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Středa, 13. prosince 2017 - Štrasburk Revidované vydání

21. Mechanismus civilní ochrany EU s vlastní operační kapacitou (rozprava)
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  Πρόεδρος. – Το επόμενο σημείο είναι οι δηλώσεις του Συμβουλίου και της Επιτροπής σχετικά με τον μηχανισμό πολιτικής προστασίας της ΕΕ με ίδιες επιχειρησιακές ικανότητες (2017/2975(RSP)).


  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, only in October we had a debate here in this very Chamber on the tragic forest fires in Portugal and Spain. Therefore, I would like to start by thanking the European Commission for having very quickly delivered a legislative proposal to amend the Union’s Civil Protection Mechanism.

The Civil Protection Mechanism is a good mechanism. It is a very concrete expression of European solidarity, focusing both on the response and on supporting the Member States in preparing for disaster. But the context in which we operate today is evolving rapidly, as we discussed in October. We are faced with an increased number of disasters with a high impact on lives and infrastructure. Forest fires, which hit several Member States in recent months, have shown that we have gaps which affect our capacity to respond effectively to disasters and that we need to prevent and prepare better.

I will not go into the details of the Commission’s proposal, which by now is well known to you. Let me just say that this is a very ambitious proposal. It merits a thorough examination by the Council as a matter of urgency, bearing in mind the importance of European solidarity, but also of national responsibility. Discussions will start in the Council as early as next week.

In parallel, the Presidency would encourage the Commission to work together with the Member States on all possible intermediary measures which do not require a change in the current legislation. These can bring immediate, concrete improvements, allowing for faster deployments of Member States’ capacities, especially in view of the next forest fire season.

The Council looks forward to working closely with the European Parliament and, indeed, the European Commission on these matters.


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, first of all I would like to thank the Estonian Presidency for its support in these ambitious proposals and I am sure that we are working together in order to reach our common goal.

I am grateful for your initiative to debate our proposals to strengthen the Union’s Civil Protection Mechanism and create Rescue, the new structure for our mechanism regarding civil protection. In 2017 we witnessed intense forest fires, floods, hurricanes and earthquakes, disasters that claimed human lives, damaged properties, livelihoods and of course the environment, not only inside Europe but also across the world, and unfortunately the list is long. As the Minister has already said, devastating forest fires in Portugal, also in Croatia, Spain, France, Italy, Greece – an extended fire season that lasted until the end of October. It is a very unique phenomenon because, of course, of climate change. At the same time, Hurricane Ophelia in the UK and Ireland caused severe floods, deadly storms also in Greece, Germany, Poland, the Czech Republic, storms that are ongoing and that keep producing disastrous floods. Albania is the most recent victim. Natural disasters have become more frequent and more intense. Their effects are more unpredictable, all the more for emergencies that can completely overwhelm the national capacities and national resources.

I am proud, as Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, of the support we could provide for such crises through our current system, our current voluntary pool Civil Protection Mechanism. I would like once more to thank all our Member States that have actively contributed to help countries that are victims of disasters and emergencies. But the reality on the ground is different today. Climate change has changed the game, and unfortunately this is our new reality. Maybe this is our new normal and we must adapt and be prepared to face this new reality. I strongly believe that European support in disasters and emergencies is strongly needed. As you know, this European support is based on voluntary contributions by our Member States. But it is very hard, and I saw on the ground – it was a very painful experience even to me and other ministers – it is very hard for any of our Member States to help one another if they both face disasters or risks at the same time, simultaneously. What happened recently in Portugal is the most painful example. Countries with strong records of solidarity could not help Portugal this time because they were also facing forest fires at the same time. It is clear that the current voluntary system has reached its limits.

Three weeks ago you know that the College of Commissioners adopted my proposal with the strong support of our President, Jean-Claude Juncker, to upgrade the current system of the Civil Protection Mechanism and create Rescue. Rescue? What is Rescue? Rescue is a structure based on two pillars.

Firstly with Rescue our Union will have its own capacity with command and control to respond to disasters. You can think of Rescue as a safety net when national capacities and national resources are not enough. In essence, Rescue means that no European country will stand alone when facing forest fires, floods, hurricanes, earthquakes or epidemics.

