 Celotno besedilo 
Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Torek, 10. maj 2016 - Strasbourg Pregledana izdaja

11. Priprave na svetovni humanitarni vrh (razprava)
Video posnetki govorov

  La Présidente. – L'ordre du jour appelle le débat sur les déclarations du Conseil et de la Commission sur la préparation du sommet humanitaire mondial (2016/2585(RSP)).


  Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, let me start by saying that, in my view, the summit is an opportunity the global community cannot afford to miss. On Thursday, conclusions on the World Humanitarian Summit are expected to be adopted by the Council. The Presidency has been at the forefront of preparing a strong common position of the EU and its Member States, obviously in very close cooperation with the Commission and the European External Action Service.

Let me be clear. The Council wants the World Humanitarian Summit to be a success. From July last year, the Netherlands has put in place an envoy for the World Humanitarian Summit and this has enabled us to link up early with all key players: the United Nations, humanitarian organisations, EU institutions, the Member States and other UN member states and stakeholders.

Let me mention some of the most important things the Member States would like to come out of this summit. We would like the global community to recommit to the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. World leaders must also commit to addressing the root causes of humanitarian crises by stepping up their efforts to resolve conflicts peacefully and to prevent new conflicts from emerging.

We want all actors, including those who have influence over parties to a conflict – all of them – to respect international humanitarian law. Let me repeat what I said during our debate in Brussels two weeks ago. Violations, such as attacks on medical facilities and schools, are unacceptable. It will be crucial to keep international humanitarian law high on the international agenda, to hold perpetrators accountable and speak out clearly and publicly against serious violations.

Upholding international humanitarian law is also linked to a central theme of the summit: placing people at the centre of humanitarian action. So we must move away from drawing boards in capitals and truly listen to the affected population. And yes, we must also work towards eradicating sexual and gender-based violence and emergencies. At the same time, I would like to say that women and girls should not only be seen as victims, but as key partners who should be involved in all phases of the humanitarian response cycle.

The Presidency also believes that more efficiency in humanitarian assistance can be achieved by promoting innovation – innovation in financing humanitarian action, innovation in promoting the technologies and innovation in new partnerships. As an example of the latter, the Netherlands is one of the founding partners of the Global Alliance for Humanitarian Innovation, which is foreseen to be officially launched in Istanbul.

Let me also say a few words on humanitarian financing. The Netherlands and other EU Member States are among the top 15 global humanitarian donors. Together with Turkey, these donors were invited by the High—Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing to negotiate the Grand Bargain on aid efficiency with the 15 biggest humanitarian implementing organisations. We have lent our full support to the Grand Bargain negotiations. We hosted the first of the four Sherpa meetings in Amsterdam on 29 February and, in the course of the negotiations, we led, together with the World Bank, the discussions on aid transparency.

Let me again thank the Commission and the United Kingdom for hosting the second and third Sherpa meetings. The fourth, and last, Sherpa meeting, hosted by Sweden, is, as you most probably know, currently ongoing in New York. Let us hope for a swift and successful conclusion of the meeting. As the Presidency of the Council, we would like to see as many donors and humanitarian organisations as possible sign up to the Grand Bargain and to its suggested commitments.

In closing, I would like to thank Parliament for your interest, your guidance and your advice. The summit participation of this House is a clear demonstration of your dedication and commitment. I am obviously looking forward to hearing a bit more about your views and expectations ahead of the Istanbul Summit.


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. Madam President, we are only twelve days away from the World Humanitarian Summit, a Summit which is a unique – maybe a once in a generation – opportunity for us to make a lasting difference. To make history by sending a clear signal around the world that global humanitarian needs and suffering require urgent and collective action.

The Summit could not be more timely. The challenges we face are enormous. Last year, humanitarians assisted over one hundred million people. Displacement is at its highest since the World War II. Millions flee conflicts or leave their homes behind to escape disasters or climate change, and people are displaced for longer periods than ever before.

The way in which we have been responding to growing needs is not sustainable any more. People affected by crisis need to live with dignity, rather than just receiving assistance. Business cannot continue as usual. Humanitarians continue their tasks under challenging circumstances, but other actors must step in as well: to make the humanitarian system more effective and efficient but also to prevent conflicts, reduce disaster risk and empower communities.

It is no secret that we had higher expectations for bold political outcomes from the Summit. Nevertheless, I hope that we can ultimately deliver a strong vision for the future in Istanbul. The UN Secretary-General’s ‘Agenda for Humanity’ is a very good basis for action.

The European Union remains committed to doing its part, in line with the call that was put forward in the resolution on the World Humanitarian Summit that Parliament adopted in December. I also recognise your contribution to the formulation of our priorities. This is why I am particularly pleased that Members of the European Parliament will attend the Summit. Your participation is very important to us and we advocated with the UN at the highest level to ensure your representation.

As the European Union, we go to the Summit with a clear set of three key objectives. I would like to thank very much the Dutch Presidency for this and of course the previous Presidency, the Luxembourg Presidency, and others.

Firstly, the lack of respect for international humanitarian law that we are witnessing today is simply unacceptable. Civilians are targeted, medical facilities and schools are destroyed, medical and teaching personnel and humanitarian workers become casualties. We must stop it. Therefore, we want the basic norms and values of humanity to be upheld and reconfirmed. We strongly advocate for the respect of international humanitarian law (IHL) and we want the Summit to reaffirm its centrality. I particularly welcome the recent ‘resolution of the European Parliament on attacks on hospitals and schools as violations of IHL’, which echoes this priority.

We also want more efficient and effective humanitarian action: cooperation rather than competition in the UN system and among implementing organisations, and more flexibility and predictability of financing, involving of course also the private sector. To this end, we are engaged in the discussions to follow up on the report of the High—Level Panel on Humanitarian Financing.

Finally, we want to strengthen the humanitarian and development link and engage more strategically with partners. In particular, situations of protracted displacement call for a novel approach in order to ensure that affected people move from aid-dependence to self-reliance. This is the ultimate objective of a key piece of our commitment at the Summit: our Communication on Forced Displacement and Development that we adopted on 26 April.

We will address these key issues and we intend to deliver strong commitments. We expect other actors to do the same. For the success of the Summit, political commitments at the highest level will be essential. These should pave the way for an effective follow—up, because the Summit will not only be a culmination of months of consultations and preparations, but also the beginning of the transformation of the international humanitarian system, through, definitely, the implementation of our commitments.


  Enrique Guerrero Salom, en nombre del Grupo S&D. Señora Presidenta, quiero señalar en primer lugar que esta cumbre llega en un momento de grandes dificultades organizativas y de presencia de actores, como este Parlamento, que tiene dificultades en estar al nivel apropiado en la cumbre de Estambul, pero, al mismo tiempo —como acaba de señalar el señor Comisario—, llega en el momento necesario, en el momento más apropiado.

