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Процедура : 2018/2756(RSP)
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PV 14/06/2018 - 4.3
CRE 14/06/2018 - 4.3

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PV 14/06/2018 - 7.3

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Пълен протокол на разискванията
Четвъртък, 14 юни 2018 г. - Страсбург Редактирана версия

4.3. Положението на бежанците от общността рохингия, по-специално тежкото положение на децата
Видеозапис на изказванията

  Przewodniczący. – Kolejnym punktem porządku dziennego jest debata nad sześcioma projektami rezolucji w sprawie sytuacji uchodźców należących do mniejszości Rohingja, w szczególności trudnej sytuacji dzieci (2018/2756(RSP).


  Barbara Lochbihler, Verfasserin. – Herr Präsident! Im Februar gewannen wir Abgeordneten im Flüchtlingslager Cox’s Bazar einen realistischen Eindruck von den Bemühungen internationaler Hilfsorganisationen, die geflüchteten oder vertriebenen Rohingya mit dem Notwendigsten zu versorgen. Uns wurde schnell klar, dass der Bedarf deutlich höher ist. Für Kinder ist die Situation besonders schwierig, denn es fehlt am Zugang zu adäquater psychologischer und medizinischer Betreuung sowie am Zugang zu Bildung und am Schutz vor Ausbeutung.

Die internationale Gemeinschaft muss dringend Gelder für humanitäre Hilfe zur Verfügung stellen, gerade auch im Hinblick auf den nahenden Monsun. Die Rohingya leben in dieser erbärmlichen Situation, weil sie durch extreme Gewalt vertrieben wurden. Die Straflosigkeit der dafür Verantwortlichen muss ein Ende haben, auch um eine Rückkehr der Rohingya nach Myanmar längerfristig wieder möglich zu machen.

Die EU und ihre Mitgliedstaaten sollten Prozesse zur Aufarbeitung von Verbrechen in Myanmar – beispielsweise durch den Internationalen Strafgerichtshof – aktiv unterstützen. Ein internationaler, unparteiischer und unabhängiger Mechanismus auf UN-Ebene sollte eingerichtet werden, um Beweismaterial schwerwiegender Verbrechen im Rakhine State zu sammeln und auszuwerten. In diesem Zusammenhang muss die Regierung in Myanmar endlich auch unabhängigen Beobachtern, vor allem der UN-fact-finding-mission, Zugang gewähren, um den Anschuldigungen schwerer Menschenrechtsverletzungen nachzugehen.


  Amjad Bashir, author. – Mr President and fellow MEPs, I want to tell a story and make a plea.

I was in Bangladesh in September and witnessed at the border burning villages in neighbouring Myanmar. I heard harrowing stories of murder and rape, ethnic cleansing and genocide.

I was fortunate to return to Bangladesh just a couple of weeks ago, accompanied by two amazing businessman, Aneel Mussarat and Iqbal Ahmed. We took across six trucks of food and medicine and distributed 33 000 family packs of food and medicine.

But I’m sad to say that I am ashamed to look these two gentlemen in the eye and look in the eye of the refugees, because in spite of passing three resolutions and in spite of the fact that we are about to pass a fourth, nothing has been achieved.

I’m sad to say that we now need to implement these resolutions. We need to get these refugees returned voluntarily to their ancestral homes in safety and dignity guaranteed by the UN in white helmets.

We need independent investigation of crimes against humanity and the perpetrators brought to justice. We need restoration of citizenship and equal rights to the Rohingyas back in Myanmar. Until that is achieved, we’ve achieved nothing.


  Soraya Post, author. – Mr President, I have seen the devastating situation in Cox’s Baazar, the world’s largest refugee camp, where 1.2 million Rohingya refugees are seeking protection from ethnic cleansing in Myanmar.

The majority are women who have fled along with their children, many being victims of violence and sexual assaults. Not only do these children lack food, clean water, health care, trauma therapy, education and security, but they are also victims of trafficking, violence, sexual exploitation and child marriage. During the monsoon season, they will also be at high risk of deadly disease outbreaks and landslides.

The international community has to place the personal safety of every individual on the top of their security agendas. To keep these women and children safe, and to put pressure on Myanmar to end the persecution of the Rohingya, there is a need for an independent investigation.


