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Tirsdag den 13. juni 2017 - Strasbourg Revideret udgave

12. Den humanitære situation i Yemen (forhandling)
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  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dnia jest oświadczenie wiceprzewodniczącej Komisji / wysokiej przedstawiciel Unii do spraw zagranicznych i polityki bezpieczeństwa w sprawie sytuacji humanitarnej w Jemenie (2017/2727 (RSP)).


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, honourable Members of the European Parliament, you know well that for over two years, the war in Yemen has devastated the country’s infrastructure and undermined its social fabric. Yemen was already one of the least developed nations in the world. After years of hostilities, we are now facing a daunting catastrophe where millions of lives are at stake, and this is now unfortunately aggravated by a severe cholera outbreak.

As you know, the war in Yemen has caused one of the worst humanitarian crises – perhaps the very worst. According to the UN, one child is dying of hunger in Yemen every 10 minutes – a shocking number. Some 20 million people face the grim prospect of famine. The European Union, and now the Member States, recently pledged EUR 430 million in humanitarian aid, out of a total of over EUR 1 billion pledges at the Geneva pledging Conference in April. I was there; I represented the European Union, and I saw the fatigue of the international community regarding the humanitarian crisis across the world, but again the European Union was the biggest donor in this crisis.

I agree totally with the UN Secretary-General that it is now time for urgent action. These pledges must be translated immediately into the concrete action that the people of Yemen need and deserve.

Humanitarian access remains an issue for the international community. For this reason, we have reached out to the warring parties to push for facilitated access to the populations in need, while requesting an end to all violations of International Humanitarian Law. But the EU cannot act alone; there must be a truly concerted international effort, and we will continue to actively promote it. We have always maintained, and we continue to believe, that there can be no military solution to this crisis. It is an illusion. As clearly stated in the EU Foreign Affairs Council Conclusions on Yemen of April 2017, we aim to continue to work with all parties towards a sustained cessation of hostilities. This is the first step. This should be monitored by the United Nations, and would serve as a first step towards the resumption of peace talks under the leadership of the UN.

We offer, as the European Union, our full support to the efforts to relaunch the political negotiations. We are ready to do all we can to create the conditions that would enable both sides to de-escalate and move towards a solution. The European Union has been involved in sponsoring a number of Track II and peacebuilding initiatives, and will step up its efforts in this regard. But it is essential that all international and regional actors engage constructively and in a coordinated manner.

We have been providing considerable humanitarian assistance. Although there is no peace deal yet, the European Union and other development actors are already preparing the ground for early recovery and reconstruction in areas where access is possible. There are people in need who cannot wait until the war is over, as always. To complete this, we need to reactivate our development cooperation and prepare for the necessary future intervention. If we want peace, we must prepare for it. In this manner, we will be ready to effectively contribute to the re-building of Yemen when the moment comes. We will need to focus on sustainable job creation and improved livelihoods.

The war in Yemen is no longer a domestic or even a regional affair. We believe that the gradual destruction of the country’s infrastructure and social fabric is a major destabilising factor for the international community as a whole. Vast areas are already controlled by terrorist groups such as al—Qaeda and Da’esh. Crucial maritime routes are endangered by the hostilities, and there is a real danger that piracy will re-emerge. The nature of the conflict is being exploited to fan the flames of sectarianism. These are all threats to international security that the European Union is determined to tackle, together with likeminded partners. You know very well the new development in the region: the new dispute between Qatar and other regional countries. Federica Mogherini, the High Representative, has involved the whole college – this is something very important in order to evaluate the situation in the new current circumstances.




  Cristian Dan Preda, au nom du groupe PPE. – Madame la Présidente, des milliers de morts et de blessés, des attaques sans merci contre les civils, une situation humanitaire désastreuse, avec des cas de malnutrition, de famine, de choléra, voici en quelques mots la triste réalité du Yémen aujourd’hui.

Les Yéménites vivent une guerre civile terrifiante et assistent à l’effondrement de leurs institutions. Nous savons tous que ce vide du pouvoir est un terrain fertile pour l’implantation des organisations terroristes. Je pense, ici, à la montée en force d’Al-Qaida au Yémen, mais également aux organisations terroristes chiites.

Au-delà du Yémen, la stabilité de toute la région est en péril, car, comme nous le savons tous, il s’agit d’une guerre par procuration entre l’Iran et l’Arabie saoudite, une confrontation de plus en plus compliquée avec l’évolution récente au Qatar.