Porque en estos momentos se produce la acumulación mayor de crisis humanitarias de máximo nivel en el mundo, desde Irak a Siria, Sudán del Sur, República Centroafricana, pero también en Ucrania o también en Yemen, también en Libia y también en otras partes del mundo. Porque en estos momentos tenemos el mayor número de personas desplazadas de sus hogares —en torno a 120 millones, de treinta y siete países distintos—, casi la mitad de ellos niños. Porque en estos momentos se produce el mayor desfase entre la necesidad de atender a las personas y la financiación con la que contamos; tenemos en torno a un 40 % de brecha de financiación. Y porque en estos momentos, también, se producen cada vez más violaciones de los principios de la acción humanitaria y ataques a las instalaciones y a los actores.

Por tanto, es el momento para abordar una llamada fuerte, un impulso serio para atender a las crisis humanitarias en el mundo. Ha habido bastante consenso en los distintos diálogos globales y en los distintos diálogos regionales, y creo que la posición que han expresado el Comisario y la representante del Consejo también reflejan este consenso sobre lo que hay que hacer. Sin embargo, hay menos determinación en los compromisos que hay que asumir. La Comisión presentó sus propuestas con sus prioridades; el Parlamento lo apoyó; el Parlamento, a su vez, desarrolló un informe en el cual pedíamos un consenso global de acción humanitaria, en el cual pedíamos también una necesidad de proteger mejor en conexión con las políticas de cooperación al desarrollo; pedíamos también un mayor papel para los actores locales y para las mujeres; hablar con los desplazados, a los que se ha referido la señora Ministra, y pedíamos también una financiación consistente.

Por tanto, lo que pido ahora a la Comisión y al Consejo es que Estambul sea el primer paso, y que a Estambul le sigan compromisos serios por parte de la Comisión, por parte de los Estados miembros, hacia un consenso global de acción humanitaria, hacia una nueva iniciativa que ponga en común la política de desarrollo y la política humanitaria, y hacia los compromisos de denunciar las violaciones de los principios humanitarios, los ataques a los distintos actores humanitarios.

Acabo, señora Presidenta, diciendo que Estambul debe ser un primer paso para que la dignidad vuelva a recuperar un nivel adecuado en este mundo.


  Mark Demesmaeker, namens de ECR-Fractie. Oorlog, milieurampen en voedselonzekerheid zijn en blijven oorzaken van veel leed en dood en verdriet. Wereldwijd smeken miljoenen mensen om hulp. In Syrië, Ecuador, Yemen, Oekraïne, Burundi, maar ook in Turkije. Turkije dat - o ironie - het gastland is van deze wereldtop. Het zuidoosten van het land bloedt. De repressieve praktijken van Erdogan tegen de Koerden zijn afschuwelijk. En ik vraag de EU en haar lidstaten: neem het ook tijdens de top op voor dit volk. We zijn het er allemaal over eens dat het beter kan en beter moet. De huidige context en crisis vragen meer middelen, maar eerst en vooral ook een grotere efficiëntie. We moeten leren uit de fouten van het verleden.

Ik noem een paar punten. Coördinatie is fundamenteel. Lokale ngo's en de private sector kunnen een meerwaarde bieden. Daarnaast is complementariteit belangrijk. Humanitaire bijstand en ontwikkelingshulp moeten beter op elkaar worden afgestemd. Proactieve maatregelen zijn ook essentieel. Er is te weinig oog voor preventie van noodsituaties, waardoor hulp en wederopbouw veel meer kosten nadien. En tot slot moeten we het hebben over voorwaardelijke hulp: hulp die gekoppeld is aan politieke of veiligheidsoverwegingen.

De top mag geen zoveelste praatbarak worden. Beloften en toezeggingen moeten in concrete uitvoeringsplannen worden gegoten. En op dit punt sluit ik me aan bij de vorige spreker. Het kan niet zijn dat we binnen dit en een jaar terug samen komen zonder tussentijdse, tastbare veranderingen op het terrein. Zo niet, dan is de top in Istanbul al bij voorbaat een mislukking.


  Charles Goerens, au nom du groupe ALDE. Madame la Présidente, quiconque fréquente les grands sommets onusiens assiste régulièrement à des cérémonies d'autosatisfaction. La communauté internationale a raison de se féliciter d'avoir réussi à atténuer les souffrances dans l'une ou l'autre crise et de rappeler que des catastrophes ont pu être évitées grâce à l'action humanitaire. Nous ne devrions cependant pas nous voiler la face devant trois aspects dramatiques qui vont hypothéquer le sommet humanitaire mondial des 23 et 24 mai à Istanbul: premièrement, la sécurité de plus en plus menacée des missions médicales; deuxièmement, la multiplication des foyers de crise acceptée comme une fatalité; troisièmement, le gouffre entre l'engagement des États, notamment de l'Union européenne, et les résultats effectifs en matière de financement.

Pour ce qui est du premier point – la sécurité de plus en plus menacée des missions médicales –, est-ce le fait de la bêtise humaine, de la mauvaise foi des seigneurs de guerre ou des deux à la fois? Le non—respect de l'impartialité de l'action humanitaire est inacceptable. Les États représentés à Istanbul feraient bien de mettre un terme à ces pratiques. Quant à la multiplication des foyers de crise, l'intervention militaire n'est en général pas la réponse à donner. C'est pourquoi la diplomatie doit se mobiliser à temps. Pas n'importe quelle diplomatie, mais la meilleure possible. Les États représentés à Istanbul feraient bien de se le rappeler.

Les engagements pris par l'Union européenne sont généreux, certes, aussi sont-ils régulièrement renouvelés pour la simple raison qu'ils n'ont pas été tenus. Pour les États membres de l'Union européenne, c'est une question de crédibilité. Les États membres feraient bien de se le rappeler. Il ne suffit pas de constater que d'autres – presque tous les autres – font moins bien que l'Union européenne et ses États membres. Pour les Vingt-Huit, ce n'est pas une raison de baisser la garde devant l'ampleur du défi. Nos espoirs reposent sur l'engagement de la présidence et de notre commissaire. Bonne chance, Christos!


  Miguel Urbán Crespo, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. Señora Presidenta, Señorías, por desgracia las crisis humanitarias son cada vez más frecuentes. Las causas no son solo el cambio climático o desastres naturales sino, a menudo, conflictos armados fruto de intereses económicos; también decisiones políticas, como la de cerrar las fronteras ante la llegada de miles de refugiados, que ha generado una crisis humanitaria en nuestro propio territorio. Por eso, somos extremadamente escépticos respecto a las posibilidades reales de esta Cumbre.

