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Woensdag 25 mei 2016 - Brussel Herziene uitgave

17. Voorbereiding van de G7-top (debat)
Video van de redevoeringen

La Présidente. – L'ordre du jour appelle le débat sur les déclarations du Conseil et de la Commission sur la préparation du sommet du G7 (2016/2586(RSP)).


  Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the Commission. – Madam President, President Juncker is travelling as we speak to the G7 Summit in Japan and has asked me to address you on his behalf, ahead of a summit that will address a number of urgent priorities.

The economic backdrop is one of gradual recovery for our economy, despite a difficult global environment. EU annual growth reached 2% in 2015. Our first-quarter growth this year was higher than that of the United States. Unemployment is certainly still much too high in some Member States but, across the board, it has fallen to its lowest in five years. Today, there are five million more jobs than in 2013.

Confidence is gradually returning – we see it on investment, on consumer spending, on lending. But we must remain alert. Our main trading partners’ slower performance is a cause for concern. Last year, growth outside the EU fell to its lowest since 2009 as emerging markets performed less well. Against this backdrop of uncertainty, growth will depend on the opportunities we create for ourselves. We need investment, structural reforms and responsible public finances. We need to stay the course.

This Parliament has played a vital role in this strategy. You made it possible to launch the Investment Plan for Europe at record speed. In less than one year, it has triggered EUR 100 billion in new investments, and delivered finance on better terms to more than 140 000 SMEs. It is generating structural change. Until now, European investment has often been dominated by a limited number of large, expensive projects. Today, we are starting to see more local projects, which are smaller and more diverse. Public money is mobilising private finance, and supporting structural reforms. We see more interaction between the European Investment Bank and local institutions. In short, we are beginning to see the kind of investment that the market has often failed to deliver.

Our Fund is helping to find new treatments for Alzheimer’s disease; transforming old industrial sites into new offices; bringing energy efficiency into our homes and cutting our bills; and lending a hand to start-ups who were turned away by other lenders. Investment is high on the agenda of the G7. And we have a good story to tell.

We will also deliver better news on Greece. Last year, we fought hard to keep Greece in the euro area. Today, the economic data is better than expected. Greece should return to growth in the second half of 2016. Unemployment fell in 2015, and the government reached a primary surplus of 0.7% of GDP. The stability support programme agreed last summer has laid the ground for long-term stable development. Above all, we have managed to secure Greece’s place in the euro area. This week’s agreement on the completion of the first review of the programme only confirms that.

Discussions on reducing the Greek debt burden have now started. This recognises the collective effort made by the people of Greece. Today, the Greek economy can turn the corner, and we are confident that international investors will follow.

Within the G7, the European Union has always fought for a global economy that is governed by rules, increasingly transparent, and as fair as possible. In other words, we strive to export our best practices to the global stage. At this week’s summit, we will continue these efforts.

Together with our G7 partners, we need to demonstrate that global trade can work for everyone – not just for every country, but for every part of our society. We know that, in the short term, globalisation produces winners and losers. This has helped to fuel populist forces around the world. And so our challenge is not only to shape the rules of the game and to ensure that they are respected, but also to argue that our long-term prosperity lies in openness and exchange.

Over the last year, the European Union has taken the lead on tax transparency. We now have a ground-breaking agreement on tax rulings, and earlier this year we adopted a new proposal on country-by-country reporting. Our message is clear: everyone must pay their fair share. We must now work with our G7 partners to ensure that this is a truly global effort. If our own Member States have agreed to put in place central registers of beneficial ownership, then our partners must do the same. For those that try to evade their duty to society, there must be no place to hide.

We must be equally firm on those countries that do not play by the rules. Free trade must be fair trade. I can assure this House today that the European Commission stands by a robust trade defence system. If somebody distorts the market, we will take action.

This Commission has launched a record number of trade defence measures to respond to the dumping on Europe’s steel industry. At the G7, we will argue that offending countries need to produce clear and measurable plans to cut over-capacity. International monitoring must ensure that everyone complies.

Let me now turn to the global refugee crisis, which is rightly high on the G7 agenda. This Commission has argued from the start that only global solutions will work. Here, once again, this Parliament has helped to deliver a European strategy that is comprehensive: saving lives at sea, providing humanitarian assistance, strengthening our borders, supporting the countries most under pressure, relocating and resettling people in need of international protection, returning irregular migrants to their home countries, and creating safe and legal routes for asylum-seekers from outside the European Union. In 2015 and 2016, the EU will have devoted more than EUR 10 billion to managing the crisis.

This strategy has given us the breathing space to look to the future. Together with our G7 partners, we must now develop a truly global response, backed by proper resources, and capable of addressing the root causes of migration. An international resettlement programme is urgent and necessary. Only by giving asylum-seekers a legal route to safety will we convince them not to risk their lives. This is the best way to break the business model of the smugglers. And the best way to restore dignity to those who genuinely need our protection.

Let me conclude with climate and energy. This week’s summit of the G7 is the first since the Paris agreement. The real work starts now: modernising our economy and changing the way we produce and consume. This in turn requires new incentives across the entire spectrum of policy. The best of our businesses have read the signal: leading European companies are changing their business models, and creating new jobs that require new skills, innovative processes and investments.

The European Union must have the ambition to be a world leader in renewables: the sector now employs over one million people and generates EUR 130 billion in turnover each year. European companies today hold 40% of all patents for renewable technologies. But major obstacles remain. In 2013, across the world, subsidies for fossil fuels amounted to almost EUR 500 billion. That is a lot of money being spent very badly. The G7 has promised to phase out those subsidies by 2025. Next we must push the G20 to do the same.

As we approach this week’s summit in Japan, the need for political coordination at the global level is as compelling as ever. From a slowing global economy to a global refugee crisis, the countries of the G7 need to show leadership and join forces. As the European Union, we will continue to make the case for a global economy that is governed by rules, and an open society that seeks prosperity and security in its exchange with others. In today’s uncertain world, our contribution really matters.


  Paulo Rangel, em nome do Grupo PPE. – Senhora Presidente, em primeiro lugar queria saudar o Senhor Comissário, Vice-Presidente Timmermans e queria dizer o seguinte.

É evidente que a agenda deste G7 é extremamente vasta. Aqui, a Presidência japonesa não hesitou em pôr, enfim, fazer uma espécie de passagem por todos os temas e eu gostaria de focar quatro temas principais.

