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Resoconto integrale delle discussioni
Giovedì 31 maggio 2018 - Strasburgo Edizione rivista

5.2. Difensori dei diritti delle donne in Arabia Saudita
Video degli interventi
Processo verbale

  Presidente. – L'ordine del giorno reca la discussione su sette proposte di risoluzione sui difensori dei diritti delle donne in Arabia Saudita (2018/2712(RSP)).


  Charles Tannock, author. – Mr President, like many around the world, I reacted with optimism to Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud’s ‘Vision 2030’ reform agenda in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and lifting the ban on women drivers is, of course, a very good start. Positive steps towards the protection of individual rights are being made, and I welcome these wholeheartedly.

However, if Saudi Arabia wishes to cement its position as an influential key actor in the Middle East and North Africa region, the process of judicial reform must be in line with accepted international standards. That’s why it is deeply worrying that this month has seen a wave of arrests of women’s rights activists whose names have not been publicised and whose rights to communication with their lawyers whilst in prison have not been upheld.

The world will be watching whether the Crown Prince will hold fast to his reform agenda and prove that his desire for greater freedom for his people is a genuine one. For all Saudi Arabian citizens, I sincerely hope that this is the case.


  Barbara Lochbihler, Verfasserin. – Herr Präsident! Seit Mitte Mai sind in Saudi—Arabien sieben Frauen und vier Männer wegen ihres Engagements für die Rechte von Frauen verhaftet worden. Vier der Frauen sind vor wenigen Tagen wieder freigelassen worden. Sie haben sich gegen die extreme Diskriminierung von Frauen engagiert und die Abschaffung des Fahrverbots für Frauen gefordert, das nun am 24. Juni laut Dekret des Königs aufgehoben werden soll. Frauen in Saudi—Arabien bleiben grundlegende Menschenrechte weiterhin verwehrt. Sie sind auf die Zustimmung eines männlichen Vormunds angewiesen, wenn sie reisen, arbeiten oder heiraten wollen.

Die vorsichtigen Reformen der letzten Monate bleiben bisher Schaufensterpolitik. Die jüngsten Verhaftungen sind Ausdruck zunehmender Repression gegen Kritiker und völlig inakzeptabel. Die Aktivisten müssen unverzüglich und bedingungslos freigelassen werden. Es ist beschämend, dass die EU-Außenbeauftragte Mogherini noch nicht öffentlich deren Freilassung gefordert hat. Wenn es König Mohammed bin Salman mit seinen angekündigten Reformen ernst ist, so müssen alle inhaftierten Menschenrechtsverteidiger sofort freigelassen werden. Dazu zählt auch der zu zehn Jahren verurteilte Sacharow-Preisträger Raif Badawi.

Von der Aufhebung des Fahrverbots für Frauen in Saudi-Arabien profitieren auch die europäischen Automobilkonzerne. Ich fordere, dass auch sie sich konsequent und deutlich hörbar für die Rechte ihrer zukünftigen Kundinnen einsetzen.


  Pier Antonio Panzeri, autore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, l'abolizione del divieto di guida per le donne e la volontà di modificare le regole del tutoraggio maschile sono solo alcune delle promesse che il re saudita Mohammed bin Salman ha espresso di fronte ai protagonisti della diplomazia mondiale, tra i quali l'Unione europea.

Impegni importanti, certo, ma che tuttavia si sono dimostrati semplicemente specchietti per le allodole. Perché, mentre il giovane re si presenta al mondo mostrando l'Arabia Saudita come la locomotiva del progresso nella regione mediorientale, la situazione dei diritti umani e civili percorre binari che conducono in tutt'altra direzione.

Il sistema di tutoraggio regola la società saudita, impedendo alle donne di svolgere autonomamente le azioni più semplici, e la violenza di genere non è un crimine riconosciuto. Un quadro, quindi, in forte contraddizione con il paese tratteggiato dalle promesse del sovrano, ma in contraddizione anche con il ruolo che questo paese riveste in quanto membro della commissione sullo status delle donne alle Nazioni Unite.