¿De qué sirven los compromisos vagos de ayuda humanitaria si sus políticas están agravando las propias crisis humanitarias? A no ser que el objetivo real de la Cumbre de Estambul sea maquillar las políticas de la Unión Europea y, sobre todo, las de nuestro nuevo socio turco.

Señorías, no sirve de nada regalar tiritas con la mano izquierda mientras con la derecha se reparten hachazos a los derechos humanos y a la legalidad internacional. Si quieren aportar soluciones, pueden hacerlo mañana: abran vías seguras y habiliten un corredor humanitario para la llegada de los refugiados; si no, sus manos seguirán manchadas de sangre.


  Heidi Hautala, on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group. Madam President, the World Humanitarian Summit – the first ever – could be an opportunity to reaffirm the centrality of international humanitarian law and it could improve ways of strengthening compliance with it.

But look at what is happening. There have been concerns about the summit’s level of ambition, and I really hope that the European Union will do everything to ensure that the level will not be lowered. It is a good idea to have all stakeholders around the table, but certainly it is states which have to commit themselves in a binding way to improving the situation. Médecins Sans Frontières gives cause for alarm in that it has informed us, with disappointment, that it is pulling out of the summit because the summit is neglecting to reinforce the obligations of states to uphold and implement the humanitarian and refugee laws to which they have signed up. Seventy-five of the hospitals that MSF manages and supports have been attacked in the past year. This is a scandal.

The rising number of attacks on schools and hospitals is a horrifying example of growing indifference to international humanitarian law. The deliberate targeting of civilians and civilian infrastructure amounts to a war crime. Reinforcing the role of independent and impartial humanitarian aid and the need to improve emergency response both have to be addressed properly at the World Humanitarian Summit. Improving the situation of women, girls and other vulnerable groups during conflicts should be at the core of these talks.


  Peter Lundgren, för EFDD-gruppen. Fru talman! Tack för ordet, fru talman. För första gången någonsin ska det nu hållas ett World Humanitarian Summit, och syftet är gott men platsen för detta är Turkiet – för att i viss mån, förmodar jag, visa banden mellan EU och Turkiet.

Turkiet som inte upprätthåller demokratin. Turkiet som inte upprätthåller mänskliga rättigheter. Turkiet som inte upprätthåller yttrandefrihet. Turkiet som inte ens ligger i Europa, utan i Asien. Turkiet som tvingar Angela Merkel att åtala en komiker. Turkiet som för några veckor sedan fängslade en holländsk journalist när denna återvände hem efter avslutad semester. Brottet var att denna journalist skrivit kritiskt om president Erdogan på Twitter för några år sedan.

Jag anser det är helt fel att EU på något som helst vis deltar i Turkiet, då detta land faktiskt står för precis allt som inte EU står för. Tack!


  Gianluca Buonanno, a nome del gruppo ENF. Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, io volevo chiedere al Commissario, che è qui presente e che ringrazio: ma quanto costa questo summit per aiutare i paesi poveri? Perché qua ogni volta si parla e nessuno spiega che, fatto 100, l'80 % di quello che si ricava va solo per spese di rappresentanza, per pagare i burocrati, per sistemare le cose, mentre per aiutare la gente che ha bisogno rimane ben poco della ciccia che invece si raccoglie.

Quanto costa, signor Commissario – le sto richiedendo un'altra volta – questo summit dove arriva tutto il mondo? E dove arriva, poi, tutto il mondo? In Turchia. E la Turchia sappiamo tutti quanto è democratica con Erdoğan, che sarebbe meglio che si ritirasse, visto che secondo me è un dittatore fatto e finito. Sarebbe una specie di Hitler del 2000. Vorrei chiedere: la Turchia, è come se uno andasse a prendere dei tossicodipendenti e poi, per migliorare la situazione dei tossicodipendenti, come supervisore prendesse Pablo Escobar, che è stato il grande capo della droga in Colombia e nel mondo.

Voi fate la stessa cosa: se c'è un paese dove non dovevate fare il summit è proprio la Turchia. E voi invece, cosa fate? Parlate, tra virgolette, della droga e chiamate Pablo Escobar. Complimenti, fate proprio un bel servizio! E spiegate alla gente e a quelli che sono anche qua dove buttate tutti questi soldi! Perché non li date alla gente! Ve li mangiate tutti voi!


  Davor Ivo Stier (PPE). Gospođo predsjednice, čuli smo da postoje različite razine, različiti pogledi oko toga koja je razina ambicija ovog samita, ali ako postoji konsenzus oko jedne stvari ususret ovome samitu u Istanbulu, to je činjenica da je svjetski humanitarni sustav preopterećen, da kronično manjka sredstava za ispunjenje svih humanitarnih potreba. Čuli smo od kolege Guerera koliko milijuna ljudi diljem svijeta treba neku vrstu humanitarne pomoći. Znamo da danas imamo više izbjeglica u svijetu nego što je to bilo neposredno nakon Drugog svjetskog rata.

Nažalost, svjedočimo dramatičnom porastu humanitarnih kriza, a poseban izazov predstavlja to što su to dugotrajne krize. Dugotrajno raseljavanje u prosjeku traje više od 25 godina za izbjeglice, te više od 10 godina za 90 % interno raseljenih osoba.

Upravo u tom pogledu mislim da je važno staviti naglasak na obrazovanju o krizama i znam da povjerenik upravo to i čini. U tim dugotrajnim krizama samo sustavom humanitarne pomoći ne mogu se zadovoljiti sve potrebe. Prisilno raseljavanje nije samo humanitarni izazov, to je i politički, razvojni i gospodarski izazov za ljudska prava. Naravno, tu je povezan i fenomen iregularnih migracija – moramo uzeti u obzir i sigurnosnu dimenziju.

Na kraju pozdravljam komunikaciju Komisije od travnja ove godine koja želi postupno okončati ovisnost o humanitarnoj pomoći u postojećim situacijama prisilnog raseljavanja, poticanjem samostalnosti i omogućavanjem raseljenim osobama da žive dostojanstveno i doprinose društvima tamo gdje žive.


  Silvia Costa (S&D). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, spero che al primo vertice umanitario mondiale di Istanbul l'Europa ritrovi se stessa, dimostrando che vuole essere protagonista dell'azione umanitaria e della solidarietà, specie di fronte alla crisi dei rifugiati e dei migranti forzati, a partire dai più vulnerabili, i bambini e i ragazzi. Per questo come gruppo S&D abbiamo lanciato la campagna "Educa" per raddoppiare le risorse per l'accesso all'educazione e alla scuola dei minori in condizioni di emergenza, che rappresentano soltanto il 2 % degli aiuti umanitari.

Colgo l'occasione per ringraziare il Commissario Stylianides per avere risposto alla nostra relazione di novembre, investendo 52 milioni di euro in più per il 2016, e per essere con noi sabato prossimo a Roma, al lancio in Italia della nostra campagna.