  Joachim Zeller, Verfasser. – Herr Präsident! Das, was wir befürchtet haben, ist leider eingetreten. An der Lage der Rohingya, die vor einem Jahr vor den gewalttätigen Ausschreitungen des Militärs und der Polizei von Myanmar aus ihrer Heimat nach Bangladesch fliehen mussten, hat sich nichts geändert. Keiner konnte bisher in seine Heimat zurückkehren, trotz bereits beschlossener Übereinkommen zwischen Myanmar und Bangladesch unter Assistenz der Vereinten Nationen.

Im Gegenteil: Die Situation in dem größten Flüchtlingslager der Welt hat sich mit dem Einsetzen des Monsuns noch verschärft. Erste Todesopfer sind in Bangladesch bereits zu beklagen. Auch in den Flüchtlingslagern der Rohingya sind bereits Menschen zu Tode gekommen. Erdrutsche haben die eh schon wenigen Sanitäreinrichtungen und die Trinkwasserversorgung zerstört, und die kümmerlichen Behausungen sind die Hügel hinuntergespült worden. Der Ausbruch von Seuchen droht. Am schlimmsten trifft es wieder die Schwächsten: die Kinder, die nunmehr seit einem Jahr so gut wie ohne Schulbildung sind und von Missbrauch und Menschenhandel bedroht werden.

Die internationale Gemeinschaft muss ihre Hilfszusagen für die Flüchtlinge einlösen. Gleichzeitig muss aber insbesondere auf die militärischen Machthaber in Myanmar der Druck erhöht werden, auch durch Sanktionen gegen einzelne ihrer Vertreter, damit sie sich zu einer Lösung des Konflikts bereit erklären. Auf China, das einen großen Einfluss auf die Militärs in Myanmar hat, sollte eingewirkt werden, damit es zur Lösung des Problems beiträgt.

Die Situation ist noch dadurch weiter verschärft worden, dass in Myanmar im Shan- und im Kachin-Staat auch wieder der Bürgerkrieg ausgebrochen ist. Auch dort mussten wieder Menschen ihre Dörfer verlassen, wurden zu Tausenden vertrieben, und es sind auch bereits etliche Hundert umgekommen. Myanmar bleibt ein Problemfall, und wir sollten es weiter unter Beobachtung halten.


  Miguel Urbán Crespo, autor. – Señor presidente, los rohinyás son una de las minorías más perseguidas y hasta hace poco de las más olvidadas. Ha sido un genocidio lo que los ha puesto otra vez sobre el mapa. Todos hemos escuchado las cifras: 900 000 personas —de las que más de 500 000 eran niños y niñas— huyeron de torturas, de detenciones arbitrarias, del incendio de pueblos enteros.

Sabemos que el ejército de Myanmar violó a mujeres como parte de la estrategia de expulsión y que, nueve meses después, 48 000 de esas mujeres esperan a dar a luz en Bangladés en condiciones totalmente insalubres. Las Naciones Unidas y Myanmar firmaron otro memorándum para el retorno voluntario de los rohinyás bajo unas condiciones: el reconocimiento de la ciudadanía y el fin de la violencia. Por desgracia, queda mucho para que estas condiciones se den, porque la expulsión de los rohinyás de su territorio no solo responde a un conflicto religioso o étnico, sino, sobre todo, a grandes negocios de los que nadie habla.

Es el ejército quien tiene el control sobre la gestión de la tierra y es, a la vez, el responsable del genocidio rohinyá y de su desplazamiento. La Ley de tierras y la de inversiones extranjeras está permitiendo la entrada masiva de capital transnacional, promoviendo el extractivismo, la agroindustria y el acaparamiento de agua justamente en territorio rohinyá. Entre 2010 y 2013 más de un millón de hectáreas habitadas por los rohinyás fueron concedidas a proyectos agroindustriales de multinacionales. En las tierras de donde fueron desplazados, sobre sus casas quemadas, se están construyendo ahora bases militares para controlar el territorio.

La comunidad internacional debe garantizar que sus inversiones nunca amparen violaciones de derechos humanos ni que sirvan para afianzar un sistema que discrimina sistemáticamente a la población rohinyá y reduce aún más las posibilidades del regreso. Porque, si no tomamos medidas contundentes para asegurar el fin de la violencia, el acceso a la justicia y el retorno y las medidas de no repetición, seremos cómplices indirectos de estos crímenes de lesa humanidad. Toca actuar.


  Urmas Paet, author. – Mr President, there are more than 720 000 Rohingya children in Bangladesh and Myanmar in dire need of assistance and protection. More than 43 000 of them have lost at least one, if not two, parents. All of them have witnessed atrocities, and many of them are suffering from malnutrition, physical abuse and illnesses. Rape is used as a tool by Myanmar soldiers in their campaign of ethnic cleansing.