O primeiro tem a ver com investimento e aí, sinceramente, julgo que a União Europeia tem, ela própria, que fazer algum esforço. Penso que não basta o Plano Juncker uma vez que estão aqui representadas também individualmente as economias mais relevantes da União Europeia (estou a pensar na Alemanha, na França, no Reino Unido, na Itália). Elas próprias têm que fazer o seu esforço e, em particular, algumas delas têm condições para fazer um investimento em infraestruturas de qualidade e qualificadoras, que podem desempenhar um papel de arranque na economia europeia e na economia global e, portanto, tal como disse o Presidente Obama no seu discurso de Hanôver, bem recente, é importante que os países do G7 façam também um esforço no sentido de fazer esse investimento.

Segundo ponto que acho que é essencial e que nos afeta a nós também, União Europeia, é a questão fiscal e, especialmente, a questão dos paraísos fiscais onde acho que podemos fazer muito mais e o G7 tem grandes responsabilidades.

Importante é também envolver estes países e não apenas a Europa na crise dos refugiados. O Canadá, o Japão, os Estados Unidos, a Austrália não podem isolar-se desta luta.

E finalmente, queria deixar só uma palavra, e com isto termino, sobre um ponto essencial que é o vírus Zika. Falamos muito do Ébola mas o Zika está a chegar à Europa, já está a chegar à margem sul da Europa, e é fundamental que o G7 enfrente este problema.

(O orador aceita responder a uma pergunta segundo o procedimento “cartão azul”, nos termos do artigo 162.º, n.º 8, do Regimento)


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. – Tisztelt Képviselő Úr! Ön kellő hangsúlyokat adott a gazdasági kérdéseknek. De vajon nem gondolja-e, hogy ez a mostani találkozó, ez egy unikális alkalom lehetne arra nézvést, hogy Európa megértesse a legfőbb gazdasági erőkkel, hogy most igazából Európának is szüksége van a szolidaritásra. Nem utolsó sorban azért, mert egy kicsit a többiek ezt egy európai problémának érzik – a migrációs ügyek vonatkozásában. Magyarul, kérdezem: Ön látja-e annak lehetőségét, hogy a rendezvény most egy szolidaritásról szóljon?


  Paulo Rangel (PPE), Resposta segundo o procedimento "cartão azul". – Muito obrigado pela sua pergunta. Aquilo que eu disse é exatamente, num duplo sentido, isso.

Primeiro ponto: quanto à questão do arranque económico, a ideia de que nós próprios, os países mais desenvolvidos, temos obrigações de investimento e, nomeadamente, aqueles países que estão mais desafogados, que podem puxar pelos outros, e isso aplica-se à economia global como se aplica à economia europeia.

E, na questão dos refugiados, não tenho dúvidas de que a Europa não deve enfrentar este desafio sozinha, embora ela possa fazer muito e está já a fazer alguma coisa. Deve enfrentar este desafio justamente com o apoio dos restantes países que têm mais poder económico no quadro mundial. Eles também têm uma responsabilidade, eles também são responsáveis pelos refugiados.


  Alessia Maria Mosca, a nome del gruppo S&D. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, mai come in questo momento storico la cooperazione globale deve essere rafforzata e dare risposte efficaci.

Una nuova globalizzazione, meno indifferente a chi non ne gode direttamente i benefici, è l'unica risposta a chi fa leva sulle paure e rivitalizza idee che avevamo sperato superate per sempre: nazionalismo, separatismo, xenofobia e muri. L'agenda del summit in Giappone è molto ambiziosa e altrettanto, ci auguriamo, siano le conclusioni, dalla politica estera, al cambiamento climatico, allo sviluppo sostenibile.

Un punto centrale sarà il commercio globale, sul quale abbiamo bisogno di un nuovo slancio che argini le tendenze isolazionistiche e che punti a far rispettare le regole da tutti, poiché solo con il rispetto di tali regole la cooperazione globale può funzionare. A questo proposito, in coerenza con la risoluzione che questo Parlamento ha votato due settimane fa, auspichiamo venga trovata una modalità di rapporto coerente con la Cina, partner fondamentale, che deve però anche essere compartecipe nella definizione di un commercio equo e sostenibile. E ciò vale soprattutto per la questione della concessione dello status di economia di mercato, così come per quella della sovraccapacità, specie nel settore dell'acciaio, e per il rispetto di regole comuni per l'accesso al mercato.

Infine, vogliamo sottolineare con soddisfazione l'inserimento nell'agenda dei lavori del punto sulla gender equality. Le Istituzioni europee, da sempre in prima linea nella promozione dell'empowerment delle donne, potranno cogliere l'occasione del G7 per supportare le proposte volte a ridurre tutti i divari di genere con misure concrete e coordinate.


  Hans-Olaf Henkel, im Namen der ECR-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin, Herr Vizepräsident! Ganz vorne auf der G7-Agenda steht die Weltwirtschaft, und ich glaube zu Recht. Das hat folgende Gründe. Erstens: Die Weltwirtschaft wächst heute lange nicht mehr so schnell wie früher, und darunter werden vor allen Dingen die Länder der Dritten Welt leiden. Zweitens: Der wichtigste Motor der Weltwirtschaft, der internationale Welthandel, stottert. Und drittens: Von den auf dem Gipfel vertretenen Regionen hält die Eurozone schon seit längerer Zeit immer wieder die rote Laterne.

Deshalb erlaube ich mir, den beiden Präsidenten Tusk und Juncker einige Ratschläge mit auf den Weg nach Japan zu geben. Erstens: Setzen Sie sich für einen Neustart im Welthandel ein. Stichworte sind hier TTIP, CETA und TPP. Die Globalisierung ist nicht nur ein ökonomisches Phänomen. Sie bringt nicht nur Waren, Dienstleistungen und Güter um die Welt, sondern eben auch Ideen wie Demokratie und Menschenrechte. Zweitens: Widersetzen Sie sich dem süßen Gift eines möglichen Abwertungswettlaufs. Und drittens: Sie werden sicherlich gefragt werden, warum die Eurozone schon seit Jahren dahinsiecht. Die Antwort liegt in der One-size-fits-all-Währung. Währungen müssen den wirtschaftlichen Realitäten entsprechen. Wir müssen damit aufhören, die wirtschaftlichen, finanziellen und fiskalischen Kulturen der Länder den Bedürfnissen der Währung unterzuordnen.

(Der Redner ist damit einverstanden, eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“ gemäß Artikel 162 Absatz 8 der Geschäftsordnung zu beantworten.)


  Daniel Caspary (PPE), Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Sehr geehrter Herr Henkel! Sie sind auf die angeblich dahinsiechende Eurozone eingegangen. Stimmen Sie mir zu, dass diese angeblich so dahinsiechende Zone im ersten Quartal dieses Jahres ein größeres Wirtschaftswachstum hatte als die möglicherweise so vitalen Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika? Könnte es also hilfreich sein, wenn Sie Ihre Ansicht über die Eurozone überdenken, wenn Sie die Realität auf dieser Welt zur Kenntnis nehmen?