Per tutto questo, chiedo alle autorità saudite di trasformare le parole in fatti, di non ingannare l'opinione pubblica. Chiedo che il sistema di tutoraggio maschile venga abolito affinché le donne saudite possano godere dei loro diritti, compresi quelli sessuali e riproduttivi. E rivolgo, infine, un appello al re: che sia liberato il premio Sacharov, Raif Badawi, in carcere per avere espresso le sue opinioni, e tutti gli altri difensori dei diritti umani che sono nelle stesse condizioni.


  Tomáš Zdechovský, Autor. – Pane předsedající, prvně bych chtěl poděkovat, myslím si, že se nestává příliš často, že tady vyjednáváme nějakou rezoluci tak dlouze a že na ni strávíme tolik času. Myslím si, že je důležité říci, že jsme se opravdu zamýšleli nad každým paragrafem, který je v této rezoluci uveden, protože situace v Saúdské Arábii není jednoduchá a myslím si, že je potřeba ji vnímat v nějakém kontextu.

Já osobně bych se chtěl vyjádřit k porušování lidských práv žen v Saúdské Arábii, kterým se věnovala tato rezoluce. Jsem rád, že se nám podařilo vyjednat rezoluci s poměrně schůdnými kompromisy. Saúdská Arábie je hlavním aktérem ve vztazích Evropské unie a Blízkého východu, a tak nesmíme přehlížet situaci, kdy jsou porušovány mezinárodní závazky, ke kterým se sama Saúdská Arábie v ochraně lidských práv a v ochraně práv žen zavázala. Na druhé straně chci ocenit obrovský pokrok, který Saúdská Arábie v posledních měsících učinila, neboť práva žen jsou kontinuálně posilována a – z našeho pohledu – došlo k obrovským reformám.

Rezoluce vyjadřuje poměrně zásadní obavy z detence několika žen a mužů, kteří protestovali v oblasti lidských práv. Myslím si, že je důležité, aby Saúdská Arábie tyto případy důkladně prošetřila a vysvětlila a aby dala mezinárodnímu společenství jasný signál, že v oblasti dodržování lidských práv chce udělat výrazný pokrok. Právo na spravedlivý proces, právo na přístup k zákonnému soudu, právo na obhajobu a další práva musí být i v Saúdské Arábii dodržována.


  Marietje Schaake, author. – Mr President, despite charm offensives by Mohammed bin Salman, Saudi Arabia is showing its true colours by arresting prominent women’s rights activists, right when the driving ban that these women fought for is promised to be lifted. Then, state-linked media labelled these women as traitors, and they have since been charged with serious crimes.

This sends a chilling signal to all human rights defenders in the kingdom and beyond. It is also a wake-up call for those who still needed it. It will be unsustainable to repress the population and women in such a systematic way, as happens in Saudi Arabia every day. The promise of reforms under the 2030 strategy has been tarnished, and we should hold Saudi Arabia to its acts, not just its beautiful promises made alongside celebrities in foreign countries.

The release of women’s rights activists should be the first step and would be a first important step, as we urge, to grant basic rights to all people in Saudi Arabia. We will not be impressed with some small gestures.


  Ignazio Corrao, autore. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, in un contesto di continua persecuzione dei difensori dei diritti umani, dal 2013 le autorità saudite continuano sistematicamente ad arrestare, prendere di mira e condannare gli attivisti della società civile, nel tentativo di limitare ulteriormente la libertà di espressione nel paese.

Nonostante l'Arabia Saudita abbia promesso una serie di tentativi di riforma volti ad allentare le restrizioni sulle donne, non si tratta di altro se non di fumo negli occhi, una sorta di illusione di libertà proveniente da un governo che agisce in base a principi e presupposti totalmente opposti. Presupposti che in realtà ostacolano o rischiano di rendere sterile l'efficacia delle riforme stesse.

Non stupisce infatti che siano proprio le blogger e le attiviste di spicco ad essere state incarcerate per essere alla guida. Non ci stupisce affatto in uno Stato come l'Arabia Saudita. Forse la paura è che le donne inizino a contare qualcosa in uno degli Stati più misogini e retrogradi del pianeta, e questa sì che sarebbe una chiara minaccia al potere in Arabia Saudita.


