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Środa, 25 listopada 2015 r. - Strasburg Wersja poprawiona

19. Sytuacja w Gruzji (debata)
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  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest oświadczenie Wiceprzewodniczącej Komisji i Wysokiej Przedstawiciel Unii do Spraw Zagranicznych i Polityki Bezpieczeństwa w sprawie sytuacji w Gruzji (2015/2975(RSP)).


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Mr President, let me reaffirm the EU’s commitment to continuing with Georgia’s political association and economic integration with the European Union.

The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the Commission, Federica Mogherini, paid a successful visit to Georgia on 10 November. We also held our second Association Council meeting in Brussels on 16 November. Commissioner Hahn will be in Tbilisi tomorrow. Our high-level engagement has thus been continuing almost weekly this November.

The EU-Georgia Association Council looked at the progress made in the implementation of the EU-Georgia Association Agreement that was signed in June last year. It also looked at some of the challenges remaining.

Regarding progress, we welcomed the good implementation of the DCFTA so far and, of course, the Eurostat reports showing an increase in Georgian exports to the EU. The approximation of Georgian laws to EU standards is progressing at a good pace. At the same time, it is important to make businesses in Georgia aware of the functioning and benefits of the DCFTA.

Let me turn to the challenges. There is a need to guarantee a political environment that is calm and respectful. Steps or statements in the opposite direction need to be avoided.

We have stressed in all our contacts that democratic momentum needs to be maintained, in particular regarding the parliamentary election in October 2016, and that we expect the independence and effectiveness of the institutions – including, of course, the Constitutional Court – to be fully respected. The same applies to institutions guaranteeing democracy, the rule of law and respect for human rights in Georgia.

The forthcoming election campaign will be the first with the Association Agreement in place. We share and support the Government’s stated goal of having free and orderly elections, with an outcome fully recognised as legitimate. It is essential to guarantee media freedom, implying that opposition parties must be given proper access to the media.

We also appreciate Georgia’s progress in implementing judiciary reforms. The independence of the judiciary is at the heart of our association. Although the EU does not pass judgement on the merits of individual cases before the courts, we monitor whether our shared principles are being respected. This applies to the so-called high-profile trials, as well as to recent cases such as the private lawsuit against Rustavi 2 and the pre-trial detention of three opposition activists. We will continue to assist Georgia in its efforts to reform the judiciary, to safeguard the rule of law and strengthen the independence of the judiciary.

At the Association Council, Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy / Vice-President of the Commission, and Commissioner Hahn welcomed the progress made by Georgia towards visa liberalisation, with many benchmarks already being fulfilled. These efforts need to continue. Though the final decision cannot be anticipated at this stage, we see positive signs for the process ahead of us.

Developments in the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia were also on the agenda for the Association Council. Vice-President Mogherini and Commissioner Hahn reiterated the EU’s firm support for the territorial integrity of Georgia, within its internationally-recognised borders.

The EU remains firmly committed to peace, stability and conflict-resolution, and our policy of non-recognition and engagement in Georgia. The EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus and the crisis in Georgia, the EU co-chairmanship of the Geneva international discussions, and the EU Monitoring Mission are visible and substantial signs of that commitment.

The EU has also expressed appreciation for Georgia’s contribution to EU-led crisis management operations and missions in the Central African Republic and Mali, and to the EU Advisory Mission in Ukraine.


  Jaromír Štětina, za skupinu PPE. Dovolte mi, dámy a pánové, vzpomínku. Prožil jsem v Gruzii revoluční pád dvou režimů. Pád režimu prezidenta Gamsachurdii a pád režimu prezidenta Ševarnadzeho. Proto vysoce oceňuji, že poslední změna vládnoucí garnitury byla provedena na základě demokratických voleb a Gruzie se opět zbavila části staré sovětské zátěže.

Vymanit se z tohoto dědictví bude ještě dlouho obtížné. Důkazem toho mohou být například pokusy o reinkarnaci památky Josifa Stalina, nové stavby jeho pomníků, uctívání na demonstracích. I selektivní justice a kriminalizace bývalých politických struktur je zátěží z minulosti. Velmi výrazně jsme to mohli pozorovat před několika dny. Právě ke Stalinovi přirovnala na zasedání našeho Výboru pro zahraniční věci paní ministryně spravedlnosti Gruzie bývalého prezidenta Saakašviliho.