Rohingya women and children are extremely exposed to the risk of being trafficked into prostitution and to the risk of sexual harassment, and the situation of the Rohingyas is already getting worse due to the monsoon. The international community must do its utmost to find a sustainable approach to the tragic situation, but the Myanmar authorities should bear in mind that ethnic cleansing does not go without punishment.

The European Union should seek accountability for those responsible in Myanmar and work towards referring the situation in Myanmar to the International Criminal Court.


  Teresa Jiménez-Becerril Barrio, en nombre del Grupo PPE. – Señor presidente, esta es la cuarta Resolución que presentamos aquí sobre la dramática situación de los rohinyás y, ¡ojalá sea la última!, aunque me temo que no lo será porque la violación de los derechos humanos de la minoría más perseguida del mundo no cesa.

El objetivo es llevar a cabo una limpieza étnica a través de matanzas y desplazamientos de quienes reciben el odio de una buena parte de la población de Myanmar, apoyados por los militares y un gobierno que da la espalda al pueblo rohinyá. 900 000 inocentes, de los cuales más de medio millón son niños, han tenido que huir a Bangladés para salvar sus vidas.

La violencia sexual y las violaciones son usadas contra mujeres y niñas como arma de guerra. Las niñas y las mujeres son víctimas de trata dentro de los campos de refugiados, donde tienen que prostituirse. La situación de los niños es dramática, y espero que el acuerdo entre las Naciones Unidas y Myanmar se cumpla y el gobierno permita la vuelta de los desplazados en condiciones de seguridad.

La Unión Europea debe tener un rol predominante en la investigación y en la persecución de los crímenes de lesa humanidad cometidos contra este pueblo indefenso.


  Wajid Khan, on behalf of the S&D Group. – Mr President, tomorrow is the festival of Eid, a time to feast and celebrate with family and friends. Sadly, this will be an Eid to forget for Myanmar’s Rohingya community. Rohingyas are going from crisis to crisis. The next four months threaten catastrophic risk for the refugees, especially children. Now heavy rains mark the start of the monsoon season, which is predicted to bring with it disease, landslides, flash flooding and death.

There is a dire need to step up the international support during this critical time, to address the humanitarian needs of both the refugees and the whole community.

Sadly, only one fifth of the UN Joint Response Plan’s appeal for funding has been met. We need a comprehensive and sustainable approach to this humanitarian crisis because there is no realistic prospect of safe and voluntary return. Furthermore, we also cannot forget the root cause of this tragedy. I urge the Vice-President / High Representative to lead the call for justice and explore all avenues to hold perpetrators to account, whilst ensuring that evidence of atrocities is collected and preserved for future legal proceedings. But the monsoon season is now, so saving lives must be our priority.


  Jadwiga Wiśniewska, w imieniu grupy ECR. – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni państwo! Lud Rohingja stanowi jedną z najbardziej prześladowanych mniejszości na świecie. Przemoc, której dopuszcza się birmańska armia, jest klasycznym przykładem czystek etnicznych: morderstwa, palenie wiosek, masowe gwałty. Mimo że Rohingja żyją w Birmie od pokoleń, uznawani są za intruzów, którym odmawia się obywatelstwa, dostępu do służby zdrowia czy edukacji. W trosce o swoje zdrowie uciekają głównie do Bangladeszu. Jak podaje UNICEF, od sierpnia 2017 r. do kwietnia tego roku uciekło tam 693 tys. ludzi, z czego ponad połowa to dzieci. A w 2018 r. 48 tys. kobiet i dziewcząt w obozach dla uchodźców urodzi dzieci, głównie poczęte w wyniku gwałtów popełnionych przez birmańską armię. Ze względu na ograniczony dostęp do opieki medycznej wiele z nich umrze zaraz po porodzie. Te dzieci, którym uda się przeżyć, będą narażone na niedożywienie, przemoc, wykorzystywanie seksualne lub padną ofiarą handlarzy ludźmi. Należy położyć kres temu koszmarowi i jednoznacznie potępić wszelkie podżegania do nienawiści. Konieczna jest pomoc humanitarna i o taką pomoc apeluję.


