 Texto íntegro 
Procedimiento : 2017/2620(RSP)
Ciclo de vida en sesión
Ciclos relativos a los documentos :

Textos presentados :

O-000068/2017 (B8-0329/2017)

Debates :

PV 03/10/2017 - 13
CRE 03/10/2017 - 13

Votaciones :

Textos aprobados :

Acta literal de los debates
Martes 3 de octubre de 2017 - Estrasburgo Edición revisada

13. Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático de 2017 (COP23), en Bonn (Alemania) (debate)
Vídeo de las intervenciones

  President. – The next item is the debate on

– the oral question to the Council on the 2017 UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany (COP23) by Adina-Ioana Vălean, Peter Liese, Gilles Pargneaux, Julie Girling, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Estefanía Torres Martínez, Marco Affronte, Mireille D’Ornano and Piernicola Pedicini, on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (O—000068/2017 – B8—0329/2017) (2017/2620(RSP)), and

– the oral question to the Commission on the 2017 UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany (COP23) by Adina-Ioana Vălean, Peter Liese, Gilles Pargneaux, Julie Girling, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Estefanía Torres Martínez, Marco Affronte and Piernicola Pedicini, on behalf of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (O—000069/2017 – B8—0330/2017) (2017/2620(RSP)).


  Adina-Ioana Vălean, author. – Mr President, it has been almost two years since the birth of the Paris Agreement and almost exactly one year since its entry into force on 4 November 2016. 195 parties have signed up to the Agreement to date and 166 of these have already deposited with the UN their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to what one might qualify as the most significant multilateral international agreement of the decade.

Undoubtedly, climate change is one of the most important challenges for humankind. Those of us who believe in the science explaining climate change keep on stressing this fact and the associated disastrous consequences for both our present and our future. But we should also act on our beliefs. The Paris Agreement was a major step, but a lot more needs to be done to ensure that this agreement will deliver on its intentions. We all know in this House from our work on European legislation that if it is hard to agree on a common set of policy design and the numbers, it is even harder to implement them in a meaningful way. And this is where we are with the Paris Agreement. For the past year, preparatory work has started that will go on well into 2018 laying down the foundation for the implementation of the accord. We are one month away from the start of the 23rd climate conference in Bonn, which will be a milestone in the technical work on the implementing rules for the agreement. We expect quite importantly that there will be some clarification on the structure of the 2018 facilitative dialogue. This will be a key opportunity to take stock of progress made towards the agreement’s mitigation goals and to inform the preparation and revision, by 2020, of the parties’ 2030 nationally determined contributions.

The regrettable decision by the President of the United States to withdraw his country from the Paris Agreement will have numerous implications but, most worryingly, it has an immediate impact on climate financing, which is one of the cornerstones for international climate action. The suspension of US contributions to the Green Climate Fund will open up substantially a hole which we have all been working hard to fill. These are very pertinent issues that we look forward to discussing today with both the Council and the Commission, who will both be sitting at the negotiation table in Bonn in 4 weeks’ time. As every year, in line with our commitment to the international climate process, the European Parliament will attend the Bonn conference and follow the discussion and decisions made there, and through its privileged contacts with parliamentarians from around the world will support the EU position.

Tomorrow we will be adopting our resolution on the topic, which sets out the vision, concerns, expectations and aspirations of our institution. This will also constitute our mandate for the Bonn conference. I am looking forward to a fruitful exchange with all of you this afternoon, as well as much cooperation between our institutions in the run-up to and during the climate negotiations in November.




  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, let me highlight at the outset that by the United Nations Climate Change Conference taking place in November this year in Bonn, known as COP 23, all Member States should have finalised their ratification procedures for the Paris Agreement.

By this step we confirm our credibility and our responsibility. The EU and its Member States have reaffirmed clearly their commitment to continued climate action in line with the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Despite the political changeover in the US, we are encouraged by good news from other countries moving forward on climate action. The international community, including non-state actors, remains committed to implementation of the Paris Agreement. This was also demonstrated during the Hamburg G20 summit held on 7 and 8 July and the recent Montreal Ministerial Meeting on climate action that took place in September.

The upcoming conference in Bonn will be an important occasion to demonstrate the collective determination of the international community on climate action. The EU and its Member States have expectations for broad-ranging progress at COP 23 and we are working closely with our international partners to ensure it is a success.

Firstly, COP 23 must establish a solid foundation for the completion of the Paris work programme by COP 24 next year in Katowice, Poland. This should include making substantial progress on the work programme with a view to finalising it next year and to preparing for the implementation of all provisions of the Paris Agreement, comprising mitigation, adaptation, means of implementation, support and the transparency framework. It is important that we achieve clarity on the process for next year, so that all parties and external stakeholders are reassured that we will deliver on our task.

We expect an agreement on the 2018 facilitative dialogue at COP 23. The dialogue will be the key political moment at COP 24 and the first opportunity after Paris to take stock of our collective efforts towards achieving the objectives of the Paris Agreement. It will help inform the preparation of subsequent nationally determined contributions or NDCs. Therefore the EU considers that COP 23 should result in a clear proposal on how the 2018 facilitative dialogue should be prepared, outlining the work for next year.

In this respect non-party stakeholder contributions will be key in terms of presenting policy options, approaches and technologies with high potential, experiences and lessons learned. They also bring concrete opportunities to overcome barriers in NDC implementation and international cooperation, such as partnerships through the Global Climate Action agenda.

With regard to the transparency framework, it is important to have comparable and robust methodologies to track progress and make sure that the chosen policy instruments have the desired impact in terms of reducing emissions or increasing resilience. COP 23 should result in significant progress on the details of the modalities, procedures and guidelines of the framework.

Further action by all parties, individually and collectively, will be required to reorient and make finance flows consistent with a pathway towards low greenhouse gas emissions and climate resilient development. The EU and its Member States are the world’s biggest climate finance donor. In 2015 it provided, together with the European Investment Bank, EUR 17.6 billion for climate finance to third countries.

The EU will continue to support climate action in partner countries and is fully committed to the implementation of the 2020 climate finance roadmap. We remain committed to scaling the mobilisation of climate finance as part of a global effort to assist developing countries to implement their low-carbon sustainable development, and in particular their NDCs. Domestic implementation, climate policies and measures to achieve intended nationally determined contributions and their full integration into national policies are of crucial importance.

At this stage the Council and Parliament are the key actors currently working on completion of the EU’s own legislative and regulatory package that is necessary to deliver our Paris target of reducing economy-wide emissions by at least 40% by 2030. That remains the most ambitious pledge under the Agreement. This is an important sign of leadership as the success of Paris will ultimately depend on concrete action on the ground.


  Miguel Arias Cañete, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, President Juncker stressed in his recent State of the Union address that he wants Europe to be the leader when it comes to the fight against climate change. He added that, set against the collapse of ambition in the United States, Europe must ensure we make our planet great again because it is the shared heritage of all humanity.

Recently, the European Union, Canada and China convened a Ministerial Meeting on Climate Action. This was the first ministerial meeting of its kind, bringing together three major economies in a leadership role and gathering ministers from more than 30 countries, including both major economies and also some of the most vulnerable countries, to discuss how to advance global action on climate change.

For the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn (COP23) the European Union envisages three broad areas of deliverables. Firstly, there should be substantial progress on developing the detailed modalities, procedures and guidelines of the Paris Agreement with a view to concluding them by 2018. Secondly, we need to find political agreement on the design of the ‘Facilitative Dialogue’ that will take place in 2018. This is a clear deliverable expected by COP23 from the Moroccan and Fijian Presidencies, as was mandated by the decision in Marrakech. Thirdly, the European Union attaches great importance to the Global Climate Action Agenda to expand multi—stakeholder action and further build momentum.

Let me elaborate further on the first deliverable. The Paris Agreement achieved comprehensive coverage of mitigation, adaptation and means of implementation by treating these and other issues in a balanced and tailored way. The delicate balance set in Paris now needs to be made operational through detailed modalities, procedures and guidelines.

Priority areas to advance are the work programme that includes the Paris transparency framework and the five-yearly global stocktake. The transparency framework will make it possible to track progress made on all parties’ commitments, for both adaptation and mitigation as well as support, according to common agreed rules and methodology, and to compare and aggregate results in terms of emission reductions and assess progress towards the global goal on adaptation.

The global stocktake is one of the fundamental features of the Paris Agreement and it is the key element of a wider ambition cycle that will inform and incentivise processes progressively to enhance ambitious action, both domestically and collectively. At European Union level, the proposal for the 2030 legislative framework provides for a review in 2024, and every five years thereafter, of the overall functioning of the legislation, in order to take account of evolving national circumstances and to be informed by the results of the global stocktake under the Paris Agreement.

Coming back to the second deliverable, the 2018 Facilitative Dialogue is intended to take stock of the collective efforts of parties in relation to progress towards the long-term emissions reduction goal and inform the preparation of further or updated nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The European Union sees the 2018 Facilitative Dialogue as an important milestone in promoting subsequent discussions about ambition. Parties will have to consider and explain what the outcomes of the 2018 Facilitative Dialogue imply for them individually in terms of their domestic processes.

In the context of the insufficient global ambition currently on the table, the Commission supports the European Union’s active participation in the dialogue as a first important opportunity to take stock of the collective efforts of parties and to demonstrate how we have been preparing for the implementation of our NDC.