I nezdravé napětí mezi vládnoucí GD (Georgian Dream) a opoziční UNM (Unated National Movement) je zátěží z minulosti. Příkladem budiž současné nepřijatelné dění kolem nezávislé televizní stanice Rustavi 2. Pluralita informací a svoboda projevu je přeci jednou ze základních hodnot demokratické společnosti. Před několika lety jsem natáčel jako novinář televizní reportáž o Jevgeniji Džugašvilim. Je to vnuk zmíněného Josifa Stalina. Žije ve Tbilisi. Můžeme si myslet, že marginální komunistická strana, kterou založil, je směšná a není nebezpečná. Strašidlo minulosti však obchází Gruzii a může zemi vážně poškodit.

Dámy a pánové, vloni v prosinci jsme na tomto místě schválili asociační dohodu s Gruzií. Dohoda je založena na striktním dodržování principů demokracie, dodržování práva, ochrany lidských práv a základních svobod. K tomu přeji Gruzii hodně odvahy a sil. Potřebujeme Gruzii s konsolidovanou politickou scénou.


  Victor Boştinaru, on behalf of the S&D Group. Mr President, the review of the European Neighbourhood Policy was presented last week. Its aim is that of revitalising and making more effective relations with the EU’s neighbours. In this context, we should give a new boost also to our Eastern Partnership or, at least, based on a differentiated approach, to the countries showing their readiness for developing relations and cooperation with the EU. Georgia is today a frontrunner from this point of view, and we need to bear in mind its importance for us and the need to stand by a country and people who have shown a clear pro-European attitude. Georgia is a very important partner for the EU in the Black Sea region and, I will also underline, a faithful one in the current dramatic context. After the signature of the Association Agreement, Georgia showed its commitment by making significant progress in the reforms, including in the framework of the visa liberalisation action plan. I hope that the next progress report will confirm all the efforts made by Georgia and that Georgian citizens can be rewarded with the free visa regime.

Having said that, I would also like to underline that we cannot take Georgia’s stability for granted; we need Europe to provide all necessary assistance for the reform process, but also to support and reaffirm Georgia’s right for its independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty, keeping in mind the destabilisation process started by Russia in 2008 and recently continued with the signature of the so-called treaties with the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and Ossetia. At the same time, let us be clear, Georgia itself needs to ensure its internal stability, with a fair political environment, cross-party political support for key reforms and also a fair atmosphere in the electoral campaign. Finally, my plea to the EPP Group is: please stop playing politically the case of Georgia, because in this way we cannot help Georgia but, on the contrary, only its enemies.


  Anna Elżbieta Fotyga, on behalf of the ECR Group. Mr President, the illegal annexation of Crimea has caused enormous tension and fear in Georgia, affecting this country and bringing it even closer to the Western security and defence structure. Georgia is the sole non-NATO member participating in the NATO rapid response force. It is also extremely active in our CSDP efforts, as mentioned by the Commissioner, in Mali, the Central African Republic and Ukraine. I would like to praise these efforts. But there are also less positive outcomes of Georgia’s policies. I would like to mention, in particular, freedom of expression and the Rustavi 2 case. Being a long-standing friend of Georgia, I count on changes in these areas. I would like to mention also the existence of political prisoners – opposition leaders imprisoned in Tbilisi and elsewhere. I really count on a major change in these areas, and I strongly support visa liberalisation for Georgia.


  Javier Nart, en nombre del Grupo ALDE. Señor Presidente, porque soy amigo de Georgia y del pueblo georgiano, quiero hablar franca y claramente. Cuando los negocios se mezclan con la política, al final es la política de los negocios. Y, de esta manera, si uno observa lo que significa la hiperpresencia de los intereses económicos del señor Ivanishvili, cuya fortuna ocupa el puesto 153 de la lista Forbes y equivale a dos tercios del producto nacional bruto de Georgia, y comprueba cómo en los perfiles de los miembros del Gobierno aparece continuamente —en la presidencia, en el de su primer ministro, los de siete ministros, el del director general de Seguridad— la palabra ex trabajador, ex responsable de Cartu, que es el banco poseído por el señor Ivanishvili, uno siente una profunda tristeza, por entender que estamos hablando de la misma cosa: la política y los negocios.

En segundo lugar, no existe libertad, ni democracia, si no hay libertad de expresión y no hay libertad e independencia judicial. Yo quiero hacer mención del caso Rustavi y decir a nuestros hermanos, a nuestros amigos georgianos que se enfrentan a un test de credibilidad a través de este caso. Actúen y dejen actuar a la justicia. Sabemos que en Georgia se han producido importantes avances, muy positivos, pero falta todavía algo tan esencial como la credibilidad del sistema judicial y la libertad en la prensa, cuestiones en las que tiene que profundizarse.