  Soraya Post, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, in Saudi Arabia, women are treated as less than human. It is good news that women can now start to enjoy some of their most basic human rights which they have long been denied, such as launching their own business and driving. But, without a fully-functioning democracy, even these freedoms cannot be enjoyed. 11 women’s rights activists are right now detained in prison – the very same who have been tirelessly campaigning against a ban on driving and the repressive and inhuman guardian system. The human rights defenders must be released immediately and the reforms in Saudi Arabia must go further and faster. Why should women wait to enjoy their basic human rights? It is time for Saudi to understand that without women, you are nothing, so please release these women from prison so they can enjoy their basic human rights.



  Jadwiga Wiśniewska, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Arabia Saudyjska jest krajem muzułmańskim, którego prawo opiera się na szariacie. Praktykowanie innych religii niż islam jest przestępstwem. Prawa kobiet w Arabii Saudyjskiej właściwie nie istnieją. To ostatni kraj na świecie, który przyznał prawa wyborcze kobietom – dopiero w 2015 r. W Arabii Saudyjskiej kobiety będące ofiarami zbiorowego gwałtu trafiają do więzień. Niepełnoletnie dziewczynki wykorzystuje się jako swoisty środek płatniczy przy regulowaniu długów. Saudyjki same nie mogą wciąż pójść do lekarza, a za nieposłuszeństwo mogą być więzione w tzw. kobiecym pokoju przez całe życie. Ostatnie aresztowania działaczy walczących o prawa kobiet potwierdzają, że proponowane reformy są tak naprawdę tylko i wyłącznie mydleniem oczu. Upomnijmy się głośno, jako Parlament Europejski, o prawa kobiet w Arabii Saudyjskiej, bo one tak naprawdę nie istnieją.


  Petras Auštrevičius, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, Commissioner, colleagues, the fact that we are again gathered here in this House to discuss the human rights situation in Saudi Arabia is appalling. We see a well-funded media campaign aimed at demonstrating as if reforms in the country were being implemented one after another. However, the reality is different. In fact, we see a crackdown on women’s rights and human rights activists taking place. Since 15 May only, already 12 women’s rights activists, including those promoting women’s right to drive, have been arrested, defamed and labelled as traitors. The aim is to silence all of those who openly speak out. This cannot go on. Here, today, we call on the Saudi authorities to put an end to the treatment of Saudi women as second-class citizens and immediately and unconditionally release all of them. I also call for the immediate freeing of Raif Badawi, Sakharov Prize laureate, who has been imprisoned for solely exercising his right to freedom and expression.


  Bill Etheridge, on behalf of the EFDD Group. – Mr President, Wahhabi Saudi Arabia is undoubtedly a repressive regime. Their treatment of women and abuse of their rights is backward and uncivilised. What is worse, they seek to export their medieval values worldwide. I consider the best way to counter this is to export our values of freedom through trade. Free market capitalism has always been the gateway to free peoples, as we saw with the collapse of the Soviet Union. Any suggestion that the 6 000 UK firms exporting over GBP 7 billion worth of goods to Saudi be stopped is folly. What we must do is increase our trade and expose the Saudi people to the values of freedom through free markets. Trade sanctions and embargoes, as with other parts of the world, is merely cutting our nose off to spite our face. Freedom is an unstoppable, uncontrollable ideal. No repressive state or religious superstition can ever defeat it in the long run. Its promotion is our greatest weapon against the forces of darkness and repression, many of these forces so well highlighted by the regime in Saudi and the ideals that they export through their funding of mosques in other parts of the world. It is crucial that we stay strong, free and open, and that we expose people to our values, to our trade, to the free market. Through that, civilisation and free peoples will undoubtedly follow.


  Mylène Troszczynski, au nom du groupe ENF. – Monsieur le Président, votre proposition de résolution met en lumière les incarcérations et les condamnations arbitraires de plusieurs militants pacifiques pour les droits de l’homme et des femmes.

Vous soulignez aussi, très justement, les violences qui ciblent les minorités religieuses, et j’en profite ici pour rendre hommage aux chrétiens de ce pays qui subissent silencieusement ces violences.

Vous invitez ensuite le royaume d’Arabie saoudite à abandonner ce que vous appelez la culture du patriarcat, qui met les femmes sous tutelle. N’ayez pas peur des mots! Le problème ici, c’est la loi islamique, la charia, qui non seulement est la norme en Arabie saoudite, mais qui pointe aussi le bout de son nez en Europe et commence sérieusement à menacer nos concitoyennes. Vous vous inquiétez de ce qui se passe là-bas, mais vous ne faites jamais mention de la menace que représente l’emprise grandissante de l’Arabie saoudite en Europe et en France, notamment via les réseaux islamiques et le financement des mosquées, d’organisations ou d’associations ouvertement salafistes.