  Hilde Vautmans, namens de ALDE-Fractie. – Voorzitter, commissaris, 48 000 baby's, dat is het aantal dat hulporganisaties schatten van het aantal baby's dat geboren gaat worden de komende dagen en weken in de kampen. Baby's verwekt met haat en geweld, niet uit liefde. Moeders die al leven in zeer erbarmelijke omstandigheden, met vaak al kinderen die geen onderwijs genieten en die ondervoed zijn.

Collega's, ik wil hier speciaal de aandacht vragen voor het lot van de mama's en de kinderen. Hoe wil je dat een mama kan houden van een kind dat ontstaan is na een brute verkrachting? We moeten die ouders bijstaan. We moeten die mama's bijstaan. We moeten die kinderen opvangen. En dat is de taak van Europa. Het leven in die kampen is erbarmelijk. En vandaag moet Europa een signaal geven, moeten we daders straffen. Maar we moeten vooral inzetten op begeleiding van de moeders die gaan bevallen, zodanig dat die kinderen tenminste eerlijke kansen krijgen in die kampen. Dat zijn we verplicht. Dankjewel.


  Seán Kelly (PPE). – A Uachtaráin, pléimid a lán cásanna truamhéalacha sa Pharlaimint seo agus is dóigh liom gurb é seo an cás is truamhéalaí ar fad mar nílimid ag caint faoi dhuine aonaránach. Táimid ag caint faoi suas le milliún duine nach bhfuil aon chearta acu i ndáiríre. Tá saol i bhfad níos fearr ag na hainmhithe fiáine trasna an domhain ná mar atá ag muintir Rohingya. Tá siad i mbaol gach saghas fogha - fogha gnéasach, fogha fisiciúil - tá siad i gcampaí na dteifeach agus i mbaol ocrais, i mbaol galar, agus i mbaol báis. Agus níl a dhóthain airde á tabhairt orthu. Agus mar a dúirt mo chara, Zeller, caithfimid comhoibriú, go háirithe leis an tSín agus na Náisiúin Aontaithe, chun cabhrú leo. Agus go háirithe, is truamhéalach ar fad go bhfuil an méid sin leanaí agus gan a ndóthain le n-ithe acu, nach bhfuil seans acu oideachas a fháil agus nach bhfuil aon todhchaí ann i ndáiríre dóibh. Mura dtógaimid ceannaireacht ar an scéal seo, mura gcuirimid brú ar an tSín, agus mura gcomhoibrímid leis na Náisiúin Aontaithe chun an scéal seo a fheabhsú agus a cheartú go luath, leanfaidh sé ar aghaidh agus ní dhéanfaidh aon duine eile é.


  Caterina Chinnici (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, signor Commissario, la situazione dei Rohingya in Myanmar rappresenta una fra le peggiori crisi umanitarie di cui oggi siamo testimoni. Ancora una volta i bambini sono fra i più colpiti da quella che è stata definita, in più occasioni, una vera e propria pulizia etnica. Secondo l'Unicef, lo scorso anno 534 000 bambini Rohingya si trovavano rifugiati in Bangladesh, in condizioni igienico-sanitarie disastrose, esposti al rischio di violenze, sfruttamento e abusi di ogni genere.

Molti bambini Rohingya nati in Myanmar non hanno mai ricevuto alcun certificato di nascita, in piena contraddizione con la Convenzione ONU sui diritti del fanciullo di cui pure il Myanmar è firmatario. Una negazione dei diritti civili per questi bambini che comincia sin dalla nascita, con conseguenze gravissime, quali l'impossibilità di ottenere documenti d'identità e di avere accesso all'assistenza sanitaria o all'istruzione, bambini che, in una parola, possiamo definire ghost children.

L'Unione deve intervenire nelle sedi competenti, con voce ferma per garantire ai Rohingya il pieno rispetto dei loro diritti fondamentali e civili, con particolare attenzione ai bambini.


  Sajjad Karim (ECR). – Mr President, honourable Commissioner, our international community’s response, I am afraid, can at the very best be described as lacking. Identification of the Rohingya as Rohingya itself has been shied away from. Citizenship has not been addressed adequately at all. Meanwhile the military’s ethnic cleansing of the Muslim and non-Buddhists continues, the aim ultimately being to create a Buddhist state. Without citizenship being addressed, ultimately that ethnic cleansing will succeed, and without consequences there are no costs to Myanmar for that ethnic cleansing.

Honourable Commissioner, if this House was to put a question to you and ask, what would your response be if we asked that trade measures to include investigative mechanism under the ‘Everything but Arms’ principles should now be invoked? Is it not time that we made consequences to all of the words that we have spoken on this issue over many years?