  Hans-Olaf Henkel (ECR), Antwort auf eine Frage nach dem Verfahren der „blauen Karte“. – Ein Hinweis: Zur Betrachtung der Realität gehört natürlich die Wahrheit, und die Wahrheit kann man nicht an den Ergebnissen von 90 Tagen festmachen. Meine Aussage bezieht sich auf zehn Jahre und übrigens auf die offiziellen Vorhersagen der OECD, und die zeigen ganz eindeutig, dass auch in diesem Jahr die Eurozone hinter den Vereinigten Staaten, hinter dem Rest der Welt und im Übrigen auch hinter all den Ländern in der EU hinterherhinkt, die den Euro nicht haben.


  Pavel Telička, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, let me start by saying that clearly the Dutch Presidency does not attach that much importance to the G7 summit, but I am glad that the Commission does. I also share a lot of what the Vice-President has said on a number of important points – I think points that are relevant for the agenda, points where the EU has a lot to show. Against the background of the all the crises that we are facing I think that there are plenty of positive messages, and I am glad that you have raised this.

I also appreciate what you have said about investment, structural reforms and of course sound finances, as well as the distortion of the market and the response the EU has to make in this respect. But you have also used the word confidence, confidence in the markets – I would use ‘confidence’ in a different context: confidence in the G7.

I think that the reality is that from the last summits of the G7 we do not have that much to cheer about. The G7 for me is an important forum and it can be a very successful one, but there are ingredients which are absolutely key.

Problems identified – we have mentioned some of them and I think we have plenty of those. Then we need to be able to arrive at a certain degree of consensus if not unanimity. That seems to be much more problematic, which brings me to the third ingredient, namely that it might be key – and that might be an opportunity for the EU, not just on concrete issues, but in general – to take up leadership. Clearly what the G7 is lacking in recent years is leadership, and the outcome of the G 7 reflects that. That is a reality, and if we look at the agenda, the agenda is full and relevant, but we already know in advance that it is going to be extremely difficult to agree on the common growth strategies. The ministers were unable to agree on it. Hopefully the summit will do better, but on one of the key points on the agenda, clearly we are unable to agree or we have difficulties.

So I would expect President Juncker and President Tusk to show leadership in this respect and not just to show in our windscreens what we can be rightly proud of, but really take up the leadership and deliver. We are not delivering and I think the public expects that.

(The speaker agreed to take a blue-card question under Rule 162(8))


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D), blue-card question. – You know that climate change is a great threat to our future and it is linked also with migrants coming especially from the sub-Saharan area. Do you not think that the European Commission President and the European Council President should take the lead at the G7 meeting, because you were talking about confidence, and should call on the Heads of State of the seven countries to ratify as soon as possible the agreement made in Paris in order to set an example to other states?


  Pavel Telička (ALDE), blue-card answer. – Yes, if I spoke of leadership I meant it ‘en bloc’. I think that all the issues that are on the agenda are absolutely relevant. But leadership also means that we are able to find an agreement on all those issues. Leadership does not always mean by definition that we are well ahead while the rest of the world lags behind. And on climate change, relevant as it is, we need a global deal, and we need everyone to really put in the effort so that we have a harmonised effect.


  Tania González Peñas, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señora Presidenta, Señorías, quiero compartir con ustedes nuestra preocupación por la posición de la Unión Europea acerca de las estrategias económicas para combatir esa creciente incertidumbre económica mundial. Sin embargo, lejos de aprovechar estos foros para frenar la especulación a escala mundial y regularizar los paraísos fiscales, se siguen tomando decisiones que perpetúan el problema.

Esa incertidumbre económica que aterra ahora a las élites mundiales es la consecuencia de las prácticas antisociales que alienta la Comisión. Efectivamente, hay una crisis de inversión mundial y quienes la sufren son los ciudadanos y las ciudadanas que ven cómo las principales potencias siguen promocionando la especulación financiera global en vez de buscar soluciones para la vida de la gente.

No es tarde para que el señor Juncker y el señor Task hagan autocrítica, dejen de improvisar planes para salvar a los de siempre —no a nuevas empresas, a los de siempre— y busquen soluciones que tengan presentes a los pueblos que esperan de la Unión Europea otra cosa más allá de recortes y miseria.

Y, señor Timmermans, comercio justo no es el TTIP. Ese es el comercio del 1 % de las multinacionales. No es el comercio para la mayoría, para el 99 %.


  Sven Giegold, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Herr Kommissar Timmermans! Zwei kurze Punkte möchte ich ansprechen. Beim G7 vor einem Jahr war das große Schlagwort die Dekarbonisierung. Das große Versprechen war: Wir machen die Weltwirtschaft klimafreundlich und sorgen dadurch gleichzeitig für wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung. Sie haben es selbst angesprochen: Gleichzeitig investieren die Länder, die sich jetzt wieder versammeln, selber nach wie vor große Summen in Kohle, in Öl, in Gas usw. Sie haben kritisiert, dass die umweltschädlichen Subventionen weitergehen. Ich frage mich an der Stelle: Was tun wir diesbezüglich in Europa? Gibt es einen Vorschlag, der jetzt nach dem, was Sie eben gesagt haben, kommen wird, um die umweltschädlichen Subventionen zu beenden? Ich sehe stattdessen im europäischen Semester, dass die Vorschläge zur ökologischen Finanzpolitik reduziert und nicht verstärkt worden sind. Also seien Sie selbst mutig in dem Bereich, und die G7 sollte das realisieren, was sie angekündigt hat.

Ein zweiter Punkt: Vor zwei Monaten hat dieses Haus einen Bericht, den Goulard-Bericht, verabschiedet und stärkere Regeln gegen Interessenkonflikte, für Rechenschaftspflicht und Transparenz von globalen Institutionen eingefordert. Herr Timmermans, werden Sie die Vorschläge, die wir da gemacht haben, in die G7 hineintragen? Wie wird die G7 selbst diese Vorschläge realisieren, und wie wird die Europäische Kommission bei ihrer Arbeit in der G7 diese Vorschläge des Parlaments umsetzen? Da wäre ich auf eine Antwort gespannt.