Looking ahead, and to facilitate the preparation of long-term strategies, the Commission is preparing an in-depth analysis of the economic, social and environmental impacts of pathways coherent with the long-term temperature goals of the Paris Agreement in order to stimulate the political debate in the European Parliament and the Council and with stakeholders.

Let me give you some further comments on climate finance. The Commission participated closely with many Member States in the development of the donors’ 2020 USD 100 billion road map. We remain committed to the collective goal of mobilising, from a variety of sources, USD 100 billion a year in climate finance by 2020 for climate action in developing countries, and continuing significantly to increase adaptation finance. However, neither the European Union nor any other party acting alone can be expected to fill the gap left by the United States. We need to work collectively and look for innovative solutions and scalability. In that respect the COP21+2 Climate Summit convened by the French Government, the United Nations and the World Bank in Paris on 12 December will usefully complement the COP23 Conference and should help us work better together to redirect public and private investments towards the clean energy transition.

Lastly, looking beyond the amount of finance mobilised, we must also consider the important role of technical cooperation for the implementation of the Paris Agreement and of NDCs. In that respect, we are mobilising technical support from across Europe to share our experience and help partner countries develop and implement climate policies and measures.


  Presidente. – Ascoltiamo ora le dichiarazioni dei gruppi politici. In questa fase non sono ammesse le domande "cartellino blu".


  Peter Liese, im Namen der PPE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, Herr Ratspräsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Ich denke, das wichtigste Signal, das von der Konferenz in Bonn ausgehen muss, ist, dass wir den Prozess weiter vorantreiben – auch nach der Ankündigung von Donald Trump. Der Rest der Welt hält zusammen, Klimaschutz bleibt eine wichtige Aufgabe, und wir sind sehr froh darüber, dass das auch viele in den USA erkannt haben. Es ist schon traurig, dass angesichts der Überschwemmungen und Wirbelstürme bei dem Präsidenten und seinen Beratern noch kein Nachdenken eingesetzt hat. Natürlich kann man nie ein einzelnes extremes Wetterereignis auf den Klimawandel zurückführen, aber es ist vonseiten der Wissenschaft klar, dass solche Ereignisse zunähmen, wenn wir so handeln würden wie Trump und nicht so wie der Rest der Welt. Deswegen, glaube ich, ist es gut, dass wir das in unserer Entschließung auch ganz klar sagen: Der Prozess muss weitergehen, und wir freuen uns, dass sich Bundesstaaten und andere in den USA auch weiterhin beteiligen.

Die EVP hat der Entschließung im Ausschuss zugestimmt, weil in ihr viele sehr wichtige Punkte enthalten sind. Uns war vor allem wichtig, dass die Änderungsanträge des Industrieausschuss es berücksichtigt wurden, dass wir dabei auch an die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Industrie denken und dass extreme Anträge abgelehnt wurden, und die sind zum Glück auch gar nicht wieder im Plenum vorgelegt worden. Ich glaube, wir haben eine insgesamt ausgewogene Entschließung. Wir möchten sie mit unseren beiden Änderungsanträgen noch mal ein bisschen verbessern, aber ich glaube, wir werden in jedem Fall morgen zustimmen. Ich bedanke mich bei unserer Vorsitzenden Adina Văleano, bei allen, die geholfen haben dieses Ergebnis herbeizuführen, und freue mich auf ein starkes Signal in die USA und in den Rest der Welt bei der Abstimmung morgen im Plenum.


  Gilles Pargneaux , au nom du groupe S&D. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, Monsieur le Ministre, l’accord de Paris est irréversible et non négociable. C’est le message que nous adressons au Président des États-Unis dans notre résolution commune sur la COP 23.

L’annonce de ce retrait des États-Unis de l’accord de Paris a finalement galvanisé les 194 autres signataires de la COP 21 et, depuis le 1er juin, les chefs d’État et de gouvernement du monde entier ne cessent de réaffirmer leur engagement à maintenir la hausse de la température mondiale entre 2,4 degrés et 6,6 degrés d’ici à 2050.

Monsieur le Commissaire, l’Union européenne est, selon nous, le nouveau leader dont le monde a besoin pour lutter efficacement contre le changement climatique. C’est pourquoi nous vous encourageons à aborder à la COP 23 à Bonn les sept priorités suivantes:

La création de financements innovants pour lutter contre le changements climatique, avec la fixation d’un prix plancher pour la tonne de carbone et la réforme du système européen d’échange de quotas de carbone;

L’instauration d’une véritable économie circulaire et la dynamisation des énergies renouvelables;

La suppression des subventions allouées au secteur des énergies fossiles, qui mènera, à terme, à l’abandon des combustibles fossiles;

L’intensification des efforts de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre produites par les secteurs des transports et de l’agriculture pour atteindre les objectifs fixés pour 2020 et 2030;

La concrétisation de l’engagement financier des pays développés à fournir 100 milliards de dollars par an aux pays en développement d’ici à 2020;

La promotion de l’accès universel à l’énergie durable dans les pays en développement, en particulier en Afrique, qui dispose d’un potentiel incroyable en énergies renouvelables, pour l’instant inexploité;

L’impact des changements climatiques sur les migrations et la reconnaissance au niveau international du statut de réfugié climatique.

Si, Monsieur le Commissaire, vous abordez, nous abordons à Bonn, ces sept priorités, la COP23 sera un succès.


  Jadwiga Wiśniewska, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Panie Komisarzu! Porozumienie paryskie było przełomowym dokumentem opartym na dwóch kluczowych elementach: elastycznym formułowaniu własnych zobowiązań dostosowanych do możliwości gospodarczych i rezygnacji z postulatu dekarbonizacji. Niestety w dzisiejszej rezolucji ten kompromis już nie jest postrzegany jako element niezbędny do zachowania równowagi między wolą ambitnego działania a realnymi możliwościami. Konferencja w Bonn oraz szczyt klimatyczny w Katowicach to doskonała okazja do wypracowania rozwiązań, które pozwolą stronom porozumienia paryskiego zachować poczucie, że razem i w rozsądnym tempie idziemy do wspólnego celu. Najważniejsza jest faktyczna poprawa komfortu naszego życia i kolejnych pokoleń i niezdławienie europejskiego przemysłu. Mam nadzieję, że pan komisarz był uprzejmy słuchać mojego wystąpienia.


  Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, I would like to thank the Commissioner and the Council for their statements. It is two years, and unfortunately a record number of hurricanes, floods and heat waves, since Paris, and while Marrakech last year was a sort of post-Paris party (though unfortunately under some dark clouds due to the newly elected US President, Donald Trump), the real work will start now again in Bonn, because it is really very important that we clarify the structure of the facilitative dialogue in 2018. This facilitative dialogue should provide us with a clear picture of where we stand, because Paris was a huge success, but we knew even while we were still applauding there that it was not enough; that it was not enough to stay within the 1.5 degrees or even the 2 degrees.

The facilitative dialogue can therefore lead only to one conclusion: that we have to do more, that we are falling short at the moment. That is why we should not allow the US to renegotiate the commitments that it made in Paris. That is crucial, absolutely. But it also means how crucially important it is that we do our work on both the emission trading system, on the effort sharing, and on the energy package. We seriously have to deliver on Paris, and not only that: we also have to work on proper implementation. It is wonderful news that our economy is growing again, really good news, but at the same time we see that even in our Member States CO2 emissions are growing again. They are growing instead of decreasing – and that is something that we should really work on. It is great that we applauded Paris, but we cannot applaud without delivering on the promises that we made there.


  Estefanía Torres Martínez, en nombre del Grupo GUE/NGL. – Señor presidente, como ustedes saben, la COP21 fue la conferencia de las decisiones. De ella nació el acuerdo de París. La COP22 se dijo que sería la de las soluciones, pero más bien fue la de las paradojas. Ahora les diré qué debe ser la COP23: o es la de los compromisos económicos, o habremos llegado definitivamente tarde.

Instamos hoy a este Parlamento a apoyar los esfuerzos de los países en desarrollo en la transición hacia sociedades de bajas emisiones de carbono, para que así sean más sostenibles y más seguras. Pero también debemos instarnos a nosotros mismos a dejar de hacer políticas al servicio de los mercados y empezar a hacerlas al servicio de las personas. Porque, ¿de verdad creemos que es compatible la transición energética y la política comercial de la Unión Europea, sobre todo, con la lucha contra el cambio climático? No lo es. Lo hemos dicho muchas veces: mientras no haya un cambio de modelo de crecimiento económico, no habrá forma de paliar el deterioro medioambiental del planeta.

Necesitamos un cambio profundo en nuestro sistema productivo. Transición energética, sí, pero también necesitamos cambios en el sistema agroalimentario mundial. La batalla por el clima es política y enfrenta dos visiones distintas del mundo. En esta COP23 esperemos que gane protagonismo la visión del mundo de las mujeres, especialmente de las agricultoras y de las indígenas, y que pierda todo el poder la visión de los lobbies energéticos y de las multinacionales, que hablan, muchas veces, a través de nuestros gobiernos.


  Marco Affronte, a nome del gruppo Verts/ALE. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, la verità è che siamo persino un po' stanchi di parlare dei cambiamenti climatici in quest'Aula. La COP 23 è importante, la nostra risoluzione è fatta bene ed è altrettanto importante per tutti i motivi che hanno già detto i colleghi.

E poi leggiamo però proprio in questi giorni le cifre che nel 2016, così come negli anni precedenti, gli Stati membri dell'Unione europea hanno regalato alle fonti fossili: 112 miliardi di euro di finanziamento. 112 miliardi che si inchiodano un po' al passato e non ci consentono di andare avanti verso il cambiamento.

