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Doslovný zápis z rozpráv
Streda, 30. januára 2019 - Brusel Revidované vydanie

22. Najnovší vývoj vzájomných vzťahov medzi Čínou a Taiwanom (rozprava)
Videozáznamy z vystúpení

  President. – The next item is the debate on the statement by the Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the latest developments in the cross-strait relations between China and Taiwan (2019/2529(RSP)).


  Christos Stylianides, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, since the beginning of the year, tensions between mainland China and Taiwan have risen again after leaders from both Beijing and Taipei restated their positions on this issue. We Europeans have immediately confirmed where we stand: we want to encourage dialogue between mainland China and Taiwan, and we regret that cross-strait relations have remained frozen in the past two years.

We maintain our ‘One China’ policy. This means that we recognise the government of the People’s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China, but at the same time, we have an interest in developing closer relations with Taiwan. Our cooperation and dialogue with Taiwan are getting more intense on a broad range of issues – and this is because we very much respect Taiwan’s system of governance. It is a system based on democracy, the rule of law and human rights. In many ways, the European Union and Taiwan are like—minded. So we have always encouraged Taiwan to be an active player in international affairs. In short, we do engage with Taiwan even in the lack of diplomatic recognition.

We Europeans have a strong interest in peace and security in Asia. We are very distant geographically, but we know that tensions in the Far East can only have a negative impact on our own security, as well as on our trade and our economies. Also for this reason, we keep following closely all developments around the Taiwan Strait. In recent years, both sides have taken a tougher stance on the possibility of a cross-strait rapprochement.

Beijing has cut high-level channels of communication. Since 2016, China has increased the diplomatic pressure on Taiwan to limit further its international space and to convince Taipei’s diplomatic allies to switch recognition to Beijing. On their side, Taipei’s leaders have explicitly refused the formula of ‘one country, two systems’. At the same time, economic and trade relations between the two sides have been flourishing – and mainland China is now Taiwan’s main investment destination and trading partner.

Against this backdrop, we Europeans have asked both sides to avoid actions and words that may increase tensions around the Strait. We have always encouraged mainland China and Taiwan to engage constructively with one another, and to restart dialogue between them. We are willing to support all initiatives aimed at promoting dialogue, cooperation and confidence-building between the two sides.

I am really glad for the European Parliament’s focus on this issue and for this debate. We should take all opportunities to promote a more positive dynamic between mainland China and Taiwan, while also seeking closer cooperation with Taiwan where our interests and values converge.


  Laima Liucija Andrikienė, on behalf of the PPE Group. – Mr President, relations between Taiwan and China have never been easy, and the peace has been guaranteed due to enormous diplomatic efforts by Taiwan to defend its self-rule, democracy and way of life. Recently, Chinese President, Xi Jinping, said that China reserves the right to use force to bring Taiwan under its control. Even though President Xi mentioned that China would strive to achieve peaceful reunification with the island, this is a very worrying tendency. This statement clearly implies a new era in China-Taiwan relations. The statement that Taiwan is part of China and that people on both sides of the Taiwan Strait should seek reunification under the 1992 consensus is clearly out of date. As we know, Taiwan’s President Tsai promptly rejected the one country, two systems principle as a basis for negotiations. Madam President has a very strong argument. Seventy-five per cent of Taiwanese people refused to accept the 1992 consensus. The clear wish and the right of the Taiwanese people to live in freedom and democracy must be respected. China must face the reality of the existence of the Republic of Taiwan and handle cross-trade disputes peacefully on the basis of equality and non-conditionality.

On the other hand, the EU must express its strong opposition to the use of force to settle cross-trade disputes as it undermines peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the Asia Pacific region and our message is very …

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Jo Leinen, im Namen der S&D-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen! Die sozialdemokratische Fraktion bekennt sich zur Ein-China-Politik. Das ist das Leitmotiv, das wir in all den Jahren verfolgt haben und auch weiter verfolgen. Es gibt aber gleichzeitig in diesem Haus und auch bei uns große Sympathien für Taiwan – einmal wegen der funktionierenden Demokratie in dieser Region und natürlich auch durch die Integration des Landes in die Weltwirtschaft aufgrund der Marktwirtschaft, die in Taiwan herrscht.