Let me stress one critical point. Rescue will not replace national capacities. I would like to repeat, it will not replace national capacities. It will support and complement national capacities and resources. I am very firm on this point. The primary responsibility to prepare for and respond to disasters remains with our Member States. Through Rescue we will also increase financial incentives for our Member States to make their own capacities available to others. This will be the European Civil Protection Pool.

The second pillar of these proposals means prevention and preparedness. I want to be frank on this. Solidarity comes with responsibility. Prevention and preparedness are at the heart of a comprehensive response to natural disasters and emergencies. Member States have to improve their risk assessment, their risk management plans. We are here to help them and we will also help establish a common cultural prevention and preparedness. It is quite important to see and to improve this culture of prevention. For this to be done, Member States need to be supported through the Structural and Investment Funds, and they also need to be supported through all related Union policies and instruments. I am thinking of environment, climate, health, research and others.

Dear colleagues, Rescue demonstrates the Commission’s commitment to strengthen the EU support to our citizens when natural disasters or emergencies threaten their lives and their properties. Today, I am here to ask for your support for these proposals. I know many of you have already expressed your interim support, and thank you so much for this. I am sure that through our exchange of views we can do more to cultivate all aspects of these proposals. I am looking forward to listening to your remarks and thoughts.


  Elisabetta Gardini, a nome del gruppo PPE. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, ringrazio il Commissario per le sue parole e ringrazio anche il Consiglio. Sono sicura che faremo anche questa volta un ottimo lavoro.

In particolar modo condivido al cento per cento le parole dette dal Commissario, quando ha detto che forse questa nella quale ci troviamo a vivere è la nuova normalità. Non è un caso che tutte le volte, signor Commissario, che ci siamo trovati in quest'Aula a dibattere di questi temi, era appena accaduta o era in corso una catastrofe naturale. Per fortuna meno grave delle altre, ma anche in questi giorni si è abbattuta sulla nostra Europa, e sull'Italia in particolare, un'ondata di maltempo. Noi abbiamo ancora per esempio in Emilia Romagna e in altre regioni migliaia di sfollati, collegamenti interrotti, ingenti danni.

Allora non basta, l'abbiamo visto, anche se efficace, quanto messo in campo dall'Unione europea non basta, soprattutto, come ha detto Lei, quando vari paesi si trovano simultaneamente a dover affrontare la stessa catastrofe, lo stesso disastro. Bene, noi abbiamo bisogno di questa revisione. Noi abbiamo bisogno di aumentare la capacità di agire rapidamente e con efficacia, ma soprattutto abbiamo bisogno di rafforzare la prevenzione e la preparazione, che sono alla base, come ha detto Lei, ma sono anche il modo migliore per prevenire la perdita di vite umane e le ingenti perdite, anche economiche.

Quindi su questo dobbiamo lavorare e migliorare l'accesso ai fondi strutturali, tutto il sostegno possibile. Non dimentichiamo poi che mettere in sicurezza i nostri territori è anche un enorme volano economico, quindi una cosa assolutamente win-win per noi. Ringrazio quindi la proposta del Commissario: ricordiamoci che i cittadini la vogliono, questa cosa.


  Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, en nombre del Grupo S&D. – Señor presidente, quiero comenzar diciendo que celebro esta iniciativa por parte de la Comisión, una iniciativa que significa hacer más Europa porque significa combatir los desafíos comunes desde la unidad y la solidaridad. De entrada, mi felicitación.

Las catástrofes del año 2017 han puesto de manifiesto que nuestros recursos son insuficientes: más de doscientas víctimas mortales —cien en Portugal en los últimos incendios— y un millón de hectáreas calcinadas durante el último año, lo que supone tres veces más que lo calcinado durante los últimos cinco años en la Unión Europea. En definitiva, consecuencias del cambio climático que son devastadoras y que necesitan una mayor actuación coordinada y más fuerte.

Pero no es solamente el cambio climático, son también los terremotos o amenazas sanitarias como el ébola o el zika. En definitiva, los recursos son insuficientes, lo que nos pone de manifiesto —como la Comisión subraya— que necesitamos un mecanismo permanente con recursos propios y además que tenga una actuación integral, desde la prevención hasta la reparación. Y, centrándome en concreto en la propuesta de la Comisión, me gustaría subrayar, por supuesto, el ámbito específico del cambio climático y cuatro aspectos.