Y también quiero hablar de nosotros mismos. Miren, si queremos ser facilitadores de las cuestiones, lo que no podemos es resolverlas como lo hicimos en una Resolución sobre la cuenca del mar Negro, en la que se pide a Ucrania, a la República de Moldavia y a Georgia que se integren en el campo militar, incluso creando una fuerza multinacional, y se invita a los países de la OTAN a que la apoyen. ¿Es que estamos locos? ¿Es que no sabemos lo que significa el difícil equilibrio de Georgia? ¿Es que únicamente nos preocupamos de nosotros mismos? Tengamos prudencia, tengamos realismo, porque seguramente el ponente que la hizo, si Georgia tiene problemas, no abandonará su pacífico país.


  Miloslav Ransdorf, za skupinu GUE/NGL. Pane předsedající, Gruzie má zničenou infrastrukturu, zničený průmysl a přesto je to, i když má pouze jedenáct procent hrubého domácího produktu v kavkazské oblasti, klíčová země pro stabilizaci Kavkazu. Má vynikající energetický potenciál, elektřina je dnes hlavním exportním artiklem Gruzie více než víno nebo brandy. Chtěl bych říci, že je nejvyšší čas, aby byl přijat nějaký Marshallův plán pro Kavkaz, který by otevřel cestu i k národnímu smíření.

V minulosti v Gruzii byly vynikající kulturní a myslitelské osobnosti jako Mamardašvili, Begiašvili, Čavčavadze, Abuladze a další. Dnes je tu bída a úpadek. Myslím si, že kulturně mají tyto země velice blízko k sobě, mají značný potenciál, který bychom měli rozvíjet, a je zde také jedna z mála šancí pro to, abychom dokázali funkčnost Východního partnerství. Protože Východní partnerství zatím nezvládáme. Ani v případě Ukrajiny, ani v případě Moldavska, ani Běloruska a také ani v kavkazských zemích. Vážení přátelé, myslím si, že je nejvyšší čas jednat a přestat s planými proklamacemi.

(Řečník souhlasil s tím, že odpoví na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty (čl. 162 odst. 8 jednacího rádu).)


  Petras Auštrevičius (ALDE), pakėlus mėlynąją kortelę pateiktas klausimas. Kolega, ačiū, kad sutikote atsakyti į mano klausimą.

Aš sutinku, kad statybos, energetika, žemės ūkis svarbūs Gruzijai, mes linkime jai geros kloties ir pažangos. Aš esu Gruzijos draugas, bet, – Gruzija sveiksta pamažu nuo sovietinio paveldo. Tačiau per pastaruosius metus atsirado septyni nauji paminklai Stalinui. Tai yra didžiausias žmogžudys, įvykdęs didžiausius nusikaltimus prieš žmoniją. Dešimtys milijonų vyrų, vaikų ir moterų buvo nekaltai nužudyti dėl vienos priežasties – jie nenorėjo tapti sovietų vergais. Kolega, Jūs matote šitą paminklą, kuris buvo pastatytas Stalinui? Tai aš darysiu visada, kai aš kalbėsiu apie tai.


  Miloslav Ransdorf (GUE/NGL), odpověď na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty. Já si myslím, že otázka se míjí předmětem dnešní naší diskuse. Nebyl jsem to já, kdo říkal, že jeho politickým vzorem je Stalin a mengelec Berija, byl to naopak Saakašvili, který řekl, že tito dva jsou jeho vzory.

Moje země, ta byla přinucena, samozřejmě pod tlakem Stalina, změnit svůj kurz a také původní cestu, kterou si vytyčila po druhé světové válce, opustit. Ale to je jiná záležitost. Myslím si, že je to příležitost pro historiky a nikoliv pro poslance Evropského parlamentu.

(Řečník souhlasil s tím, že odpoví na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty (čl. 162 odst. 8 jednacího rádu).)


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE), otázka položená zvednutím modré karty. Já jsem se zájmem vyslechl vaše slova, která zněla velmi libě. Nicméně chci se zeptat, pokud jste volal po nějakém Marshallově plánu pro Gruzii, nebude hrozit Gruzii nebo Kavkazu podobné odmítnutí Marshallova plánu, jako zajistili komunisté po roce 1945 v rámci Československa?


  Miloslav Ransdorf (GUE/NGL), odpověď na otázku položenou zvednutím modré karty. Věci kolem Marshallova plánu byly daleko složitější. Já uvedu jeden příklad, který ukazuje, jak zbytečně politizovaná tehdy atmosféra byla. Když v roce 1947 přišlo sucho a postihlo Československo, tak byla obrovská neúroda a byly dvě země, které vlastně dávaly možnost získat obilí pro naši zemi, ale obě dávaly politické podmínky. Ta situace byla tak vyhrocená, že se uvažovalo o nabídce Američanů a Sovětů, ale třetí země, která nedávala žádné politické podmínky, Kanada, byla odmítnuta.