Que pouvons-nous faire? L’aide humanitaire de l’Union est indispensable, mais la situation humanitaire ne pourra s’améliorer tant que le conflit restera ouvert. L’Union et ses États membres devraient peser davantage sur le plan diplomatique en facilitant notamment le processus de paix sous l’égide des Nations unies. Nous devons coordonner nos efforts avec d’autres acteurs, et les pays du Golfe sont inévitables dans ce contexte. Puis, nous devons nous concentrer, d’un autre côté, sur plusieurs axes: un arrêt des combats, ainsi que le rétablissement du fonctionnement de l’aéroport de Sanaa et du port de Hodeida, car ce sont des points d’accès essentiels pour permettre le passage de l’aide humanitaire.


  Elena Valenciano, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señora presidenta, en torno a dieciocho millones de personas, dos tercios del país, sufren hambre en Yemen y requieren ayuda humanitaria urgente, porque la hambruna lo es sin precedentes. Dos millones y medio de niños y niñas sufren malnutrición aguda. Enfermedades fácilmente prevenibles están acabando con la población, el cólera arrecia y la situación es completamente desesperada para la infancia.

Hoy Yemen es el país del mundo con más vidas en peligro y, sin embargo, no se habla de Yemen. La pregunta es por qué no se abren los informativos europeos con noticias sobre Yemen. Es por eso por lo que el Grupo socialista ha querido traer este debate a esta Cámara. Porque ya era hora de que habláramos de Yemen. Un país que se está debatiendo entre la catástrofe total y la tragedia, algo que es perfectamente evitable, porque catástrofe y tragedia en Yemen están hechas por la mano del ser humano. No vienen de la naturaleza.

El país está atrapado en intereses de potencias regionales que usan Yemen como tablero para su propia partida geopolítica, que se está complicando cada día más. Es un enorme fracaso de la diplomacia internacional y será una gran vergüenza en los libros de Historia. Si no reaccionamos urgentemente, también será nuestra responsabilidad.

Queremos que la Unión Europea sea más activa e influyente en la búsqueda de una solución a esta tragedia. Y queremos que se anime al diálogo intrayemení, también para reconstruir la confianza entre las partes.

Hay pocos actores en el mundo con la capacidad de la Unión Europea para poder tratar de resolver la terrible situación por la que está atravesando ese país, y debemos comprometernos todos a actuar.


  Marietje Schaake, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Madam President, the suffering of people in Yemen is unbearable. I had hoped never again to see images of children dying of malnutrition and cholera, especially not in 2017. So much of this war and starvation is man-made, yet women and children suffer disproportionately.

The violence that has broken out has devastating consequences and will not likely lead to a clear outcome. Instead, everything must be done to find a negotiated solution, not only in the interest of the Yemeni people, but also to avoid a spillover into an already fragile and explosive region and to avoid a breeding ground for more violent extremism. It is high time – and this is a real appeal to the European External Action Service (EEAS) and the Member States – that the EU develops a common position vis-à-vis Yemen, and at least that Member States stop exporting weapons to Saudi Arabia, which, together with the coalition, continues to indiscriminately bomb civilians and block the ports of Hodeidah, which in turn exacerbates the humanitarian situation.

Of course, the Iranian side must also stop fighting a proxy war in Yemen. Last year, this House called for an arms embargo to Saudi Arabia because of its role in Yemen. It is a very important signal that we must repeat, and at least the call of last year is still very valid if we look at the incredible and unnecessary suffering of millions and millions of people. I think the EU must do more, develop a shared position and step up its efforts to end this disgusting war and the humanitarian suffering in Yemen.


  Ángela Vallina, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señora presidenta, Yemen es un polvorín y actualmente sabemos que hay 18,8 millones de personas —más del 70 % de la población— que necesitan ayuda humanitaria; 6,8 millones sufren hambruna y 10 millones de niños, según Unicef, necesitan ayuda humanitaria.

Ya van dos años de guerra civil con miles de muertos, heridos o mutilados, con dos millones de desplazados, ataques contra la población civil y personal de ayuda humanitaria, violaciones, uso de niños soldados y un largo etcétera de crímenes que deberían ser investigados de forma independiente.

La única solución posible es el diálogo, un diálogo entre las partes que debe ser auspiciado por las Naciones Unidas.

Pero aquí no vale la doble moral. Y cuando digo esto me refiero principalmente al papel de la Unión Europea. Condenamos estos días la situación en Yemen al mismo tiempo que sabemos que países como el Reino Unido, España —mi propio país—, Francia, Italia o Alemania siguen vendiendo armas a Arabia Saudí. No digamos ya los Estados Unidos, que están detrás —y todos lo sabemos— de ataques indiscriminados contra la población civil de Yemen.

