να παταχθεί η ανεργία των νέων, πρέπει να αλλάξουμε πολιτική, πρέπει να σταματήσει η πολιτική της λιτότητας, πρέπει να γίνει διαγραφή του επονείδιστου χρέους .

Δεύτερον, πόσο είναι το ποσό το οποίο διατίθεται για να στηρίξουμε την απασχόληση των νέων; Έξι δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ για την πρωτοβουλία για την απασχόληση, δέκα δισεκατομμύρια ευρώ για την εγγύηση για τη νεολαία. Αλλά ο κύριος Ντράγκι διαθέτει 1,1 τρισεκατομμύρια ευρώ για την ποσοτική χαλάρωση. Και τέλος, ξέρετε γιατί δεν αποδίδουν τα μέτρα αυτά; Διότι χρειάζεται κρατική συγχρηματοδότηση. Τα κράτη μέλη δεν διαθέτουν τα κεφάλαια αυτά. Στην Ελλάδα, για τη συγχρηματοδότηση της πρωτοβουλίας, το ελληνικό κράτος θα πρέπει να διαθέσει 160 εκατομμύρια ευρώ, ούτως ώστε η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να διαθέσει άλλα 160 εκατομμύρια ευρώ.


  Андрей Новаков (PPE). Г-жо Председател, моите 60 секунди днес ще ползвам, не за да посочвам проблемите, а за да предлагам решения.

Ако ще се занимаваме с решаването на младежки проблеми, то по-добре да го направим с младежки подход и на езика на младите хора. Опитът ни научи, че няма значение колко пари сме похарчили за заетост, това , което се брои накрая, е колко млади хора са си намерили работа.

Нека да сме крачка напред, нека да преминем от субсидиарна заетост към насърчаване на младежкото предприемачество, нека да събудим предприемача у всеки млад човек навън, нека служители в бюрата по труда не са просто чиновници, нека махнат вратовръзките си и отидат на терен при тези, които се нуждаят от тях. Нека използваме смартфоните с борбата с младежката безработица, нека службите по заетостта имат приложение, така че да са близо до младите хора.

Накрая, но не на последно място, младите хора мразят опашките, те мразят да се редят пред гишета, мразят бюрокрацията и многото документи. Нека да премахнем тази бюрокрация, нека дадем шанс на младите и те ще преобърнат Европа.


  Илхан Кючюк (ALDE). Г-жо Председател, колеги, усилията за преодоляване на проблема с тревожно високите нива на младежката безработица трябва да бъдат общи, целенасочени, ориентирани към ефективни действия.

Оценявам предприетите до този момент действия, насочени към повишаване на младежката заетост, особено Инициативата за младежка заетост, но въпреки направените усилия в тази посока, към февруари 2015 г. близо 5 млн. млади хора са били без работа в Европейския съюз.

Съзнавайки сериозните затруднения, които държавите членки изпитват при стартиране на оперативните програми, подпомагане по линия на Инициативата за младежката заетост и аз бях сред онези членове на Европейския парламент, които подкрепиха предложението на Европейската комисия за повишаване размера на предварителното им финансиране.

Знам, че само по себе си отпускането на допълни средства няма да реши проблема. Затова бих искал да запита Съвета: какви действия възнамерявате да предприемете по отношение на приложенията на т.нар. средства и как мислите адекватно да отчитате постигнатите резултати?


  Soraya Post (S&D). Herr talman! Vi måste tänka på att arbetslöshet inte bara beror på bristen på arbete eller på bristande utbildningsnivå. För en stor grupp människor i EU handlar arbetslöshet i första hand om rasism och diskriminering.

Romerna har alltid varit bland de mest marginaliserade grupperna i EU. I de dåliga tider som har varit är det naturligtvis mycket hårdare. Arbetslösheten bland romer är tre gånger högre än bland majoritetsbefolkningen. Romska ungdomar är överrepresenterade i gruppen ungdomar som inte arbetar eller studerar i EU. Därför måste medlemsländerna göra särskilda satsningar på romska ungdomar i sina ungdomsgarantier, och EU:s ungdomsinitiativ måste också riktas särskilt till romer. Detta är en avgörande fråga för att Europas unga romer ska kunna få en chans till ett bättre liv än sina föräldrar och för att vi ska kunna få slut på den antiziganism som råder. Hoppas ni tar med er det.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, poštovana kolegice, drago mi je što ste postavili pitanje o provedbi Inicijative za zapošljavanje mladih. Dobro ste zaključili kako države članice koje se suočavaju s najvišim stopama nezaposlenosti mladih i najviše su pogođene krizom, uglavnom zaostaju u korištenju sredstava Inicijative za zapošljavanje mladih i provedbi programa Jamstva za mlade. Hrvatska trpi šestu godinu recesiju, stopa nezaposlenosti mladih približila se 40 % što je prema podacima Eurostata druga najveća stopa nezaposlenosti mladih u Europi, mladi odlaze tražeći posao u drugim državama članicama, a Vlada nije do veljače 2015. iskoristila niti jedan euro iz ove Inicijative.