  Heidi Hautala, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. Mr President, despite all the shortcomings and challenges in Georgia, I believe that it is one Eastern partner country that is showing that it is very committed to the European future. Five years ago I personally would not really have believed that one day – I could not stop the thought – this country may indeed become a member of the European Union. Of course, at the moment this is still far away, but I think the country is making a great effort and we have to support its European choice because, as we know, the long shadow of Russia is on every eastern partner country.

Compared with the previous regime, I believe that the reforms have continued and there have been results. I also believe that despite certain shortcomings the justice reform has continued, and it is quite right that we should pay attention to the Rustavi 2 case in order to show that we do indeed take a very tough line where media freedoms and the independence of the justice system are concerned. We do have some hope and we have some good signals that the Constitutional Court has lately, even in this case, been showing considerable independence in the face of political pressure, and that is what we have to support. And, what is more, I believe that we as the European Parliament have a great task of supporting Georgia and the other Eastern partner associating countries to help them become a part of our community.


  Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, au nom du groupe ENF. Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, Monsieur le représentant de la commissaire, je tiendrai des propos un peu plus larges, plus géopolitiques.

Nous sommes passés d'un monde unipolaire, caractérisé par le leadership américain, à un monde bipolaire. La Chine, aujourd'hui, est la deuxième puissance économique, et la première puissance, d'ailleurs, en parité de pouvoir d'achat. Pour maintenir leur leadership, les États-Unis ont besoin de l'Europe. Le traité transatlantique s'inscrit dans cette perspective. Ils ont surtout besoin que l'Europe se coupe en deux et qu'il n'y ait pas un monde multipolaire et une alliance eurasienne.

Si elle était européenne – et là, c'est un alsacien qui parle –, toute la politique de la Commission européenne consisterait – à l'image de la culture germanique et de la culture française, qui ont permis l'Europe – à faire des ponts entre deux cultures, à savoir entre la culture occidentale et la culture orientale, et plus particulièrement la Russie, et permettrait de construire ce grand complexe européen multipolaire. Mais vous le refusez!

Vous voulez que tous les pays, que ce soit la Serbie, la Moldavie, la Géorgie ou l'Ukraine, fassent un choix exclusif au profit d'une politique contraire aux intérêts de l'Europe.

Vous trahissez l'Europe. Vous serez jugés!


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος ( NI). Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θεωρεί τη Γεωργία πρωτοπόρο στα πλαίσια της πολιτικής της Ανατολικής Γειτονίας και στηρίζει την εδαφική της ακεραιότητα και τον τερματισμό των συγκρούσεων στις αποσχισθείσες επαρχίες της Αμπχαζίας και της Νοτίου Οσετίας.

Η πολιτική αυτή είναι σωστή, πρέπει όμως να εφαρμοστεί και με το σωστό τρόπο, δηλαδή να μη στρέφεται κατά των συμφερόντων της Ρωσίας. Η Ρωσία ήταν, και εξακολουθεί να παραμένει, ένας σημαντικός στρατηγικός εταίρος για την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Η πραγματικότητα αυτή έχει φανεί εμφατικά κατά την παρούσα χρονική περίοδο κατά την οποία η συνεργασία με τη Ρωσία είναι απαραίτητη για την καταπολέμηση του ΙSIS.

Συνεπώς δεν υπάρχει λόγος να εξακολουθήσουμε την μεταξύ μας αντιπαλότητα χρησιμοποιώντας ως όχημα προς αυτήν κατεύθυνση τη Γεωργία. Αντιθέτως, πρέπει να υπάρξει ένας ειλικρινής διάλογος και συνεργασία με τη Ρωσία, τώρα μάλιστα που οι διεθνείς εξελίξεις και οι συγκυρίες διευκολύνουν μια τέτοια προσέγγιση. Εάν μάλιστα ενισχύσουμε την προσπάθεια της Γεωργίας για εκδημοκρατισμό και οικονομική ανάπτυξη σίγουρα θα συμβάλουμε στη δημιουργία μιας καλύτερης Ευρώπης.

Τέλος, πιστεύω ότι τα διαχρονικά λάθη τα οποία οδήγησαν την Ευρώπη στις τραγικές εξελίξεις των Παρισίων μας δίνουν ένα μέτρο πραγματιστικής πολιτικής συμπεριφοράς και δεν θα επαναληφθούν στο μέλλον.


