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Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 25 February 2016 - Brussels Revised edition

European network of Employment Services, workers' access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets (A8-0224/2015 - Heinz K. Becker)

  Marian Harkin (ALDE), in writing. ‒ I supported the Proposal for a regulation on a European network of employment services, workers’ access to mobility services and the further integration of labour markets (EURES). The new proposal aims to update the existing European-wide job-search network to improve employee mobility and make it more user-friendly and accessible for EU citizens. Unfortunately intra-EU mobility of workers is not as high as most people think, with only 3.1% of the total labour force working in another Member State, and there is a growing shortage of labour and skills in many regions and sectors across the EU. The revised EURES will allow more targeted matching of supply and demand in the EU labour market. Although limited, it is positive to see that traineeships and apprenticeships have been included in the revised network which will have a particular significance for young people and address skills and labour shortages in certain sectors. Also positive is the inclusion of private as well as public employment services which will add extra vacancies to the network and the fact that all services for workers will be provided free of charge, while services for employers may involve costs but only in limited cases.

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