Cette résolution est donc largement incomplète et se contente de donner à l’Union européenne un rôle de vierge effarouchée devant le spectacle des exécutions ou des arrestations arbitraires.


  Wajid Khan (S&D). – Mr President, Commissioner, colleagues, if Prince Mohammed bin Salman is true to his promise of modernising the country and advancing women’s rights, then a major first step would be releasing all women’s rights defenders and activists who have been arrested and imprisoned in the recent crackdown. Following my visit to the Kingdom last year, I praised the Saudis on the project Vision 2030 and its efforts in reforming, as well as taking positive steps with the lifting of the ban on women driving. I know the country is on a journey to modernisation, but that journey will get more difficult if it takes the regressive steps of arresting and imprisoning women while fighting discrimination. I am also aware that the male guardian system is currently being reviewed and will, hopefully, be reformed very soon, enabling women to act and participate independently in society. Women in Saudi Arabia need their basic human rights to be acknowledged, upheld and enhanced. I believe Saudi Arabia as a country will be a stronger one through its inclusivity, empowerment and participation of women. The more successful nations in the world are the ones who are true pioneers of gender equality.


  Pina Picierno (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, le donne in Arabia Saudita vengono maltrattate, vengono discriminate, vengono sminuite in ogni aspetto della loro vita. È stato detto, vige un sistema di segregazione che le vuole totalmente sottoposte al controllo degli uomini, di un uomo, si tratti di un padre, di un marito, di un fratello.

E allora è compito di questo Parlamento difendere e promuovere l'autodeterminazione delle donne in ogni parte del mondo. E allora noi non possiamo non condannare quanto avviene ancora oggi in Arabia Saudita, non possiamo non chiedere il rilascio immediato delle attiviste che si battono per la difesa di queste donne, e il rilascio immediato, signor Presidente, del premio Sacharov Raif Badawi.

Non possiamo non chiedere che alle parole seguano finalmente dei fatti, e che finalmente si metta in campo una svolta che segni finalmente un miglioramento delle condizioni di queste donne.


Procedura "catch the eye"


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, aqueles que achavam que o decreto do príncipe Mohammed bin Salman que permite que, a partir do próximo dia 24 de junho, as mulheres sauditas possam conduzir era uma prova nova de uma viragem progressista no reino saudita wahabita viram as suas ilusões rapidamente desfeitas com a campanha de intimidação contra destacadas defensoras dos direitos das mulheres. Muitas foram ameaçadas com consequências legais, caso cometessem essa decisão, e várias delas foram até detidas.

Caros colegas, importa dizer, nesta Casa, de forma clara e inequívoca, que, apesar deste decreto, a situação dos direitos destas ativistas na Arábia Saudita permanece um verdadeiro escândalo. Elas continuam, enquanto mulheres, submetidas a um regime patriarcal, que assenta na desigualdade de género, sujeitas a um sistema de tutela que as subjuga à autorização de um membro masculino da família para estudar, viajar ou exercer determinadas profissões, e enfrentam um contexto ultrarrepressivo que silencia qualquer voz dissidente.

Senhor Comissário, Caros Colegas, são estas mulheres que ousam reivindicar publicamente os direitos humanos e a sua emancipação. Termino, Senhor Presidente, dizendo que as verdadeiras reformadoras do reino são estas e não os ortodoxos e ultraconservadores sauditas.


  Presidente. – Sarò rigorosissimo nei tempi, perché noi abbiamo le votazioni a mezzogiorno e abbiamo un altro dibattito, per cui mi raccomando, il rispetto dei tempi.


  Jean-Paul Denanot (S&D). – Monsieur le Président, les signes positifs donnés par le prince héritier saoudien sur la scène internationale en faveur de l’émancipation des femmes en Arabie saoudite sont malheureusement contredits par le comportement de l’État à l’intérieur du pays.

La population saoudienne, que l’on sait très connectée aux réseaux sociaux, attend impatiemment une libération des mœurs et l’égalité homme-femme. Malgré cela, la presse et les médias, indispensables à l’équilibre des pouvoirs, ne sont toujours pas libres. Nous déplorons, comme beaucoup de collègues l’ont dit, que Raïf Badawi, lauréat 2015 du prix Sakharov, soit toujours emprisonné pour délit d’opinion.

