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Ausführliche Sitzungsberichte
Montag, 5. Oktober 2015 - Straßburg Überprüfte Ausgabe

9. Arbeitsplan
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  President. – The final draft agenda as drawn up pursuant to Rule 149 by the Conference of Presidents at its meeting of 1 October 2015 has been distributed. The following changes have been proposed:


The Group of the European People’s Party (Christian Democrats) has asked for a statement by the Vice-President of the Commission/ High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the situation in Georgia and the use of selective justice, namely the case of Gigi Ugulava, to be included on the agenda in the afternoon, with a resolution. I give the floor to Mr Preda to move the request on behalf of the EPP Group.


  Cristian Dan Preda, în numele grupului PPE Doamnă președintă, Grupul PPE dorește să includă acest subiect, și anume o discuție despre Georgia și despre justiția selectivă din această țară. E un subiect foarte grav, cred că trebuie să tratăm chestiunea independenței justiției și a raportului dintre politică și justiție în Georgia. Fac apel la colegii liberali și la colegii socialiști, care știu că susțin în mod foarte călduros puterea din Georgia. Tema pe care o propunem este importantă și i-aș îndemna să voteze pentru susținerea noastră. În particular, mă adresez socialiștilor, care susțin, de altfel, în interiorul Uniunii Europene, un prim-ministru, care este și șeful Partidului Social Democrat din România, trimis în judecată, și cred că ar fi momentul să se despartă de el.

Vă mulțumesc pentru atenție.


  Bruno Gollnisch (NI). Madame la Présidente, je voulais dire que je soutiens d'une façon générale toutes les initiatives qui ont pour but de condamner la justice sélective.

Ce que je souhaiterais, c'est que nous nous penchions également, dans la ligne de ce qu'indiquent nos collègues du PPE, sur la justice sélective telle qu'elle se pratique à l'intérieur de l'Union européenne: par exemple sur la justice sélective en Grèce, à l'encontre des députés d'Aube dorée, par exemple sur la justice sélective en Allemagne, sur la justice sélective en France, du fait précisément de lois liberticides.

Tout ceci serait un thème d'action extrêmement favorable pour notre Parlement.

(Le Président retire la parole à l'orateur)


  Enrique Guerrero Salom (S&D). Señora Presidenta, me parece bastante significativo que la propuesta del señor Preda haya sido fervorosamente apoyada por el señor Gollnisch. Pero de lo que se trata aquí no es de discutir este caso concreto, sino del modo de trabajar de este Parlamento. Esta es una propuesta de urgencia que ya presentó en otro momento el Grupo Popular y que no obtuvo el apoyo suficiente, y ahora viene al Pleno a ver si la puede introducir en el Pleno. Me parece que, con independencia del tema de que se trata, no es un procedimiento aceptable en el funcionamiento de la Cámara.


(Parliament rejected the request)



  Gabriele Zimmer, im Namen der Fraktion GUE/NGL. Frau Präsidentin! Meine Fraktion beantragt entsprechend der Geschäftsordnung eine Debatte, und zwar ohne Entschließung, zu dem tödlichen US-Luftangriff auf das Krankenhaus von Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Kundus. Der Punkt sollte Mittwochmorgen debattiert werden – aus unserer Sicht um 8.30 Uhr – in Anwesenheit der Hohen Vertreterin, Frau Mogherini. Und um einigen Fraktionen entgegenzukommen, schlage ich auch vor, dass wir das als eine Runde der Fraktionssprecher durchführen.

Vergangenen Samstag, am 3. Oktober, wurden durch Angriffe der US-Armee auf das Krankenhaus 12 Mitarbeiter und mindestens 7 Patienten getötet, darunter drei Kinder. 37 Menschen, darunter 19 Mitarbeiter, sind schwer verletzt worden. Nach Angaben von Ärzte ohne Grenzen wurde am 3. Oktober zwischen 2.08 Uhr und 3.15 Uhr das Traumazentrum von Ärzte ohne Grenzen in Kundus in Intervallen von etwa fünfzehn Minuten von mehreren Luftangriffen getroffen. Das zentrale Krankenhausgebäude, in dem sich die Intensivstation, Notfallräume und eine Physiotherapiestation befanden, wurde bei jedem Angriff wiederholt, und zwar sehr präzise, getroffen.