Non sappiamo neanche se questa cifra è corretta perché non c'è trasparenza su questi finanziamenti o sussidi; quindi, potrebbe essere addirittura una cifra parziale e l'importo potrebbe essere anche maggiore. Ma sappiamo che il 44% di questi fondi vanno per esempio al settore dei trasporti.

Questo ha consentito e consente a Sergio Marchionne della FCA di dire che le auto elettriche sono le armi a doppio taglio e che è preferibile migliorare i motori a benzina, invece. Ovviamente, le auto elettriche non sono l'unica soluzione, lo sappiamo bene anche noi, ma se Marchionne può permettersi di dire questo è proprio perché il mercato è alterato dai sussidi che vengono dati attraverso i soldi pubblici.

Quattro miliardi ce li mette direttamente l'Unione europea, cui si aggiungono quelli che ci mettono la Banca europea per gli investimenti e la Banca internazionale per la ricostruzione e lo sviluppo: se vi sembrano pochi, sappiate che, in un solo anno, sono cinque volte quello che noi diamo, nel periodo dal 2014 al 2020, per l'accoglienza ai migranti.

Quindi, di cosa parliamo esattamente quando parliamo di lotta al cambiamento climatico?


  Julia Reid, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, the climate and energy package was imposed by the EU with the objective of achieving by 2020 a 20% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to 1990 levels. Since then, climate-obsessive politicians have set various objectives towards establishing targets that would involve the final deindustrialisation of Europe. We in UKIP disagree with the climate change alarmism which is the cause of the EU's current damaging and counterproductive energy policy. However, the Commission continues to impose never-ending objectives for emissions reductions which invest vast amounts of money into activities that will have little or no effect on climate. Realistically, we can expect global CO2 emissions to keep rising for several decades. The massive exit of EU industry and investment is not only damaging our economies, but by its relocation to countries with lower environmental standards it actually increases CO2 emissions.

After Brexit the EU will be in charge of its own destiny and we in Britain will be able to formulate our own energy policy. The British people are looking forward to cheaper, reliable and affordable energy.


  Marcus Pretzell, im Namen der ENF-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, meine Damen und Herren Kollegen! Ich möchte Ihre Wohlfühlatmosphäre ganz kurz mit einigen Zahlen stören: China ist für etwas mehr als 28 % des CO2-Ausstoßes auf dieser Welt verantwortlich. Die USA sind für rund 16 % des CO2-Ausstoßes auf dieser Welt verantwortlich. Indien steht für über 6 %, Russland für rund 4,5 %. Zusammen stehen diese vier Länder für 55 % des CO2-Ausstoßes auf der Welt.

China hat angekündigt, bis 2030 keine Reduktion des CO2-Ausstoßes vorzunehmen. Die USA – wie Sie es hier alle beklagen – haben bereits angekündigt, aus dem Klimaabkommen auszusteigen. Indien hat gerade laufende Planungen für 370 neue Kohlekraftwerke. 370 neue Kohlekraftwerke, meine Damen und Herren, so viel CO2 können Sie in den kommenden Jahrzehnten in der ganzen Europäischen Union nicht einsparen! Russland hat bislang noch gar nicht ratifiziert und hat das für 2020 angekündigt. Schauen wir mal.

Was ich Ihnen damit sagen möchte? Wenn Herr Juncker sagt, die EU soll federführend sein, dann meint er vermutlich eher, dass die EU ein Federgewicht beim Klimaschutz ist. Es handelt sich hier um Zwerge, die gemeinsam etwas erreichen wollen.

Meine Damen und Herren, liebe Klima-Alarmisten, orientieren Sie sich an dem Machbaren! Das Klima der Welt wird nicht in der Europäischen Union gerettet, es wird nicht durch die Europäische Union gerettet, und Sie machen sich mit Ihren Forderungen auch in Bonn vor den Augen der Welt lächerlich.


  Zoltán Balczó (NI). – Elnök Úr! 2015 decemberében ez a Parlament úgy ünnepelte a párizsi találkozó eredményeit, hogy új időszámítás kezdődött a klímavédelem területén. Miért? Mert állítólag jogilag számon kérhető elkötelezettségek születtek. Én a Bizottsághoz fordultam. Megkérdeztem, hogy hogyan lehet majd számon kérni Obama elnök vállalását az USA vezetésén a jövőben?

Cañete úr teljes mértékben megnyugtatott, hogy kötelezően végre kell hajtani az USA-nak ezt. Új időszámítás kezdődött amikor Trump elnök kivonta a világ második legnagyobb szennyezőjét a Párizsi Megállapodás alól. Természetesen az Európai Unió teljesítse a kötelezettségét, járjon élen, de az teljesen abszurd, amit Juncker elnök mond, hogy az Európai Unió fog majd az USA helyére lépni, és helyette vállalásokat tenni, miközben csak tíz százalék kibocsátásért vagyunk felelősek. Ez teljes mértékben az európai ipar tönkretételét eredményezné.


  Presidente. – Abbiamo ascoltato tutti i gruppi politici. Da questo momento in poi è possibile usare le domande "cartellino blu".


  Andrzej Grzyb (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący, celem konferencji COP23 w Bonn jest zaawansowanie rozmów na temat wytycznych dotyczących wdrożenia porozumienia paryskiego. Mamy dobre wieści z wielu krajów, 166 krajów złożyło dokumenty ratyfikacyjne, a porozumienie jest w naszej ocenie dużym sukcesem konferencji paryskiej, w szczególności ze względu na te dobrowolne zobowiązania wielu państw.

Jesteśmy jednak przed wieloma wyzwaniami, które niekoniecznie mają odzwierciedlenie w negocjacjach. Ważne jest stanowisko Stanów Zjednoczonych, słyszeliśmy już deklaracje o wyjściu z porozumienia, pozostaniu, renegocjacji. Dla całego porozumienia byłoby dobrze, aby Stany Zjednoczone pozostały w porozumieniu i wypełniły jego zapisy, a zatem najgorszą sytuacją jest taki stan niepewności.

Również w wielu krajach, na tej sali również o tym mówiono, podejmuje się decyzje, które są w sprzeczności z porozumieniem paryskim. Cieszą natomiast dane dotyczące emisji gazów cieplarnianych za ubiegły rok, według których światowa emisja tylko nieznacznie wzrosła, co może wskazywać, że być może znajdujemy się gdzieś blisko szczytu emisji, niedługo zaczną te emisje spadać. Jako Parlament będziemy uczestniczyć w konferencji w Bonn wsparci przez udzielony mandat, który Parlament przyjmie w dniu jutrzejszym w postaci rezolucji. Ważnym elementem będą też wspomniane pięcioletnie plany działania i okresowe oceny postępów w ograniczeniu emisji.


  Miriam Dalli (S&D). – Għalija, il-konferenza tat-tibdil fil-klima f’Bonn hija pass importanti favur progress fuq tibdil fil-klima. Il-Gvernijiet, iva, huma importanti, imma nemmen li dan huwa ż-żmien għall-ibliet, għan-negozji u għaċ-ċittadini tagħna, biex ikunu huma li jmexxu t-triq 'il quddiem. Ma nistgħux u m’għandniex ninżammu ostaġġi tal-impuls politiku ta’ pajjiż wieħed, kbir kemm hu kbir dak il-pajjiż.

Ejja nbiddlu l-approach tagħna ta’ kif nindirizzaw it-tibdil fil-klima, mill-metodu tas-soltu fejn min hu fuq jiddetta x’għandu jagħmel minn hu taħt, għal sistema fejn ikunu ta’ taħt li jċaqilqu l-policies, fejn flok nibqgħu nitkellmu dwar spejjeż biss, ejja nibdew nitkellmu dwar benefiċċji, u benefiċċji hemm ħafna. Fejn flok noqogħdu niffukaw fuq x’jista’ jiġri għada, ejja nibdew niffukaw fuq x’inhu jiġri llum madwarna.

U dan kollu huwa dwar il-ħtieġa li nagħmlu l-ħajja taċ-ċittadini tagħna ferm aħjar. Li naġixxu fuq it-tibdil fil-klima jfisser li pereżempju nibdew innaqqsu l-attakki ta’ ażżma li jsofru minnhom it-tfal, li nsalvaw membri tal-familji tagħna minn mard respiratorju, li nżidu l-ammonti ta’ snin li nistgħu ngħixu aħna stess, li nnaqqsu, iva, il-kontijiet tal-enerġija tagħna, li ntejbu l-kwalità tal-ħajja tagħna u nżidu n-numru ta’ impjiegi fil-komunitajiet tagħna.

COP23, nemmen, li se toffrilna opportunità, li jekk irridu, immexxu d-diskussjoni dwar il-klima fejn waħda li ssolvi l-problemi u tidentifika l-opportunitajiet. Aktar ma naddottaw din it-tip ta’ attitudni, aktar huma ċ-chances li nindirizzaw b’mod effettiv din l-isfida li għandna quddiemna.


  Νεοκλής Συλικιώτης (GUE/NGL). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η αδράνεια που επιδείχθηκε μέχρι σήμερα έχει ως αποτέλεσμα τους καταστροφικούς τυφώνες, την όξυνση της ενεργειακής φτώχειας, την περαιτέρω αποψίλωση των δασών, την ανεπανόρθωτη μόλυνση των θαλασσών, τη συνέχιση της καταστροφής του πλανήτη μας. Επίσης, επειδή δεν βάλαμε φραγμό στην ανεξέλεγκτη δράση των πολυεθνικών, οδηγηθήκαμε, μεταξύ άλλων, και στο μεγάλο σκάνδαλο με τους ρύπους στην αυτοκινητοβιομηχανία. Δεν γίνεται να παραμείνουμε και άλλο στις εξαγγελίες, χωρίς να ληφθούν δεσμευτικές αποφάσεις για ουσιαστική δράση.