Nella nuova strategia umanitaria mondiale, l'istruzione non è un secondo tempo, ma parte essenziale delle politiche di accoglienza e di tutela, di prevenzione delle violenze, nonché di investimento nella resilienza dei minori nel progetto di vita loro e delle loro famiglie. Ma abbiamo proposto anche corridoi umanitari – corridoi educativi, come li abbiamo chiamati – per l'accoglienza degli studenti rifugiati da parte delle università europee. È importante che già il governo italiano, la Germania e ora forse anche la Spagna accetteranno nelle università studenti rifugiati nei loro corsi di formazione.


  Arne Gericke (ECR). Frau Präsidentin! Heute in dreizehn Tagen beginnt der Weltgipfel für humanitäre Hilfe der Vereinten Nationen in Istanbul, und die EU soll dabei eine führende Rolle spielen. Ich wünsche mir, dass wir in der Türkei offen ansprechen, was Menschlichkeit im Umgang mit Bürgern und ihren Rechten bedeutet. Was wir sicher nicht akzeptieren dürfen, ist, dass sich jemand wie Herr Erdoğan kommentarlos im Lichte eines solchen Gipfels sonnt. Reden wir über die Rückschritte bei den Menschenrechten, die der jüngste EU-Fortschrittsbericht erwähnt, reden wir über eingeschränkte Religionsfreiheit, Meinungsfreiheit und Pressefreiheit, reden wir über unmenschliche Völkermorde und darüber, Verantwortung dafür zu tragen.

Bezogen auf den Gipfel müssen wir Europäer uns und die Welt daran erinnern, dass die besten Ziele nichts bringen, wenn es an konkreten Instrumenten fehlt. Genau daran muss sich dieser Gipfel messen lassen. Konflikte verhindern, Menschenwürde achten, Leid und Hunger bekämpfen, jedem seine Chance geben und in Menschlichkeit investieren – all das geht nur konkret. Ich will einen Gipfel praktizierter Menschlichkeit.


  Beatriz Becerra Basterrechea (ALDE). Señora Presidenta; muchas gracias, señor Comisario, por estar hoy aquí.

Los ataques dirigidos a estructuras y organizaciones de ayuda humanitaria se han multiplicado en los últimos años. Solamente en 2015, Médicos sin Fronteras ya ha denunciado al menos setenta y cinco ataques a sus instalaciones. La semana pasada, en el campo de refugiados de Sarmanda, en Siria, treinta personas murieron en un ataque que difícilmente se puede considerar un accidente. Hay una pauta de conducta. Como lo calificó el Ministro de Exteriores francés, estamos hablando de un crimen de guerra, de un crimen contra la humanidad.

La Cumbre Humanitaria Mundial, la primera de la historia, tiene que dar una respuesta urgente y conjunta contra la impunidad. El cumplimiento de la ley humanitaria internacional y la protección de los trabajadores humanitarios deben estar en el centro de la política europea de ayuda humanitaria. La seguridad y la supervivencia de los que más sufren, que son precisamente aquellos a los que queremos ayudar, dependen de esta premisa.

Como Unión Europea nos corresponde reforzar el papel crucial de la Corte Penal Internacional. Tenemos que utilizar toda nuestra influencia europea para poner fin a esta situación abominable e inaceptable.


  Ignazio Corrao (EFDD). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, in occasione della votazione della relazione del collega Guerrero Salom sul vertice umanitario mondiale, abbiamo riconosciuto come lo stesso rappresenti tutt'oggi una buona posizione per assicurare all'Unione europea un ruolo da protagonista e da guida per tutti gli altri partecipanti.

Per il Movimento 5 stelle, gli auspici sul summit sono quelli di mettere fine all'incoerenza ed iniziare ad agire insieme con governi intellettualmente onesti, i quali avranno l'opportunità di fare mea culpa e mettere fine ad azioni che creano appunto crisi umanitarie. Dobbiamo ricordare che l'80 % delle crisi sono causate da conflitti generati dagli stessi attori che dicono di voler risolvere il problema. Al vertice umanitario mondiale parteciperanno anche Stati come l'Arabia Saudita, che prontamente armata da aerei e bombe europei rappresenta oggi la prima causa dell'emergenza umanitaria nello Yemen. Ricordiamo non solo gli attacchi agli ospedali, ma anche quelli ai soccorritori e ai media, colpiti con la criminogena tecnica del double o triple attack.

Al commissario Stylianides volevo chiedere di promettere ai cittadini europei che al summit prenderemo un impegno vero in questa direzione nei confronti di Stati partecipanti come l'Arabia Saudita.


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta (PPE). Pani Przewodnicząca! Dane Banku Światowego mówią, że 250 mln osób jest dotkniętych kryzysami humanitarnymi lub jest na nie narażonych. Niestabilność społeczna i ekonomiczna, przedłużające się konflikty i klęski żywiołowe wzmagają te kryzysy. Szczyt majowy w Stambule ma za zadanie podkreślenie wagi tego problemu i znalezienie efektywnych rozwiązań udzielania wsparcia.

Bardzo ważną inicjatywą ONZ było zorganizowanie szeregu konsultacji humanitarnych w ramach regionów. Należy pamiętać, że pomoc międzynarodowa powinna być ostatnim środkiem, który uruchamiamy, gdy lokalne systemy pomocowe są przeciążone. Dlatego też potencjał lokalny w budowaniu odpornych i samodzielnych społeczeństw musi być istotnie wspierany.

Ponieważ obecne kryzysy mają długotrwały charakter, kluczowe jest wypełnienie luki między doraźną pomocą humanitarną i długoterminową pomocą rozwojową. Mam także nadzieję, że podczas szczytu nie zostanie pominięty aspekt dostosowania wszelkich działań humanitarnych do zróżnicowanych potrzeb dotkniętych kryzysami społeczności, zwłaszcza kobiet, dzieci oraz osób niepełnosprawnych.

(Mówca zgodził się odpowiedzieć na pytanie zadane przez podniesienie niebieskiej kartki (art. 162 ust. 8 Regulaminu))


  Paul Rübig (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. Frau Präsidentin! Ich möchte mich beim Kollegen Wenta bedanken, weil natürlich für uns alle die Kernfrage ist: Wie können wir effizienter werden? Meine Frage: Was können wir im Bereich der Selbständigkeit und vor allem im Bereich der Familienbetriebe in den Entwicklungsländern machen? Wie kann man hier Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe geben? Was könnte hier die Entwicklungspolitik in Zukunft beitragen, um es Familien leichter zu machen, das zu produzieren, was man vor Ort auch braucht?