Anticipación: para poder prevenir, necesitamos evaluar bien los riesgos y para eso un mapa de riesgos de las diferentes regiones en el que también se incluyan los recursos hídricos que tenemos en las diferentes regiones.

Complementariedad: necesitamos suma de esfuerzos, como muy bien ha dicho el comisario, no sustitución de recursos de los Estados miembros.

Coherencia: coherencia entre todos los instrumentos políticos y financieros de la Unión Europea y especialmente en el cambio climático. Es un desafío global que necesita coordinación y acciones transversales. Necesitaríamos un organismo específico para el cambio climático, capaz de hacer frente —como digo, de esta forma coordinada— a este gran desafío.

Y reparación: en concreto, el Fondo de solidaridad. El Fondo de Solidaridad tenemos que modificarlo. Hemos visto en las últimas catástrofes que es insuficiente, que penaliza a aquellas regiones que son grandes cuando se evalúa el PIB global y no la riqueza real por el PIB per cápita. Necesitamos modificarlo y también introducir el medio ambiente como criterio de reparación.

En definitiva, a pesar de todo lo que he dicho, me parece un gran acierto esta iniciativa y le ofrezco todo nuestro apoyo para que vea la luz.


  Νότης Μαριάς, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας ECR. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, τα τελευταία χρόνια λόγω της κλιματικής αλλαγής έχουμε γίνει μάρτυρες τεράστιων φυσικών καταστροφών. Φωτιές κατακαίνε τα δάση του ευρωπαϊκού Νότου. Πλημμύρες πλήττουν τις πόλεις και τα χωριά μας. Πρόσφατα στην Ελλάδα θρηνήσαμε 24 θύματα από τις φονικές πλημμύρες στην πόλη της Μάνδρας, στη Δυτική Αττική. Επιπλέον, ο Εγκέλαδος επισκέπτεται όλο και πιο συχνά την Ελλάδα και την Ιταλία, που πλήττονται από καταστροφικούς σεισμούς. Είναι λοιπόν προφανές ότι πλάι στους εθνικούς μηχανισμούς πολιτικής προστασίας η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να οικοδομήσει έναν επικουρικό μηχανισμό πολιτικής προστασίας, που θα δρα επιβοηθητικά προς τις εθνικές αρχές για τη συμπληρωματική αντιμετώπιση των συνεπειών των φυσικών καταστροφών. Ταυτόχρονα η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση οφείλει να διαθέσει αυξημένους πόρους μέσω του Ευρωπαϊκού Ταμείου Αλληλεγγύης και του Ευρωπαϊκού Ταμείου Περιφερειακής Ανάπτυξης για την αποζημίωση των πληγέντων, για την αποκατάσταση των ζημιών και για την ενίσχυση της υλικοτεχνικής υποδομής των εθνικών μηχανισμών πολιτικής προστασίας.


  Νικόλαος Χουντής, εξ ονόματος της ομάδας GUE/NGL. – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, ο ευρωπαϊκός μηχανισμός πολιτικής προστασίας δεν μπορεί να είναι αποτελεσματικός, καθώς ο ρόλος του υπονομεύεται από τη γενικότερη πολιτική της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, δηλαδή την πολιτική της λιτότητας και των μνημονίων, που απογυμνώνει τους μηχανισμούς από τα απαραίτητα επιχειρησιακά μέσα. Όμως υπάρχει θέμα ευθυνών στην πρόληψη των καταστροφών. Αναφέρομαι στην πρόσφατη τραγική καταστροφή που έγινε πριν ένα μήνα από τις πλημμύρες στη Μάνδρα και στη Νέα Πέραμο, κοντά στην Αθήνα, όπου πνίγηκαν 24 άνθρωποι. Ο κίνδυνος πλημμυρών στη συγκεκριμένη περιοχή ήταν γνωστός με βάση τις προκαταρκτικές μελέτες αξιολόγησης κινδύνων από πλημμύρες που ορίζει η οδηγία 60/2007. Υπάρχουν ευθύνες για ανεπάρκεια και αδιαφορία των κυβερνήσεων, που δεν έκαναν τίποτα, γιατί η οδηγία προέβλεπε ότι για όσες περιοχές οι προκαταρκτικές μελέτες έδειχναν ότι υπάρχει κίνδυνος θα έπρεπε μέχρι τις 12 Δεκεμβρίου 2015 να καταρτιστούν οριστικά σχέδια διαχείρισης του κινδύνου πλημμυρών από το αρμόδιο Υπουργείο Περιβάλλοντος.