El fin de las hostilidades no va a venir con intervenciones unilaterales, con la continuidad de la venta de armas ni con la instrumentalización de las diferencias religiosas para instigar crisis políticas y guerras sectarias que alimentan intereses bastante espurios, hay que decirlo. Solo se podrá lograr reforzando la diplomacia y el multilateralismo.


  Barbara Lochbihler, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Frau Präsidentin! Seit der bewaffnete Konflikt im Jemen 2015 eskaliert, hat sich die humanitäre Katastrophe dramatisch verschärft. Sieben Millionen Menschen sind akut von einer Hungersnot bedroht. Mehr als zwei Millionen Kinder leiden an Unterernährung. Eine Choleraepidemie breitet sich aus. Angesichts dieser sich zuspitzenden Katastrophe begrüße ich es sehr, dass die Europäische Union auf der Jemen-Geberkonferenz beschlossen hat, weitere Hilfsmaßnahmen in Höhe von 116 Millionen zu geben.

Der Hunger im Jemen ist kriegsbedingt. Daher reicht aber die humanitäre Hilfe nicht aus. Die EU muss entschiedener handeln, um den bewaffneten Konflikt zu beenden. Ganz konkret bedeutet dies, dass es keine Waffenlieferungen an die Konfliktparteien einschließlich Saudi-Arabien geben darf.

Das Europäische Parlament hat sich bereits im Februar 2016 für ein Waffenembargo gegen Saudi-Arabien ausgesprochen. Trotzdem liefern zahlreiche EU-Staaten weiterhin Waffen an den Golfstaat. Damit muss Schluss sein! Wer Waffen an Kriegsparteien liefert, riskiert eine Mitschuld an Kriegsverbrechen. Die EU muss eine politische Lösung unter Führung der UN unterstützen. Sie, Herr Kommissar, haben zahlreiche solche Initiativen aufgeführt.

Abschließend möchte ich auf eine massive Repression gegen die Zivilgesellschaft hinweisen: So sind seit zwei Jahren zehn Journalisten in Gefangenschaft von Huthi-Kämpfern, und auch hier muss sich die EU für deren sofortige Freilassung einsetzen.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo, a nome del gruppo EFDD. – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il presidente Trump che chiude un accordo di vendita di armi con l'Arabia Saudita per un totale di 320 miliardi di euro. Una nuova epidemia di colera che ha colpito più di 80 000 persone, causando 676 morti, e la prospettiva che fino a 200 000 persone vengano contagiate nei prossimi mesi.

I continui bombardamenti di una coalizione di Stati, guidati proprio dall'Arabia Saudita – 320 quelli verificati dall'ONU –, bombardamenti indiscriminati, spesso e volentieri anche su obiettivi civili, con bombe comprate anche dalle industrie belliche di alcuni Stati membri dell'Unione, tra cui quella italiana, della quale l'Arabia Saudita è il sesto cliente a livello mondiale. L'ultimo di questi bombardamenti ha colpito proprio un centro di trattamento per i pazienti affetti da colera, domenica notte, uccidendo e ferendo un numero imprecisato di persone. Un bambino muore ogni dieci minuti, dato confermato sempre dall'ONU. I dati sono spaventosi: 3 milioni di rifugiati interni, 10 000 morti e 44 000 feriti dall'inizio delle ostilità. Si tratta della più grande crisi umanitaria di questo secolo, con oltre 9,6 milioni di bambini che necessitano di assistenza umanitaria.

Questo è quello che avviene in Yemen: una guerra per procura, un massacro sotto silenzio. Forse perché non è implicata la Russia, forse perché i rifugiati, a differenza di altri casi che ben conosciamo, sono tutti interni, bloccati dalla geografia del paese, incastonato tra deserto e oceano, e quindi per qualcuno ci riguardano meno. Lo Yemen è un paese a pezzi, distrutto. Quello che era uno dei più antichi centri di civiltà del mondo intero, dove nacque e morì il Regno di Saba, ormai è soltanto macerie. Di questa situazione soffrono i civili e ne approfittano i terroristi, che come un virus prendono potere e si allargano nel paese.