  Michael Gahler (PPE). Herr Präsident! Ich freue mich, dass Sie noch vor einer Europafahne sitzen dürfen. Daran sollte sich Ihre Ministerpräsidentin ein Beispiel nehmen!

Georgien ist uns ein wichtiger, aufstrebender Partner. Die Bürger Georgiens sind uns wichtig als Europäer, weil sie sich auf die Europäische Union hin orientieren, weil sie mit uns zusammenarbeiten. Wir wollen sie in unserem Ordnungssystem sehen, wir wollen sie in unserem Wirtschaftsraum sehen, weil so die Zone der Stabilität in unserer Nachbarschaft wächst.

Unser Engagement für Georgien ist nicht frei von Bedingungen. Wir erwarten die Einhaltung von Menschen- und Bürgerrechten, wir erwarten Rechtsstaatlichkeit, wir erwarten Pluralismus in der Demokratie. Diese Erwartungen haben auch die Bürger in Georgien.

Die Georgier unterstützen Modernisierung und Reformen. Damit müssen Politiker und Parteien sorgfältiger umgehen als bisher. Ich bin kein Georgier, ich bin auch kein Italiener, dennoch mag ich Leidenschaft in der Politik und Führungsstärke im politischen Handeln. Aber es ist falsch, wenn politisches Eifern die Zusammenarbeit unter Demokraten zerstört. Es ist falsch, wenn die Politik sich im Kampf um die Macht erschöpft. Es ist falsch, wenn die Opposition ihre verfassungsgemäße Rolle nicht ausüben kann. Und es wäre falsch, Medien gleichzuschalten.

Die Bürger Georgiens haben Erwartungen an die Politik: dass Probleme gelöst werden, dass Fortschritt erreicht wird, dass ihr Land sich entwickeln kann auf europäische Weise, frei von Bevormundung und Einmischung durch den großen Nachbarn Russland. Das wird möglich, wenn die georgische Politik gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt stiftet, wenn sie für das gemeinsame Ziel arbeitet, wenn unser europäischer Traum auch der Traum aller Georgier wird!


  President. – Mr Gahler, I like your sense of humour, by the way.


  Andrejs Mamikins (S&D). Mr President, this year marks the 23rd anniversary of the establishment of official diplomatic ties between the European Union and the Republic of Georgia. Our mutual relations have always been oriented towards dialogue and partnership. Last year saw the signing of the new Georgia Association Agreement, which also includes a deep and comprehensive free trade area. With the respective economic reforms under way (industrial, trade, social), the AA-DCFTA should provide the impetus to Georgia’s further development.

Progress on the visa liberalisation dialogue, however, could definitely be speeded up. Georgia has advanced in the implementation of the necessary reforms no less or even much more than Ukraine or Moldova, yet the former already has a visa-free regime. The fight against corruption – especially through the establishment of a specialised anti-corruption unit within the office of the Chief Prosecutor in January this year – organised crime, money laundering and human trafficking, the advancement of human rights and media freedom policies, as well as the new progressive law on state employers – and more – already shows that Georgia is more than ready to successfully finish the dialogue.

As the High Representative recently pointed out, the country is not only developing its own ties with the EU but also acts as the regional transmitter of European processes in the Southern Caucasus region. Respect for modern democratic values and culture built on historically-involved traditions and customs, especially the important role of the Georgian Orthodox Church and the Patriarch His Holiness Ilia II – this is the Georgia of today. Therefore, both as a parliamentary rapporteur on Georgia and as someone sincerely interested in the further advancement of EU—Georgia ties, I would like to point out that if there is a neighbour with whom the EU could definitely build much stronger relations, it is the Republic of Georgia.


  Sajjad Karim (ECR). Mr President, having just led, on behalf of this Parliament, the first Parliamentary Association Committee meeting with the delegation from this Parliament with our counterparts in Georgia, may I firstly start by thanking my Co-Chair and our counterparts in Georgia, and indeed all of my colleagues who played a very full part in all of those Groups that were present for the duration of the meetings that we had there.

It was quite a challenging mission in many ways, but I believe we achieved one thing, and that was to move our relations beyond party political affiliations to a genuinely parliament-to-parliament level, and I think we will serve ourselves well if future resolutions build upon the final statement that we were able to achieve. I thank the Commission for the report on the DCFTA and the Association Agreement.

The next step, of course, must be towards visa liberalisation. In terms of the Georgian people, that is their dream in terms of the immediate future. There is a Russian angle and it sends a very powerful signal to the people of Abkhazia and Ossetia that they must invest in this future direction as well.