Das Parlament hat sich mehrfach dafür ausgesprochen, dass der Konflikt zwischen Mainland und Taiwan durch einen friedlichen Dialog, durch Zusammenarbeit und auch durch vertrauensbildende Maßnahmen überwunden werden soll. Das gilt auch weiterhin. Ich glaube, es gibt keine militärische Lösung, sondern nur eine politische Lösung – durch all diese Dialogformen, die zu einer engeren Zusammenarbeit führen.

Viele sind durch die Rede von Präsident Xi Jinping alarmiert worden, dass China auch bereit wäre, Gewalt anzuwenden. Allerdings sollte man die Rede auch sorgfältig lesen. Es heißt zu Anfang dieses Kapitels: „Chinese people do not fight Chinese people.“ Das ist auch gesagt worden, und in der Diktion sind also Maßnahmen gegen Interventionen von außen avisiert. Wir wissen, wovon geredet wird, nämlich dass Taiwan in dem Konflikt zwischen den USA und China als ein Spielball benutzt wird. Ich glaube nicht, dass das auch im Interesse Europas wäre. Xi Jinping sagte: „ein Land, zwei Systeme“. Das ist ja nett dahergesagt, aber es gibt völlig unterschiedliche politische Systeme, und die bewegen sich nicht aufeinander zu, sondern voneinander weg.

(Der Präsident entzieht dem Redner das Wort.)


  Bas Belder, namens de ECR-Fractie. – Op de tweede dag van dit nieuwe jaar zorgden de presidenten van China en Taiwan voor verbaal vuurwerk. Opdat het bij koud vuur blijft, dient de EU al haar middelen aan te wenden voor het behoud van de status quo in de betrekkingen tussen Peking en Taipei. Een combinatie van binnenlandse problemen voor de Chinese politieke elite leidde ertoe dat president Xi Jinping op 2 januari sterk leiderschap moest uitstralen in verband met het overbekende nationalistische trauma genaamd Taiwan.

Intussen loert het gevaar van escalatie, van het opvoeren van de Chinese militaire druk op Taiwan. Daar zijn aanwijzingen voor. Westerse en regionale tegendruk is hier echt geboden. Geheel anders dan president Xi meent - hij zegt namelijk dat de Taiwanese kwestie een interne zaak is - staan niet alleen voor 23 miljoen inwoners van Taiwan democratie, mensenrechten en rechtsstaat op het spel. Nee, hier zijn tegelijkertijd drie politieke kernwaarden van de EU in het geding. Ook bij ons in het geding! Daarom moeten wij ons ten volle inzetten richting Peking, om duidelijk te maken waar we staan, en ook richting Taipei, om Taipei te ondersteunen.


  Johannes Cornelis van Baalen, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, according to international law, one can argue that the Republic of China (ROC), often referred to as Taiwan, has never been part of the so-called People’s Republic of China (PRC), often referred to as China or mainland China. This would mean that PRC claims that it has sovereignty over Taiwan are invalid. That could be said.

However, both the PRC and the ROC have maintained a status quo. That status quo has made it possible to have cross—strait relations and has secured peace in the region, so I’m for that status quo. The status quo has been broken by China’s leaders. Chinese leader, Xi Jinping, said on 2 January 2019 that the use of military force is an option for the so—called reunification of Taiwan with the motherland. Other pressures include economic and political sanctions and isolation.

ALDE does not accept the use of military force, or the threat of the use of military force, and other blackmail. The Taiwanese people should be able to determine their future. The EU, together with the United States, should protect Taiwan and its democracy. China should know that the use of force, the threat of the use of force and other pressure will have serious consequences for China itself.