Postavili ste i pitanje: Kako Vijeće namjerava u kratkom roku potaknuti brzu i učinkovitu provedbu? Ja sam mišljenja da Vijeće teško može potaknuti rad nesposobnih vlada. Tu promjenu mogu samo napraviti birači u državama članicama.


  Момчил Неков (S&D). Уважаема г-жо Председател, макар че измина повече от година от изпълнението на Инициативата за младежка заетост, резултатите на местно ниво са далеч от очакваните.

На мнение съм, че трябва да използваме ефикасно не само наличните финансови инструменти, но и да пристъпим към така необходимите образователни реформи. Трайното решение на този проблем минава през образователни промени, които предлагат разнообразни форми на неформално обучение, акцентират върху практическия опит и стимулират предприемаческият дух и иновативното мислене на младите хора.

Не на последно място, смятам, че схемите за младежка заетост трябва да се адаптират според конкретните проблеми на държавите членки. В България например, едно от най-сериозните предизвикателства продължава да бъде трудният преход от училище към заетост. Наред с това, в контекста на демографската криза, в моята страна емиграцията на висококвалифицирани специалисти продължава да нараства.

Съветът трябва не само да следи за бързото и ефикасно изпълнение на програмата, но и да познава добре проблемите и трудностите, пред които са изправени държавите членки и да действа.


(Fin des interventions à la demande)


  Zanda Kalniņa-Lukaševica, President-in-Office of the Council. Madam President, let me use this opportunity to signal once again the high political importance of the Youth Employment Initiative and to thank Parliament for the very fruitful cooperation that allowed us to react promptly to the challenge of youth unemployment. Members have asked what is holding Member States back. At this point in time, it is still difficult to fully assess the actual progress on the ground, as the reporting cycle at EU level has not yet started.

Aside from the financial liquidity issue, which is the most pressing one, I could refer to three other challenges to the sufficiently speedy mobilisation and uptake of Youth Employment Initiative measures: firstly, some Member States lack the implementing structures; secondly, there is the matter of finalising the designation of competent authorities, which has also been emphasised by some Member States; and, thirdly, there are a number of issues related to the administrative capacity of the national, regional and local structures implementing Youth Employment Initiative measures.

So how does the Council intend to urgently encourage swift and efficient implementation? The Council considers, in line with the European Parliament, that sufficient liquidity will also allow for a faster implementation of the relevant policy measures set out in the national Youth Guarantee implementation plans. The new proposal to increase pre-financing should contribute to a quicker mobilisation of resources and thus to increasing the capacity of national authorities to launch calls for projects and to process applications more speedily. The additional pre-financing will be paid to Member States immediately after the entry into force of the amending regulation. A positive impact could be expected soon.

On the other hand, the implementation of the Youth Guarantee requires both structural reforms and measures targeting individuals. Member States are currently implementing a mix of national youth employment policies on the basis of their individual needs and priorities, with the Youth Guarantee Scheme representing one of these measures. All relevant Member States have submitted their Youth Guarantee implementation plans and the implementation at national level is being regularly monitored by the Council, based on contributions from the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs in a multilateral and indicator-based process. Exchange of experience between Member States is also important, as well as impact evaluation of the measures carried out.

To conclude, I would like to underline that Member States are currently in the process of submitting structured data reports on the implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative. These reports will provide an overview, also limited, of the progress made by Member States in the implementation of the Youth Employment Initiative, which will feed into the Commission’s analysis of further measures and into the regular monitoring by the Council.

Effective monitoring is thus one of the preconditions of successful implementation and continuity of sound funding. In this respect the Council, on the basis of the work of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, is pursuing a multilateral surveillance on implementation and undertaking a peer review on the progress in the implementation of the reforms addressed in the country-specific recommendations.

Last but not least, based on the experience of 2014 and with little improvement of the youth employment figures in some of the hardest-hit Member States, it can be expected that this issue will be addressed in the framework of the 2015 European Semester debate. In any case, the Council will discuss this issue in more detail at the June session in conjunction with a special report of the Court of Auditors.

Member States will also have to further strengthen their efforts, focus on implementing relevant structural reforms and deliver quality measures to enable young people to participate in the labour market, training or education. These will also be very important measures.

To sum up, the Council shares the view that more needs to be done to fight youth unemployment. I have just mentioned a few examples of measures underway in the Council and the Commission with the aim to make the system more effective. I cannot promise Members a miracle solution tomorrow, but I can firmly say that hard work is being done to find a solution as soon as possible.