Εδώ, κύριε Επίτροπε, ο καθένας πρέπει να αναλάβει τις ευθύνες του, και θέλω να σας ρωτήσω: Όταν έγινε σαφές ότι παρήλθε η προθεσμία του Δεκέμβρη και οι ελληνικές αρχές δεν είχαν πραγματοποιήσει τα επιβαλλόμενα σχέδια διαχείρισης των κινδύνων πλημμύρας, τι έπραξαν οι υπηρεσίες σας; Ενημέρωσαν τις ελληνικές αρχές; Πίεσαν και με ποιον τρόπο; Με ποιες Αρχές είχαν επαφή; Τι δικαιολογίες τελικά έλαβαν για την απαράδεκτη καθυστέρηση, που τελικά κόστισε τις ζωές 24 συμπολιτών μας;




  Ελευθέριος Συναδινός (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, το χρηματοδοτικό πλαίσιο της Ένωσης για παροχή βοήθειας σε πληγείσες περιοχές βοηθά στην ανοικοδόμηση και ανακούφιση αλλά δεν προλαμβάνει ούτε αντιμετωπίζει δασικές πυρκαγιές, κατολισθήσεις, καθιζήσεις, πλημμύρες, ισχυρές χιονοπτώσεις, παγετούς, σεισμούς και ραδιοβιολογικό χημικό πόλεμο. Η Ένωση έχει σχεδιάσει επαρκώς την πολιτική προστασία με την ανοικτή μερική συμφωνία για την αντιμετώπιση μεγάλων καταστροφών και τα σχέδια Εβίτα και Προμηθέας· αλλά και τα κράτη μέλη, μεμονωμένα, συμμετέχουν σε διμερείς και πολυμερείς συμφωνίες. Η βελτιστοποίηση των κοινών επιχειρησιακών διαδικασιών και η ενίσχυση της προληπτικής και κατασταλτικής ικανότητας της πολιτικής προστασίας πρέπει να επικαιροποιηθεί και να αναβαθμιστεί σε επίπεδο διακρατικού κέντρου επιχειρήσεων και τη δημιουργία ενός μηχανισμού άμεσης επέμβασης και αρωγής σε πρόσωπα και μέσα. Καλώ, λοιπόν, όλα τα συμβαλλόμενα μέρη να σχεδιάσουν και να υποστηρίξουν τη δημιουργία κοινών τμημάτων επεμβάσεως με δυνατότητες άμεσης μεταφοράς και ανάπτυξης, κατάλληλα εξοπλισμένες και εκπαιδευμένες, για να μπορούν να αντιμετωπίσουν φυσικές ή τεχνητές καταστροφές.


  John Stuart Agnew (EFDD). – I hope you will agree with me that we should all congratulate you on your new position as a Vice-President here. It is the first time such a small party has been able to do it. Well done. I wish you all the best in this debate.


  Presidente. – Grazie collega, vi ringrazio per queste congratulazioni e vi ricordo, ovviamente, che bisogna usare le "blue card" per porre delle domande all'oratore in corso, ma capisco l'eccezione del momento. Grazie ancora.

La parola all'onorevole van Nistelrooij.


  Lambert van Nistelrooij (PPE). – Commissaris en Minister, het is goed dat u heeft doorgezet. U was diverse keren hier, en deze keer ook de Raad, om uw aanpak van de concrete problemen te bespreken. Vaak merkten we dat we toch wat problemen hadden om op tijd te zijn, om vlot te reageren. U heeft een goed pakket neergelegd.