  Reinhard Bütikofer, im Namen der Verts/ALE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Chinas Taiwanpolitik ändert sich, sie wird aggressiver. Das hat Präsident Xi Jinping zum Ausdruck gebracht. Seine Drohung mit militärischer Gewalt ist falsch. Aber wir machen auch zum Thema, dass China auf ganz unterschiedlichen Ebenen Druck auf Taiwan ausübt: wirtschaftlichen Druck, Druck auf diplomatischer Ebene, indem Taiwan die Partner weggekauft werden, und vor allem die Militarisierung und die Aufrüstung in der Straße von Taiwan, die uns besorgt.

Nach unserer Ein-China-Politik ist nur eine friedliche Zukunft auf beiden Seiten der Straße von Taiwan akzeptabel. Deswegen sind wir mit dem demokratischen Taiwan solidarisch.


  Helmut Scholz, im Namen der GUE/NGL-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! In der Außenpolitik gegenüber China hat die EU einen ganz klaren gemeinsamen Standpunkt: die Ein-China-Politik. Artikel 2 Absatz 5 des Lissabon-Vertrags legt fest, dass die Union einen Beitrag zu Frieden leistet, zu gegenseitiger Achtung unter den Völkern und zur Einhaltung des Völkerrechts. Von Zwietracht säen steht da nichts, weder in China noch in der Karibik. Niemand sollte den Klang von Säbelrasseln lieben, nicht hier, nicht in der Karibik und auch nicht in der Straße von Taiwan.

Innerstaatliche Konflikte in ihrer ganzen Komplexität dürfen nicht instrumentalisiert werden. Das wäre die Methode Trump. Unsere Verpflichtung liegt in der Förderung von Dialog und der Herbeiführung von Lösungen. Es kommt auf die richtige Reihenfolge an. Man muss miteinander sprechen, man muss den Dialog fördern, man muss die komplizierten Fragen, auch der völkerrechtlichen Fragestellungen von Souveränität und Selbstbestimmungsrecht, durchsetzen. Einigen wir uns zuerst auch von der EU-Seite aus auf ein Investitions- oder sogar Handelsabkommen mit der Volksrepublik China, danach wird einer ...

(Der Redner spricht ohne Mikrofon.)


  President. – Once again, for those who came late, we have a time problem. We have a delay, we have changed the programme and I will only have catch—the—eye on this item with a maximum of three for one political group, and then no catch—the—eye for the following debates. I have no other option. My apologies for that.


  Γεώργιος Επιτήδειος (NI). – Κύριε Πρόεδρε, από το 1949, οπότε έληξε ο εμφύλιος πόλεμος στην Κίνα, η Κίνα θεωρεί την Ταϊβάν ως κινεζικό έδαφος, το οποίο πρέπει να επιστρέψει στην χώρα όπως επέστρεψαν το Χονγκ Κονγκ και το Μακάο. Επειδή όμως η Ταϊβάν θέλει να ανεξαρτητοποιηθεί, υπάρχουν συνεχώς τριβές μεταξύ των δύο αυτών χωρών. Και με τις δύο χώρες η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση έχει καλές σχέσεις, τόσο εμπορικές, κυρίως, όσο και άλλης φύσεως. Γι’ αυτό λοιπόν στη διαμάχη αυτή η Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση θα πρέπει να κοιτάξει να εξυπηρετήσει τα πολιτικά και τα οικονομικά της συμφέροντα. Όταν θεωρεί ότι πρέπει να συμπλέει με την Κίνα, θα πρέπει να υποστηρίζει το δόγμα της ενιαίας Κίνας. Όταν όμως θεωρεί ότι τα συμφέροντά της εξυπηρετούνται από τη συνεργασία με την Ταϊβάν, πρέπει να συνεργάζεται με την Ταϊβάν.


  Cristian Dan Preda (PPE). – Monsieur le Président, il y a dans le discours de Xi Jinping quelque chose de terrible parce que c’est au fond un régime communiste qui veut intimider ses voisins démocratiques en invoquant le recours à la force.

Il est clair que les autorités de Pékin ont mal interprété les résultats des élections locales taïwanaises qui ont eu lieu en novembre dernier, parce qu’à aucun moment, lors de la campagne électorale, la question de la réunification avec la Chine n’a été abordée.