Abbiamo stanziato 116 milioni di euro, ma ne servirebbero oltre 2 miliardi. Fare di più, quindi, ma soprattutto questo non basta. Abbiamo votato l'anno scorso, a febbraio, un embargo sugli armamenti verso l'Arabia Saudita. Questo è l'unico vero segnale forte e necessario, uno dei pochi strumenti che abbiamo a disposizione per mostrare che siamo seri, ma anche qui molti vogliono il business as usual e allora si diventa complici.

Noi chiediamo una soluzione politica, l'unica accettabile sebbene estremamente difficile, e i bambini invece continuano a morire, uno ogni dieci minuti. E quelle bombe sono anche bombe europee.


  Charles Tannock, on behalf of the ECR Group. – Madam President, two years since the conflict began, Yemen is suffering from an extreme humanitarian crisis. Two million people have been displaced, and over half of the country’s population lacks access to safe drinking water or sufficient food supplies. Last month, as has been mentioned, saw the outbreak of a cholera epidemic which has already affected upwards of 100 000 people and claimed the lives of another 800. With humanitarian assistance already struggling to reach those in need, there is continued concern that the Houthi—held port of Hodeidah may be the target of an attack on the Saudi-led coalition. Given that approximately 75% of Yemen’s food supplies enter the country via this port, the devastating consequences of its destruction cannot be underestimated. The campaign continues to be marked by the disproportionate level of civilian casualties and very poor targeting of Saudi ordinance in their air campaign. The growing footprint of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) in parts of Yemen is also of grave concern, as are reports that suggest that the Saudi coalition has coordinated its attacks against the Houthis alongside AQAP. This is particularly worrying given the new US Administration’s continued hints that it may seek to play a more decisive role in supporting the Saudi-led coalition.


  José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra (PPE). – Señora presidenta, señor comisario, señorías. La verdad es que no hay palabras para describir la situación que se está viviendo en Yemen. Las cifras son terribles: miles de muertos y, especialmente, la situación de los niños. Dos millones de niños desplazados; quinientos mil niños faltos de nutrición, utilizados como niños soldados. Verdaderamente es una situación horrible, complicada, además, con una pandemia de cólera.

¿Qué podemos hacer nosotros, como Parlamento Europeo, ante esta situación?

Pues, aparte de aprobar resoluciones, creo que ―como decía el comisario― tenemos que incentivar la acción de la Unión Europea, apoyar los esfuerzos del enviado especial del secretario general de las Naciones Unidas y aliviar el sufrimiento de las partes.

Pero es importante que atendamos también las causas del conflicto y, sobre todo, instar al cese de la violencia, monitorizado también por las Naciones Unidas, y apoyar claramente esos esfuerzos en favor de la paz.

Y, señora presidenta, no deberíamos olvidar la impunidad en las graves violaciones de los derechos humanos que se están produciendo en Yemen. Y quisiera recordar la importancia que tiene para todos nosotros un Yemen seguro, estable y pacífico, precisamente para combatir la violencia y para combatir el extremismo en la región.


  Victor Boştinaru (S&D). – Madam President, the conflict in Yemen has devastated the lives of millions of people and turned into a major humanitarian crisis. The country is slipping into famine, and this can only get worse as the conflict continues. And as you rightly mentioned before, now we have the cholera outbreak – another major tragedy; a blow into the eyes of humanity. The most important thing to emphasise here is that the two sides are starving because of the war; this is a manmade disaster, and it is very brutal on civilians. Both parties are turning starvation into a war instrument – just a war weapon. In addition, I have – and we have – the uncomfortable feeling that the international community and public opinion are turning their eyes from that dramatic conflict, attracted by other major global events.

It is a civilian war that is fuelled and supported by regional actors, a bloody image of a Shia-Sunni conflict in the Middle East. Why it is important today to underline this fact? Because this conflict can be ended with goodwill and with the support of other major regional and global actors, including the European Union, and it’s right to mention that Iran and Saudi Arabia – both being more or less our partners – should pay attention and should assume their regional responsibilities, because the responsibility there is bearing on their shoulders. It’s equally important to mention that they can destroy and they can devastate the whole region if the conflict will only continue.

It is dangerous today to take a side and, at the end of the day, the only thing which we should care about is human life. For that reason, I call first for pressure to be put on the two sides to stop the conflict immediately and to allow the humanitarian and medical aid; secondly, for full funding for the humanitarian response to be assured; and finally, the European Union should have a more important role in the political transition of Yemen.