Maar in de EVP hebben we bij de voorbereiding ook gesproken over een vervolgstap en daar speelt de Raad een grote rol in. Namelijk, als je niet tegelijkertijd ook aandacht hebt voor de provincie, dan gebeurt er wat er in Attica gebeurde. Als je je rivierenbassins niet goed beheert - en ook daar hebben we middelen voor - dan krijg je overstromingen, dan komen mensen in gevaar, dan moet je optreden. Begin dus met preventie en gebruik dan ook de structuurfondsen. Dat kunnen we doen: het solidariteitsfonds en andere fondsen tot 95% inzetten om dat te doen.

Een compliment dus vandaag, maar tegelijkertijd een uitnodiging om elkaar bij de les te houden. Vooral de lidstaten, vooral de Raad moet ervoor zorgen dat we op het gebied van de bestrijding van klimaatverandering voorop zijn. We hebben nu zes of zeven keer dit jaar hier gediscussieerd met de Commissaris. Maar het probleem is grotendeels dat we onze zaken niet op orde hebben, dat we geen goede risicopreventie hebben. Dat moet anders.


  Carlos Zorrinho (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, Senhor Ministro, ao longo deste ano neste Parlamento fizemos vários debates sobre catástrofes que ganharam uma grande dimensão devido ao novo contexto das alterações climáticas.

É uma dimensão e uma realidade que é nova e, por isso, as respostas também têm que ser novas. Em todos estes debates, depois do diagnóstico, concluímos que era necessário passarmos à ação. Melhorar e otimizar os mecanismos de resposta a todos os níveis e apostando na cooperação ao nível da União.

É, por isso, Senhor Comissário, muito importante que estejamos hoje aqui para apreciar uma iniciativa concreta capaz de dar respostas imediatas aos cidadãos.

Parabéns! É disto que a União precisa. É de medidas que se traduzem em benefícios diretos para as pessoas, para a sua segurança e para a sua qualidade de vida. Medidas que significam um reforço dos fundos e dos meios europeus e se enquadram numa estratégia comum.

Dito isto, Senhor Comissário, não podemos perder a ambição de vir um dia a construir uma União da Proteção Civil, mas essa ambição deve motivar-nos ainda mais para concretizar o rescUE e aproveitar o acréscimo de recursos financeiros e de meios disponíveis.

Três formas para o fazer. Numa lógica top down, reforçar os meios comuns, agilizar processos, combinar informação e partilhar conhecimento. Apoiar o reforço dos meios dos Estados-Membros e criar de forma indireta uma harmonização e interoperabilidade que ajudarão a melhorar os sistemas nacionais de prevenção e resposta. Finalmente, promovendo a cooperação e as sinergias entre os meios disponíveis, prática que já ocorreu por diversas vezes, mas, como disse, com fenómenos que são endémicos, sistémicos e transnacionais, muitas vezes não há resposta possível para todas as necessidades.

A amplificação das catástrofes não é teoria. Convive com o quotidiano dos povos em geral e dos europeus em particular. Por isso, a amplificação da capacidade de resposta também deixou de ser teoria e essa é uma boa notícia. Coloquemo-la em prática quanto antes.


  Ivica Tolić (PPE). – Gospodine predsjedniče, spremnost Europe na prirodne katastrofe prijeka je potreba i može se gledati kao nadopuna zajedničke sigurnosne i obrambene politike.

Požari, poplave, potresi i druge katastrofe u kojima stradavaju ljudi i materijalna dobra zahtijevaju od nas konkretne akcije pomoći građanima, konkretne planove i snage za uporabu u takvim slučajevima. Suosjećanje i solidarnost koji se najčešće izražavaju od strane institucija, uključujući i ovaj Parlament, dobre su i poželjne, ali mi trebamo konkretno djelovanje i konkretnu pomoć ljudima. Pomoć i djelovanje koji će Europu učvrstiti više od svih deklaracija, summita i izjava suosjećanja.

Osnivanje rescEU snaga civilne zaštite na Europskoj razini zato je ohrabrujuća poruka i prijedlog koji se jednostavno mora podržati. Vjerujem da smo sposobni realizirati taj prijedlog, osigurati dobru opremu, napraviti dobar plan uporabe snaga i iskreno se nadam, jednostavne procedure aktiviranja snaga. Operativne snage, ako ih dobro organiziramo, bitno će unaprijediti sposobnost odgovora u kriznim situacijama na europskoj razini ili kao dopuna snaga na nacionalnoj razini.