  Bogdan Brunon Wenta (PPE), Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. Ich möchte mich für die Frage bedanken, Herr Rübig. Denn wie Sie wissen, haben wir in diesem Bericht über die kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen zusammen gearbeitet, die so wichtig sind für den Aufbau in den Entwicklungsländern. Wir können diesbezüglich beim Aufbau unserer Gesellschaft wirklich helfen, wenn wir weiter die Entwicklungsinstrumente gut nutzen – was auch den 0,7 %-Anteil des GDP der Mitgliedstaaten betrifft. Dann können wir noch besser in diesem Bereich helfen. Sonst werden wir wirklich Schwierigkeiten bekommen. Aber ich hoffe, dass wir das in dieser Richtung besonders in unserem DEVE-Ausschuss noch besser vorbereiten können.


  Elena Valenciano (S&D). Señora Presidenta, decía el Comisario que vamos a seguir poniendo nuestro granito de arena. No es un granito de arena lo que hace falta, señor Comisario, es mucho más. Es compromiso político, son recursos —todavía falta el 40 % de lo que es necesario—, es inteligencia, es determinación sobre todo lo que necesitamos.

Estambul solamente será útil si da un volantazo, si cambia de rumbo lo que está siendo la ayuda humanitaria en este momento y el desprecio casi cotidiano al Derecho internacional humanitario y a la defensa de los derechos humanos. Eso tendría que ser Estambul para que Estambul fuera un éxito. Y hablamos en este caso de la diferencia entre la vida y la muerte para muchísimas personas y, en el caso de la Unión Europea, para su credibilidad como actor decisivo en el mundo.

Y sobre esto quiero decirle, señor Comisario, sabiendo perfectamente que no es su responsabilidad, que el Parlamento Europeo ha sido completamente orillado en esta cumbre, marginado, y solamente hemos conseguido una acreditación para toda esta Cámara para poder participar en los debates, cosa que lamento y respecto de la cual requiero de usted una intervención urgente.


  Ruža Tomašić (ECR). Gospođo predsjednice, svijet se od Drugog svjetskog rata nije suočio s ovako velikim brojem raseljenih osoba pa je doista pravi trenutak za održavanje Svjetskog humanitarnog sastanka na vrhu.

Trenutno nema boljeg mjesta za održavanje ovakvog sastanka od Istanbula jer se Turska nalazi u središtu migrantskih ruta i predstavlja glavnog partnera Europskoj uniji u rješavanju migrantske krize.

Europa i svijet moraju pomoći da se krizna žarišta ugase, a izbjeglice adekvatno zbrinu, i ovaj će sastanak, vjerujem, tome doprinijeti.

No, ne mogu ne primijetiti da neke strane koriste tragične sudbine ljudi za političke ucjene. To nije odgovorno ni humano ponašanje pa se nadam da će se svjetski lideri na ovome sastanku i time pozabaviti.

Iskoristit ću prigodu i ponoviti svoj stav o ukidanju viza Turskoj. Bez ispunjavanja svih tehničkih kriterija takva bi odluka bila strašno neodgovorna i ugrožavala bi sigurnost naših građana.


  Urmas Paet (ALDE). Madam President, I visited Lebanon a few weeks ago where I also met with Syrian refugees. None of them expressed a wish to move to Europe, but wanted to return to their homes in Syria. In order for them to be able to wait in the neighbouring country for a time when it would be safe for them to do that, they must have access to elementary things like schools for the children, the possibility to work and access to medical care. This is something that other countries, including the European Union, can support through financial means. The World Humanitarian Summit must deliver a clear commitment to increasing humanitarian aid to help refugees close to their homes.

Another problem is promises made by different countries to help during crises but which have not been delivered. Look at the actual money given to Haiti and Nepal after the earthquakes and also the refugee crises at hand. There are promises to give money, but these promises must also actually be upheld. This first ever World Humanitarian Summit must really deliver and not become a disappointment.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). Madame la Présidente, en septembre 2015, la Commission européenne avait déjà fixé sept priorités pour ce qui est du champ de l'action humanitaire. La question qui se pose maintenant en vue de ce sommet humanitaire mondial est la suivante: pourrons-nous passer de l'affirmation de bonnes intentions à des choses très concrètes? Je crois que, comme l'affirme le commissaire Stylianides, il faut agir avec courage et donner des réponses claires, au moins au déficit de financement de l'aide humanitaire et, ensuite, en vue de l'efficacité de cette aide.

Ma deuxième remarque porte sur le lien entre l'aide humanitaire et les solutions politiques aux crises. Sur ce point, je suis en désaccord avec M. Corrao. Je ne crois pas que l'aide humanitaire puisse être un substitut de solutions politiques aux crises. Je ne crois pas qu'il soit nécessaire, d'un autre côté, de faire une sorte d'auto-stigmatisation de l'Europe. Nous devons être fiers du fait que l'Europe soit vraiment le premier donateur au monde.


  Arne Lietz (S&D). Frau Präsidentin! Sehr geehrter Herr Kommissar! Dieser Weltgipfel für humanitäre Hilfe muss ein Zeichen setzen. Wir leben in einer Welt, in der 250 Millionen Menschen von humanitären Krisen betroffen sind. Insgesamt 60 Millionen Menschen sind zurzeit durch Kriege, Konflikte und Katastrophen aus ihren Wohnorten zwangsvertrieben. Die Hälfte dieser Flüchtlingen sind Kinder. Die EU und ihre Mitgliedstaaten zeigen nur wirkliche Solidarität und Verantwortung, wenn sie bei diesem Gipfel endlich mit gutem Beispiel vorangehen und ihren finanziellen Verpflichtungen nachkommen. Ein gutes Beispiel für die Möglichkeit, hier etwas anderes zu tun, ist die sogenannte EdUKaid-Initiative meiner Fraktion – anstelle zwei Prozent zukünftig vier Prozent der humanitären Hilfe für Bildung auszugeben. Der Kommissar will diese Forderung bereits im kommenden Haushaltsentwurf aufnehmen. Dafür sei ihm herzlich gedankt.

Als Berichterstatter im Entwicklungsausschuss zum Haushalt 2016 habe ich mich dafür stark gemacht, dass 26 Millionen mehr für Bildung in Flüchtlingscamps ausgegeben werden. Auf dem Weltgipfel sollen alle teilnehmenden Staaten aufgefordert werden, die EdUKaid-Initiative ebenfalls in den humanitären Budgets mit nachzuvollziehen.


  Андрей Ковачев (PPE). Г-жо Председател, световната среща на върха по хуманитарните въпроси трябва да очертае устойчива рамка за хуманитарната помощ, предвидена за над 120 милиона нуждаещи се от целия свят. Надявам се, че резултатите ще надминат всички предходни донорски конференции от подобен характер. Един от основните въпроси, който ще бъде поставен на срещата, е този за финансирането на хуманитарната помощ.