  Bas Belder (ECR). – De eurocommissaris heeft terecht gewezen op het feit dat in deze oorlogschaos in Jemen al-Qaeda en ISIS zich breed maken, en zich steeds breder maken. En gezien de geografische ligging van Jemen en de lange arm van deze terreurorganisaties raken ook Europese veiligheidsbelangen hier rechtstreeks bij betrokken. Eén punt heb ik eigenlijk gemist bij de eurocommissaris, namelijk dat Rusland een steeds belangrijkere plaats inneemt op het strijdtoneel. Rusland ruikt zijn kans, is vredesmakelaar voor alle partijen, drukt zelfs de munt, de geldeenheid van de nominale Jemenitische regering. Met andere woorden, wat is het perspectief voor een bijlegging van het conflict als Rusland er ook nog komt? Ik ben buitengewoon sceptisch, en ik vraag ook aandacht van de Europese Unie voor deze rol van Rusland, ook daar, want het leidt alleen maar - kijk naar Syrië - tot meer destabilisering.


  James Carver (EFDD). – Madam President, the fact that we are only now having this debate is a shameful indictment of the foreign policy values of this place. Not only is a humanitarian crisis a disaster for the people of Yemen, but also the wider region. The inability to act decisively brings instability to the rest of the world. With the Saleh Houthi regime refusing to negotiate with the UN special envoy, we are no nearer a solution to the crisis; thus, we can expect more bombings and suffering.

One ray of hope is the rise of the Southern Movement. It is possible that we can encourage peace and stability in the south by working with them towards a federal solution, even – as I’ve been saying for the past three years – if it threatens the integrity of the Yemeni state, which in my opinion is already a busted flush. We must listen to the south Yemenis’ peaceful call for a say in their future. Surely it is better than sitting back and continuing to let Yemen be a battleground for wider Saudi and Iranian interests.


  Michèle Alliot-Marie (PPE). – Madame la Présidente, Monsieur le Commissaire, le Yémen, nous le voyons, cristallise aujourd’hui la plupart des tensions et des rivalités au Moyen-Orient.

La situation humanitaire, alimentaire, sanitaire y est dramatique. Les nouvelles tensions dans la région, ainsi que l’embargo imposé au Qatar par certains de ses voisins n’arrangent rien.

Ces mesures affaiblissent la coalition des pays du Golfe qui s’était créée autour du Yémen et elles renforcent la fragilité du pays.

Vous nous parliez, il y a un instant, de la nécessité d’être coordonné. Comment coordonner une aide quand ceux qui doivent intervenir sont eux-mêmes divisés? Comment peut-il y avoir une aide quand on voit bien qu’un embargo, qui pèse toujours sur les plus fragiles, tend aussi à fragiliser les moyens économiques?

Il est urgent de faire baisser la tension dans cette région, parce qu’elle est amie avec tous les pays.

L’Europe a un rôle essentiel à jouer. Alors, Monsieur le Commissaire, quelles mesures, quelles initiatives comptez-vous prendre dans les prochains jours pour faire baisser cette tension qui menace directement le Yémen, la stabilité de la région, mais également la sécurité et la stabilité de notre propre région?


  Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). – Frau Präsidentin! Heute haben wir schon viel über die unvorstellbar triste humanitäre Situation in Jemen gesprochen. Und darauf kann auch gar nicht oft genug hingewiesen werden, weil es skandalös ist, dass die internationale Gemeinschaft noch immer nicht die notwendigen Mittel aufbringt, weil es skandalös ist, dass die saudisch geführte Militärkoalition alle Versuche, die notleidende Bevölkerung mit Hilfsgütern zu erreichen, blockiert und hintertreibt. Und es ist skandalös, dass die westliche Staatengemeinschaft – allen voran die USA, aber auch viele Mitgliedstaaten – das saudische Regime mit Waffenlieferungen versorgt. Diese Geschäfte sind unmoralisch und kurzsichtig, weil sie zur Prolongierung der katastrophalen Situation beitragen.

Leider wurde die Entschließung des Europäischen Parlaments vom Februar letzten Jahres, eben aus diesen Gründen ein Waffenembargo zu verhängen, bislang erst von wenigen Staaten umgesetzt. Es sollte uns allen klar sein: Die beste humanitäre Hilfe für Jemen ist der Verzicht auf Profite durch den Waffenhandel.


  Pier Antonio Panzeri (S&D). – Signora Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, come detto, lo Yemen è dilaniato da una guerra civile, all'interno della quale agli interessi nazionali si sono sommati quelli internazionali. Come sempre, le spese più aspre del conflitto sono pagate dai cittadini che si trovano coinvolti contemporaneamente in un conflitto e in una crisi migratoria con l'esplosione di un'epidemia di colera. Nei primi mesi del 2017, la crisi umanitaria ha visto coinvolti 27 milioni di persone. A rincarare la dose e ad aggravare ulteriormente questa crisi il colera che ha mietuto quasi 800 vittime.