  Patrick O’Flynn, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Madam President, the sad truth is that the European Commissioners are going to be excluded from the only meaningful action at the G7 summit, which will be more blood-curdling warnings to the British not to dare to vote to leave the EU. You see, the likes of Mr Juncker and Mr Timmermans, and Mr Tusk as well, are judged to be counterproductive even to Project Fear as a reminder to voters of eurozone folly and wider EU economic failure. How embarrassing it must be for the EU’s representatives to turn up to each G7 with yet another excuse for economic failure. This time, according to the Commission’s own fact sheet, they intend to claim that despite a more difficult global environment the EU’s recovery continues. That reminds me of the old line about never letting the facts get in the way of a good story. We are told the economy in all Member States will grow next year, albeit unevenly – that is one word for it. The Commission’s G7 factsheet says that investment, although still low compared with pre-crisis levels, is ‘gaining traction’. Traction in my country is what we put patients in when they have serious fractures. Let me remind you that the crisis was in 2008, yet recovery has still not taken a firm hold. The fact sheet hopes to get average unemployment in the EU below 10% in 2017. That is not a fact sheet, it is a wish list. And it is always ‘jam tomorrow’, is it not? As the much-loved British sitcom character Del Boy used to say, ‘this time next year we could be millionaires’. It is not going to happen under the euro, the euro is a losers’ currency. It is not a case of the eurozone battling against the global environment so much as the euro dragging down the global economic environment. And instead of facing up to this, no doubt even now you will be dreaming up your excuses for the 2017 summit, predicting that 2018 will be your year. Face it: the dog did not eat your homework, the euro killed your growth.


  Gilles Lebreton, au nom du groupe ENF. – Madame la Présidente, par une ruse de l'histoire, l'Union européenne est le huitième participant des sommets du G7, théoriquement réservé à sept États. Messieurs Tusk et Junker la représenteront donc au prochain sommet, qui aura lieu les 26 et 27 mai au Japon. Je crains, hélas, qu'ils exercent une influence négative sur la résolution de trois problèmes qui y seront débattus.

En matière économique, ils prôneront, comme d'habitude, l'ultralibéralisme, qui fait le malheur des peuples européens. Auront-ils l'audace de saluer les progrès dans la négociation du TAFTA, comme lors du G7 de l'an dernier? Je parie que oui, car ils sont sourds aux inquiétudes de l'opinion publique.

En matière de politique étrangère, ils s'acharneront sans doute sur la Russie, alors que la Russie est objectivement notre principal allié dans la lutte contre l'État islamique et contre le terrorisme.

Et en matière de crise migratoire, ils renforceront les États du G7 dans leur erreur. La seule solution pour la résoudre, à long terme, consiste en effet à apporter une aide à l'éducation et au développement économique aux États qui en ont besoin, afin de fixer les populations chez elles. Mais qui s'en soucie?

Au sommet humanitaire mondial d'Istanbul, qui vient de s'achever le 24 mai, les dirigeants du G7 n'étaient pas là, et aujourd'hui, le Conseil n'est même pas représenté au Parlement européen.

(L'orateur accepte de répondre à une question "carton bleu" (article 162, paragraphe 8, du règlement))


  Ангел Джамбазки (ECR), въпрос, зададен чрез вдигане на синя карта. – Уважаеми колега Льобретон, финансовите лидери на страните от Г7 приеха план за действие, призоваващ за повишен обмен на информация, с цел предотвратяване на финансирането на тероризма.

Не смятате ли, че Г7 е остаряла структура, която вече не представлява най-силните икономики, имайки предвид липсата на Китай и на Индия, на редица арабски държави там и на практика решенията им нямат никакъв особен ефект? И не смятате ли, че тази структура дублира други подобни структури и всъщност подобен дебат е, меко казано, губене на време?


  Gilles Lebreton (ENF), réponse "carton bleu". – Merci de cette question très intéressante. Je pense que le G7 est un instrument intéressant parmi d'autres pour résoudre des problèmes internationaux. En ce qui concerne l'échange d'informations, cet échange est bien sûr nécessaire dans bien des domaines, notamment pour lutter contre le terrorisme. Je suis représentant d'un groupe politique qui préconise la coopération entre États souverains et j'estime donc que ce genre d'échange d'informations est acceptable à condition que cela ne soit pas pris en main par la Commission de Bruxelles qui, immanquablement, fait capoter les bons projets.


  Zoltán Balczó (NI). – Annak önmagában örülnünk kell, hogy a G7-csúcstalálkozón a napirenden szerepel a migránsválság kérdése is. És itt hangsúlyozzák, a Bizottság alelnöke is, a sajtónyilatkozatokban is az szerepel, hogy globális feladatként kell ezt megoldani. Ez így van! De mit tekintünk feladatnak? A nyilatkozat felsorolja az európai uniós anyagi terheket. De az kevés, hogy szolidáris alapon a globális partnerek ehhez hozzájárulnak. Itt felelősségről van szó! Kiemelten az Egyesült Államok felelősségéről, amelyik a nyugati demokrácia exportjának fegyveres próbálkozásával létrehozta azt az arab tavaszt, amelyik anarchiába döntötte ezt a régiót, és alapvetően hozzájárult ehhez a migránsáradathoz. Tehát igenis erre a felelősség-felhívásra van szükség, és az Egyesült Államoknak módja van Szaúd-Arábia és az öböl menti gazdag országok révén is lehetővé tenni, hogy a menekültek ne Európa irányába jöjjenek.


  Daniel Caspary (PPE). – Frau Präsidentin! Fünf Millionen mehr Jobs als 2013 haben wir heute in der Europäischen Union, und viele davon sind wegen und dank der Globalisierung entstanden. Auf der anderen Seite haben wir im Moment Hunderttausende in Sorge, zum Beispiel im Stahlbereich, auch wegen der Globalisierung. Deswegen ist meine Bitte: Nutzen Sie den G7-Gipfel, um die Chancen zu vergrößern und die Risiken zu verringern, damit wir auch in Zukunft eine positive Stimmung gegenüber der Globalisierung in unserer Europäischen Union haben.

Warum? Nehmen wir mal das Beispiel China. Wir haben im Moment eine Milliarde Handelsvolumen am Tag zwischen der Europäischen Union und China. Das ist auf der einen Seite ein riesiger Markt für uns und auf der anderen Seite ein wichtiger Lieferant von Waren und Vorprodukten für unsere Seite. Wegen China sind auf der einen Seite viele Arbeitsplätze entstanden, ja, aber auf der anderen Seite haben viele Arbeitnehmer deswegen auch Sorgen: Halten die sich an die Regeln? Machen die nicht alles platt durch unfaire Handelspraktiken wie zum Beispiel bei Schuhen, Solarzellen oder jetzt im Stahlbereich? Wie gestalten wir unsere Beziehungen zu China und anderen wichtigen Partnern?