Naravno, kao i u svim drugim situacijama, postavit će se pitanje opravdanosti ulaganja i ako samo analiziramo štete od požara proteklog ljeta u članicama Europske unije, vidjet ćemo da je ulaganje u civilnu zaštitu potrebno i opravdano.


  Karin Kadenbach (S&D). – Herr Präsident! Herr Kommissar, ich glaube, noch selten ist ein Vorschlag der Kommission auf so ungeteilte Zustimmung in diesem Haus gestoßen wie der Ihre, und Sie haben auch die Bevölkerung hinter sich.

Nach der neuesten Eurobarometer-Umfrage sind 90 % der Europäerinnen und Europäer davon überzeugt, dass im Katastrophenschutz, in der Katastrophenhilfe die Europäische Union und die Mitgliedstaaten zusammenarbeiten müssen. Sie sind davon überzeugt, dass nur dann, wenn die Mitgliedstaaten solidarisch sind, der Katastrophenschutz wirklich funktionieren kann. Ihr Vorschlag beinhaltet genau das.

Sie haben heute deutlich gemacht, dass wir zwei Dinge tun müssen: im Katastrophenfall gut ausgestattet sein, um sofort helfen zu können. Aber was ganz wesentlich ist, überall dort, wo Katastrophen zu verhindern oder zu mindern sind, in der Prävention und in der Abwehrbereitschaft wirklich gestärkt sein. Ihr Plan enthält das.

Ich glaube, dass es wichtig ist, diese Mittel so schnell wie möglich zur Verfügung zu stellen, dass zwar an sich weiter die Mitgliedstaaten für den Katastrophenschutz verantwortlich sind, ein funktionierender Katastrophenschutz in Europäischen Union aber nur dann vonstatten gehen kann, wenn wir bereit sind, europäische Mittel in die Hand zu nehmen und die operativen Aufgaben in diesem Fall bei der Kommission ansiedeln. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg. Ich glaube, die Zustimmung dieses Hauses haben Sie schon.


  Nuno Melo (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Portugal é um exemplo trágico da necessidade e da importância de um Mecanismo Europeu de Proteção Civil capaz. O nosso esforço concertado e empenhado pode salvar empresas, aldeias, florestas, principalmente, pode salvar vidas.

Este ano Portugal perdeu mais de cem vidas que, existisse este mecanismo a operar como o desejamos e como hoje aqui o discutimos, porventura poderiam ter sido salvas. Temos de empenhar os nossos recursos naquilo que mais importa, e volto a sublinhar, o que mais importa nesta Europa que tem de ser solidária, são as vidas, são as pessoas.

Fogos, terramotos, inundações, serão sempre inevitáveis. A diferença só estará na forma como os podemos prever, como os podemos evitar e, se acontecerem, como os podemos enfrentar e combater. Esta força significará a possibilidade até de juntar meios que muitas vezes estão dispersos e não são utilizados em favor de todos os europeus no futuro.

Faça-se, então! Certamente terá o apoio de todos os eurodeputados.


  José Manuel Fernandes (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, queria saudar também o Senhor Comissário e o Senhor Ministro representante do Conselho.

Senhor Comissário, parabéns pela sua proposta e pelo trabalho que tem desenvolvido. Todos nós sabemos o número de vidas perdidas este ano na União Europeia e no meu país foram mais de cem pessoas que perderam a vida em resultado dos incêndios. Isto prova que a solidariedade da União Europeia tem de se concretizar em ações concretas e essa concretização também se faz com esta nova iniciativa.

Não nos podemos, no entanto, iludir. É verdade que é essencial reforçar o Mecanismo Europeu de Proteção Civil, mas mais importante é a necessidade de se reforçar a prevenção. E essa tem de ser a aposta. E este não é o único fundo que existe ou vai existir para a solidariedade, os fundos estruturais também servem para a solidariedade e têm de ser utilizados, em primeira mão, para a prevenção.