A marzo ho avuto modo di incontrare il ministro yemenita per i diritti umani e come oggi anche allora avevo espresso la mia profonda preoccupazione per il paese che sta attraversando una difficile crisi. Ora dobbiamo parlarci chiaro. L'unica soluzione che io vedo è il cessate il fuoco condiviso e duraturo. Non vi è alcuna possibilità di mitigare, tanto meno di risolvere la crisi umanitaria né di controllare l'espansione dell'epidemia senza un solido e duraturo cessate il fuoco, di cui abbiamo assolutamente la necessità. L'Unione europea deve lavorare per raggiungere questo obiettivo.


  Ana Gomes (S&D). – As violações do direito humanitário e crimes de guerra que marcam a guerra civil no Iémen, um dos países mais pobres do mundo, são acabrunhantes. Fome, desnutrição, a par de ataques aéreos indiscriminados, matam cegamente, designadamente crianças. Os hospitais destruídos e onde nada chega estão incapazes de fornecer serviços básicos. A violência de todo o tipo, incluindo sexual, prevalece nas ruas.

As consequências estão longe de se circunscrever às fronteiras do Iémen. Enquanto, a norte, as forças rebeldes lutam, a comunidade internacional divide-se na guerra por procuração entre o Irão e a Arábia Saudita, com a cumplicidade dos Estados Unidos e de alguns Estados-Membros da União Europeia, designadamente o Reino Unido e a França.

Organizações terroristas, como a AQAP e o DAESH, esfregam as mãos de contentes, conquistando território no sul do país e intensificando ataques. A solução para o conflito tem que ser política, não é militar. A pressão internacional para uma solução em que todas as partes envolvidas cheguem a acordo tem que existir, não pode tardar. É a nossa segurança que está também em causa.


„Catch the eye” eljárás


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhora Presidente, Senhor Comissário, no Iémen 14 milhões de pessoas passam fome e 3 milhões de iemenitas são deslocados internos em consequência da guerra civil que, desde março de 2015, opõe as forças leais do Governo do presidente Mansur Hadi aos rebeldes huthis. Na nação mais pobre do mundo, árabe, esta nesta guerra fez disparar em 200 % a taxa de subnutrição infantil e dois terços da população dependem da assistência externa para sobreviver. À terrível crise humanitária junta-se o reforço da presença das filiais do DAESH e da Al-Qaeda no sul e sudoeste do país que, aproveitando a situação caótica, fomentam o terrorismo em toda a região.

A União Europeia deve continuar a apoiar o retorno das negociações ao Iémen e colaborar com as Nações Unidas, quer apoiando a decisão do Conselho de Segurança de prorrogar o atual regime de sanções sobre o Iémen, quer mantendo os seus compromissos financeiros para ajuda humanitária num momento em que a Agência para os Refugiados apenas recebeu 1 % dos valores solicitados a doadores internacionais para socorrer pessoas vulneráveis durante este ano. Como disse a Sra. Embaixadora da União Europeia no Iémen, Antonia Calvo, não podemos deixar que Sana se converta noutra Alepo.


  Doru-Claudian Frunzulică (S&D). – Madam President, dear colleagues, Commissioner, the situation in Yemen is extremely worrying. Yemen has been plucked by years of instability, war, poor governance, lack of the rule of law, underdevelopment, environmental decline and widespread poverty. Millions of people are in acute need and urgently require, immediately, life-saving assistance in at least one sector.

Moreover, there is a number of serious allegations of violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law committed by all sides. The humanitarian situation is likely to deteriorate further in 2017. Without urgent action including full funding for the humanitarian response plan, steps by parties to end the war and to facilitate the resumption of commercial food and other imports and full access to all people in need, the crisis will worsen.

It is absolutely essential that the parties to the conflict respect international humanitarian law, allow the importation of food, medical supplies and other necessary goods into Yemen and guarantee unhindered movement of humanitarian actors to reach those in need of assistance.


  Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI). – Κυρία Πρόεδρε, η Υεμένη αποτελεί μια περίπλοκη περίπτωση εμφύλιας σύγκρουσης, όπου οι σιίτες αντάρτες Χούτι μάχονται κατά του σουνιτικού συνασπισμού υπό τη Σαουδική Αραβία. Η πάλη εξουσίας μεταξύ των διαφορετικών εκδοχών του Ισλάμ στοχοποιεί τον άμαχο πληθυσμό, ενώ υπάρχουν ενδείξεις τέλεσης εγκλημάτων κατά της ανθρωπότητος. Τα αποτελέσματα της σύγκρουσης είναι καταστροφικά. Τουλάχιστον δέκα χιλιάδες άνθρωποι έχουν σκοτωθεί σε συγκρούσεις, ενώ εκατομμύρια έχουν εκτοπιστεί. Ο αποκλεισμός και η εμφύλια σύγκρουση με διεθνή διάσταση έχει οδηγήσει τις περισσότερες ιατρικές υποδομές να υπολειτουργούν, δύο εκατομμύρια παιδιά να βρίσκονται εκτός εκπαίδευσης και την πλειονότητα των πολιτών να ζουν σε κατάσταση επισιτιστικής ανασφάλειας, δίχως πρόσβαση σε ασφαλές πόσιμο νερό ή στοιχειώδεις υπηρεσίες αποχέτευσης. Ειλικρινά, δεν πιστεύω και δεν περιμένω λύση από τη διεθνή κοινότητα, όταν πρόσφατα οι Trump, Merkel και May επισκέφθηκαν τη Σαουδική Αραβία εξασφαλίζοντας δισεκατομμύρια δολάρια από πωλήσεις όπλων. Ο θεμιτός αγώνας κατά της τρομοκρατίας, που μας αφορά άμεσα, δεν μας επιτρέπει να εθελοτυφλούμε έναντι της επικείμενης ανθρωπιστικής κρίσης.


  Marijana Petir (PPE). – Gospođo predsjednice, Jemen je jedna od najsiromašnijih arapskih država na svijetu, a rat koji ne jenjava dalje produbljuje već ionako neizdrživo stanje u državi. Izravne posljedice oružanog konflikta velikih su razmjera i ukoliko se nešto ne poduzme, izravna su prijetnja čitavom stanovništvu. Naime, ovom ratom pogođenom stanovništvu prijeti još veća katastrofa u obliku raznih bolesti, a posebno pojavom kolere.

Pojava i širenje kolere izravno prijeti milijunima ljudi koji već žive u očajnim uvjetima. Samo u zadnjih mjesec dana, više od 100 000 ljudi podleglo je ovoj pošasti, a izvješća brojnih humanitarnih grupacija ističu kako svakih sat vremena u Jemenu jedna osoba umre od kolere. Zastrašujuća je činjenica da oboljeli uopće nisu u mogućnosti zatražiti pomoć medicinskog osoblja ili utočište naći u bolnicama, jer bolnice nisu u stanju pružiti skrb žrtvama kolere zbog broja ratnih stradalnika.

Stabilizacija ovog područja više nije samo prioritet koji ne trpi moratorij, nego je pojavom kolere dobila alarmantnu važnost i iziskuje ekstremnu brzinu djelovanja.


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Επίτροπε, όπως επισημάνατε και εσείς, λόγω της ανθρωπιστικής κρίσεως στην Υεμένη, κάθε δέκα λεπτά πεθαίνει και ένα παιδί. Αυτό είναι όντως ένα σοκαριστικό γεγονός. Θεωρείτε όμως ότι η οικονομική βοήθεια που παρέχει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση – που είναι όντως σημαντική – είναι σε θέση να λύσει το πρόβλημα; Ακόμη δε περισσότερο, είναι σε θέση να καλύψει τις ευθύνες της ίδιας της Ευρωπαϊκής Ενώσεως, η οποία ευθύνεται για την εξέλιξη αυτή; Τι έκανε η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση όταν η Σαουδική Αραβία επενέβη στην εμφύλιο αυτή σύρραξη, υποστηρίζοντας τις κυβερνητικές δυνάμεις; Αλλά και τώρα ακόμη, που η Σαουδική Αραβία έχει εμπλακεί στην άλλη κρίση με το Κατάρ, τι κάνει η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση; Παρατηρεί, απλά, τα γεγονότα και η Ύπατη Εκπρόσωπος, η κυρία Mogherini, απλά καταγράφει τις καταστροφές. Έχει τη θέληση και τη δύναμη η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση να επιβάλει στη Σαουδική Αραβία να παύσει τις εχθροπραξίες, αφού άλλωστε και από στρατηγικής απόψεως είναι σε δυσχερή θέση, ούτως ώστε να πάει εκεί η ανθρωπιστική βοήθεια; Αν δεν το κάνει αυτό, εκείνο το οποίο θα συμβεί θα είναι να παρατηρούμε για μια ακόμη φορά, και συνεχώς, τους θανάτους των παιδιών και να εκφράζουμε, υποκριτικά, την αποτροπή μας.