Като докладчик на ЕНП в сянка на становището на подкомисията по човешките права и като постоянен докладчик за препоръките към Общото събрание на ООН, наблегнах на приоритетите, които ще поставя по време на срещата, а именно: за по-ефективно сътрудничество в системата на ООН за пресичането на мрежите за набиране и финансиране на бойци за терористични групи, за важността на междурелигиозния и междукултурен диалог за намаляване на бежанските потоци, и за заделянето на финансови и човешки ресурси за постоянно образование във фундаментални ценности като човешкото достойнство, свобода на изказването, равенство и спазване на законите.

Турция като домакин на срещата трябва да спазва също основни демократични правила и да не използва това домакинство за политически пропагандни цели, а за бъдещето на милионите нуждаещи се по цял свят.

Турция беше определена за домакин на тази среща преди миграционната вълна все още да беше заляла страната и Европа. Има нещо символично в това, че светът се събира за първи път точно в Истанбул, за да излезе с конкретни решения, които да засилят ролята на Европа не само като основен донор на хуманитарна помощ, но и като активен фактор, определящ развитието на света.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). Madam President, I truly hope the World Humanitarian Summit will take important steps forward in order to identify solutions to fully reshape the humanitarian system.

I would say to the Commissioner that in the end it is a matter of the European Union’s level of ambition. We, the European Union, Commissioner, have to come forward with real proposals for a new, real humanitarian system in this world in order to take full responsibility for the European Union countries and to seize every opportunity to make humanitarian assistance more effective and humanitarian work less dangerous.

In order to achieve all these goals, it is fundamental to develop a common understanding among stakeholders of key concepts, such as accountability and transparency and to create a new business model to anticipate risks that makes greater use of joint planning.


  Lars Adaktusson (PPE). Fru talman! Världstoppmötet om humanitära frågor i Istanbul kommer vid en mycket viktig tidpunkt. Frågan som möter deltagarna – hur vi bäst använder det humanitära biståndet – känns mer angelägen än på mycket länge.

Under 2016 beräknas 125 miljoner människor i 37 länder vara i behov av humanitärt stöd. Kristna yazidier och andra etnoreligiösa grupper i Irak och Syrien tillhör de mest utsatta. På plats i regionen såg jag nyligen vilka betydelsefulla insatser som görs, men det är ingen tvekan om att mer kan, och mer måste, göras.

I detta sammanhang är det viktigt att poängtera att EU:s bistånd tydligare måste kopplas till mänskliga rättigheter. Ett varnande exempel är EU-biståndet till Eritrea som förlängdes i slutet av förra året, utan egentliga krav vad gäller demokratiska reformer. Här har vi en hemläxa att göra.

Min uppfattning är att kommissionen fortsatt måste prioritera europeisk samordning av biståndet, och alltid prioritera mänskliga rättigheter i detta sammanhang. Tack!


  Pedro Silva Pereira (S&D). Senhora Presidente, Comissário, Colegas, numa altura em que o mundo se confronta com tantos dramas humanitários, não apenas a tragédia dos refugiados, mas mais de 125 milhões de pessoas carecidas de assistência, o que devia estar hoje em construção era uma grande mobilização de vontades e recursos para fazer da próxima cimeira humanitária em Istambul uma resposta concreta da comunidade internacional à altura das circunstâncias.

Infelizmente, os trabalhos preparatórios garantem tudo menos isso, e é por isso que precisamos de uma atitude de responsabilidade e de liderança da União Europeia nesta cimeira e uma liderança tem que assentar em compromissos exemplares.

Senhor Comissário, conhecemos o seu empenhamento, esperamos de si a defesa de um roteiro claro para o reforço da assistência humanitária, o que implica um alargamento substancial da base de financiamento humanitário.

Não há outra forma de honrarmos o valor da dignidade da pessoa humana.


  Adam Szejnfeld (PPE). Pani Przewodnicząca! Historia pomocy charytatywnej i humanitarnej jest tak długa, jak długa jest historia ludzkości. Zmieniają się jednak czasy, zmieniają się okoliczności, zmieniać się więc powinny także metody i instrumenty pomocy innym. Aktualnie pomocy humanitarnej oczekują miliony ludzi prawie w czterdziestu krajach świata, aż sześćdziesiąt milionów tych ludzi to osoby przesiedlone w wyniku konfliktów. To bardzo groźne zjawisko XXI wieku. Świat potrzebuje więc dzisiaj między innymi nowego prawa humanitarnego. Wydaje się też, iż potrzebujemy reformy przestarzałego i raczej nieskutecznego już dzisiaj systemu reagowania ONZ. Spodziewam się więc, że szczyt światowy przyczyni się do rozwiązania tak ważnych dzisiaj wyzwań jak niedobór finansowania, brak koordynacji między organizacjami i agencjami, w tym agencjami Organizacji Narodów Zjednoczonych oraz włączenie do systemu także darczyńców niepreprezentujących Zachodu.


  Julie Ward (S&D). Madam President, the World Humanitarian Summit aims to reshape the global approach to humanitarian aid and as the world’s biggest donor of aid, the EU will be there at the top table. From a UK perspective, with a referendum on the horizon, we need to consider our position in the world, and I firmly believe that together with our European partners we can reshape the global agenda for the better. If we want to lead the international community towards a more compassionate and humane world, Britain must remain and work to make the EU stronger.

However, with great power comes great responsibility. The EU must also hold true to its principles in all of its foreign policy, even when it is under pressure. As we deliver humanitarian aid to victims of war crimes we cannot then turn round and make quick-fix deals with regimes that commit such crimes. All of the EU’s agreements, including, for example, the Khartoum Process, must be consistent with our human rights values and humanitarian and development goals.


Interventions à la demande


  Franc Bogovič (PPE). Vsekakor je humanitarni vrh ob pravem času, kajti, kot smo slišali, nikoli ni bilo toliko ljudi pomoči potrebnih, toliko ljudi razseljenih po svetu po drugi svetovni vojni.

Rešitev, ki jo iščemo v tem primeru, je zelo povezana s tem, kar je predstavnica Sveta dejala v uvodu: mi moramo izkoreniniti razloge za to, kar se po svetu dogaja. V objektivni, pošteni politiki, politiki, ki bo dala v ospredje človeka in reševanje konfliktov na miroljuben način, ne pa z novimi konflikti in poglabljanjem razdora širom po svetu.

Zato je potrebno, da Evropska unija na ta način, na tem svetu v veliki meri pokaže, kaj so njene vrednote, omogoči ljudem dobro in pa spodobno življenje tam, kjer so rojeni, in na ta način ljudem v Afriki, Aziji, na Bližnjem vzhodu pomagati, s tem pa pomagati tudi Evropi, ki je največja ciljna dežela teh beguncev.