Il faut mettre les choses au clair: les Taïwanais n’ont pas envoyé un message à Xi Jinping, ils se sont exprimés sur des thèmes locaux et une écrasante majorité d’entre eux est farouchement opposée à l’idée d’un pays et de deux systèmes. Ce que souhaitent par-dessus tout les Taïwanais, c’est protéger leur démocratie, leur état de droit, leur liberté. C’est-à-dire toutes ces choses qui demeurent inconnues pour le régime communiste, qui lui se rend au contraire célèbre avec des arrestations des défenseurs de droits, des persécutions religieuses, des atteintes à la liberté d’expression et tout cela bien sûr, sous couvert de sécurité nationale et d’une soi-disant lutte contre le séparatisme.

Au regard des tensions grandissantes dans le détroit de Taïwan, je propose qu’une délégation du Parlement européen se rende à Taïwan au plus vite afin de faire le point sur la situation et de soutenir la démocratie taïwanaise.


  Nicola Caputo (S&D). – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, le relazioni già tese tra Cina e Taiwan hanno avuto un rapido inasprimento negli ultimi tempi. Il Presidente cinese Xi Jinping ha ribadito che l'isola deve essere riunita alla Cina, in ottemperanza alla decisione One-China Policy, non escludendo l'uso della forza, se necessario, e il ministro della Difesa ha dato il via a una esercitazione militare in una fascia del Mar Cinese orientale, progettata per simulare un vero combattimento.

A complicare ulteriormente la situazione è la sponda offerta a Taipei dagli Stati Uniti di Trump, che con Taiwan hanno stretto contatti anche per rifornimenti militari. La situazione non è semplice, sia per la distanza geografica, sia per il peso degli interessi in gioco. Ma una riunificazione pacifica della Cina è nell'interesse di tutti.

Il ruolo internazionale dell'Unione europea non è ancora quello auspicato e la necessità si avverte, specie in un mondo sempre più conflittuale. Dobbiamo utilizzare i buoni rapporti che abbiamo con la Cina, ma anche con Taiwan, per giungere a una soluzione negoziata di alto profilo.


  Eduard Kukan (PPE). – Mr President, I am concerned, and I think we should all be concerned, at the growing tensions in the cross-strait relations between China and Taiwan. We need to call for a diffusion of the tension that came after the speech of Chinese leader Xi Jinping earlier this year. It must be clear that we have an interest in keeping peace and stability in the region. This should lead to our support for handling any disputes peacefully by diplomatic means with constructive dialogue and direct talks between the two partners.

It should be clear that the EU does not believe that any coercive means should be used in addressing the current tensions, especially when it comes to security and the social and economic system chosen by Taiwan. In this context, imposing the question of reunification on Taiwan is very dangerous. I think it is in our interest to call on both partners to find a way to intensify their dialogue in order to appease the situation. We should also underline the values which we share with Taiwan and be supportive in its contribution to the region. I would also like to call on the High Representative, Ms Mogherini, to use all our diplomatic means to assist in sustaining peace and stability in the region.


  Ana Gomes (S&D). – Senhor Presidente, a credibilidade da China mede-se pela sua influência global, mas também pelos receios que inspira na sua própria região nos mares do Sul.

Taiwan é uma democracia e escolheu para presidente Tsai Ing-wen de um partido tentado a declarar a independência da ilha para preservar o Estado de direito e a democracia que, obviamente, não vigoram na China.

Com a ameaça da força e a diplomacia do dólar, Xi Jinping quer mostrar a Taiwan que renunciar ao consenso de que há só uma China é proibido e paga-se pelo esmagamento. Mas a reunificação chinesa só poderá lograr-se se os taiwaneses a desejarem, se a votarem democraticamente.

Um conflito armado arrasaria a legitimidade e a influência da China a nível global. É preciso parar as provocações militares, que põem em perigo a paz e a segurança no estreito de Taiwan. É preciso apostar no diálogo. Os litígios devem ser resolvidos por meios pacíficos com base no direito internacional, em especial por parte de um membro permanente do Conselho de Segurança da ONU, como é a China.