E essa responsabilidade está nas mãos dos Estados-Membros e são os Estados-Membros que têm de assumir e de dar corpo ao ditado que mais vale prevenir do que remediar. Também quero terminar dizendo-lhe que para prioridades novas precisamos de novos recursos, de recursos adicionais, e, por isso, dou-lhe os parabéns pelo facto de nesta proposta utilizar o instrumento de flexibilidade. Espero que o Conselho também ele perceba esta coisa simples de que para novas prioridades, dinheiro adicional, recursos novos e, por isso, a nossa proposta será sempre a de não aceitarmos reafetações e a de utilizarmos as margens e o instrumento de flexibilidade.


  Franck Proust (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Ministre, Monsieur le Commissaire, les catastrophes naturelles et les risques n’ont pas de frontières. Nous avons trop souvent été dans la réaction et non dans l’anticipation. La solidarité européenne face aux catastrophes doit passer par des actes forts.

C’est ce qui s’engage aujourd’hui, sous votre impulsion, Monsieur le Commissaire, et je vous en félicite, avec les 280 millions d’euros engagés jusqu’en 2020 et la mise en œuvre d’une réserve capacitaire autonome. J’allais dire «enfin!», car je fais partie de ceux qui appellent de leurs vœux, et depuis plusieurs années, la mise en commun de capacités et le renforcement des moyens pour une protection civile européenne renforcée.

Je pense ici, précisément, à une flotte européenne de Canadair, projet que je défends aussi avec ferveur, avec mon collègue Renaud Muselier, président de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur. Des bombardiers d’eau aux couleurs de l’Europe seraient un symbole fort d’une Europe concrète, au secours des populations.

Je pense aussi au réseau européen de hubs pour la protection civile et la gestion des risques, fruit de l’action préparatoire que j’ai portée au Parlement européen et qui a été approuvée dans le budget 2018 de l’Union européenne. Précisément, Monsieur le Commissaire, la base aérienne de Nîmes-Garons, en France, que vous connaissez bien, parce que vous l’avez inaugurée, fleuron de la sécurité civile française, pourrait servir ici de première base pilote au niveau européen pour accueillir de nouvelles capacités.

Il revient désormais – cela a déjà été dit – aux États membres de dire concrètement comment ils comptent contribuer aux efforts que nous engageons. C’est pour cela que j’ai interpellé, à ce sujet, le président de la République française, pour que la France puisse concrètement défendre, au niveau européen, la nécessité de mieux prévenir les risques et, surtout, de protéger avec réactivité grâce à des moyens renouvelés.


Procedura "catch–the–eye"


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, congratulazioni per la sua elezione a Vicepresidente. I disastri stanno diventando in tutta Europa sempre più frequenti e complessi. Gli effetti del cambiamento climatico hanno colpito duramente molti Stati membri negli ultimi anni. Solo pochi mesi fa il Portogallo e l'Italia, in particolare, hanno dovuto fronteggiare una quantità di incendi estivi mai verificatasi in precedenza.

A fronte di ciò gli attuali strumenti di risposta alle catastrofi sono limitati e spesso non in grado di fornire assistenza rapida agli Stati membri nel corso di una crisi, perché l'attuale meccanismo di produzione si basa su un sistema volontario e su capacità supplementari che gli Stati membri possono offrire ad un altro paese bisognoso. La creazione di un sistema in grado di aumentare le capacità di risposta alle catastrofi nell'Unione europea va senza dubbio nella giusta direzione, aumentando l'integrazione e la solidarietà tra i paesi membri.

Tuttavia, restano la prevenzione e la preparazione i capisaldi di una risposta efficace ai disastri naturali. Concentrando i finanziamenti su queste due attività saremo in grado di incrementare le nostre capacità di gestione del rischio, minimizzando il danno economico, ma soprattutto evitando preziose perdite di vite umane.


  Maria Grapini (S&D). – Domnule președinte, domnule comisar, salvarea de vieți omenești trebuie să fie preocuparea autorităților naționale, dar și a celor de la nivel european și vă felicit pentru că ați gândit și doriți să introduceți un mecanism nou.