  Ana Gomes (S&D). Senhora Presidente, apesar de a União Europeia ser o principal doador de ajuda humanitária, apresenta-se nesta cimeira mundial, ironicamente organizada na Turquia, com a imagem desgraçada pela forma como não tem sabido responder à maior crise humanitária desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial, que resulta da guerra e do terrorismo na sua vizinhança — na Síria, no Iraque, na Líbia — e da opressão e da miséria noutros países da Ásia e de África.

O negócio UE-Turquia, em violação da Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre os refugiados e, portanto, em violação dos tratados europeus e dos mais elementares princípios humanitários, é vergonhoso. À conta dele, hoje, na Europa e nos hotspots na Grécia, há refugiados detidos e atacados, incluindo mulheres e crianças e muitos menores não acompanhados. E em Indomeni, uma verdadeira sin city, o que se passa é intolerável.

A atuação da União Europeia na cimeira será mais um exercício de hipocrisia se prosseguir com políticas de austeridade que projetam desemprego e pobreza em toda a região mediterrânica e além dela, e se continuar bloqueada, incapaz de agir para resolver conflitos, para prevenir conflitos e para ajudar outros povos a acabar com regimes autocráticos e opressores.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). Κυρία Πρόεδρε, είναι οξύμωρο η πρώτη παγκόσμια ανθρωπιστική διάσκεψη κορυφής να λαμβάνει χώρα στην Κωνσταντινούπολη, μια πόλη στην οποία οι διαδηλώσεις της 1ης Μαΐου πνίγηκαν στο αίμα. Είναι οξύμωρο το μεγαλύτερο γεγονός στη φετινή ατζέντα του ΟΗΕ να φιλοξενείται σε ένα κράτος, στην Τουρκία, που παραβιάζει κατάδηλα τα κοινωνικά δικαιώματα, τροφοδοτεί αιματηρούς πολέμους, καταπιέζει μειονότητες και πολιτικές πεποιθήσεις. Στα πλαίσια της διάσκεψης, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να δώσει απτές απαντήσεις στην μείζονα ανθρωπιστική κρίση που βιώνει σήμερα ο λαός της Συρίας, με ευθύνη της Τουρκίας. Μια ανθρωπιστική κρίση που μεταφέρεται στην Ευρώπη και ιδιαίτερα στην Ελλάδα και θα συνεχίσει να υπάρχει όσο η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα ανέχεται και θα αφήνει τον Daesh και τους υποστηρικτές του να συνεχίζουν το εγκληματικό τους έργο. Η ανθρωπιστική κρίση όμως δεν πλήττει μόνο τους πρόσφυγες, πλήττει και τον ελληνικό λαό ο οποίος, έχοντας φτωχοποιηθεί απ̕ τα μνημόνια και την τρόικα, δεν μπορεί πλέον να φιλοξενήσει άλλους πρόσφυγες. Πρέπει επιτέλους να υπάρξει μια διεθνής απάντηση στο συγκεκριμένο πρόβλημα και οι πλούσιες χώρες, όχι μόνο στην Ευρώπη, να συνδράμουν αποφασιστικά για την αντιμετώπισή του.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). Az a tény, hogy napjainkra példátlanul megnőtt az erőszakos konfliktusok vagy a természeti csapások által sújtott személyek száma, hogy a II. világháború óta soha nem volt ilyen nagy a lakhelyüket elhagyni kényszerülők, azaz a menekültek száma, önmagában indokolja a humanitárius csúcstalálkozó megszervezésének létjogosultságát. Elképesztő adatok látnak napvilágot a humanitárius segítségre szorulók számáról, amelyek arról árulkodnak: a világ egyre inkább két részre szakad: azokra, akik rászorulnak a segítségre és azokra, akik helyzetükből adódóan segíthetnek.

Az Unió a világ legnagyobb segélyezője, a probléma nagysága miatt azonban ez már nem elég: globális összefogásra lenne szükség az éghajlatváltozás, a terrorizmus és az erőszakos konfliktusok pusztító hatásainak csökkentése érdekében. A fejlődő térségek robbanásszerű népességnövekedése az elkövetkezendő évtizedekben új kihívásokat is jelenthet a humanitárius segélyezés számára.


  Cécile Kashetu Kyenge (S&D). Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, oggi stiamo assistendo al più grande spostamento di uomini, donne e bambini dopo la Seconda guerra mondiale: duecentocinquanta milioni di persone in mobilità, quasi 60 milioni di profughi nel mondo. Assistiamo a una vera crisi umanitaria a livello planetario. Le persone fuggono, ma fuggono da guerre, conflitti, povertà, cambiamento climatico.

Dunque questo summit è il benvenuto, perché ci permette di porre al centro alcuni punti importanti, come quello di ripensare l'utilizzo degli aiuti umanitari per andare verso politiche di sviluppo che devono andare verso progetti di medio e lungo termine, intervenendo su quelle che sono le vere cause che spostano le persone: politiche dunque di prevenzione, politiche che devono riguardare soprattutto anche l'urgenza, i corridoi umanitari, per non assistere più a quello che stiamo vedendo in questo momento, ad esempio in Libano, in Siria, ma anche sul suolo europeo.

Dobbiamo andare oltre per uscire appunto da quella visione emergenziale e arrivare a una politica di prevenzione e dare delle risposte concrete.


(Fin des interventions à la demande)


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. Madam President, first of all allow me to thank you for these very constructive and fruitful discussions. I always appreciate the views and position of Parliament and this is particularly true as we are getting ready for such a unique multi-stakeholder event as the World Humanitarian Summit. This is why I insisted on increasing the number of places for the European Parliament at this big event. My services and I did our best so that this Parliament has a strong presence there and I am pleased to announce today that we secured two additional places in the EU delegation for the European Parliament.

We have common priorities: more efficiency; more effectiveness in the humanitarian system; respect for international humanitarian law and, of course, humanitarian principles also; more support for education, emergencies, and many more in the humanitarian field. This is why we have this very strong collaboration because we are in the same boat.

This Summit will complete a cycle of events – the SDG Summit with Agenda 2030, Sendai, Addis Ababa and COP21 – that have provided a vision for the future. Their outcomes provide a solid framework for the future, but real progress can only be achieved if we now turn to the poorest and most vulnerable and look at how we can help them thrive. This is the mission of the World Humanitarian Summit.

I hope that when we look back in 2030, we will be able to say that this event was a true game changer. Through the long consultation process it lent a voice to everyone: from leaders to members of affected communities, from academics to the private sector. It involved thousands of people across the world. It introduced a new way of discussing some of the toughest problems we face at a truly global forum and it generated momentum to bring about systemic changes in how we could prevent, respond to and recover from crises. It delivered on the ultimate goal: that by 2030, fewer people require life-saving emergency assistance. This is our common goal.