Nem poderá ser de outra maneira. Ou a China já terá perdido a Formosa/Taiwan muito antes de a tentar sequer integrar...

(O Presidente retira a palavra à oradora).


  Christophe Hansen (PPE). – Mr President, on 30 December 2018, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) entered into force, creating an immense trading area between 11 South—East Asia and Pacific countries, covering half a billion people. It is economically and strategically of the utmost importance for the EU to deepen its relations with this rapidly integrating and developing region. In December last year, we ratified the EU-Japan Economic and Strategic Partnership Agreements. Last week in the Committee on International Trade (INTA) we ratified the Singapore Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and the Vietnam FTA will be next. Negotiations are underway with Australia and New Zealand.

Yet there is one persistent blind spot in our engagement with South—East Asia. It is Taiwan, especially in the light that Taiwan is hindered by China from joining the CPTPP. In 2018, we celebrated 30 years of bilateral relations. The EU is Taiwan’s single largest foreign investor with 43%, whereas Taiwan’s investments in the EU amount to only 1.9%. Deepening our economic ties is our most efficient approach to supporting Taiwanese freedom and democracy. Waiting for an investment treaty with China is waiting for Godot. It is time to move forward.

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Werner Langen (PPE). – Herr Präsident! Als Vorsitzender der Freundschaftsgruppe möchte ich mich bei meinen Kollegen bedanken, die für das demokratische Taiwan kämpfen. Und ich möchte Herrn Bütikofer zustimmen: Die Ein-China-Politik seit 1992 ist nur in einem völlig friedlichen Umfeld zu verantworten. Und ich wundere mich, dass der Vorsitzende der China-Delegation, der Kollege Leinen, der jetzt weg ist, hier so tut, als sei das nur ein Statement gewesen.

Nein! Es war eine hochpolitische Erklärung, die der Präsident Xi nicht allein, sondern in Anwesenheit der gesamten Führungsspitze mit der Androhung militärischer Gewalt vorgenommen hat. Und wenn diese Art der Drohung weitergeht, dann kann es für die Europäische Union nur eine Antwort geben: Wir müssen Taiwan diplomatisch anerkennen! Eine andere Sprache wird China nicht verstehen. Und wir müssen Taiwan helfen, damit die Chinesen mit ihren Druckmitteln die Taiwanesen nicht aus den internationalen Verträgen und Verhandlungen weiter hinauswerfen.


  Tunne Kelam (PPE). – Mr President, Taiwan is a reliably functioning democracy in East Asia. It is not a problem, not for Beijing, not for the outside world. The problem is that mainland China, whose goal is the complete unification of Taiwan, remains a communist dictatorship which is responsible for the annihilation of tens of millions of its own citizens, and which continues to repress civil rights, minorities and individual freedoms. The Chinese president’s warning that Beijing is not promising to renounce the use of force is ominous and deserves firm international reaction.

We have to clearly support the democratic choice of 23 million Taiwanese. They have proved for decades what a free society can achieve. Before insisting on reunification, mainland China must reform itself into a democratic society which is finally willing and can respect the free choice of all its citizens.


  Agustín Díaz de Mera García Consuegra (PPE). – Señor presidente, bajo el liderazgo de Xi Jinping, el Gobierno chino ha estado aumentando la presión sobre Taiwán en todos los frentes, socavando el statu quo del estrecho de Formosa y poniendo en peligro la paz y la estabilidad de la región.

Durante años las presiones intimidatorias van desde bloquear la participación de Taiwán como observador en organizaciones internacionales a la intensificación de la intimidación militar, enviando tropas y enviando fragatas, y portaviones y aviones, al estrecho de Taiwán para patrullar a lo largo del mismo. Sin olvidar que China se reserva el uso de la fuerza para la reunificación.