Le combat pour la libération de la femme en Arabie saoudite ne fait que commencer. L’Union européenne doit peser pour une évolution effective de ce pays, soumis à un système patriarcal d’une autre époque qui méconnaît le droit des femmes à être autonomes et à décider librement de leur vie quotidienne.


  Marie-Christine Vergiat (GUE/NGL). – Monsieur le Président, la différence de ton des urgences de ce matin montre combien, ici, tous les pays ne sont pas traités à la même enseigne par certains. Il y a les pays amis, partenaires et les autres.

La lettre envoyée par l’ambassade saoudienne est un morceau d’anthologie. Le pays serait dans une phase de réformes massives. Dont acte. Il y a du chemin à parcourir pour le sortir du Moyen Âge, notamment pour les femmes qui vivent encore sous l’entière tutelle des hommes. En effet, les femmes vont enfin avoir le droit de conduire. Quelle avancée en 2018! Et qu’en penser quand, quelques jours avant l’entrée en vigueur de ce droit, des militantes et des militants des droits des femmes sont arrêtés, comme Loujain al-Hathloul, pour avoir commis un crime de lèse-majesté en assistant à une réunion de la CEDAW, et sont mis au secret.

Alors, si le prince Ben Salmane a une réelle volonté de réforme, ces hommes et ces femmes, dont Raïf Badawi, notre prix Sakharov, qui ne sont pas au service d’étrangers, mais à celui de la liberté, doivent être libérés et le prince doit cesser de martyriser le peuple yéménite.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, era il 15 maggio quando Loujain al-Hathloul, attivista per i diritti delle donne, veniva brutalmente prelevata dalla sua abitazione e trascinata in carcere, essendo già stata arrestata precedentemente per aver osato mettersi al volante. In completo isolamento e senza alcun contatto con l'esterno è stata ingiustamente accusata di tradimento e cospirazione contro il paese: un'accusa grave che può portare ad anni di prigione.

Come lei, altre lo stesso giorno. La loro unica colpa, aver lottato pacificamente per la difesa dei loro diritti. Dove sono le attesissime promesse di riforma del principe ereditario saudita, a cui tanto clamorosamente molti applaudivano? Finché questa sarà la politica saudita, finché Raif Badawi sarà ancora imprigionato, quelle del principe saudita saranno solo ed esclusivamente parole, saranno vuote e inutili parole di una retorica che, francamente, noi non accettiamo più.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, United Nations (UN) human rights officials have warned this week that allegations against six women and three men known to have been taken into custody by the Saudi authorities appear to be very serious and could lead to draconian sentences. Indeed, they could face the death penalty.

The detainees are being held by Saudi authorities at unknown locations, with one woman detained completely incommunicado. If, as it appears, their detention is related solely to their work as human rights defenders and activists on women’s issues, they should be released immediately. These women have been subjected to a smear campaign in the Saudi media, being branded as traitors, which is a very worrying development for women human rights defenders and activists.

These arrests also come amid a PR push by the Saudi State, particularly targeting Western media, that attempts to sell de facto ruler Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman as a great reformer. In reality, the Saudi authorities have increased their repression of activists at home and are continuing their British and US-backed war on Yemen.


  Stanislav Polčák (PPE). – Pane předsedající, my jsme zde již mnohokráte řešili otázky související s porušováním lidských práv v Saúdské Arábii, ostatně musím opětovně vyzvat k propuštění držitele Sacharovovy ceny pana Badávího, který je neustále bohužel ve vězení.