  Dita Charanzová (ALDE). – Mr President, the Rohingya are being persecuted and are suffering a severe humanitarian crisis, and children are the most vulnerable. UNICEF states that 720 000 Rohingya children need assistance and protection now. That is 720 000 children being denied a chance for a future: being subject to rape, violence and trauma, being orphaned, being trafficked, being hungry, being denied an education, being forced to give birth to their rapists’ children, and without proper healthcare. These are children who have been suffering far too long and enduring beyond what anyone should have to endure in a lifetime. No child deserves this.

It is the duty of the Myanmar Government and that of Bangladesh to do everything they can to safeguard the rights of all children affected by the crisis and to guarantee their safety. The EU must continue working to stop the crisis and it must look into other measures if Myanmar refuses to uphold the rights of the Rohingya.


  Josef Weidenholzer (S&D). – Mr President, it is important that we do not close our eyes to the situation of the Rohingya refugees. We know that our voice is heard, and today’s resolution should contribute to improving the situation of the most vulnerable, the children.

We should also be grateful to Bangladesh for its support for the refugees. Europe has an obligation substantially to increase its financial contributions for humanitarian aid and lifesaving support. We should also be concerned about the political stability of the country. The situation is tense and elections are scheduled for the end of the year. It is important that they will be fair and transparent. Human rights violations, enforced disappearances and riots are happening on a daily basis, and the leader of the opposition, Khaleda Zia, is in prison under questionable conditions. It is in our interest that the forthcoming elections meet democratic standards and guarantee stability in this country.


  Frédérique Ries (ALDE). – Monsieur le Président, beaucoup a été dit déjà ce matin sur la tragédie des Rohingyas et leur exil forcé au Bangladesh: 900 000 réfugiés, dont plus d’un demi-million d’enfants, qui vivent, qui survivent – qui ne survivent pas en réalité –dans le camp de Cox’s Bazar, dans des conditions de vie épouvantables; on attend la naissance de 50 000 bébés dans ces camps de fortune, un véritable défi humanitaire et sanitaire.

Notre Parlement vise juste en mettant l’accent, justement, sur le sort des enfants. Ils sont les premières victimes de l’épidémie de diphtérie, notamment, qui a sévi au mois de décembre. Médecins sans frontières tire le signal d’alarme aussi sur l’absence totale, pour eux, d’accès à l’éducation.

Et pardon de toucher ici aux icônes, mais le silence d’Aung San Suu Kyi, le prix Nobel de la paix et l’actuel ministre des affaires étrangères, est assourdissant! Nettoyage ethnique, meurtres, cette génération perdue, les viols, la prostitution... Son gouvernement doit comprendre que nous ne lâcherons pas la pression.


Zgłoszenia z sali


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Senhor Presidente, Senhor Comissário, não estive em Myanmar ou no Bangladesh, mas sei bem a dimensão da tragédia que ali existe. Os 700 mil deslocados Rohingya que, neste momento, estão no Bangladesh -mais de metade dos quais crianças - vivem em acampamentos superlotados, sem condições de higiene, saneamento e segurança e o milhão que permanece ainda em Myanmar - muitos deles em centros de detenção - está ainda em piores condições depois da expulsão das ONG daquele país.

Além das condições insalubres, de desnutrição e do stress pós-traumático, enfrentam agora, em plena época de monções, o risco de derrocadas, inundações e de propagação de doenças transmitidas através da água, como o tifo, a difteria ou a hepatite.

Se a verdadeira extensão das atrocidades cometidas pelos militares de Myanmar só será conhecida depois de permitido o acesso total e irrestrito ao estado raquine de organizações independentes de direitos humanos, é hoje evidente a duríssima situação destes deslocados, a quem o seu país nega a cidadania e que no Bangladesh nem o estatuto de refugiado têm.

A União - que disponibilizou mais de quarenta milhões de euros de ajuda humanitária - não pode, perante este drama, deixar de instar as autoridades birmanesas a permitirem a entrada de organizações humanitárias internacionais e a apoiarem os esforços para a aplicação do acordo de repatriação assinado.


  Juan Fernando López Aguilar (S&D). – Señor presidente, señor comisario, sabe que en cada Pleno del Parlamento Europeo dedicamos un tiempo a debatir urgencias relativas a violaciones masivas y flagrantes de los derechos humanos, que tanto importan al Parlamento Europeo porque deben importarle a la Unión Europea. Y, por tercera vez consecutiva, regresa a este Parlamento la cuestión de los rohinyá, una comunidad de 1 100 000 personas, de la cual 650 000 han sido violentamente desplazadas en los últimos tiempos, la mitad de ellos mujeres y niños vulnerables, hacinados en campamentos superpoblados, en condiciones dramáticas que han sido explicadas en todas las lenguas de la Unión.

