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Az ülések szó szerinti jegyzőkönyve
2016. május 12., Csütörtök - Strasbourg Lektorált változat

15. Devizahitelek (a vita folytatása)
A felszólalásokról készült videofelvételek

Oświadczenie Komisji: Pożyczki w walutach obcych (2016/2704(RSP))


  Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE). – Domnule președinte, dezbatem astăzi un subiect foarte important și, într-adevăr, poate ar fi meritat un moment mai bun, cu o audiență mult mai extinsă. Pentru majoritatea familiilor, a contracta un credit este o decizie financiară foarte importantă și chiar o decizie de viață foarte importantă și de aceea este important să găsim soluții la aceste probleme. Cred că trebuie să stabilim reguli clare pentru viitor în ceea ce privește protecția consumatorilor, mai ales că puterea de negociere între consumatori și bănci este, de foarte multe ori, extrem de disproporționată, în defavoarea consumatorilor. În același timp însă cred că trebuie să ne ferim de populism, nu trebuie să dezechilibrăm și mai mult sistemul bancar, care și așa are nenumărate probleme și să găsim soluții rezonabile și proporționale. Sunt de acord cu domnul comisar, soluțiile trebuie să fie echilibrate, dar așteptăm cu interes să vedem și care sunt aceste soluții, o eventuală soluție putând fi legea dării în plată pentru persoanele fizice, nu pentru dezvoltatorii imobiliari, cu un plafon maxim, așa cum s-a întâmplat în România de curând.


(Koniec pytań z sali)


  Jonathan Hill, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, as a number of colleagues have said, this has been a short debate at a time when the House is not well attended. I regret that, because it is an extremely important subject.

In terms of some of the themes that have come out from the debate, perhaps the most important starting point is: what can we do to protect consumers in future? Part of the answer, I think, lies – as a number of colleagues have referred to – in the Mortgage Credit Directive, which will put in place a better framework with specific remedies to protect consumers, in case for those who take out foreign currency loans, the rates were to rise sharply in cost. I think, more generally, in terms of what we need to try to do to improve retail financial services for consumers across the European Union, we do need to have more transparency. We do need to try to increase the size of the market so that consumers are able to have the best choice of products that is available and, as Mr Kelly mentioned, if you look at the pricing of certain financial products across the EU, they vary hugely from country to country.

One of the ideas behind the Green paper on retail financial services that I have launched, and the process we are working on, is to try to strengthen that single market for retail financial services and think about financial services, not from an institutional point of view, but from the point of view of the millions of our fellow citizens who use them.

Now I start with that point because the importance of trying to build a stronger single market for retail financial services links to the point about having a single market for capital and the free flow of capital, which a number of colleagues have referred to. That, I think, underpins the approach that the Commission has taken in the case of these foreign currency loans. As a number of colleagues have said, it is very important that we strike a balance between the interests of consumers – and clearly there it is absolutely and perfectly proper for Member States to take action to protect the interests of consumers – but, at the same time, if we want to uphold the single market in capital, if we want to deepen it and strengthen it, we have to uphold the legal framework that operates and we need to make sure that governments, when they take steps – perfectly properly to protect consumers – do so within the framework of that law. That in essence is what lies behind the approach that the Commission has sought to develop with a number of Member States.

In response to a specific question, I was asked how many Member States consulted the Commission in advance of taking measures, well Member States are not obliged to consult the Commission before the adoption of the laws in fields of financial services. We are monitoring measures in Romania and Poland because there Member States have provided us with their draft laws. We are also, as I said, in discussions with the Croatian Government to see if we can find a balanced solution to the challenge that we face. It is not the case, as was alleged, that the Commission is seeking to infringe Member States who take action to protect consumers. That is far from the point. I hope I have been completely clear, that it is, of course, absolutely proper for governments to take those actions but, as a number of colleagues have mentioned, the issue of retroactivity is extremely important, the question of proportionality is extremely important and the issue where there is no differentiation by governments in the laws they pass between consumers is also a cause for concern.

I am hopeful that we will be able to find practical solutions to the problems that we face. I am encouraged by the support I have had from a number of Members of Parliament for the approach that we are taking. I am personally involved in doing that work; discussing it with Ministers. I hope that we will be able to make that progress, in order to provide clarity and legal certainty for financial services, but also for consumers. So as far as Croatia is specifically concerned, we are continuing to assess the situation there and to make sure and explore whether the actions they are taking are compatible with the single market and the commitments that Croatia has made under European legislation. We will keep up the pressure on that. Also, we are following discussions in other countries where possible measures in relation to foreign currency loans are being considered, just to check that they are in line with EU law. But this is an important issue. I will keep it firmly under review and we will take the necessary steps that we need to make sure that consumers are protected but that we have a common framework and we uphold the rule of law, so that businesses are able to invest with certainty, because if we want to get growth and jobs to be encouraged, if we want to encourage investment, and if we want to build a capital markets union, then businesses need to know that they have certainty and that they are able to invest for the long term.


Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

Jogi nyilatkozat - Adatvédelmi szabályzat