Με τη Συμφωνία του Παρισιού επιτεύχθηκε ένα σημαντικό πλαίσιο για την αντιμετώπιση των κλιματικών αλλαγών. Ωστόσο, δυστυχώς, στην 22η Διάσκεψη για το Κλίμα στο Μαρακές δεν υπήρξε η πρόοδος που αναμέναμε για άμεση δράση. Η 23η Διάσκεψη στη Βόννη δεν πρέπει να είναι ακόμα μια ανούσια επανάληψη διακηρύξεων και κροκοδείλιων δακρύων για την κατάσταση του περιβάλλοντος και την όξυνση των περιβαλλοντικών προβλημάτων. Ενόψει αυτής της Διάσκεψης ζητάμε από την Επιτροπή, ανεξάρτητα από την πρόθεση της διοίκησης Trump να αποσυρθούν οι ΗΠΑ, να συνεργαστεί με την Κίνα και τα άλλα κράτη, να στηρίξει τις αναπτυσσόμενες χώρες και να αναπτύξει ένα ολοκληρωμένο σχέδιο δράσης για τον τερματισμό της αλόγιστης χρήσης των φυσικών πόρων, τη μείωση των εκπομπών του θερμοκηπίου και την προώθηση των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας.


  Bas Eickhout (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, it is great that we are again talking here about climate action, and I want to stress that word ‘action’, because the Commission also said that Europe wants to be the leader in climate action, did it not? So then, maybe it is time to act as well, and that is going to be the key.

Up to now Europe has just had plans on the table there are insufficient to meet the Paris goals. We all know that. We have to do more. So, Commission, when you are reading Parliament’s resolution, please also note that we are demanding for next year a low emission strategy for 2050, because we need this long-term planning. After the facilitative dialogue next year, we need new NDCs in Europe where we are increasing our action. Only then will we be the leading continent on climate action which we claim to be.

But it is not only about numbers and targets. This is about our future economy, and I say this to our nationalist friends on the right who are always very proud of what we can achieve as a country but then suddenly when it is about climate action, suddenly they say we are little, we are small, it does not matter what we do. Come on, stay on and be consistent! This is about our future economy. If we take the lead, the jobs will be here. If we do not take the lead, we will suffer from climate change and will have to import the technologies from all those regions that you so much fear. So be clever and take action now!


  John Stuart Agnew (EFDD). –Mr President, having listened to the last speaker I can say I disagree with every single word he says. This ludicrous myth of man-made global warming is going to impact on agriculture. Farmers apparently are going to have to improve the world weather by emitting fewer greenhouse gases. There are two of them that we it emit where we find ourselves in total contradiction to EU dogma.

The first is CO2. We emit CO2 by tractor use, exhausts and engines running. If we are seriously going to reduce that on farms, we’re going to have to reduce our tractor usage and that means we must go to no-till agriculture, which means using glyphosate and adopting GM crops. You hate those two things more than you actually hate CO2.

Then of course we've got the other juxtaposition on nitrous oxide. We produce nitrous oxide by growing leguminous crops. Yet we are told by the EU ‘you must grow more leguminous crops’ because they will substitute for all the GM soya beans coming in from South America.

I could go on, Mr President, but I'm out of time.



  Olaf Stuger (ENF). – Prachtig betoog van mijn voorganger. Ik wil deze debatten altijd beginnen door te zeggen dat het nog maar helemaal de vraag is of de mens iets met die klimaatverandering te maken heeft. De wetenschappers zijn het hier in ieder geval niet over eens. Wat mij erg stoort, is dat er in het maatschappelijk debat heel weinig ruimte is om daar überhaupt over te discussiëren.

Er is een Nederlandse documentairemaker, Marijn Poels, die een documentaire heeft gemaakt waarin heel duidelijk wordt dat je, op het moment dat je er maar een klein beetje negatief over bent of je afvraagt of de mens er iets mee te maken heeft, nul op het rekest krijgt en meteen wordt weggezet als een paria.

Of de mens er nou invloed op heeft of niet, Al Gore vindt wel dat de mens invloed heeft op het klimaat. Dat weerhoudt hem er niet van om het hele jaar door met een privévliegtuig de hele wereld over te vliegen. En waar hij ook veel invloed op heeft, is zijn eigen financiële klimaat. Ik heb het even nagekeken: als je Al Gore wil boeken, bijvoorbeeld als spreker voor een dagdeel, dan ben je 200 000 euro kwijt. Ja, ik zeg 200 000. Dan moet je tien kamers boeken in een vijfsterrenhotel voor z'n gevolg. En dan moet je natuurlijk ook nog die privévlucht betalen. Dus, Voorzitter, dat weet ik wel zeker.

Wat ik ook zeker weet, is dat de energierekening van Nederlandse gezinnen de afgelopen vier jaar met 200 euro is gestegen. Dus die is weer ouderwets, spreekwoordelijk, de sjaak, Voorzitter. En dat is regelrechte diefstal.


  Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, οι προσπάθειες καταπολέμησης της υπερθέρμανσης του πλανήτη και των ανθρώπινων παρεμβάσεων που την προκαλούν δεν έχουν τα επιθυμητά αποτελέσματα. Πολλές χώρες έχουν παραμείνει σε απλές δεσμεύσεις, που δεν συνοδεύονται από πρακτικές εφαρμογές, ενώ κάποιες άλλες δεν συμμετέχουν στη Συμφωνία των Παρισίων λόγω οικονομικών και πολιτικών συμφερόντων. Οι συνέπειες όμως της υπερθέρμανσης του πλανήτη στο κλίμα, τους ωκεανούς, την υγεία και τη γεωργία είναι αδιαμφισβήτητες και τείνουν να γίνουν μη αναστρέψιμες. Είτε μιλάμε για υπερθέρμανση είτε για υπερψύξη του πλανήτη, γεγονός είναι ότι η γη έχει φτάσει σε οριακό επίπεδο απορρόφησης των επικίνδυνων ρυπογόνων ουσιών, αερίων, υγρών και στερεών. Το δεδομένο αυτό χρησιμοποιείται βέβαια ως πεδίο αντιπαράθεσης επιστημόνων και πολιτικών, ειδικά πρώην κομμουνιστών του υπαρκτού σοσιαλισμού που ενδύθηκαν τον μανδύα των οικολόγων πράσινων, και θεωρώ ότι η προστασία του περιβάλλοντος είναι σοβαρή υπόθεση για να την εμπιστευθούμε είτε σε αυτούς είτε στο Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινοβούλιο.


  Francesc Gambús (PPE). – Señor presidente, señor comisario, Europa debe ejercer el liderazgo en la consecución de los objetivos que nos dimos en la COP21 y, en este sentido, hoy el 20 % del presupuesto de la Unión se destina a acciones de lucha contra el cambio climático.

Estamos en pleno desarrollo de actualización del mercado del comercio de emisiones y en el establecimiento de una economía circular que minimice los residuos y optimice las primeras materias, y debemos hacer más. De poco servirá que tengamos un acuerdo si, al final, no se acaba cumpliendo o si los principales actores no se acaban implicando, favoreciendo una situación de externalizaciones de la industria europea que acabe manteniendo el mismo número de emisiones y, por lo tanto, no haya ningún avance en la parte ambiental, y por otro lado, de rebote, tengamos un grave impacto negativo en la parte social y económica en Europa.

Por ello, queremos pedir a la Comisión y al Consejo que velen para que en el cumplimiento del Acuerdo de París se celebre un diálogo constructivo para conseguir los objetivos que nos hemos marcado entre todas las partes y para que lleguen los recursos necesarios para alcanzar el objetivo conjunto de 100 000 millones de dólares estadounidenses anuales para el 2020.

Hace ya dos años que llegamos al Acuerdo, y cada minuto que pasa nos aleja más de la meta.


  Jo Leinen (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Die COP23 findet zwar in Deutschland statt, aber die Präsidentschaft liegt bei einem Land, das vom Klimawandel bereits enorm betroffen ist – den Fidschi-Inseln –, genauso wie die anderen Inselstaaten im Pazifik. Ich glaube deshalb mit anderen Kollegen hier im Haus, dass Bonn noch mal ein Moment sein muss, wo sich die Welt zum Übereinkommen von Paris und zum Klimaschutz bekennt und wo wir die Klimazweifler und -kritiker in die Schranken weisen, sie in die Isolation weisen. Wir wissen, dass wir im Moment natürlich näher beim Drei-Grad-Celsius- als beim Zwei-Grad-Celsius-Ziel sind. Von daher ist gar kein Zweifel, dass Industrieländer wie die EU-Mitgliedstaaten noch mehr machen müssen.

Ich erhoffe mir, Herr Kommissar, dass wir die High Ambition Coalition noch mal neu aufleben lassen können. Wir müssen das mit unserer Agenda 2030 machen. Das Parlament schlägt ja für erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz wesentlich höhere Ziele vor, als das die Kommission gemacht hat, und bis 2030 müssen wir auch wesentlich besser werden.