Bereits am 29. September wurden die Geo-Daten des Krankenhauses sowohl an die internationale Koalition als auch an das afghanische Militär und zivile Behörden kommuniziert, dennoch kam es zu den Bombardierungen. EU-Länder sind an dem Krieg in Afghanistan beteiligt. Die EU engagiert sich aber auch mit Entwicklungshilfe, sogar mehr als in jedem anderen Land. Viele Hilfsorganisationen aus Europa, darunter eben auch Ärzte ohne Grenzen, sind daran beteiligt. Deshalb fordern wir Aufklärung!


  Rebecca Harms (Verts/ALE). Frau Präsidentin! Ich unterstütze im Namen meiner Fraktion den Antrag, den Gabi Zimmer eben sehr gut begründet hat. Ich muss vorausschicken, dass ich erleichtert bin durch die Rede und die Mitteilung von Präsident Obama, der schon eine volle Untersuchung dieser schrecklichen Ereignisse von Kundus angekündigt hat. Aber ich denke, dass wir auch eine internationale Debatte darüber brauchen, was da passiert ist, insbesondere weil in Afghanistan die Entwicklung insgesamt furchterregend ist und uns bisher eine Diskussion dazu meiner Meinung nach fehlt.

Angesichts der Debatten, die wir morgen führen, finde ich, dass entsprechend der Weltlage alles dafür spricht, aus dem furchtbaren Anlass, den Frau Zimmer beschrieben hat, diesen Tagesordnungspunkt Afghanistan auf die Tagesordnung zu nehmen.


(Parliament approved the request)


  Sophia in ‘t Veld (ALDE). Madam President, the matter I want to raise is not strictly speaking on the agenda, but it relates to the debate on Tuesday on, let us say, ‘dieselgate’.

I understand that the Conference of Presidents had agreed to request the presence of Vice-President Timmermans for this debate. But we see on the schedule that Commissioner Bieńkowska, who is in charge of entrepreneurship, industry and the internal market, will be there. Given the seriousness of the issue and the fact that it touches upon environmental policy, competition policy, governance and maybe other issues as well, and given that there are four committees involved in his issue, we would like to know why the Commission has not met our request to send Vice-President Timmermans for the debate.


  President. – It is for the Commission to decide who participates in the debate and I dare say that Commissioners, when they are here, speak on behalf of the Commission. But your point is made.

I have had no proposal for a change to our agenda for Thursday so the order of business is established.

(The order of business was thus established)


  Morten Messerschmidt (ECR). Madam President, I wish to raise a point on the Wednesday part of the agenda, referring to what you said earlier on our upcoming vote on the calendar. The deadline for tabling amendments is tomorrow, and the ECR Group has submitted an amendment limiting the number of days in a Strasbourg session from four to three.

That has been deemed inadmissible by Mr Schultz without any clear reasoning. One hour ago I received an email in which somebody from Parliament’s administration stated that this would be contrary to the case-law on the Protocol. I do not think, in the light of the sensitivity and the political importance of this issue, that that is a well-reasoned justification for deeming an amendment inadmissible. I would therefore like to request that the Presidency comes with a much more in-depth analysis of the true impact of the Court decision of 2012 on what we can and cannot do in this Chamber in respect of amending the calendar, because without a strategic in-depth analysis, it makes no sense for us to vote on the calendar or to be encouraged to amend it.


  President. – I think you will be aware that this issue arose in 2014, and at that point the same amendment was ruled inadmissible on the basis of the President’s legal interpretation, which was delivered to him. Nothing has changed since, the President’s ruling and decision is final in this regard, and the amendment is inadmissible. We have noted your comments.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). Doamnă președintă, intervin în legătură cu agenda urgențelor de joi dimineață. Este a doua oară în ultimele luni când, în loc de trei subiecte pe agenda urgențelor, avem patru subiecte și intervin pentru a reaminti ceea ce spune articolul 135 din Regulamentul de procedură, care precizează: „Numărul total al subiectelor înscrise pe ordinea de zi nu poate fi mai mare de trei, inclusiv subpunctele.”.

Am înțeles că avem patru subiecte pentru că Președintele Schulz a insistat să adauge un al patrulea, încălcând a doua oară Regulamentul de procedură. Aș vrea să reducem numărul subiectelor de urgență la trei, așa cum o cere Regulamentul, pentru că a avea patru subiecte înseamnă a diminua timpul de dezbatere pentru fiecare dintre ele. Nu cred că trebuie să încălcăm Regulamentul nostru.

Vă mulțumesc.


  President. – Thank you, Mr Preda. My understanding very clearly is that there was agreement in the Conference of Presidents on this issue and that there was to be no request to change the agenda, but you have made your point very well and we will pass this on to the President and to the relevant services.

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