 Text integral 
Stenograma dezbaterilor
Miercuri, 25 octombrie 2017 - Strasbourg Ediţie revizuită

7.1. Proiectul de buget general al Uniunii Europene pentru exercițiul financiar 2018 - toate secțiunile (vot)

- Prima della votazione:


  Siegfried Mureşan, rapporteur. – Mr President, I have to inform you of two technical corrections to be applied to two amendments on the budget tabled by the Committee on Budgets, in line with the actual committee vote. The first technical correction please is line 09047705, it is Amendment 1 735. The final level of payments should be read as: EUR 1 250 000.

The second technical correction is in line 240107, Amendment 1 838. The final total amounts, including the 10% reserve, should be at the level of the draft budget. These are the two technical corrections which I have to introduce to you ahead of the vote.

Other than this, I would like to thank all colleagues who have worked on Parliament’s position on the EU budget for 2018, all shadow rapporteurs, all rapporteurs of the opinions of the specialised committee.

It is important that we are sending today a clear and strong message to the Council by supporting the budget with a large majority. What we have agreed and what we are voting today is a budget for a strong, future-oriented Union, a Union which can offer a perspective of prosperity and safety to the citizens. So thank you very much to all colleagues who have worked and supported me in this.


(Il Parlamento approva le modifiche)


- Dopo la votazione:


  Märt Kivine, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, let me congratulate the European Parliament on adopting just now the Council position on the draft budget for the financial year 2018.

From the Council perspective I take note of the pertaining differences between the positions of the Council and Parliament. Therefore, in my capacity as a President of the Council I would agree that the President of the European Parliament convenes the conciliation committee, as required under Article 314 (4)(c) of the Treaty of the Functioning of the European Union.


(Il Presidente ne prende atto)

Aviz juridic - Politica de confidențialitate