Deswegen meine Bitte: Nutzen Sie die Gelegenheit des G7-Gipfels, um mit den internationalen Partnern Regeln der Globalisierung zu gestalten und über sie zu sprechen, damit wir weiter viele neue Jobs und weniger neue Sorgen in Europa haben.

Ich wünsche mir auf der einen Seite, dass wir die offenen Märkte haben. Aber ich wünsche mir, dass wir auch in Zukunft Industriearbeitsplätze in Europa haben. Und deswegen: Freuen Sie sich weiter, Herr Kommissionsvizepräsident, wenn aus alten Industriebrachen neue Büros entstehen. Aber bitte, arbeiten Sie auch daran, dass Industrien in Europa überleben können und auch neue Industriearbeitsplätze in Europa entstehen können, weil sonst unser Wohlstand bedroht ist.


  Paul Tang (S&D). – Mevrouw de voorzitter, begin deze maand is de Japanse premier Abe op tournee geweest in Europa om de G7 voor te bereiden. Hij had een kraakheldere boodschap voor zijn Europese collega's: overheden moeten meer doen om de economie aan te jagen. Daar is nu meer reden voor dan ooit, want China ziet economische problemen en de andere opkomende landen hebben die problemen al. En het G7 is van oudsher het forum om te komen tot enige vorm van economische coördinatie.

Het is niet zo verrassend dat Shinzō Abe een pleidooi houdt. Hij is daar duidelijk de uitvinder van. Hij wil de deflatoire spiraal in Japan doorbreken, maar de Europese reactie is helaas ook geen verrassing. De Europese economische grootmachten blijven weigeren en met name minister Schaüble van Duitsland. Na de G7-top van de ministers van Financiën vorige week gaf hij immers als enige antwoord: structurele hervormingen.

Maar de Japanse premier heeft gelijk: structurele hervormingen zijn niet genoeg. Europese overheden zullen meer moeten doen om de vraag te stimuleren en investeringen aan te jagen. Ik ben bang dat de G7-top zal eindigen met een reprimande voor de Europese verdeeldheid om de problemen die we hier hebben, en die we niet kunnen afwentelen op het buitenland, onder ogen te zien.


  Νότης Μαριάς ( ECR). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η διάσκεψη των G7 είναι ανίκανη να δώσει λύσεις στα προβλήματα της παγκόσμιας οικονομίας, καθώς εμμένει στη λιτότητα και συνεχίζει να υποστηρίζει την οικονομία καζίνο. Σε έναν πολυπολικό κόσμο το αυτάρεσκο σχήμα των G7 δεν μπορεί να δώσει απαντήσεις στη σύγχρονη οικονομία χωρίς να λάβει υπόψη του την ανερχόμενη δύναμη των BRICS

Απαιτείται λοιπόν μια νέα παγκόσμια αρχιτεκτονική που θα δίνει λύση στο πρόβλημα της φτώχειας, θα διασφαλίζει μια δίκαιη κατανομή του παραγόμενου πλούτου και θα προωθεί τη διαγραφή του επονείδιστου χρέος που καταδυναστεύει τα κράτη. Για αυτό και δεν εμπιστευόμαστε τα συμπεράσματα που θα βγάλει η επικείμενη διάσκεψη των G7 όσον αφορά το ελληνικό χρέος, καθώς η χθεσινή απόφαση του Εurogroup επιβεβαιώνει ότι οι δανειστές της Ελλάδας «γδέρνουν το βόδι δυο φορές».

Αντί λοιπόν η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και το ΔΝΤ να κουρέψουν το ελληνικό δήθεν χρέος και να ρυθμίσουν την εξόφληση του υπόλοιπου με ρήτρα ανάπτυξης, όπως έπραξαν ήδη στην περίπτωση της Ουκρανίας, τελικά αρνούνται την απομείωση του ονομαστικού χρέους, απαιτούν μέτρα λιτότητας και αδιάκοπης δημοσιονομικής προσαρμογής, καθώς και διαρκές επί ενενήντα εννιά χρόνια ξεπούλημα της δημόσιας περιουσίας.


  Javier Couso Permuy (GUE/NGL). – Señora Presidenta, ¿qué función cumple el G—7 hoy en día? Solo hay que ver cómo se fundó para entender qué intereses defiende. El G—7 es parte de la defensa de una vieja correlación de fuerzas. Nacido en los años setenta en un mundo multipolar, no entiende que estamos ante el fin de la segunda globalización, esa de la que nos decía que toda la soberanía debería ir a los Estados Unidos, toda la soberanía del mundo. Estamos en la vuelta de un mundo multipolar. Los BRICS nos lo recuerdan cada día.

La intervención del Vicepresidente es clarificadora. Habla de economía mundial y de perjudicados de la globalización y hurta la agenda económica que han llevado ustedes. Y luego habla de fuerzas populistas, intentando acabar con la democracia y el debate democrático. Habla de comercio justo. Permítame que me ría. O de la dispersión de mercados, que vamos a actuar. ¿Qué quiere decir, la agenda de la ATCI para tener una postura frente a los nuevos países emergentes o la causa de la emigración?

Señor, no estamos ante un problema de emigración sino de refugiados. Más de lo mismo: defensa de un mundo multipolar y su injusto mundo de excepcionalidad neoliberal.


  Andrej Plenković (PPE). – Gospođo predsjednice, pozdravljam i prvog potpredsjednika Komisije gospodina Timmermansa i zahvaljujem mu na predstavljanju ključnih stajališta Europske komisije uoči 42. sastanka na vrhu G7, važnog foruma za globalno upravljanje koji već otprilike 35 godina daje priliku Europskoj uniji da zajednički artikulira stajališta o onim pitanjima koja su na dnevnom redu svijeta.

U tom kontekstu, njegova analiza o tome da je većina ekonomskih čimbenika i indikatora poboljšana na razini Europske unije treba predstavljati poticaj onim zemljama Europske unije koje nisu na toj razini, ni kada je riječ o rastu ni kada je riječ o smanjivanju zapošljavanja i provođenju strukturnih reformi. I u tom pogledu, europski investicijski plan strateškog investiranja treba biti mjerilo i pokazatelj smjera daljnjeg razvitka niza država članica.

Ono što mi se čini bitnim za ovaj sastanak G7 je da uz teme koje je spomenuo gospodin Timmermans, kada je riječ o zajedničkom nalaženju rješenja i za migracijsku krizu i izbjegličku krizu, trebamo vidjeti koji doprinos Europske unije može biti u povezivanju ove krize s ciljevima održive razvojne politike Europske unije i Agende 2030.