Se esperan 50 000 nacimientos producto de violaciones, en condiciones imposibles, absolutamente intolerables desde el punto de vista humanitario. Por tanto, lo que cuenta aquí es la Resolución que vamos a aprobar de inmediato, y que vincule a la Comisión y que la Comisión acentúe su compromiso con los derechos humanos en su relación con Myanmar y con Bangladés, para, sobre todo, atender a esta población extremadamente vulnerable, que está siendo perseguida por su pertenencia a una comunidad religiosa, uno de los motivos más vinculantes y más prohibidos por el Derecho internacional humanitario: ser discriminados por su pertenencia a una comunidad.


  Νότης Μαριάς (ECR). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, η τραγωδία των Ροχίνγκια συνεχίζεται. Τουλάχιστον επτά φορές έχουμε συζητήσει την ανθρωπιστική κρίση που πλήττει αυτούς τους ανθρώπους. Πρόκειται για μια ξεκάθαρη εθνοκάθαρση. Έχει οικονομικές βάσεις, διότι ουσιαστικά τους εκτόπισαν, προκειμένου να αρπάξουν τη Γη τους όπου υπάρχουν πλουτοπαραγωγικές πηγές. Εμφανίζεται ως μια θρησκευτική διαμάχη Βουδιστών εναντίον Μουσουλμάνων, όπως είχαμε σε άλλες περιπτώσεις Μουσουλμάνους εναντίον Χριστιανών. Στη βάση τους τα αίτια είναι οικονομικά και αυτό πρέπει να το καταστήσουμε σαφές.

Πέραν αυτού όμως, αυτή τη στιγμή πάνω από 200.000 άτομα βρίσκονται σε στρατόπεδα και κινδυνεύουν, καθώς βρισκόμαστε στην εποχή των Μουσώνων, στις δε εγκαταστάσεις που μένουν υπάρχει πλέον τεράστια πίεση και κυριαρχούν φαινόμενα, όπως καταπίεση, πορνεία, αναγκαστικοί γάμοι. Πρέπει να σταματήσει αυτή η κατάσταση και η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση πρέπει να πιέσει την Μιανμάρ.


  Fabio Massimo Castaldo (EFDD). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, hanno buttato per aria mio figlio e l'hanno tagliato in due con un machete. Lo racconta Aisha, 19 anni, Rohingya, il cui figlio di sette anni è stato ucciso dai militari buddisti birmani mentre lei e la sua famiglia scappavano dal loro villaggio in Myanmar.

Ma Aisha e il suo bambino non sono gli unici in questa situazione, almeno mille sono i Rohingya al di sotto dei 5 anni brutalmente uccisi dall'agosto scorso. Ventottomila e trecento sono i bambini che hanno perso almeno un genitore. Queste vittime innocenti, arrivate nei campi al confine con il Bangladesh, rischiano ogni giorno di subire abusi sessuali da parte di quelle stesse milizie che hanno ucciso i loro genitori. Neanche andare in bagno o raccogliere la legna è sicuro per loro. A ciò si aggiunge la mancanza di cibo e di acqua, servizi igienico-sanitari e abitazioni resistenti alle piogge monsoniche, aumentando il rischio di epidemie e rendendo i bambini malnutriti particolarmente vulnerabili.

Chiediamo quindi a tutte le autorità competenti di garantire a bambini e donne spazi protetti nei campi profughi e di autorizzare l'accesso a Rakhine agli osservatori indipendenti e alla missione di accertamento dell'ONU. All'Europa invece chiedo: come possiamo continuare a cooperare con un regime responsabile di un apartheid?