We have, of course, elections approaching very soon, and this is where it is essential that Georgia shows its commitment to European values, and that is best demonstrated by their commitment today to media freedoms.


  Tamás Meszerics (Verts/ALE). Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissioner for his very optimistic summary of political developments in Georgia. I wish, Commissioner, you were fully justified in your assessment of what has happened lately.

Georgia has made tremendous progress since it regained its independence and, as my colleague Mr Štětina rightfully pointed out, going peacefully through both a constitutional change and a change of government is not a small feat. Many of our countries could be proud of that as well.

Having said that, I need to point out that political stability is never a given – never something which we can take for granted. You should actively work on achieving political stability at all times, and this includes respecting the political opposition as a legitimate rival, which is a sine qua non for democratic politics. Likewise, the political opposition is required to understand and work for a peaceful change in government within the bounds of democratic politics.

One point I would like to make, the last poll published on 13 October showed that actually there is 12% support for openly pro-Russian parties in Georgia. That is the danger which we need to avoid.


  Andrej Plenković (PPE). Gospodine predsjedniče, Gruzija je prioritet EU-a u njezinoj politici susjedstva i dokazala je svoju predanost i privrženost provođenju proeuropskih reformi. Nakon Revolucije ruža 2003. zemlja je prošla veliku transformaciju od postsovjetske države pod ruskim utjecajem do države koja jasno zastupa svoje interese i europsku orijentaciju.

Većina je promjena došla nažalost s visokom cijenom ekonomske i energetske blokade iz Rusije te oružanih sukoba u Južnoj Osetiji i Abhaziji. Sporazum o pridruživanju i Sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini pružit će Gruziji potrebne smjernice za provedbu nužnih reformi.

Međutim, zabrinjavajuća su recentna događanja vezana uz postupak protiv televizijske postaje Rustaveli 2, kao i pritisak na opoziciju. Bio sam dio izaslanstva odbora za vanjske poslove ovoga srpnja kada smo posjetili Gruziju i skrenuli pozornost na fenomen politički selektivnog pravosuđa te posjetili nekoliko zatvorenika iz bivše opozicije, odnosno vlasti.

Zabrinjavajuća je i situacija koja se odnosi na ovu izbornu godinu gdje medijske slobode moraju doći u puni fokus i osigurati ravnopravnu kampanju. Stoga želim da Gruzija, prijateljska zemlja mojoj Hrvatskoj, iskoristi sve potencijale koje ima. Čuli smo ministra vanjskih poslova i potpredsjednika vlade, ministricu pravosuđa prije nekoliko dana u Odboru za vanjske poslove. Nadamo se da će reforme koje žele provesti i dijalog političke kulture ići naprijed te da će i Sporazum o pridruživanju i Sporazum o slobodnoj trgovini, a posebno nadolazeća odluka, nadam se, o liberalizaciji viznog režima pomoći Gruziji na njezinom europskom putu i da se ubrza dinamika te da postane jedna od vodećih zemalja Istočnog partnerstva.


  Kati Piri (S&D). Mr President, Georgia is, in many respects, a success story. It is the only country in the region that managed a peaceful transition from one government to another – a transition effected in the electoral booths rather than on the streets. Furthermore, Georgia is one of the three countries in the eastern neighbourhood which have stated that they want a closer relationship with the EU.

The Association Agreement is the fundament of this – a relationship based on values. The rule of law, human rights and media freedom are at the core of these values. Therefore it is crucial that even the perception of political interference with the judiciary and a free press is avoided at all times. In this regard, to put it diplomatically, the case of Rustavi 2 should have been handled differently. But it is likewise worrying how former President Saakashvili tried to instrumentalise this case to instigate unrest, which is the last thing Georgians need right now.

Georgia has to deliver on reforms. Furthermore, there so much instability around the country that it cannot afford deep internal divisions. The threats are external. Three years after the democratic change of government, it is high time for the political forces in the country to unite. An important tangible result of EU-Georgia cooperation might be the abolition of visa requirements for all Georgian citizens, but that could come under threat if the unhealthy political rivalry in the country continues.

Are there still problems in Georgia? Yes, certainly. To name a few: the winner-takes-all mentality continues to prevail; the most influential political actor in Georgia is not accountable to anyone; and radical groups keep popping up, although it is a mystery who is financing them. Nevertheless I am confident that, with a genuine effort by all the political forces in the country, the necessary reforms already started under the previous administration can continue, and Georgian citizens can soon reap the benefits of closer cooperation with the EU.