Naravno da u tom pogledu treba pridonijeti i dijalog o jačanju ukupnih trgovinskih odnosa na globalnoj razini, zaključivanju sporazuma gdje ćemo voditi računa o interesima naših potrošača i o našim standardima kada je riječ o javnom zdravstvu. Važno je dogovoriti i daljnju suradnju na razini globalne sigurnosne i vanjske politike.


  Neena Gill (S&D). – Madam President, the global challenges we are facing have been well versed in this House: terrorism, the migration crisis, energy and climate change. And we are still grappling with the consequences of the financial crisis, so the main aim for the G7 has to be to address this.

We live in an interdependent and interconnected world where we really need to find solutions together. The G7 are the most powerful economies of the world and they must tackle the level of unemployment we face. They must tackle this to increase job creation, because only together can we really tackle the challenges that we face. Rightly, this meeting is concerned about the outcome of the UK referendum on its membership of the EU. Members of Britain’s leading tax and spending think-tank have warned today that leaving the EU would force ministers to extend austerity measures by up to two years to achieve a budget surplus. Thus, the message is clear, if we want our voice to be heard on a global level we want the UK to lead and to stay in the EU. As Gordon Brown stated elegantly this morning, when it comes to the UK relationship in the EU ‘it should be about clout and not about out’.


  Barbara Spinelli (GUE/NGL). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, vorrei concentrarmi sulla ricostituzione del G8 e sulla riapertura economica e politica alla Russia.

Ritengo urgente rivedere i rapporti con Washington in vista del referendum inglese e delle elezioni negli USA: meglio prepararsi prima che dopo, meglio prevedere le nostre disgregazioni sia con il Brexit sia con il non-Brexit.

Quanto a Mosca, mi chiedo se l'Europa abbia interesse a una presenza militare quadruplicata di USA e NATO ai confini orientali, che estranierà la Russia più che mai. Washington si allontanerà dall'Europa con Trump o la userà, se vince Hillary Clinton, come strumento di politiche fallite in Medi Oriente, Siria e Libia.

Prepararsi vuol dire ridiscutere tali politiche, averne una propria. Da quelle politiche sono nati l'Isis, le guerre e quella che chiamiamo "questione rifugiati", quando è "nostra questione", "nostra débâcle".




  Sergio Gaetano Cofferati (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, vorrei insistere su due punti che sono già nel vasto ordine del giorno del G7 ed aggiungere una considerazione su un punto che invece purtroppo manca, secondo me colpevolmente.

Il primo tema è quello della lotta all'elusione e all'evasione fiscale. La proposta dell'OCSE è una piccola proposta, insufficiente. Io credo che anche sul piano dei rapporti bilaterali e in sede multilaterale sia importante andare oltre, avere cioè soluzioni che abbiano un carattere maggiormente vincolante, più trasparente e che introducano la rendicontazione, paese per paese, a livello internazionale.

Il secondo argomento è quello degli accordi commerciali internazionali. Manca trasparenza, non possiamo assistere impotenti a negoziati dei quali non conosciamo i contenuti, soprattutto quando questi riguardano gli standard sociali, ambientali e la sicurezza dei consumatori.

L'ultimo tema, quello che manca, è l'attività delle multinazionali e il rispetto dei diritti umani. Credo sia importante garantire i principi guida delle Nazioni Unite sui business e sui diritti umani. Troppe volte la catena della produzione arriva a cancellare diritti che riguardano le persone, addirittura in qualche caso i bambini. Credo che tutto ciò non sia più accettabile.


  Francisco Assis (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Vice-Presidente da Comissão, eu queria justamente também fazer uma referência à questão do comércio internacional.

Temos que melhorar o ambiente político internacional, de forma a evitar que ao vírus nacionalista, que se está a manifestar em grande escala no plano político, venha também a corresponder uma espécie de vírus protecionista, do ponto de vista do relacionamento comercial internacional.

Mas isso pressupõe, de facto, um grande esforço por parte das principais potências mundiais e a opinião europeia tem um papel muito importante, no sentido de criar um ambiente mais favorável, com maior transparência do ponto de vista comercial, do ponto de vista orçamental e também do ponto de vista fiscal, ao combate justamente à evasão e à fraude fiscais. Porque se não, de facto, estamos a criar as condições para que o protecionismo regresse em força com todas as consequências trágicas que daí poderão resultar.

O segundo aspeto que aqui queria referir é justamente a necessidade de projetar o tratamento da questão dos refugiados no plano mundial.

A União Europeia tem procurado responder, umas vezes melhor, outras vezes pior, mas a verdade é que temos que encontrar a capacidade de criar uma preocupação a nível mundial para o tratamento desse assunto e creio que esta é uma ocasião especialmente favorável para que esse tema seja colocado na agenda política mundial.


Intervenții la cerere


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule comisar, ați făcut o sinteză a principalelor preocupări ale Comisiei pentru viitor, trecând în revistă realizările din ultimii doi ani. Recunosc că am fost surprinsă de declarația dumneavoastră privind subvențiile prost cheltuite - circa patru sute de miliarde pentru scăderea emisiilor. Dar ce garanții avem că nu se vor cheltui prost și următoarele subvenții? Ce garanții ne dați?

Ați vorbit de evaziune fiscală, dar iată că a trecut ceva timp de la dezvăluirile privind Panama și nu avem încă măsuri concrete pentru prevenirea unui nou caz Panama. Ce veți decide la G7?

Mi-a plăcut că ați spus despre comerț: trebuie să fie liber, dar și echitabil. Credeți că avem toate măsurile pentru a avea un comerț echitabil? Eu cred că nu și, de aceea, cred, domnule comisar, că trebuie să găsiți măsuri țintite pentru apărare comercială, pentru armonizarea standardelor atunci când încheiați acorduri comerciale cu alte piețe, cum ar fi SUA, Canada sau China. Europa trebuie reindustrializată inteligent dacă dorim locuri de muncă, și cred că da,economia globală trebuie condusă prin reguli, numai că aceste reguli trebuie să fie echitabile. Ce faceți să nu mai avem două Europe, domnule comisar?


  Илхан Кючюк (ALDE). – Г-н Председател, г-н Тимерманс, колеги, срещата на върха на Г7 в Япония е от изключително значение, тъй като се провежда в момент, когато светът е изправен пред многобройни глобални предизвикателства. Задълбочаването на глобалната хуманитарна криза, спадът на световната икономика, нарастващите заплахи от тероризъм, отражението на климатичните промени и нестихващите етнорелигиозни конфликти са неотложни въпроси, на които водещите световни сили трябва да предложат решение въз основа на конкретни приоритети и конкретни ангажименти.