  Jiří Pospíšil (PPE). – Já jsem velmi pozorně poslouchal celou rozpravu, která zde proběhla. Snažím se sledovat dění v Jemenu dlouhou dobu a musím říci, že to, co zde zaznívalo a na čem se asi shodujeme, je to, že občanskou válku v této zemi nevyřešíme, pokud se mocnosti z daného regionu budou do této země vměšovat a hájit tam svoje mocenské pozice.

Tedy si myslím, pane komisaři, že je velká možnost pro mezinárodní působení EU tlačit na země, jako je Saúdská Arábie, jako je Írán a snažit se při jednání s nimi otázku Jemenu jasně dávat na stůl. Třeba zmiňovaná Saúdská Arábie je naším významným obchodním partnerem. V případě Íránu jsme uzavřeli dohodu, paní Mogheriniová často hovoří o zlepšení vztahů s touto zemí a přitom Írán hraje, podle mého názoru, velmi negativní roli při vměšování do Jemenu.

Takže já moc prosím, pane komisaři, buďme v této věci mezinárodně aktivnější a tlačme na země v okolí Jemenu.


A „catch the eye” eljárás vége.


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Madam President, our discussion has been a very useful exchange and I thank my dear colleagues for their constructive speeches. From this debate, I gather first of all that we all share a common sense of urgency, and, at the same time, a strong commitment in the spirit of the Conclusions on Yemen that were adopted by the Foreign Affairs Council, aiming to step up the European Union’s role in assisting the warring parties to find, without delay, an urgent solution to the crisis, and of course to find ways to reach a peaceful agreement – not now, not tomorrow, but yesterday.

I conclude from our debate that EU engagement must be based on a comprehensive approach – this is High Representative Federica Mogherini’s approach, because she knows well all the implications in the region – while at the same time encompassing all our diplomatic tools and political commitment combined with our development assistance and of course continued delivery of the much needed humanitarian relief. I know well, as Commissioner for humanitarian aid, the major problems for humanitarian access. I would like to say here that we try hard to find new ways for humanitarian access to meet vulnerable people, but on the ground I have to admit that sometimes it is very difficult, and sometimes it is impossible.

Likewise, you have been clear in stating that Member States should fully support the EU in this common endeavour through their bilateral actions and initiatives. I would like to give you some details about our humanitarian assistance and development in more detail in terms of funding. My service, ECHO, has allocated EUR 70 million for 2016, for specific humanitarian projects in the humanitarian field alone. The total ECHO allocations since the beginning of the conflict is EUR 120 million. A new pledge of EUR 123 million was announced this year, as I said at the pledge conference in Geneva. Meanwhile, DEVCO has allocated EUR 52 million in 2015, and now we are preparing EUR 200 million for the period 2018-2020, focusing on resilience, stabilisation, health, and food security.

I would like to close by signalling once again my appreciation for the role of this political body, Parliament, in keeping this often forgotten crisis on the international agenda. I remember that many times, in many international fora, when we tried to raise awareness about the Yemen crisis, sometimes as the European Union we were alone. So I am sure that your attention in particular to the Yemen crisis, in these conditions, in these circumstances, is quite important to maintain this crisis on the international agenda.


  Elnök asszony. – Hét állásfoglalásra irányuló indítványt juttattak el hozzám.

A vitát lezárom.

A szavazásra 2017. június 15-én, csütörtökön kerül sor.

Írásbeli nyilatkozatok (162. cikk)


  Urmas Paet (ALDE), kirjalikult. – Jeemenis valitsev humanitaarolukord on katastroofiline. Olukord halveneb järjest, muu hulgas kannatavad inimesed alatoitumise all ja haiguste käes. Jätkub sõjaline tegevus, humanitaarabi ei ole võimalik kohale toimetada ning abitöötajad ei pääse abistama. Jätkuv sõjategevus on muutnud riigi ebastabiilseks ning seda on varmad ära kasutama terrori- ja äärmusorganisatsioonid. Lahendus saab tulla ainult läbirääkimiste kaudu. Selleks on ELi ja ÜRO jätkuv toetus samuti oluline. Lisaks on oluline, et riigid oma lubatud humanitaarabi vahendid ka tegelikult ÜROle eraldaksid.

Juridisk meddelelse - Databeskyttelsespolitik