  Agnieszka Kozłowska-Rajewicz (PPE). Panie Przewodniczący! Gruzja spośród wszystkich państw Partnerstwa Wschodniego najszybciej rozwija demokratyczne zasady współpracy, przejrzystości i pluralizmu. Pozycja Gruzji poprawiła się praktycznie we wszystkich rankingach zarówno w odniesieniu do wolności mediów, internetu, przestrzegania prawa, jakości zarządzania praw obywatelskich. To są fakty. Faktem jest także, że proeuropejskie i prodemokratyczne nastroje i partie polityczne mogą być zagrożone przez rosnące w siłę populistyczne, antyeuropejskie ugrupowania. Siła partii populistycznych bierze się nie tyle z uwodzącej wyborców propozycji programowej, ile z błędów elit rządzących, obecnych i poprzednich, rozczarowania ich postawami ujawnionymi w skandalach podsłuchowych. Sprzeciw wobec rządzących budzą też brutalne metody rozprawiania się z polityczną opozycją i opozycyjnymi mediami – jak to miało ostatnio miejsce w przypadku telewizji Rustavi 2. Nakładające się na to problemy z separatystycznymi prowincjami – Abchazją, Osetią Południową – wywołują niepokój, czy Gruzji uda się utrzymać zachodni kurs oraz tempo rozwoju demokracji i gospodarki.

W tym kontekście chciałabym zwrócić uwagę na kwestię wiz, które są negocjowane między właściwymi urzędami Gruzji i Unii Europejskiej. Bezwizowy ruch między Gruzją a Unią byłby korzystny dla obu stron nie tylko z powodów politycznych, ale też ekonomicznych i w kontekście rozwoju procesu bolońskiego, który Gruzja realizuje w sposób wzorcowy. Gruzja potrzebuje też większej aktywności Unii na polu medialnym i w zakresie public relations, tak aby rosyjska propaganda nie miała tak łatwego pola do działania. Potrzebna jest współpraca ze środowiskiem mediów, pomoc w rozwijaniu warsztatu dziennikarskiego, ale też dostarczanie informacji, aby zarówno politycy, jak i wyborcy mogli budować swoje opinie w oparciu o szerokie i wiarygodne spektrum faktów i opinii. Pytanie do pani przedstawiciel, do pana komisarza w tym momencie, o postęp w negocjacjach wizowych: czy mamy szansę, czy jest jakaś szansa na bliski finał, pozytywny finał, i czy planujemy projekty medialne, czy będą one realizowane w Gruzji?


Pytania z sali


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). Mr President, in the context of the current European Neighbourhood Policy, I would like to make it clear that those countries that wish to pursue deeper relations with the EU should be fully supported. At the same time, it should be clear that such countries have to live up to certain standards. Georgia is one of the countries which has shown dedication to its European path through political association and economic integration. Georgia should have our support in further developing its relations with the EU just as in defending its territorial integrity. For instance, we should move forward on energy market integration with Georgia through the energy community. Having said that, I would also like to urge Georgia’s political leaders to fight their political battles in the parliament and not via pre-trial detention or jail. There have to be clear lines for the rule of law and fair democratic processes.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κύριε Πρόεδρε, οι σχέσεις της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης και της Γεωργίας είναι ιδιαίτερα σημαντικές, διότι η χώρα αυτή αποτελεί σημαντικό παράγοντα για την ασφάλεια της περιοχής του Καυκάσου. Η Γεωργία έχει αναδειχθεί σε πρωτοπόρα δύναμη για την εμπέδωση και τη λειτουργία της Ανατολικής σχέσης.

Η Ανατολική σχέση πρέπει κατά κύριο λόγο να αποσκοπεί στην ενίσχυση των οικονομικών σχέσεων της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης με τα αντίστοιχα κράτη και, βεβαίως, με τη Γεωργία. Πρέπει να αποσκοπεί στη διασφάλιση της ενεργειακής ασφάλειας της Ένωσης, στη διαμόρφωση σχέσεων στη βάση του αμοιβαίου οφέλους, στην ενίσχυση του εμπορίου αγαθών και υπηρεσιών.