Именно затова Европейският съюз трябва да има значима роля на предстоящата среща на върха на Г7 в Япония. Необходимо е да поставим акцент върху решаването на бежанската криза, борбата с тероризма, развитието на свободната търговия, но и на спазването на всички ангажименти в областта на хуманитарната помощ, поети на срещата на върха по хуманитарните въпроси в Истанбул.

Европейският съюз трябва да настоява за засилване на международното сътрудничество в борбата с укриването на данъци и избягването на данъчно облагане.

Не на последно място Европейският съюз трябва да покаже, че е готов да изпълни своите ангажименти.


(Încheierea intervențiilor la cerere)


  Frans Timmermans, First Vice-President of the Commission. – Mr President, I will make just a few remarks. I have to say to the Honourable Member Giegold, who had two specific questions for me: on the first question I will have to get back to you in writing because I cannot answer you immediately; on the issue of expert groups and conflict of interests in expert groups, we have had a long debate also with the Parliament and with Dennis de Jong, another of your colleagues, on this, and the Commission’s position will be forthcoming before the end of this month on this specific issue.

In general, I would like to say that indeed we face huge global economic challenges on the issues we have discussed, but I think drawing up the drawbridge and building walls is not going to get us out of this conundrum. So all those who say we should break with neoliberal policies are right... but I am not sure that is what they are talking about. I think global trade will be necessary to create innovation and growth in the European Union. If you look at the challenge we face, given our demographic situation, then if we stay where we are, the best possible option is to defend what we have, which means, very simply, that we will slow down decline. So if you really want to use the opportunities that global developments are offering, you need to move towards a sustainable economy, you need to embrace the digital single market, you need to create an energy union and you need to make sure that your economy becomes circular. For all of that, you need change. You need to take the necessary steps in that direction. That is the only way we can create enough economic growth which is sustainable, which does not deplete the Earth but which maintains our natural resources and which will enable us to create the social environment that is wanted by the vast majority of Europeans. We need growth for that, given our demographic challenge.

That is what the Commission will be advocating in the G7 – to use the opportunity that global trade offers without being naive about the abuse of the elements of global trade if we do not stick to the rules and if we do not have fair play. That is the essence of what we are doing.

I do agree with all of those who have said that we need to have an enhanced attention towards implementing the Paris agreements. Again, if you follow my reasoning that we need a sustainable economy, we need to make sure that we slow down global warming and that we actually do what we promised in Paris. For that, concrete measures are necessary and they need to be discussed in the G7 framework.

Finally, let me emphasise – and I cannot say this enough – the migration and refugee crisis is here to stay. It is not something that will end if, at last, the war in Syria comes to an end. Look at the huge demographic pressures we will see from Africa and elsewhere. It is in our essential interest that we create sustainable growth in our neighbourhood. And when I talk about our neighbourhood, I mean the wider neighbourhood, including the whole of Africa. The G7 should be talking about that as well. This is about migration, this is about opportunity, this is about decent, rule-of-law-based government and all these things have become factors on a global scale for the decisive choice Europe needs to make: whether we want to export our stability and our prosperity, or whether we want to wait until we import instability and poverty from elsewhere. That, I think, should be the position of the European Union in the deliberations in the G7.


  Bert Koenders, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, first let me apologise for my late arrival to this important debate. I have already apologised to Mr Telička, Mr Lebreton and also other colleagues here today. We really had a big conflict of interest because of the visit of His Majesty the King, but we have made sure that we made notes. I have heard your comments and would like to reflect also from the side of the Council on some of the issues that you have mentioned in the debate.

Now, as the First Vice—President of the Commission said, the G7 leaders will discuss various topics of global importance and, crucially, on which the G7 can provide leadership. The European Union’s internal and external challenges, as we know, are closely intertwined, and therefore it is important for Europe to make use – if I can put it in those words – of this important meeting. We have, more than ever, an interest in being at the G7 since our internal and external security are so intertwined. The issues of migration or terrorism speak for themselves, and we need to take a comprehensive approach to the challenges we face with our other colleagues in the G7.

Let me start with an issue which, as you know, is very high on our agenda: the refugee and migration crisis. It is still one of the most urgent and immediate challenges facing us. I think it is not only a true test for our union and our neighbouring states. The European Union has pushed for the issue to be discussed at the level of the G7 in Japan because we are seriously impacted – the rest of the world, by the way, is also impacted – but we see it as a global challenge in need of a global response, and this is why Europeans are making sure these issues receive appropriate attention at a global level. I hope we can become as concrete as possible in these areas. Of course the G7 is not an implementation agency, but it can give the leadership to ensure that is also a global responsibility. Our leaders will update their counterparts on the measures we have taken to address the crisis.

Our actions and financial assistance will be more effective if properly integrated in a global effort to address migration issues and promote international peace and security – think about the debates we will have on issues like Syria but, more generally, the transformation in the Middle East. Managing migration is therefore not a European but rather a global responsibility, requiring collective solutions in full respect of our obligations under international law. The G7 is expected to call for a global response. It is a privileged forum, not just to discuss these issues but also to forge partnerships and launch, I hope, collective initiatives for a more equitable burden-sharing.

My second point is, of course, the global economy. I think we are constantly reminded that the global economy recovery is too slow, that it does not deliver enough jobs, that downside risks are accumulating, and therefore it is the right time for this group of G7 leaders to clearly signal that securing balanced and inclusive growth not only remains a top priority, but to recall that we have to get our own houses in order in our individual countries. But obviously there is also a collective responsibility. We have seen, I think, that those are the lessons learned by different partners in the G7; that taken in isolation, monetary, fiscal and structural policies do not suffice to boost economic activity in a sustainable way. Additionally, and given recent movements in currency markets, it would also be timely to reaffirm existing exchange rate commitments and call on all to refrain from competitive devaluations and to resist protectionism. This is a risk that we are all faced with, and I think the G7 will have to take some leadership on this.

That brings me to the third point: international trade. In 2015, G7 leaders underlined the importance of trade and investment as key drivers of growth, jobs and sustainable development. Tomorrow’s summit will have an important role to play in strengthening the future of the multilateral trade agenda. In this context it is important that on 13 May the council confirmed the broad support for the Commission’s proposals regarding the EU strategic objectives for the post-Nairobi period. Importantly, I think, public trust and support for the free trade agenda has decreased in the context of disappointing global trade in recent years. So we need to get the people back on board, and I think leaders should be clear about the benefits of maintaining economies open and free from protectionism, as well as the importance of multilateral and bilateral trade and investment agreements for growth and jobs. I think it is important that we ensure that we have a much more equal level playing field, and addressing the issue of industrial excess capacity would be part of the solution. Besides that, we should honestly address the concerns of the public. If you look through the history of the world economy, you see that people’s social protection actually leads to openness of international economies and not so much the other way around.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me finish with two other issues that I wanted to mention: taxation, another priority that we share with the G7. Now that Panama papers have shown how critical it is to develop and implement international tax standards at the global level, the EU has been at the forefront in fighting tax fraud, tax evasion and aggressive tax planning. We have transposed the exchange of information requirements, adopted the fourth anti-money-laundering directive, which makes available information on beneficial ownership, and I am pleased to report today that the Council has formally adopted – after receiving your opinion – the fourth revision of the directive on administrative cooperation as regards country-by-country reporting for multinationals. I think this is important progress.