Este nevoie să întărim protecția civilă, capacitatea populației de a reacționa. Este nevoie și de prevenție în ceea ce privește prevenirea incendiilor dar, pentru a preveni, avem nevoie de educație, trebuie să înțelegem și să cunoaștem riscurile. Din păcate, schimbările climatice conduc la catastrofe naturale, la incendii, inundații, alunecări de teren. Sunt pierderi de vieți omenești și cred foarte mult că nu putem să lăsăm numai la latitudinea autorităților naționale.

De aceea, cred foarte tare într-un mecanism european, în solidaritate, în sprijin reciproc, în împărtășirea experiențelor pozitive dintr-un stat în alt stat și, până la urmă, avem nevoie și de buget, pentru că avem nevoie de anumite dotări specifice pentru intervenții. Trebuie să ținem cont în viitor și de acest lucru, de nevoia de a avea o finanțare adecvată.


(Fine della procedura "catch-the-eye")


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, I would like to thank the Minister and colleagues for their support, first of all because I realise, for these very constructive discussions, that we are in the same boat and we can work together in order to proceed for these proposals to be legislation in our institutions. I took careful note of your remarks and ideas. As I said in the beginning of my intervention, this demonstrates this Parliament’s active interest in and commitment to these proposals.

Recent disasters were damaging but they taught us several lessons. Firstly, they showed that our collective combined capacities to respond to disasters are not enough when large-scale disasters happen; we have to be frank. Secondly, they showed the limitation of the current purely voluntary system. This is the hard reality. Finally, of course, they showed that the negative impact of disasters would have been reduced if effective preventive actions had been in place. As you said, prevention is better than cure. It is as simple as that.

We have to focus on prevention and preparedness in order, of course, to save lives, but also to reduce our costs. At the same time, there is also some good news. We are not starting from scratch. We have a lot of accumulated knowledge and experience because of the current system, and through Rescue we work towards maximum efficiency with minimum bureaucracy. We don’t need more bureaucracy. We have to find ways to reach maximum efficiency with minimum bureaucracy; this is very important for all of us and this is why I strongly believe that Rescue is a cost-effective and cost-efficient system. Through Rescue we can provide tangible European solidarity to our citizens, not in theory but in action. Action that helps save lives, livelihoods and of course our environment.

Remember that Rescue is first of all about economies of scale. It is very simple to understand this. Secondly, it is a tool to directly help our citizens in very critical times of floods, forest fires, epidemics and earthquakes and, as I have already highlighted, a cost-effective way to ensure coordination and a harmonised approach to prevention and preparedness.

Some of you raised the issue about the national risk management plans and the risk reduction plan. At present our European Union Civil Protection Mechanism is not responsible for the national risk reduction plan. It is a national competence. Now, through Rescue, we can find ways to fund this cooperation between our services and national services in order to increase and to improve the national plans for management and risk reduction. Through Rescue we can improve ourselves across Europe.

During the terrible forest fires in Portugal last October – and our colleagues from Portugal know well the situation in Portugal at that time – Jean-Claude Juncker said that Europe must and should offer more than condolences during natural disasters. He asked all of us for immediate and concrete action. I strongly believe that we can provide our citizens with more than condolences. We are all aware that the next disasters can happen at any time in any country, because no country is immune and self-reliance should not be taken for granted. It is an illusion for anyone to believe that any country can face alone the size of the current natural disasters because of climate change.

Thank you again for your support. I am sure you understand the importance and the urgency of adopting the proposal. It is for this reason that I count on your swift action. I strongly believe that we can work together in order to persuade anyone who, until now, may show some reluctance, but we have powerful arguments in order to convince them that this is very important for Europe, for our citizens, to save lives and livelihoods.


  Matti Maasikas, President-in-Office of the Council. – Mr President, honourable Members, Commissioner, the civil protection mechanism is a concrete expression of European solidarity, and it is a priority for us. Happy to hear that this is the case for the Council, for the Commission and indeed for the European Parliament. I didn’t expect it to be any other way.

We in the Council will look at the Commission’s proposal with great attention. We will work swiftly, but we are taking the necessary time to deliver a rock solid mechanism – better than the current one.

In the meantime, nevertheless, we owe it to our citizens that no effort is spared to improve our Member States’ capacities, as well as our collective capacities, to better prevent and to quickly react within the current framework.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

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