Chtěl bych ovšem zároveň ocenit ten reformní kurz, který nastolil korunní princ, ať se týká zákazu řízení nebo omezení toho mužského poručenství. Nicméně bych chtěl říci, že podle určitého přísloví se strom pozná po ovoci. Já si nejsem jistý v tuto chvíli, jaké to ovoce v Saúdské Arábii nyní je. Myslím si, že v tomto okamžiku je důležité se ozvat a promluvit, že tuto situaci sledujeme, že ji sledujeme velmi bedlivě a vyzvat korunního prince, aby skutečně nepoužíval pouze slova, ale i konkrétní činy. I na konkrétně propuštěných lidech a na razantním zlepšení situace lidských práv v Saúdské Arábii.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, υποστηρίζω το ψήφισμα, το οποίο άλλωστε συνυπογράφω. Η παραβίαση των ανθρωπίνων δικαιωμάτων στη Σαουδική Αραβία είναι στην ημερήσια διάταξη. Δεν υπάρχει ελευθερία του Τύπου, δεν μπορούν οι ακτιβιστές να εκφραστούν. Κυρίως, υπάρχει μία συστηματική καταπίεση των δικαιωμάτων των γυναικών, οι οποίες μέχρι πρόσφατα δεν μπορούσαν καν να οδηγήσουν μόνες τους αυτοκίνητο. Υπάρχει η διαδικασία της ανδρικής κηδεμονίας, όπως λέγεται. Οι γυναίκες, λοιπόν, προκειμένου να κάνουν διεθνή ταξίδια, να έχουν πρόσβαση σε υπηρεσίες περίθαλψης, να έχουν δικαίωμα επιλογής κατοικίας και να υποβάλουν καταγγελίες, πρέπει πρώτα να πάρουν την άδεια είτε του συζύγου, είτε του πατέρα, είτε του αδελφού. Είναι προφανές, λοιπόν, ότι αυτή η κατάσταση στη Σαουδική Αραβία δεν μπορεί να συνεχιστεί. Υπάρχει παραβίαση συστηματική των δικαιωμάτων των γυναικών και, φυσικά, άδικα κατηγορούνται και έχουν συλληφθεί οι εφτά ακτιβίστριες γυναίκες που αναφέρονται στο ψήφισμα. Άμεση απελευθέρωσή τους!


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, κύριε Επίτροπε, στη Σαουδική Αραβία συλλαμβάνονται αντιφρονούντες και βασανίζονται όπως, δυστυχώς, συμβαίνει με τον κάτοχο του βραβείου Ζαχάρωφ, Raif Badawi. Οι καταδικασμένοι σε θανατικές ποινές εκτελούνται με συνεχώς αυξανόμενους ρυθμούς και, γενικά, παραβιάζονται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα. Βεβαίως, παραβιάζονται τα ανθρώπινα δικαιώματα και των γυναικών κατά τρόπους που ήδη αναφέρθηκαν και αποτελούν προσβολή, όχι μόνο για τον πολιτισμό, αλλά κυρίως για τον ανθρωπισμό μας. Επισήμως και υποκριτικά, το καθεστώς ανακοινώνει μεταρρυθμίσεις για να χορηγήσει δικαιώματα στις γυναίκες. Από την άλλη όμως πλευρά, με τρόπους νομικιστικούς, προσπαθεί να αποφύγει την υλοποίηση αυτών των μεταρρυθμίσεων. Είναι μια απαράδεκτη κατάσταση, η οποία πρέπει να λήξει και, για αυτό ακριβώς τον λόγο, πρέπει να επέμβει και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Εάν θελήσουμε να επιδιώξουμε και να επιτύχουμε την καταδίκη αυτής της καταστάσεως και την μεταβολή της, θα πρέπει να ληφθούν σκληρές αποφάσεις. Πρέπει να επιβληθούν σκληρά διπλωματικά οικονομικά μέτρα εναντίον της Σαουδικής Αραβίας και, κυρίως, πρέπει να απαγορευθεί στις ευρωπαϊκές χώρες να πωλούν όπλα στη χώρα αυτή.


  Cristian-Silviu Buşoi (PPE). – Domnule președinte, semnale foarte contradictorii vin din Arabia Saudită. Am salutat cu toții unele deschideri ale Prințul Mohammad Bin Salman, cum ar fi ridicarea interdicției femeilor de a conduce, care va începe în 24 iunie. Dar faptul că exact activiștii care au reușit prin campaniile lor să determine ridicarea acestei interdicții au fost arestați, este un semnal foarte negativ. Se pare că cel puțin 11 activiști, cei mai mulți dintre ei fiind femei, au fost întemnițați și Parlamentul European trebuie să ceară eliberarea imediată a acestor activiști. Reformele trebuie să continue, pentru că încă situația precară a drepturilor omului și ale femeilor în Arabia Saudită este de netolerat.