The Council has also adopted conclusions on an external strategy for effective taxation, calling for the establishment of an EU blacklist for non-cooperative jurisdictions, and Ecofin is working on a possible general approach on the anti-tax avoidance directive. I think it is well legitimate to expect the G7 to show some ambition – I hope a lot of ambition – in this area as well.

Then on the two last points: the fight against terrorism will inevitably be a key priority for the summit as well. The heinous terrorist attacks which countries nowadays face are every time a direct assault not only on our security but, as we know, on our values of freedom and equality and our way of life. We cannot and will not retreat in the face of this threat. Since last year’s meeting, while the territory which Daesh previously controlled has shrunk, especially in Syria and Iraq as the group has come under sustained military pressure, the threat it presents to the European Union and its partners across the Middle East and North Africa particularly has grown, and we just have to open the papers to see every day what horrific attacks we see in different parts of the world, especially in the Middle East.

The summit here of the G7 will be an opportunity to take not only stock of the measures but to examine what additional steps the G7 could adopt. We hope and expect to endorse an action plan on countering terrorism and violent extremism which will highlight the G7’s commitment to making international cooperation against such threats as effective as possible. Furthermore, leaders will discuss the broader political situation in Syria, Iraq and Libya. They will also discuss Ukraine. It is vital that the commitments taken under the Minsk Agreement are fully implemented and that the parties remain fully engaged in the process.

These are challenging times for the G7 on several fronts, for the European Union. That is why I think it is important that we enlarge our community of nations that work pragmatically, but on the basis of our common values, on the issues I just mentioned, on the basis of their commitment to the rule of law and human rights and, very important, to solidarity and promotion of rule-based international orders. These are values that also bind us together as Europeans, and in particular guide your work in this House, and I look forward to a strong message of confidence by G7 leaders and to their guidance on policy actions on the several fronts. Again I thank you for the discussion this afternoon.


Preşedinte. – Dezbaterea a fost închisă.


  José Blanco López (S&D), por escrito. – Considero ambiciosa la agenda fijada para la Cumbre de Japón: economía mundial, política exterior, promoción de la libertad, la democracia y el respeto de los derechos humanos, cambio climático y energía, desarrollo, salud y el papel de la mujer en el mundo. Pero no nos conformamos. Debemos impulsar una globalización inclusiva, capaz de extender los beneficios de la misma y ser equitativa con el reparto de los mismos a nivel mundial.


  Nicola Danti (S&D), per iscritto. – Il vertice che si terrà nei prossimi giorni in Giappone rappresenta un appuntamento importante in cui i leader di Italia, Francia, Germania, Regno Unito, USA, Giappone e Canada dovranno affrontare i principali temi all'ordine del giorno dell'agenda internazionale, primo tra tutti il tema delle relazioni commerciali con la Cina e la sua sovraccapacità produttiva che sta causando gravi distorsioni nel mercato globale, con ripercussioni negative soprattutto sul tessuto produttivo europeo. Ad oggi, questo eccesso di produzione si sta registrando principalmente nel settore siderurgico, dove la capacità cinese supera due volte e mezzo il totale di quella europea. Ma il persistere di una forte ingerenza statale nelle politiche economiche cinesi fa pensare che lo stesso eccesso potrà interessare in futuro altri settori. I leader dovranno, allora, confrontarsi su soluzioni concrete e condividere una strategia comune di lungo periodo che miri a ristabilire competitività e regole uguali per tutti. Un approccio coordinato sarà necessario soprattutto in vista della scadenza del prossimo dicembre, quando Pechino vorrebbe vedersi riconosciuto lo status di economia di mercato dai membri dell’OMC. Questo Parlamento, però, si è espresso chiaramente contro questa automaticità. Auspichiamo vivamente che le nostre raccomandazioni non vengano disattese.


  Enrique Guerrero Salom (S&D), por escrito. – Nos mostramos satisfechos por la agenda ambiciosa de la Cumbre de Japón: economía mundial, política exterior, promoción de la libertad, la democracia y el respeto de los derechos humanos, cambio climático y energía, desarrollo, salud y el papel de la mujer en el mundo. Pero queremos más. Queremos una nueva globalización inclusiva que sea capaz de extrapolar los beneficios de la misma y ser equitativa con la repartición a nivel mundial.


  Ivan Jakovčić (ALDE), napisan. – Summit članica G7 koji će se održati ovaj tjedan će govoriti između ostaloga i o Grčkoj. Najnovije mjere i pomoć koja je dana Grčkoj samo su kap u moru razrješenja grčke krize i njenih dugova. To su potvrdile nedovoljne mjere koje izazivaju sumnju u uspjeh.

Bez ozbiljnih promjena i reformi, Grčka neće uspjeti vratiti dugove, a ostale zemlje EU-a će morati i dalje pomagati ako želimo zadržati postojeću eurozonu. Možda bi Grčka trebala izaći iz eurozone i nakon konsolidiranja svoje ekonomije i cjelokupnog sustava vratiti se u eurozonu.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D), por escrito. – Nos mostramos satisfechos por la agenda ambiciosa de la Cumbre de Japón: economía mundial, política exterior, promoción de la libertad, la democracia y el respeto de los derechos humanos, cambio climático y energía, desarrollo, salud y el papel de la mujer en el mundo. Pero queremos más. Queremos una nueva globalización inclusiva que sea capaz de extrapolar los beneficios de la misma y ser equitativa con la repartición a nivel mundial.


  Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández (S&D), por escrito. – Nos mostramos satisfechos por la agenda ambiciosa de la Cumbre de Japón: economía mundial, política exterior, promoción de la libertad, la democracia y el respeto de los derechos humanos, cambio climático y energía, desarrollo, salud y el papel de la mujer en el mundo. Pero queremos más. Queremos una nueva globalización inclusiva que sea capaz de extrapolar los beneficios de la misma y ser equitativa con la repartición a nivel mundial.

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