Pero Taiwán es una democracia. Miren lo que dice la presidenta Tsai: un orden democrático liberal solo puede sobrevivir si los países de ideas afines, incluidos los socios europeos, trabajan juntos por un bien mayor. Por eso, la Unión Europea se debe comprometer más y apoyar la democracia en Taiwán.


Catch—the—eye procedure


  José Inácio Faria (PPE). – Mr President, Beijing increasingly tries to isolate Formosa globally and has signalled for years that it wants Taiwan to be reunited with the mainland, by force if necessary. Taiwanese anti-invasion exercises and Chinese patrol flights are regular occurrences in the Taiwan Strait. China’s intensifying political and economic pressure campaigns are also aimed at pushing Taiwan back towards a more China-friendly government in its 2020 presidential election.

Although the European Union sticks to the principle of ‘One China’ – which I think is wrong – that doesn’t mean that we are any less engaged with Taiwan, a more-than-open and tolerant democracy and an important economic partner of the EU. The European Union must appeal for moderation on both sides of the conflict, firmly opposed to the use or threat of force across the Taiwan Strait, and urge China to abstain from any coercion that would jeopardise the security of the social-economic system of the people of Taiwan.


  Bogdan Andrzej Zdrojewski (PPE). – Panie Przewodniczący! Chciałem bardzo podziękować za głos i od razu powiem, że gdybym znał wcześniej wystąpienia kolegów Langena, Kukana czy Predy, prawdopodobnie bym nie występował. Chciałbym się podpisać pod ich opinią, dodając tylko dwie rzeczy. Po pierwsze, chcę zwrócić uwagę na fakt, że Tajwan zrobił bardzo wiele, naprawdę bardzo wiele, aby poprawić stosunki z Chińską Republiką Ludową, i Chińska Republika Ludowa powinna to docenić, uszanować i nie traktować Tajwanu jako terytorium, które trzeba zawłaszczyć.

Po drugie, zwracam uwagę na dorobek samego Tajwanu – nie tylko ten, o którym już mówiliśmy, ale także dorobek technologiczny i kulturowy. Wyrażany na tej sali szacunek dla Tajwanu jest naprawdę cenny.


  Michaela Šojdrová (PPE). – Pane předsedající, Čína považuje Tchaj-wan za svoji součást. Tak jak jsem Tchaj-wan a jeho politickou reprezentaci poznala, tak ho vnímám jako pokračovatele meziválečné Čínské republiky a součást čínské civilizace a kultury, ale ne jako součást ČLR. Zejména proto, že na rozdíl od ČLR rozvíjí demokracii a ekonomickou prosperitu založenou na tržním hospodářství.

Letos čínský prezident Si Ťin-pching mluvil velmi agresivně o možném připojení Tchaj-wanu k ČLR vojenskou silou. To je zastrašování z pozice síly a není to jednání z pozice práva. Domnívám se, že Tchaj-wan je příkladem fungující demokracie, která chrání stejné hodnoty jako EU, a zaslouží si naši plnou podporu a uznání tak, jak tady již kolegové zmínili. Očekávám, že EP Tchaj-wan podpoří. EU by se neměla stále jen spoléhat na USA, ale musí začít plnit svoji mezinárodní roli.


  Csaba Sógor (PPE). – Mr President, to understand Xi Jinping’s New Year message to compatriots in Taiwan on 2 January, one has to look both at context and content to understand that these words mean to lay down a new Taiwan policy implying a new era in China-Taiwan relations. As regards the staging, in a clear departure from the 2009 speech by President Hu Jintao, the Head of the Taiwan Affairs Office was conspicuously absent from the stage.