On Thursday, I hope that the Council will adopt a second set of Conclusions on the Summit. We have worked with the Presidency and Member States on a strong position. This will guide us in making commitments at the Summit but also beyond that. I count as always on your continued support and cooperation during the follow-up so that we can show leadership and deliver on our commitments. Thank you very much for your collaboration.


  Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, President-in-Office of the Council. – Madam President, the World Humanitarian Summit is not an end point, but is in a way a starting point for a global community to restore humanity, as the Secretary—General of the United Nations has said several times. We hope to see many, many meaningful and sincere commitments by all stakeholders at the highest possible level. Yes, we have to make sure that the summit is not perceived as a western—dominated event. So outreach was, and is, being coordinated in particular by many states outside the Union.

I also agree with Mr Guerrero Salom that, from the very first day after the summit, we will have to show that we are serious about our commitments. As the Presidency of the Council, we are ready to play our full part in this endeavour, and we very much count on our cooperation in the coming weeks.


  La Présidente. – Le débat est clos.

Declarations ecrites (article 162)


  Andi Cristea (S&D), în scris. – Reuniunea la nivel înalt ce urmează să aibă loc la Istanbul, în perioada 23-24 mai 2016, reprezintă un răspuns la creșterea fără precedent a numărului de persoane afectate de conflicte armate și dezastre naturale. Este o oportunitate unică de a se stabili un consens la nivel mondial pentru a reafirma principiile ajutorului umanitar și consolida acțiunile umanitare. Este necesar să se identifice noi modalități de finanțare a sectorului umanitar de o manieră previzibilă și adecvată. Trebuie acordată o atenție sporită dimensiunii de prevenire și pregătire pentru dezastre și de reducere a vulnerabilităților, prin implicarea cât mai mult și a localnicilor în acțiunile umanitare și asigurarea securității persoanelor aflate în zonele de conflict, cu accent pe siguranța persoanelor și pe protejarea împotriva violențelor de orice fel. Obiectivul reuniunii la nivel înalt trebuie să fie acela de a îmbunătăți acțiunea umanitară la nivel global, prin elaborarea unui document final care să pornească de la reafirmarea universalității și relevanței principiilor fundamentale ale acțiunii umanitare, document ce trebuie să cuprindă un set de angajamente comune în vederea eficientizării răspunsului umanitar internațional, precum și un plan de implementare a recomandărilor.


  Karol Karski (ECR), na piśmie. Zbliżający się Światowy Szczyt Humanitarny za główny cel stawia sobie poprawę reakcji na coraz częstsze, coraz trudniejsze i przedłużające się kryzysy humanitarne, które dotykają rekordową liczbę istnień ludzkich. Po długim okresie, jaki minął od ostatnich dyskusji na arenie międzynarodowej na temat ram działań humanitarnych, nadszedł dziś czas, by podjąć dialog, wypracować zobowiązania i plan działań, które dostosują architekturę humanitarną do nowych wyzwań i rzeczywistości, nadadzą jej nową formę i przyczynią się do wprowadzenia dobrych zmian w całym systemie pomocy humanitarnej.

Cieszę się, że w ramach konsultacji przed Światowym Szczytem Humanitarnym podniesione zostały ważne kwestie, które powinny stać się przedmiotem rozmów, a następnie zostać włączone do planu działań po roku 2016. Myślę tu o zwiększeniu zaangażowania nowych darczyńców w system humanitarny, skoordynowaniu działań agencji ONZ, by uniknąć kolizji ich kompetencji i jednocześnie polepszyć współpracę między nimi, a także o opracowaniu nowych sposobów ułatwiania dostępu do obszarów objętych konfliktami i wreszcie o zwiększeniu zainteresowania lokalnych organizacji pozarządowych przy ocenie potrzeb i dostarczaniu pomocy.

Wyrażam nadzieję, że na nadchodzącym szczycie w Stambule uda nam się porozumieć i wypracować takie wspólne priorytety dla międzynarodowej pomocy humanitarnej, które będą uwzględniały interesy poszczególnych państw członkowskich UE.


  Илхан Кючюк (ALDE), в писмена форма. Изправени сме пред невиждани по мащаб и естество хуманитарни кризи. Днес повече от 400 милиона души по света са засегнати от военни конфликти, природни бедствия, климатични промени и социално-икономическа нестабилност. Тези хора се нуждаят от ефективна и сигурна хуманитарна помощ. За съжаление, осигуряването и доставянето на подобна помощ в условията на действащата система е доста трудно начинание поради недостатъчното финансиране и липсата на средства.

Ето защо считам, че светът се нуждае от нова хуманитарна система, която да бъде основана на фундаменталните принципи за хуманност, солидарност, опазване на човешкия живот и зачитане на нормите на международното хуманитарно право. Тя трябва да разчита на координирано, своевременно и гъвкаво финансиране, с поддръжката на ново публично-частно партньорство.

В качеството си на водещ световен донор на хуманитарна помощ, ЕС има потенциала и капацитета да установи и развие подобна система за хуманитарна помощ. На предстоящата световна хуманитарна среща в Истанбул, Съюзът трябва да поеме водеща роля за избавянето на милионите страдащи хора. Това е не само наш морален дълг, но и ангажимент, който Европейският съюз продължава да изпълнява в продължение на десетилетия.


  Monika Smolková (S&D), písomne. – Plne sa stotožňujem s tým, aby sa uskutočnil Svetový humanitárny samit, dokonca by som privítala aj organizovanie humanitárnych samitov v pravidelných cykloch, aby bohatý svet, bohatá Európa pomáhali krajinám a ich obyvateľom, ktorých zastihli prírodné katastrofy, zemetrasenia, zosuvy pôd, záplavy... Toto by malo byť hlavným cieľom humanity, ale po šiestich rokoch „prizerania sa“ vojnovým zločinom v Sýrii a ďalších krajinách, s podporou dodávok zbraní do krajín, kde sa bojuje, je organizovanie Svetového humanitárneho samitu slabou náplasťou pre ľudí, ktorí utekajú z vlastných domovov, aby si zachránili život. Je potrebné hovoriť najprv o príčinách humanitárnych kríz, ako im predchádzať, ako proti nim bojovať. EÚ je silná ekonomika v rámci sveta, je silný líder v rámci veľmocí sveta a mala by prevziať kormidlo v spolupráci s OSN ako mierotvorca a mediator pri riešení vojnových konfliktov vo svete. Iba potom bude mať Svetový humanitárny samit význam a podnieti ešte k väčšej solidarite obyvateľov Európy s ľuďmi trpiacimi na celom svete.

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