Όμως, η Ανατολική σχέση δεν θα πρέπει να αξιοποιείται από ορισμένες πλευρές ως ένα μέσο επέμβασης στην εσωτερική πολιτική ζωή της Γεωργίας. Η Γεωργία πρέπει να αφεθεί ανεπηρέαστη να καθορίσει κυρίαρχα την εσωτερική της πολιτική ζωή μεριμνώντας ταυτόχρονα για την τήρηση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων, της Δημοκρατίας, των πολιτικών δικαιωμάτων και του κράτους δικαίου. Μόνο με αυτές τις προϋποθέσεις μπορεί να εξελιχθεί θετικά η πολιτική κατάσταση στη Γεωργία, εν όψει των εκλογών που θα γίνουν το 2016, για τη διενέργεια των οποίων πρέπει να διασφαλιστεί η πολυφωνία και τα δικαιώματα της αντιπολίτευσης.


  Илхан Кючюк (ALDE). Г-н Председател, уважаеми г-н Комисар, уважаеми колеги, Грузия е страна с богата история и изразена национална култура. Без съмнение страната е част от европейската история и напълно заслужено само преди година празнуваше подписването на Споразумението за асоцииране с Европейския съюз. Особено впечатляващ е фактът, че повече от 69% от населението подкрепят споразумението, както и че има общонационален консенсус за членство на страната в НАТО. В продължение на дълги години Грузия е била част от Съветския съюз и днес търси своята европейска самоличност.

Като човек, идващ от бивша комунистическа държава, ясно осъзнавам пред какви предизвикателства е изправена младата грузинска демокрация. Притеснителните събития от последните месеци са доказателство за това и ние няма как да не ги толерираме. Въпреки това трябва да настояваме пред всички страни да уважават върховенството на закона, независимостта на съдебната власт и свободата на медиите. Грузия се нуждае от нашата продължителна подкрепа, за да затвърди своя европейски път.


  Igor Šoltes (Verts/ALE). Veliko smo slišali pozitivnih misli in besed o Gruziji danes – vprašanje je seveda, kaj je tisto, kar je res realno – in podatkov o napredku, informacij o državi, ki je lahko primer drugim.

Seveda je zelo pomembno, kako merimo ta napredek, kako merimo učinke tega napredka, kakšni so ti kriteriji, in ravno zato sem tudi prosil za besedo, ker se mi zdi pomembno, da pri tem tudi Evropska komisija in Evropski parlament sodelujeta z inštitucijo, ki je tukaj prek pasarele, s Svetom Evrope, "Council of Europe", ki ima veliko vlogo pri oceni stanja človekovih pravic in demokracije, stanja na področju pravosodja, svobode medijev, svobode izražanja, in včasih se mi zdi, da je potrebno, da bi Komisija in Svet Evrope še bolj sodelovala ravno pri teh temeljnih standardih, kot so človekove pravice, in oceni o napredku, ker vemo, da Svet Evrope ima tudi že izdelane standarde.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). Pane přededající, když v roce 2012 Gruzínský sen vyhrál volby a Saakašviliho strana předávala moc, byl to skvělý okamžik demokracie a myslím si, že Gruzie prokázala své velké transformační úsilí. Ona má tato země nejen velký energetický potenciál, ale je to klíčový spojenec a partner pro Evropu na Kavkaze. I proto já vítám reformy, které v této zemi proběhly. Myslím si, že nesmí být utuchající, je důležité, aby právní stát byl prohlubován a ne oslabován politizací. A pokud Gruzie v tomto svém úsilí vytrvá, tak si myslím, že má naše srdce otevřené.


(Koniec pytań z sali)


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. Mr President, colleagues, as I said in my opening statement, we closely monitor whether our shared principles are respected. We do this as partners, together with Georgia and in the conviction that strengthening democracy and the rule of law, while ensuring a transparent, prosperous and stable Georgia, is in our common best interest, which is fully in line with the priorities set out in the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) review.

During her visit, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission, Federica Mogherini, was encouraged by the constructive tone taken by the government and by the parliamentary faction leaders in Georgia. They acknowledge the need to maintain the focus on reforms and to create a safe space for campaigning ahead of next year’s parliamentary elections.

There was a question on the issue of visa liberalisation. The visa liberalisation process is based on the outcome of evaluation missions carried out at the end of September/early October and with information provided by the Georgian authorities. We will be reporting on the state of play in December, i.e. next month. Once a final report is issued, the Commission will be in a position to present a legislative proposal to lift the visa obligation. The decision to do so will then lie with the European Parliament and the Council, and the time that would be needed to decide upon such a proposal is difficult to predict, as you know.

Let me conclude by saying that the EU-Georgia Association Agreement is a concrete way to activate the full potential of our relations. The focus is on support for core reforms – which are essential – and, of course, on economic recovery and growth, governance and sector-based cooperation, for example in the fields of transport, energy and the environment.

We are doing all of this in an optimistic manner because we are in politics, and we believe this is the way forward.


  Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

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