  Krzysztof Hetman (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Szanowni państwo! Kryzys dotyczący ludu Rohingja jest sytuacją ekstremalną. Z dnia na dzień przybywa nowych uchodźców, wśród których rośnie odsetek kobiet i dzieci. Przeludnione obozy uchodźców nie mają wystarczającej ilości jedzenia, wody ani środków higieny, a zażegnanie tej sytuacji wydaje się trudno osiągalne. Wszystko to spowodowane jest niechęcią Myanmaru do lokalnej społeczności, co objawiło się czystką na tle etnicznym, która jest określana jako „podręcznikowa” przez Wysokiego Komisarza Narodów Zjednoczonych do Spraw Praw Człowieka. Unia Europejska powinna zawsze interweniować w obronie podstawowych praw człowieka, które są ewidentnie gwałcone w przypadku ludności Rohingja. Dlatego potrzebna jest natychmiastowa i mocniejsza reakcja międzynarodowego środowiska i jak najszybsze zakończenie prześladowania tego ludu. Uważam, że wywarcie presji dyplomatycznej, a nawet ekonomicznej na władze Myanmaru może rozpocząć proces bezpiecznego powrotu ludności Rohingja.


  Julie Ward (S&D). – Mr President, the EU is a powerful actor for human rights around the world: it is extraordinary, therefore, to see Brexiteers such as Mr Bashir and Mr Campbell Bannerman speaking from a platform they do not believe in.

As a child rights campaigner, I’m appalled at the conditions in which Rohingya children are living. Their most basic rights are not respected and they suffer grave physical and psychological distress, as they have witnessed crimes against humanity.

The situation of girls, in particular, is terrible: they face specific risks such as sexual violence and child marriage. Organisations present on the ground should adopt a gendered approach and take particular care of girls and women present in the refugee camps.

I’m very grateful for the work that the UN, the NGOs and the EU do on the ground to provide these children with appropriate care and access to education, and I call on the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to lead diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful solution, in order to bring an end to the violent discrimination against the Rohingya.


  Ignazio Corrao (EFDD). – Mr President, the situation of the world’s most persecuted community is going way beyond any boundaries in a context of ethnic cleansing. In a situation of refugee camps where sexual violence and rape is prevalent, newborns are another extension of the Rohingya crisis which accelerates the vicious cycle of the current nightmare.

Indeed, 10 months since military violence forced hundreds of thousands of Rohingya to flee to Bangladesh, about 60 babies are being born every day in squalid refugee camps with greater health risks. A refugee camp is no place for a child to be born. Such camps have very poor sanitation and are a breeding ground for diseases like diphtheria, measles and cholera, to which newborns are particularly vulnerable. I strongly hope that the International Criminal Court’s Chief Prosecutor will confirm its jurisdiction over the crime of deportation of Rohingya people from Myanmar into Bangladesh, as its prosecutor has requested.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). – Mr President, the agreement of 6 June with the UN agencies on the repatriation of some of the Rohingya who fled from Myanmar into Bangladesh will not lead to a significant number of safe returns. Meanwhile, despite the very commendable efforts of Bangladesh, hundreds of thousands of people, including children, will continue to suffer. Most worryingly, just as the monsoon rains are coming, thousands of babies conceived in rape are expected to be born soon in the camps.

Sexual violence was an integral tool of the Burmese military in its effort to inflict terror on the Rohingyas. Months after the height of the Burmese army’s atrocities, the suffering of these women continues, as they have to face not just a lack of access to healthcare services in the camps, but also exclusion from their deeply conservative families.

The absolute priority is to save lives and to shelter these women and babies from the rains.


(Koniec zgłoszeń z sali)


  Miguel Arias Cañete, Member of the Commission. – Mr President, let me start by stressing that the European Union remains fully mobilised, politically and through extensive humanitarian and development assistance, to help to address the Rohingya refugee crisis.

The European Union response to this crisis has consisted of five main components. First, immediate and unconditional humanitarian assistance to all displaced persons. Second, condemnation of all forms of violence. Third, continuous constructive engagement with the civilian Government of Myanmar on the basis of an ambitious development agenda, including with a view to addressing the root causes of conflict in accordance with the Annan report. Fourth, the promotion of conditions allowing the eventual voluntary and dignified return of displaced persons to their homes in Rakhine State in safety. And fifth, exploring assistance which goes beyond short-term aid.

In all of this, due account has been taken of the relevant resolutions adopted by the European Parliament on the Rohingya crisis. This applies firstly in respect of action on the political front. As you know, the European Union has co-sponsored UN Human Rights Council resolutions to promote accountability and to invite Myanmar to cooperate with a UN fact-finding mission. We regret that Myanmar is not cooperating with this fact-finding mission. There is also continuing cooperation with the UN Special Rapporteur Ms Lee.

In April 2018, in the light of the disproportionate use of force by the Myanmar army, the European Union adopted a strengthened arms embargo and put in place a framework for targeted restricted measures against Myanmar military officers.