Ich glaube, dass wir auch langfristig bis 2050 die Ziele klar haben müssen – die Akteure müssen wissen, wo es hingeht –, und Klimaschutz ist auch Entwicklungspolitik, er ist auch Industriepolitik. Hier ist China erwähnt worden. Herr Kommissar, Sie machen mit China gemeinsame Sachen. Passen Sie auf, dass uns China in dem Tempo der Erneuerung und des technologischen Wandels nicht überholt.


  Stefan Eck (GUE/NGL). –Herr Präsident, Herr Kommissar, verehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Das Zeitfenster, um etwas gegen die globale Erwärmung zu tun, wird immer kleiner. Wir brauchen eine Transformation hin zu einer Politik, in der die Sorge um den Planeten und seine Bewohner im Fokus steht – und nicht wirtschaftliches Wachstum, die Profite der Konzerne und die Schaffung möglichst vieler Arbeitsplätze.

Um die Klimaziele zu erreichen, müssen wir den Fokus stärker auf die klimaschädlichen Emissionen aus der Landwirtschaft richten. Ich habe hier in diesem Hause bereits mehrfach darauf hingewiesen, dass die globale Fleisch- und Milchwirtschaft für rund 18 % der in CO2-Äquivalenten berechneten Emissionen verantwortlich ist. Die Rodung von Flächen für die Viehwirtschaft schlägt nach neuesten Studien sogar allein mit 20 % zu Buche. Deshalb sind die nationalen Klimaschutzbeiträge, was die Landwirtschaft betrifft, unbedingt massiv nachzubessern. Der klimaschädlichen Landwirtschaft, insbesondere der Massentierhaltung, muss Paroli geboten werden.

Ob wir unsere Erde noch vor einem Klimakollaps bewahren, steht und fällt mit dem politischen Willen, neue Wege zu gehen. Ich hoffe, Herr Kommissar, dass Sie diese brisanten Themen in Bonn auch anschneiden werden.


  Yannick Jadot (Verts/ALE). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, on a tout eu cette année: les sécheresses, les inondations, les feux et les ouragans qu’il serait temps de renommer Exxon, Total, BP ou Trump!

Évidemment, on a besoin de l’accord de Paris, mais l’accord de Paris, c’est deux choses: la diplomatie, avec un objectif ambitieux, sérieux de 1,5 ou 2 degrés, mais c’est aussi l’action climatique et, sur ce point, l’action climatique des États, aujourd’hui, c’est 3, 4, 5 degrés de réchauffement climatique. Par conséquent, c’est le chaos.

Notre sujet, c’est de passer de la diplomatie à l’action climatique parce que c’est là que se glissent toutes les schizophrénies. Mon président de la République, Emmanuel Macron , le président de la France, garant de l’accord de Paris, fait un magnifique discours sur le climat aux Nations unies mais, au niveau européen, vous le savez, il sabote les objectifs en énergies renouvelables et il sabote les stratégies de coopération européenne sur l’action climatique.

Oui, la bonne nouvelle, c’est que l’Union européenne doit être leader de l’action climatique. La bonne nouvelle, c’est que l’Union européenne a tous les éléments: les énergies renouvelables pas chères, les emplois créés, l’aménagement du territoire.

Alors, que l’Union européenne devienne le leader de l’action climatique, c’est bien pour le climat et c’est un magnifique projet pour tous les Européens.


  Piernicola Pedicini (EFDD). – Mr President, I have been listening to my colleagues’ beautiful words about the future of our countries and the future of our children, and I think they have been the best words we can say in such circumstances.

My question is, how many of you really want to pass from words to facts? Because it is a fact that climate change and global warming are caused by fossil fuels. However, while we are here, among the best words we can say to save the planet, the governments of the Member States are financing fossil fuels with an incredible – an astronomical – amount of money. While we are here speaking, France is giving EUR 250 million to the Green Fund but at the same time financing fossil fuels to the tune of EUR 1.5 billion. Germany is giving EUR 250 million to the Green Fund but at the same time financing fossil fuels to the tune of EUR 5.5 billion. And Italy, my country, while contributing only EUR 84 million to the Green Fund, is at the same time financing fossil fuels with EUR 3.5 billion.

We are here to find the best solution to save the planet and not to find the best compromise with oil companies. Therefore, let us stop saying beautiful words and let us move on to facts. Let us eliminate subsidies for fossil fuels right now. There is nothing else to do.


  Annie Schreijer-Pierik (PPE). – De Overeenkomst van Parijs eist het: alle sectoren samen op voor de redding van het wereldwijde klimaat. Daarom vraag ik de Commissie en de lidstaten in het bijzonder om de klimaatinspanningen van familie- en gezinsbedrijven in de Europese landbouw eindelijk te erkennen en financieel te bevorderen. Ik herinner u eraan dat de Overeenkomst van Parijs eist dat de landen zich aan de negatieve gevolgen van klimaatverandering aanpassen op een wijze die de voedselproductie niet in gevaar brengt.

Boeren en tuinders in lidstaten als Nederland zijn al volop bezig met de vermindering van hun broeikasgasuitstoot en met een klimaatvriendelijke productiewijze van ons dagelijks brood – met beleg erop.

Daarom moet de Europese Unie snel aan de slag met actieplannen voor financiering van klimaatefficiënte landbouw, zoals het Parlement ook eiste in het ESR-verslag, het verslag-Gerbrandy. De groeiende wereldbevolking ontwikkelt een groeiende voedselvraag. De groeiende middenklasse buiten ons werelddeel vraagt om "luxe" voeding zoals vlees en zuivel.

Omwille van het wereldwijde klimaat en het kostbare regenwoud moet de Europese Unie, die straks in Bonn deelneemt, bij alle klimaatmaatregelen voorkomen dat er koolstof- en investeringslekkage van Europese landbouwproductie naar derde landen optreedt! Onze boeren en tuinders produceren duurzaam voedsel voor de wereldbevolking. We moeten onze Europese boeren en tuinders koesteren, helpen bij de overgang, meer vertrouwen geven en uiteindelijk duidelijk bieden over de klimaattransitie. Uiteindelijk is dat van groot belang voor een leefbaar platteland.


  Edouard Martin (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Commissaire, qu’il est bon de se taper sur l’épaule en se félicitant du travail bien fait. De COP en COP, on se plaît à dépeindre l’Union européenne comme étant à la pointe du combat climatique.

Et pourtant, que voit-on? Que certains objectifs 3X20 ne seront pas tenus, que le système SEQE, même révisé pour la phase 4, restera bien trop généreux pour les pollueurs, pas assez ambitieux pour atteindre des objectifs et générera un prix du CO2 bien trop faible pour réorienter les priorités. Que la TTF, dont certains imaginaient qu’elle puisse financer le Fonds vert, n’a toujours pas vu le jour. Et pourtant, qu’entend-on? Que le rapport Stiglitz évoque un prix pour l’ensemble des émissions mondiales compris entre 50 et 100 dollars pour 2030, nous en sommes très loin.

Il nous faut donc des mesures d’urgence, et je plaide par exemple depuis longtemps pour la mise en place de l’ajustement carbone aux frontières, mais cela fait tellement longtemps qu’on en parle et que rien ne bouge.

Ce manque de volonté politique est renforcé par le confort de se dire qu’on fait mieux que les autres. On connaît la formule de Talleyrand: «Quand je me regarde, je me désole, quand je me compare, je me console», mais méfions-nous, car si nous sommes tous désolants, ce sont nos enfants et nos petits-enfants qui seront désolés.


  Rebecca Harms (Verts/ALE). – Herr Präsident! Wer die Klimaziele von Paris und die Klimawissenschaft ernst nimmt, weiß, dass uns nur noch ein sehr enges Budget für Treibhausgasemissionen bleibt. Und, Herr Arias Cañete, das direkt an Sie: Die Klimaziele, die Sie für die Europäische Kommission vertreten und die auch im Rat nicht überschritten oder nicht getoppt werden, bedeuten, dass fast alles, was die EU-Mitgliedstaaten im Rahmen der Ziele von Paris noch freisetzen dürfen, bis 2030 aufgebraucht sein wird. Ihre Zögerlichkeit über die Jahre bedeutet, dass die Emissionen nach 2030 – in nur einem Jahrzehnt! – dann auf null gebracht werden müssen, wenn wir auch nur eine geringe Chance haben wollen, das 2-Grad-Ziel zu erreichen.

Und der fehlende Mut und die ganze Zögerlichkeit in der Europäischen Kommission führen eben nicht nur dazu, dass wir beim Klimaschutz verlieren, sondern gleichzeitig wird die Europäische Union im internationalen Wettbewerb um kreative Lösungen und zukunftsfähige Technologien abgehängt. Es ist heute schon so – Jo Leinen hat das angesprochen –, dass die kreativen Lösungen, saubere Autos, Solar- und auch Effizienztechnologien außerhalb der Europäischen Union politisch gestützt und forciert werden – zum Beispiel in China –, dass dort dann auch die Produktionsstandorte entstehen und dass dort die Arbeit der Zukunft stattfindet. Wir denken, dass das, was Kohle und Stahl in der Gründungsphase der Europäischen Gemeinschaft waren, nämlich ihr Mittelpunkt, und das was da gemacht worden ist, jetzt Effizienztechnologien, Klimatechnologien werden müssen, und dass da auch die eigentliche Erneuerung des Industriestandorts der Europäischen Union liegt.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, gospodine povjereniče, ne treba puno dokaza da bismo vjerovali u postojanje klimatskih promjena, one su evidentne. I zato se rukovodim govorom Jeana-Claudea Junckera koji je rekao da moramo kao Europska unija predvoditi u borbi protiv klimatskih promjena kada je govorio o stanju Europske unije.