  La Présidente. – Le débat est clos.

Déclarations écrites (article 162)


  Κώστας Χρυσόγονος ( GUE/NGL), γραπτώς. Το 2013 δημιουργήθηκε η Ευρωπαϊκή Πρωτοβουλία για την Απασχόληση των Νέων. Τότε, η ανεργία των νέων στην Ευρώπη των 28 άγγιζε το 23% περίπου. Σχεδόν 2 χρόνια μετά, τον Οκτώβριο του 2014, ο μέσος όρος της ανεργίας των νέων στην Ευρωζώνη ήταν επίσης περίπου 23%. Δηλαδή μία πρωτοβουλία στην οποία, μέχρι το 2020, θα δώσουμε 6 δις ευρώ, έχει μέχρι στιγμής φέρει πενιχρά, αν όχι μηδαμινά, αποτελέσματα. Η ανεργία των νέων συνεχίζει να καλπάζει. Στις χώρες του ευρωπαϊκού νότου, πάνω από το 40% των νέων, και ειδικότερα στην Ελλάδα περίπου το 50% είναι άνεργοι. Το τραγικό αυτό φαινόμενο επιδεινώθηκε ακόμη περισσότερο κατά τα χρόνια της κρίσης και της λιτότητας. Αυτό δείχνει περίτρανα ότι τα μέτρα που επιβάλλουν οι κυρίαρχες πολιτικές και κοινωνικές δυνάμεις στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση όχι μόνο δεν μας βγάζουν από το αδιέξοδο, αλλά μας βυθίζουν πιο βαθιά σε αυτό. Τελικά ποιο πιστεύουμε ότι είναι το μέλλον μιας Ευρώπης που διαρκώς γερνάει και που η μορφωμένη και ικανή νεολαία της μένει αναξιοποίητη; Χρειάζεται να δημιουργήσουμε τις προϋποθέσεις για ανάπτυξη με την ενίσχυση της πραγματικής οικονομίας, που με τη σειρά της θα δημιουργήσει ευκαιρίες απασχόλησης.


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE), na piśmie. Uważam, że w swoim pytaniu posłanka Ulvskog podniosła ważną kwestię. Chciałbym zwrócić uwagę, że problem niedostatecznego bądź nie dość szybkiego wykorzystania środków dotyczy nie tylko instrumentu gwarancji dla młodzieży, ale także ogólnie środków z polityki spójności. Dlatego powinniśmy zastanowić się, jaka jest tego przyczyna oraz jak możemy temu zaradzić. Uważam, że zwiększenie i przyspieszenie absorbcji środków można zapewnić poprzez maksymalne możliwe uproszczenie procedur. Ponadto warto rozważyć dodatkowe wsparcie ze strony Komisji, zarówno informacyjne, jak i techniczne, które mogłoby ułatwić państwom członkowskim i beneficjentom pozyskiwanie i wykorzystywanie środków. Miejmy na uwadze, że gwarancje dla młodzieży to unikalny środek pomocowy stworzony w celu szybkiej poprawy dramatycznej sytuacji na rynku pracy. Dlatego apeluję do Komisji przede wszystkim o elastyczność w działaniu i proaktywną postawę.


  Dominique Martin (NI), par écrit. Le Parlement a approuvé la décision d'augmenter le préfinancement du Fonds social européen afin de soutenir les États membres dans leur lutte contre le chômage des jeunes.

Bien que l'on ne puisse qu'admirer cette décision, et cette volonté d'une mise en œuvre rapide, cela ne règle pas les problèmes préexistants: les règles européennes en matière de déficits budgétaires empêchent toujours les États d'avancer les fonds, aucune analyse d'impact n'a été faite et l'on ne connaît donc toujours pas le coût global de cette mise en œuvre, le suivi du dispositif par la Commission est toujours bancal et il n'y a toujours aucune garantie que les fonds promis seront débloqués par l'UE. La vraie faiblesse de l'Union n'est pas un manque de préfinancement ou de rapidité, c'est l'absence d'une vraie politique de l'emploi, de soutien aux États membres, c'est l'échec socio-économique des politiques européennes.

La seule solution, nous ne le répéterons jamais assez, est de protéger nos productions contre le dumping social, de pratiquer un protectionnisme avisé à l'échelon de chaque État membre et de leur permettre de prendre les mesures nécessaires pour créer de l'emploi et sortir de la crise. Il n'y a qu'ainsi que nous pourrons aider les jeunes.