This being said, let me attend to the major issues of today’s debate: the situation of the Rohingya refugees and, in particular, the plight of children. As regards humanitarian and development aid, the European Union co-hosted – and pledged the highest contribution among all the donors at – the United Nations pledging conference on 23 October 2017. Our dialogue with Bangladesh authorities and the United Nations is constant in an effort to address the tremendous challenges faced by Bangladesh in welcoming the refugees generously.

The monsoon season, which has just started, brings additional challenges and we are increasing our humanitarian aid in Bangladesh and continuing to provide aid in Rakhine State, but lack of access remains a key problem. Given the fact that the refugees’ return process will be difficult and long, and that the conditions for voluntary and safe return to the Rakhine State are not yet in place, the European Union and the international donor community must be prepared to work further on their humanitarian and development nexus, both for the refugees and for the 11 host communities in Bangladesh.

Our humanitarian aid and development system does not specifically focus on children but, given the very high number of children and women in the camps, our aid actually does focus on these vulnerable groups of the refugee population.

Let me highlight a couple of specific objectives that we are currently trying to achieve in cooperation with the Bangladesh Government and relevant stakeholders in Cox’s Bazar.

The registration of newborn Rohingya babies should be pursued, as per the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Bangladesh and the UNCHR. And we are focusing on protection issues, including a security presence and security controls in the camps by law-enforcement authorities at all times. We are seeking authorisation to provide secondary education; we are looking into possibilities to support severely reliant families through local opportunities in order to avoid relations based on vulnerability; and we are pursuing preparedness initiatives in the context of the current monsoon and cyclone season, with a view to relocating the most vulnerable population to safer areas.

The European Union will continue to provide support to the Rohingya people in Bangladesh in order to alleviate this major refugee crisis and to contribute to stabilisation in the region.


  Przewodniczący. – Zamykam debatę.

Głosowanie odbędzie się po zakończeniu debat o godz. 12.00.

Oświadczenia pisemne (art. 162)


  Mario Borghezio (ENF), per iscritto. – Nello Stato Kachin, a nord-est della Birmania, sono ripresi gli scontri tra il Tatmadaw – il potente esercito birmano – e il Kachin Independence Army (Kia), la milizia che per decenni ha salvaguardato l'identità, la terra e le tradizioni della popolazione, a maggioranza cristiana. Per chiedere la fine di quello che ormai è un genocidio dei cristiani, nonché una crisi umanitaria dimenticata, migliaia di cattolici Kachin, hanno sfilato per le strade di Myitkyina. A guidare la marcia è stato il vescovo della città Francis Daw Tang. Molte organizzazioni in difesa dei diritti umani hanno denunciato, che l'escalation delle operazioni militari delle truppe birmane, contro i gruppi che popolano il paese, sta avvenendo, anche grazie al fatto che l'attenzione internazionale è focalizzata sulla minoranza musulmana Rohingya, nello Stato Rakhine. L'Alto Rappresentante, come intende intervenire a tutela della minoranza cristiana a Kachin? Intende inoltre sollevare questa situazione con il Consigliere di Stato ed ex Premio Nobel per la Pace, Aung San Suu Kyi?


  Rolandas Paksas (EFDD), raštu. – Pabrėžiu kiekvienos valstybės pareigą užkirsti kelią smurtui ir nestabilumui, tvarkos pažeidimams šalies viduje. Migracijos ir gyvenamosios vietos suteikimo klausimai turėtų būti reguliuojami teisėtais, taikiais būdais, be smurto, agresijos ir žmonių žudymo, sveikatos žalojimo. Bet kokia situacija, kai masiškai žudomi ar žalojami žmonės, ypatingai vaikai, yra smerktina. Raginu Mianmarą imtis neatidėliotinų veiksmų rohinjų apsaugos kontekste: suteikti žmonėms būtinas higienos ir sveikatos apsaugos priemones, pabėgėlių stovyklose turi būti teikiama medicininė ir psichologinė pagalba, specialiai pritaikyta pažeidžiamoms grupėms. Būtina užtikrinti vaikų teisę į tinkamą, reguliarų švietimą ir mokymą, sudaryti vystymuisi palankias sąlygas, aktyviai kovoti su smurtu, užkirsti kelią nusikalstamumo plitimui.


(Posiedzenie zostało na chwilę zawieszone w oczekiwaniu na głosowania.)


Последно осъвременяване: 8 април 2019 г.Правна информация - Политика за поверителност