Jasno je da će biti vrlo teško nadoknaditi izlazak Sjedinjenih Američkih Država, ali Bonn je prilika da Europska unija i dalje nastavi ovdje biti lider. Ali je potrebno prijeći s naših političkih odluka stvarno na konkretna djela i moramo naše odluke konkretizirati. Konkretno, moramo do 2020. doći do 100 milijardi eura godišnje ili dolara godišnje, o kojima smo govorili, da bismo stvarno mogli provesti sve ove zaključke.

Ono u što vjerujem, to je energetska učinkovitost, to je energetska sigurnost, to je manje onečišćenje zraka kako bismo utjecali na bolje zdravlje ljudi. Vjerujem isto tako da je potrebno u svakom slučaju upotrijebiti u svakom diplomatskom dijalogu, koristiti kao našu stratešku osnovu, govor o klimatskim promjenama i borbi protiv klimatskih promjena.

Isto tako se moramo boriti protiv svih ovih situacija na način da klimatske promjene stavimo uvijek u prvi plan, da se borimo na razini cijelog planeta. Nijedna nacionalna politika, nijedna nacionalna strategija ne može sama za sebe donijeti rezultat i stoga idemo zajedno u Bonn i pokušajmo se i dalje postaviti kao nositelji borbe protiv klimatskih promjena.

(Govornica je pristala odgovoriti na pitanje postavljeno podizanjem plave kartice (članak 162. stavak 8. Poslovnika))


  Tibor Szanyi (S&D), Kékkártyás kérdés. – Elnök Úr! Tisztelt Képviselő asszony, Ön azt mondta, hogy eljött a tettek ideje, tenni kell, és föl is sorolt nagyon sok mindent, hogy mi mindent lehet tenni. Én tisztelettel kérdezem, hogy Ön ezt a teendők listáját hajlandó lenne-e fölbővíteni, azzal, hogy az Európai Uniónak a kereskedelmi megállapodásaiban is tükröznie kell az akaratát? Magyarul kedvezményeket, kereskedelmi kedvezményeket ahhoz a feltételhez kötni, hogy teljesítik-e a Párizsi Megállapodásban foglaltakat.


  Dubravka Šuica (PPE), odgovor na pitanje postavljeno podizanjem plave kartice. – Gospodine predsjedniče, u potpunosti se slažem s vama i smatram da upravo trgovački ugovori u koje ulazimo i koje potpisujemo moraju nositi upravo ove karakteristike, a to je borba protiv klimatskih promjena i moraju nositi sve ono što dovodi do toga da imamo održivi razvoj. Slažem se s vama. Žao mi je što izlazimo iz pregovora sa Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, a veselim se što je stupio na snagu CETA i što nastavljamo dalje pregovore s Novim Zelandom i ostalim državama i vjerujem da će Europska unija zaštititi svoje interese i interese naših nacionalnih država.


  Damiano Zoffoli (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, con questa risoluzione, ribadiamo il nostro impegno per dare attuazione, con forza e coerenza, all'accordo di Parigi sulla lotta ai cambiamenti climatici, Trump o non Trump.

Serve un nuovo modello di sviluppo più sostenibile a livello economico, ambientale e sociale per uscire dalla crisi e produrre nuova e buona occupazione per i nostri giovani.

L'obiettivo europeo di ridurre del 40% le emissioni entro il 2030 passa attraverso impegni trasversali a tutti i settori dell'economia e a tutti i livelli istituzionali, dagli Stati alle comunità locali.

In particolare nei trasporti, responsabili del 25% delle emissioni globali, bisogna rapidamente colmare una lacuna che riguarda i mezzi pesanti: anche le emissioni dei camion e degli autobus, che causano il 40% dell'inquinamento da trasporto su strada, devono essere, al pari di quelle delle auto, certificate, monitorate e regolate da standard a livello europeo.


  Max Andersson (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, the presence of the fossil lobby at the climate conferences is a huge conflict of interest that we need to address. Soon the world will be going to Bonn. Politicians, scientists and civil society will be there to seek solutions to the climate crisis. But the dirty coal and oil lobby will also be there and they have an economic interest in trying to delay, water down and prevent those solutions. We need strong rules on conflicts of interest if we are going to be able to limit emissions so that we can stay below 1.5°C. We have no time to waste. This is about our children’s future.

The fossil lobby should not be allowed to pollute climate policy. I urge you all to support the Green Group amendment on conflicts of interest.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – Mr President, in March of this year the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) observed that sea ice had reached a record low wintertime maximum extent in the Arctic. At the end of the summer, in the southern hemisphere, the ice around Antarctica hit its lowest extent ever recorded by satellites.

While there is year-on-year variability, up to last year the trend has been towards more melting of the ice caps. Additionally in 2016, the great barrier reef lost 29% of its coral due to rising ocean temperatures. In Port Douglas, Queensland, up to 70% was lost. Rising sea levels, along with an increase in the frequency and magnitude of storm events, will bring increased rates of coastal erosion around the world.

My own country, Ireland, and especially the south coast, is particularly exposed. Waterford and Cork are highly exposed to the problem of erosion and the local authorities are doing excellent work in developing coastal management strategies at Cork harbour and Tramore strand. Tramore is particularly subject to coastal erosion.

However, we must act at European and global level to ensure that this work and the millions of similar examples around the world are not in vain. Countering these effects is the challenge of our time. Having represented Parliament at COP21 and COP22, I am lucky enough to have witnessed at first hand the coming into force of the agreement that will see us meet the two-degrees target. That target must be met, and I compliment Commissioner Cañete for his role in that matter.

In the EU we must ensure that we reduce emissions by at least 40% by 2030 by deploying more renewable energy, pricing carbon and moving to lower carbon and a more sustainable society.

I look forward, as shadow rapporteur on the Renewable Energy Directive, to playing my part.


  Νίκος Ανδρουλάκης (S&D). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, σε λίγες ημέρες συμπληρώνουμε ένα χρόνο από την έναρξη εφαρμογής της Συμφωνίας του Παρισιού. Δυστυχώς, μέσα σε αυτό τον χρόνο, οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής, ο δεύτερος μεγαλύτερος ρυπαντής στον κόσμο, αποφάσισαν να αποχωρήσουν από τη Συμφωνία. Ευτυχώς, οι πρώτες αντιδράσεις απομόνωσαν τον κύριο Trump και απέτρεψαν ένα φαινόμενο ντόμινο. Παρ’ όλα αυτά ο κίνδυνος παραμένει. Στην επικείμενη COP23 που, αν και θα πραγματοποιηθεί στη Βόννη, διοργανώνεται από τα νησιά Φίτζι, μία χώρα που κινδυνεύει να εξαφανιστεί λόγω της κλιματικής αλλαγής, η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση πρέπει να φανεί αντάξια των προσδοκιών. Οι πρωτοβουλίες μας και οι προτεραιότητές μας πρέπει να είναι προς τη διασφάλιση των συμφερόντων όλων των λαών. Να παραμείνουμε πρωτοπόροι στον αγώνα κατά της κλιματικής αλλαγής, ακόμα και αν η Αμερική αλλάζει στρατηγική και υπαναχωρεί από τις δεσμεύσεις που ανέλαβε ο Πρόεδρος Obama. Να διασφαλίσουμε ότι αυτά που αποφασίσαμε στο Παρίσι θα εφαρμοστούν. Η ευημερία, η δημοκρατία, η σταθερότητα εξαρτώνται άμεσα από τις συνθήκες διαβίωσης των ανθρώπων σε όλα τα μέρη του κόσμου.


  Sofia Ribeiro (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, quero falar-vos em quatro pontos. Primeiro, quero elogiar a ambição do Acordo de Paris e o seu reforço na Cimeira de Marraquexe e da rapidez da sua ratificação pela maioria das partes, bem como demonstrar a minha esperança de que, após uma fase inicial de absurdas declarações do Presidente Trump, os Estados Unidos percebam a importância deste acordo.

Segundo, importa continuar a investir em tecnologias que possibilitem uma emissão líquida nula, através de estratégias de captação de carbono, sendo uma área com um enorme potencial de criação de postos de trabalho sustentáveis. Devemos, portanto, encarar com seriedade a transição ecológica europeia e, aqui, quero enaltecer o papel da economia social neste desafio.

Terceiro, há que ter uma estratégia para a agricultura mundial que seja respeitadora da utilização de recursos hídricos e dos solos, da sua reafetação e da exploração sustentável das florestas, tal como fazemos a nível europeu. Não existem pessoas mais respeitadores do ambiente do que os agricultores informados. Devemos, portanto, promover as boas práticas agrícolas europeias para outros locais em que possam ser uma mais-valia.

Quarto, e termino já, os mais afetados pelas alterações climáticas são, infelizmente, os países mais pobres em desenvolvimento, ou mesmo insulares, como vimos recentemente pela devastação causada numa das regiões mais ultraperiféricas europeias, Martinica e Guadalupe, pelo furação Maria.

Expresso aqui a minha solidariedade para com elas, uma vez que também venho de uma região ultraperiférica, os Açores.