Arabia Saudită trebuie să pună în aplicare angajamentele lor internaționale în domeniul drepturilor omului și Uniunea Europeană trebuie să facă uz de toate formulele diplomatice și economice, pentru a se asigura că acest lucru va fi implementat.


(Fine della procedura "catch the eye")


  Christos Stylianides, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, we started to follow, immediately after the information was made public, the situation and the developments in the specific case of the arrest of several human-right defenders, including a group of prominent women activists, in Saudi Arabia. The European Union is both surprised and disappointed by these developments. These arrests take place as Saudi Arabia has embarked on a programme of socio-economic transformation and modernisation, and against the background of recent commitments by the Saudi leadership to women’s empowerment.

These activists have, for many years, been promoting women’s rights and women’s empowerment in line with the Saudi leadership’s commitments under ‘Vision 2030’. Our delegation in Riyadh was in contact with some of them because, as usual, we support on the ground the cause and the effort of people who try actively to improve human-rights standards in our partner countries. Hence our surprise and disappointment, as these arrests are in direct contradiction with the messages we have heard – and have welcomed – from the Saudi leadership in recent times.

Moreover, the arrests happened one month before the end of the female driving ban, expected to enter into effect on 24 June, a ban against which most of these women and men had campaigned. Adding to our surprise was the severity of the accusations brought against these human-rights defenders and the defamatory campaign conducted against them in the media – before any legal action had been started and therefore against the principle of presumption of innocence.

The European Union immediately sought clarification from the authorities on the circumstances around the arrests and notably on the specific accusations brought. We are waiting for a reply from the authorities and we will persist in our diplomatic engagement in order to shed some light on these arrests.

The situation is fluid and information is limited. We have noted with satisfaction the release of four of the women who had been arrested, including a 70-year-old, although we understand that new arrests of further human-rights defenders have taken place, after the first wave of arrests on 15 May – thus giving very mixed messages on the overall situation.

Recent reforms in Saudi Arabia have allowed women to attend sports events, apply for government jobs, and enjoy the country’s first public cinema screening in 35 years. We are encouraged by these reforms and we hope they will indicate a new pattern in the Saudi commitments. The European Union wants to encourage the authorities to maintain that trajectory, and to continue improving the Saudi social fabric. Setbacks such as those just witnessed are therefore deplorable.

The European Union stands ready to support and accompany modernisation efforts in Saudi Arabia, notably those that aim at strengthening human rights and fundamental freedoms. This is the message that the High Representative / Vice-President transmits relentlessly to the Saudi authorities in all her contacts.


  Presidente. – La discussione è chiusa.

La votazione si svolgerà oggi, giovedì 31 maggio 2018.

Dichiarazioni scritte (articolo 162)


  Marijana Petir (PPE), napisan. – Koncept ljudskih prava odnosi se na pravnu, filozofsku i političku ideju prema kojoj svako ljudsko biće bez obzira na spol, etničko porijeklo, državljanstvo ili vjersko uvjerenje ima stanovita prava – neotuđiva i univerzalna.

Kada je riječ o temeljnim pravima žena, Saudijska Arabija jedan je od lidera u njihovu kršenju i diskriminaciji žena i djevojčica. Iako je po svom državnom uređenju muslimanska nasljedna monarhija, temeljna ljudska prava, kao univerzalna, mora poštivati. Iako je saudijska vlada u nekoliko navrata obećavala reforme, one se provode „puževim korakom” dok su žene u Saudijskoj Arabiji tretirane kao građanke drugog reda.

Zabrana vožnje za žene ukida se u 2018. godini. Svega 38 žena nalazi se na političkim funkcijama diljem zemlje koja ima više od 32 milijuna stanovnika, a kandidatura im je dopuštena tek prije tri godina. Od 2016. godine tjelesni je odgoj za djevojčice u školama diljem zemlje zabranjen. Saudijski zakoni su rigorozni i žene u potpunosti podređuju pod tzv. sustav muškog skrbništva, budući da bez dopuštenja muškarca (supruga, oca, brata ili čak maloljetnog sina) žene ne mogu učiniti neke osnovne svakodnevne stvari.

Nedopustivo je da se borce za temeljna prava žena uhićuje jer to nije znak otvorenosti prema reformama, upravo suprotno.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 18 settembre 2018Note legali - Informativa sulla privacy