  Alessia Maria Mosca (S&D), per iscritto. Il caso dell'iniziativa a favore dell'occupazione giovanile è, purtroppo, la dimostrazione esemplare che, se non si ha un progetto chiaro ed efficace di come strutturare una politica pubblica, il suo finanziamento, anche ingente, non basta. Il lavoro non si crea solo immettendo liquidità nel sistema, va ripensato completamente il nostro sistema occupazionale, soprattutto nella parte di accesso al lavoro ma anche nella formazione e nell'orientamento professionale. Si tratta di un elemento troppo importante per essere lasciato ai singoli Stati: dovrebbero esserci delle linee guida uguali per tutti, a livello europeo, che permettano l'utilizzo più efficace dei finanziamenti che l'Unione eroga nel quadro della IOG. Ogni politica, ma soprattutto quelle relative all'occupazione, andrebbe fatta seguire da una valutazione che permetta di individuarne i punti di forza e di debolezza, per poter agire su questi ultimi. A maggior ragione su una politica così centrale, come quella relativa al contrasto della disoccupazione giovanile, dobbiamo iniziare a farlo.


  Ева Паунова (PPE), в писмена форма. Ние от ЕНП виждаме Европа като проектът на работещите хора. Защото само истинска заетост може да доведе до останалите неща, към които се стремим – социално включване, политическа ангажираност и професионална активност.

Бъдещето на Европа като проект на работещите обаче е силно заплашено, имайки предвид статистиките, според които 15.4% от младежите в Европа между 15 и 29-годишна възраст са извън заетост или образование.

Пред опасността в някои държави да имаме загубено бъдещо поколение, което може да изпадне от социалната мрежа, ЕК и ЕП одобриха финансиране по инициативата за младежка заетост в размер на 1 милиард евро само за 2015 г.

Идвам от държава, където делът на хората, които не са заети с образование, преквалификация или работа е един от най-високите в Европа. Затова искам да отбележа, че това решение е особено важно и то развързва ръцете на националните правителства да използват този фонд. Надявам се, че всички те ще харчат тези средства разумно, с ясен план и ще търсят реален ефект. След година ние всички трябва да отчетем постигнатото. За да сме сигурни, че след 20 години ще има кой да движи икономиката на Европа.


  Czesław Adam Siekierski (PPE), na piśmie. Europa boryka się z problemami natury społecznej, z jednej strony związanymi ze starzeniem się społeczeństw, jak również trudnościami w kontekście podejmowania pracy przez osoby młode. Sytuacja ta jest dostrzegana przez państwa członkowskie, które podejmują indywidualne działania w tym zakresie. Oprócz krajowego wsparcia na rzecz zatrudnienia ludzi młodych państwa członkowskie mogą również skorzystać ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego (EFS) oraz środków przeznaczonych na Inicjatywę na rzecz zatrudnienia ludzi młodych w kontekście ram finansowych 2014–2020. Problem bezrobocia wśród ludzi młodych jest bardzo złożony, a jego przyczyny są odmienne w różnych państwach członkowskich. Z uwagi na różne natężenie problemu w zależności od kraju oraz istotne różnice w sprawności, z jaką realizowane są działania, szczególną uwagę należy zwrócić na przypadki, w których udzielane wsparcie jest najbardziej potrzebne, oraz na te, gdzie jest ono najmniej skuteczne. Młodzi ludzie są przyszłością UE, dlatego w działania mające na celu umożliwienie im dobrego startu w życie zawodowe powinno być zaangażowanych możliwie najwięcej podmiotów – zarówno publicznych, jak i prywatnych.


  Claudia Tapardel (S&D), în scris. Atât în calitate de europarlamentar român, cât și de reprezentantă a tinerilor social-democrați din România știu că tinerii europeni au rămas într-o perioadă de criză. Dacă Europa a depășit în mare măsură perioada austerității nejustificate și criza economico-financiară, tinerii europeni sunt azi într-o criză de identitate. Șomajul, deși a început să fie redus în cadrul anumitor state membre, este încă suficient de mare încât să ne punem întrebări serioase referitoare la viitorul Europei. Inițiativa Europeană pentru tineri, construită pe cadrul Garanției europene pentru tineri, program propus de S&D și PES, are nevoie de măsuri șoc pentru a da rezultate mai bune. Finanțarea de urgență a măsurilor de asistență acordată tinerilor în statele membre unde șomajul este ridicat în rândul acestei categorii este foarte importantă. Vrem ca, în termen de patru luni de la terminarea ultimei forme de învățământ sau de la intrarea în șomaj a oricărui tânăr european, să avem instrumentele necesare pentru a-i oferi acestuia o slujbă, un program de specializare și pregătire, un internship sau un program de ucenicie. Dacă vrem să apăsăm pedala de accelerație, este bine să o facem acum, prin fonduri de pre-finanțare alocate de Comisie în cadrul Inițiativei Europene pentru Tineri.

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