  Christel Schaldemose (S&D). – Hr. formand! FN’s Klimakonference COP23 i Bonn er vigtig. Klimaforandringerne er en af de allerallerstørste udfordringer for menneskeheden i vores tid. Vi skal altså bruge denne konference til at vise, både at EU er klar, og at EU er villig til at tage førertrøjen på globalt. Vi skal i øvrigt også fortælle, at en indsats for klimaet ikke er en hæmsko for vækst og udvikling. Tværtimod: En grøn omstilling er faktisk nøglen til at sikre en bæredygtig vækst og nye jobs såvel som en renere fremtid. Vi har vist en del af vejen for dette i Danmark. Vi har vist, at en grøn omstilling giver flere jobs, og vi skal være med til at sprede det budskab, for ellers tror jeg, vi får for meget modstand mod at levere. Parisaftalen skal føres ud i livet. Vi har brug for mere handling og hurtigere handling. Det bør være EU’s budskab i Bonn. Kloden og verdens borgere har brug for det.


  Μαρία Σπυράκη (PPE). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε Cañete, στη Βόννη ένα από τα κύρια θέματα συζήτησης θα είναι η κλιμάκωση της χρηματοδότησης για την αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής και των συνεπειών της. Είναι αλήθεια πως ο κοινός στόχος για την κινητοποίηση 100 δισεκατομμυρίων δολαρίων σε ετήσια βάση για το περιβάλλον είναι φιλόδοξος και ενδεχομένως να μην είναι αρκετός, αν και εδώ στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχουμε ήδη δεσμευτεί να δαπανούμε το 20% του προϋπολογισμού μας σε σχετικούς με το περιβάλλον στόχους.

Ωστόσο, είναι πολύ κρίσιμο να δούμε πώς γίνεται η εφαρμογή αυτής της δέσμευσης, ειδικά στα κράτη μέλη. Η αγωνία για την απώλεια θέσεων εργασίας από τομείς στους οποίους υπάρχουν δικαιώματα εκπομπών διοξειδίου του άνθρακα πρέπει να αντικατασταθεί από την απάντηση που θα δώσουμε με τη δημιουργία βιώσιμων θέσεων εργασίας σε νέες τεχνολογίες. Είναι απαραίτητο να δημιουργήσουμε μια πολιτική που θα ενισχύει έργα και υποδομές για την αντιμετώπιση της κλιματικής αλλαγής. Μια στοχευμένη πολιτική που θα δημιουργήσει βιώσιμες αγορές και έτσι θα μπορέσουμε να είμαστε ελκυστικοί και για πόρους από τον ιδιωτικό τομέα. Τα παραδείγματα είναι πολλά: η απεξάρτηση από τον άνθρακα, η ενθάρρυνση της χρήσης εναλλακτικών πηγών ενέργειας στις μεταφορές, η περαιτέρω προώθηση της ενεργειακής αποδοτικότητας των κτιρίων και των ανανεώσιμων πηγών ενέργειας. Εμείς εδώ στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση μπορούμε, με ή και χωρίς τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, να συνεχίσουμε να διαδραματίζουμε ηγετικό ρόλο στην επίτευξη των στόχων του Παρισιού. Το χρωστάμε στα παιδιά μας.


  Carlos Zorrinho (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, saúdo a resolução em debate que é uma posição forte e consistente do Parlamento Europeu. As alterações climáticas são os mais importantes desafios que a Humanidade enfrenta e já não se trata apenas de prognósticos, é algo que os povos sofrem quotidianamente.

Em Portugal, por exemplo, a brutal vaga de incêndios florestais este verão é apenas um entre muitos exemplos com que quotidianamente nos defrontamos em consequência das alterações climáticas. Estão a destruir o planeta, a afetar as populações, em particular as mais vulneráveis economicamente. E, por isso, é preciso agir agora e já, pôr em prática o Acordo de Paris em todas as suas políticas.

Combater a visão retrógrada da administração americana, aproveitar a transição energética digital para criar novas oportunidades de crescimento sustentável e emprego com qualidade, combater as desigualdades e melhorar as condições de vida no planeta.

Devemos reforçar as parcerias existentes e procurar novas alianças económicas, políticas e de investigação e desenvolvimento.

Por isso, esta resolução constitui um forte mandato político para a delegação do Parlamento Europeu que participará na COP23 e é também um mandato político para a Comissão e para os Estados-Membros.


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, as alterações climáticas são uma das maiores ameaças ambientais, sociais e económicas que o Planeta e a Humanidade enfrentam. Todos os dias, assistimos a exemplos de fenómenos climáticos severos e sem precedentes que mostram a todos essa verdade.

Desde os furacões Irma, Maria, que tudo devastam na sua passagem, aos fogos florestais que no meu país, recentemente, ceifaram a vida a 64 pessoas.

Na COP23 será discutida e negociada a implementação do Acordo de Paris e, em particular, as questões da transparência, adaptação, redução de emissões, financiamento, capacitação e tecnologia, permitindo que estas matérias venham a ser aprovadas na próxima COP, que se realizará em 2018, na Polónia.

A assinatura do Acordo de Paris foi um momento histórico em torno de um consenso na luta contra as alterações climáticas. Trata-se de um acordo multilateral sem precedentes. O Sr. Trump invocou, para abandonar o Acordo de Paris, que este é injusto para os trabalhadores americanos e perverso para a competitividade dos Estados Unidos. Mas se este anúncio pode tornar mais difícil a luta contra as alterações climáticas, estou certo de que não há retorno neste combate e de que a transição mundial para a energia limpa veio para ficar.

O êxito da COP23 implica uma determinação política forte e uma robusta diplomacia climática. A União Europeia deve continuar a liderar através das suas políticas climáticas ambiciosas e de um apoio aos que são particularmente vulneráveis, a fim de construir economias fortes e sustentáveis.

O mundo está numa corrida contra o tempo e a União Europeia e os seus Estados—Membros devem manter-se unidos e absolutamente comprometidos com uma aplicação plena e rápida do Acordo de Paris. Daí a importância que entendo que a COP23 trará para o nosso Planeta.


  Simona Bonafè (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, nell'enciclica Laudato si', citata anche nella risoluzione che andremo ad approvare, Papa Francesco scrive "Dio perdona sempre l'uomo; qualche volta la natura non perdona mai". E in effetti basta vedere che cosa sta succedendo oggi: siccità prolungate, dimezzamento delle piogge e poi alluvioni, bombe d'acqua, trombe d'aria anche nelle nostre regioni europee.

Questi sono dati, sono fatti; quindi non serve scomodare la scienza per dare un nome a tutto questo. Serve però agire e agire presto. Il cambiamento climatico non è un problema che possiamo pensare di spostare nel futuro, perché stiamo già assistendo ai suoi effetti. E se non agiremo, il cambiamento impatterà molto più di quanto si pensi sulle nostre comunità, causando costi sociali ma anche danni economici a persone e a interi sistemi produttivi.

E allora, Commissario, abbiamo una grande responsabilità: dobbiamo accelerare in Europa la transizione verso un'economia sostenibile, a basse emissioni di carbonio e circolare e coinvolgere, come Europa, in questo processo anche gli altri attori globali, anche chi oggi si permette di stracciare la Carta degli accordi di Parigi e mette però a rischio il futuro nostro e delle prossime generazioni.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'accordo di Parigi è irreversibile e non rinunciabile e, nel percorso di contrasto al cambiamento climatico, la COP 23 di Bonn deve essere una tappa fondamentale per portare a termine entro il 2018 l'elaborazione delle modalità di dettaglio di attuazione dell'accordo. La tabella di marcia per la mobilitazione di 100 miliardi di dollari entro il 2020 da destinare all'azione per il clima nei paesi in via di sviluppo rappresenta solo un punto di partenza.

Il costante aumento dei finanziamenti dell'Unione europea a favore del clima non è soddisfacente e non dà garanzie sul raggiungimento dell'obiettivo: serve un impegno ambizioso da parte dei governi e degli studi finanziari pubblici e privati, delle banche, dei fondi pensione e delle compagnie di assicurazione per allineare le pratiche di prestito e di investimento all'obiettivo di contenere l'aumento della temperatura ben al di sotto del 2% e per abbandonare gli investimenti a favore dei combustibili fossili.

Servono garanzie pubbliche specifiche a favore degli investimenti verdi, nonché certificazioni e vantaggi fiscali per i fondi di investimento verdi e per l'emissione di obbligazioni verdi.

Insomma, dobbiamo passare dalle parole ai fatti.


Procedura catch-the-eye


  Franc Bogovič (PPE). – Gospod predsednik, v dveh stvareh se, mislim da, širom po svetu strinjamo.

Prvič, da smo ljudje povzročili klimatske spremembe, ki nam delajo takšne težave, kot smo jim priča, bodisi v Karibskem morju ali pa v Evropi.

In drugič, da je bila Evropa tista, ki je prva prepoznala svojo obveznost in tudi svojo vlogo na področju zelenih ekonomij in na področju zmanjševanja izpusta toplogrednih plinov.

Imamo številne politike, bodisi prehod in strategija prehoda na krožno gospodarstvo, kjer govorimo o učinkoviti rabi virov.

Na področju energetike smo marsikaj že postorili, na področju učinkovite rabe energije vedno bolj prehajamo na obnovljive vire energije, potreben je še velik korak na področju transporta.

Veseli me tudi to, da takšne onesnaževalke, kot je Kitajska, sledijo evropskemu zgledu, ki so povsem prenehale z izdelavo novih termoelektrarn, in da Kitajska danes že proizvaja več vetrne energije kot celotna Evropa.

Z zgledom bomo največ pokazali in na tej poti moramo vztrajati.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, πραγματικά η υπερθέρμανση του πλανήτη έχει τεράστιες συνέπειες και για την ανάπτυξη της γης συνολικά, αλλά βεβαίως και για το μέλλον μας. Από την άλλη πλευρά, πρέπει να εξετάσουμε σε ποια κατάσταση βρισκόμαστε, γιατί ο δεύτερος μεγαλύτερος ρυπαντής του κόσμου, οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες, έχουν αποσυρθεί από τη Συμφωνία. Επιπλέον, η Κίνα, θα έλεγα, «πετάει την μπάλα στην εξέδρα», διότι μέχρι το 2030 δεν έχει αναλάβει καμία δέσμευση. Αυτοί λοιπόν οι οποίοι έχουν αναλάβει τη δέσμευση είναι η δική μας πλευρά, χωρίς όμως αυτό να σημαίνει ότι επί του πρακτέου μπορεί να συμβεί κάτι, διότι, όταν οι Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και η Κίνα αλλά και η Ινδία δεν έχουν δεσμευτεί, η όποια δραστηριότητα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης θα έχει πολύ μικρές συνέπειες για την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος. Ταυτόχρονα, με τις πολιτικές που ακολουθούμε διαλύονται και παραδοσιακές βιομηχανίες. Πρέπει λοιπόν να ληφθεί σοβαρά υπόψη ότι οι βασικοί ρυπαντές δεν δεσμεύονται καθόλου.


  Τάκης Χατζηγεωργίου (GUE/NGL). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, δεν υπάρχει λόγος για κανέναν αγώνα και καμία μάχη αν δεν καταφέρουμε να σώσουμε τον πλανήτη. Αλλά πώς θα επιτευχθεί αυτός ο μεγαλεπήβολος στόχος, όταν εμείς δεν βρίσκουμε τρόπο να πιέσουμε τις Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες να αλλάξουν τη στάση τους; Αν δεν βρίσκουμε τρόπους ή δεν θέλουμε να βρούμε τρόπους να αντιμετωπίσουμε τη Μonsanto, την εταιρεία που υποτάσσει την παγκόσμια διατροφική αλυσίδα με ενέργειες που επηρεάζουν αρνητικά το κλίμα; Χρειαζόμαστε πολιτικές που να προάγουν την αλλαγή στη λειτουργία της οικονομίας η οποία προωθεί την ιδέα του υπερκαταναλωτισμού, καθώς και τερματισμό της αλόγιστης χρήσης των φυσικών πόρων της γης.


  Linnéa Engström (Verts/ALE). – Herr talman! Den klimatutveckling vi ser i stora delar av världen kommer att bidra till politisk instabilitet och en upptrappning av flyktingströmmarna. Runt år 2050 menar FN att världen kan ha 200 miljoner människor som drivits från sina hem på grund av klimatförändringar.

Europaparlamentet noterar med oro att cirka 21,5 miljoner människor tvingades lämna sina hem mellan 2008 och 2013 på grund av naturkatastrofer. Det är viktigt att vi tar fördrivning och migration av människor som en följd av klimatkatastrofer på allvar. Vi måste utveckla FN-systemen för migration och de befintliga definitionerna och verktygen så att de också inkluderar denna kategori av flyktingar.

Jämställdheten lyser med sin frånvaro i de olika processer som pågår inom ramen för Parisavtalet. Det är ett allvarligt misstag. FN:s gröna klimatfond kommer att spela en viktig roll för finansieringen av anpassningsbehov i de länder som drabbas hårdast. På klimattoppmötet i Bonn kommer förhoppningsvis en handlingsplan för ökad jämställdhet att förhandlas och antas. Jag uppmanar därför kommissionen och våra medlemsstater att medverka till att ett beslut tas i Bonn om en ambitiös handlingsplan med specifika mål, för vi kan glömma klimatet om vi inte satsar på jämställdhet.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, it’s impossible to talk about climate change without drawing attention to the grave situation in Amazonia, Brazil, where violence, land grabbing and serious human rights violations are now endemic under Michel Temer’s corrupt presidency. The current administration is propped up by agri-business, extractive industries and the hydro-electric dam lobby. Multinationals given carte blanche to tear down the forest, rip open the earth, pollute the water supply and flood historic settlements such as San Juan de Araguaia, a 400-year-old town doomed to inundation by plans for mega electric hydroelectric dam on the nearby Tocantins river.

The guardians of the environment are the indigenous people and it is them we should be listening to. I listened and I saw. I went to Amazonia in August – into the heart of the forest – and I bore witness to the unfolding environmental disaster, not just for the indigenous people or for Brazil, but for the whole world. There is a direct link between the extratropical storm Desmond that devastated my constituency in December 2015 and the destruction of the Amazon. Climate change knows no borders. The Amazon is the lungs of the world, and its breath is life on earth.


(Fine della procedura catch-the-eye)


  Miguel Arias Cañete, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I have listened carefully to the debate today and I am encouraged by the engagement shown by the Members of this House. I appreciate your commitment to maintaining the European Union’s role as a pathbreaker in the field of international climate action.

I would like to thank the honourable Members for raising this important issue in Parliament, thereby providing additional political momentum, and I am convinced that, with your support, the Commission and the Council under the leadership of the Estonian Presidency will be able to deliver substantial progress on the implementation of the Paris Agreement at the next climate conference in Bonn in November.

Many of you referred to the need to raise our level of ambition. In this regard, I would say that the European Union, along with the other parties, is required to communicate by 2020 its mid-century development strategy for the long-term lowering of greenhouse gas emissions. These long-term strategies will have to explore the feasibility of our 1.5°C scenario, which certainly goes beyond the level of domestic reduction we are heading towards with the current 2030 policy framework.

For the long-term strategies, we are, however, dependent on further international developments in order to have the necessary science and analytical basis in place. We will have to obtain the science on the 2°C and 1.5°C pathways, including through a report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in the second half of 2018. The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) Facilitative Dialogue at the end of 2018 is also essential, as it will show us how countries are implementing Paris and what more is needed.

To facilitate the preparation of these strategies the Commission will prepare an in-depth analysis of the economic and social transformations needed in order to feed the political debate in the European Parliament and the Council and with the stakeholders.

I want to conclude by thanking you again for the opportunity of having this debate, and I hope we can continue our dialogue in the future.


  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, I would like to thank you again for your cooperation. I am very much encouraged by the debate today on COP 23 and the next steps in the implementation of the Paris Agreement. As on previous occasions, the support from Parliament in our outreach efforts to our international partners is very much appreciated. I look forward to continuing this exchange and working closely together in the run up to the Bonn Conference in order to achieve the best possible outcome.




  Πρόεδρος. – Έχω λάβει σύμφωνα με το άρθρο 128 παράγραφος 5 του Κανονισμού μία πρόταση ψηφίσματος.

Η συζήτηση έληξε.

Η ψηφοφορία θα διεξαχθεί την Τετάρτη 4 Οκτωβρίου.

Γραπτές δηλώσεις (άρθρο 162)


  György Hölvényi (PPE), írásban. – Idén novemberben különösen fontos lesz, hogy konkrét, lényegi előrehaladást érjünk el a bonni találkozón annak érdekében, hogy a párizsi klímamegállapodás lendülete 2018-ban és azt követően is megmaradjon. A megállapodás gyakorlati végrehajtása mellett az egyik legnagyobb feladatunk az ambíciószint fenntartása és a klímaváltozás témájának folyamatos napirenden tartása.

További kihívást jelent a tárgyalások során a nemzeti vállalások közös jellemzőinek meghatározása, míg globális szinten a veszteségek és károk fejlődő országok által javasolt kezelése okoz fejtörést Európának és a fejlett országoknak. A polgárok egyre szélesebb köre lép fel a dekarbonizáció érdekében azzal a céllal, hogy ellenállóbbá váljanak az éghajlatváltozással szemben. Különösen üdvözlendőnek tartom a nem állami szereplők, mint például a teremtésvédelemben aktív vallásos szervezetek elköteleződését a Párizsi Megállapodás mellett.

Fontos, hogy ezt a potenciált kiaknázzuk és összehangoljuk az állami szintű vállalásokkal. Ennek megfelelően biztosítanunk kell őket elismerésünkről és támogatásunkról. Úgy gondolom, hogy megalapozott nemzeti vállalások csak a nem állami és a magánszektor részvételével határozhatók meg, amelyhez ösztönözni kell az állami és nem állami szereplők közti párbeszédet.


  Kathleen Van Brempt (S&D), in writing. – To avoid acceleration of further uncontrollable climate disruption, we must stay strongly committed to the full implementation of the Paris Agreement. We must be clear that this agreement is irreversible and will not be renegotiated. This clarity and certainty to all actors is crucial to build trust and help solidify confidence in the global commitment to climate action. In that sense I deplore the opening Commissioner Cañete made to the Trump Administration to ‘chart its own path’ within the Treaty and to come back on the terms under which they agreed to participate previously. Such a back step is dangerous and could open a Pandora’s box, since other Parties to the Paris Agreement might start to consider weaker contributions as well. This is contrary to the Paris Agreement itself that states in art.4.3 that ‘Each Party’s successive NDC will represent a progression beyond the Party’s then current NDC and reflect its highest possible ambition, reflecting its common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities’. Current NDCs will still lead to a global warming of 3°C. Parties should do more, not less. The EU also has to raise its ambitions. The Facilitative Dialogue in 2018 is an excellent opportunity to do so.

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