In terms of content, Xi Jinping effectively removed the ambiguity of the ‘One China’ principle of the 1992 consensus, using the ‘One country, two system’ governance term, the same one that he used for China’s governance of Hong Kong. However, we should bear in mind that Taiwan’s President Chi had never accepted the terms of the 1992 Consensus. China must face the reality of the existence of the Republic of Taiwan. China must respect the choice of Taiwan’s 23 million inhabitants to live in freedom and in a democratic system. China must handle cross-strait disputes peacefully and on the basis of equality. China must hold government-to-government talks with …

(The President cut off the speaker)


  Jordi Solé (Verts/ALE). – Mr President, the fact that the Chinese President, Xi Jinping, when delivering a speech on China—Taiwan relations, refuses to rule out the use of force and reserves the option of taking all necessary measures to push the ‘One China’ principle must be a matter of concern to all of us. Since there is so much at stake in settling their political disputes, the two sides should take a pragmatic approach. We from the EU should encourage the resumption of official dialogues between Beijing and Taipei. All cross—strait disputes have to be settled by peaceful means and on the basis of international law and the principle of equality. At the same time, I strongly believe that the commitment of the Taiwanese people to freedom and democracy and towards the democratic system that they have tenaciously built together must be respected and taken into account.


(End of catch-the-eye procedure)


  Christos Stylianides, on behalf of the Vice-President of the Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. – Mr President, this has been a very useful exchange and I thank my dear colleagues for their interventions. From this debate I conclude that we all maintain the EU’s ‘One China’ policy and, at the same time, we share the common commitment to continuing to develop our relations with Taiwan, as defined by the EU Strategy on China of 2016. In this regard, we definitely need to foster our engagement to make sure the status quo remains the norm in the Taiwan Strait.

May I close by stressing my appreciation of Parliament’s role in putting this important issue on the international agenda of the EU.


  President. – The debate is closed.

I will utilise the half-minute before Commissioner Malmström takes her seat in the front row just to once again reiterate that, for time reasons, there will be no catch—the—eye in the following debate or in any other during this evening. My apologies, but it is not my preference. That’s reality.

Written statements (Rule 162)


  Anna Elżbieta Fotyga (ECR), na piśmie. – Z dużym niepokojem obserwuję napastliwą retorykę i nieprzyjazne kroki podejmowane przez komunistyczny Pekin wobec Republiki Chińskiej (Tajwan). Rok temu na posiedzeniu SEDE omawialiśmy niebezpieczeństwa związane ze zmianą korytarzy powietrznych w Cieśninie Tajwańskiej oraz z ekspansją wojskową w regionie Morza Południowochińskiego. Niedawne słowa o możliwości użycia siły w celu wymuszenia „zjednoczenia” wypowiedziane przez Przewodniczącego Chińskiej Republiki Ludowej Xi Jinpinga przynoszą kolejne obawy.

Jestem przekonana, iż prowadzona na wielu płaszczyznach presja Pekinu na izolację Tajwanu nie będzie skuteczna. Zachód i Tajwan łączy o wiele więcej niż tylko kontakty handlowe. My, Polacy, doskonale zdajemy sobie sprawę, iż mieszkańcy Tajwanu pomimo pewnych historycznych i kulturowych związków z Chinami kontynentalnymi nie chcą żyć w komunistycznym, totalitarnym państwie. Dlatego apeluję do wysokiej przedstawiciel o większą aktywność. Wolny świat nie może ulegać presji silnych, zapominając o wartościach.


  Andrey Kovatchev (PPE), in writing. – I would like to call for a peaceful solution to the recently increased tension in the cross-strait relations between China and Taiwan. The preservation of the status quo between these two actors is of utmost importance for safeguarding the security and stability of the region. According to recent polls, 75% of the people living in Taiwan reject Beijing’s view of ‘1992 consensus’. Disregarding their beliefs will constitute an obstruction of democracy. Moreover, China’s intention, expressed recently by President Xi Jinping, to impose a ‘one country, two systems’ model on Taiwan sends a strong signal, given how the implementation of this formula has been politically challenging in Hong Kong. Any statement which could lead to an escalation of tensions should be avoided at all costs as this would not be in the interest of the people of the region. Respect for each other and constructive dialogue are the only way to a sustainable solution of disputes.


  Alyn Smith (Verts/ALE), in writing. – Like many others here, I am concerned as to the state of cross-state relations between China and Taiwan. The current situation is both concerning and unnecessary and I believe all parties should seek to resolve any differences through peaceful means, on the basis of international law, and to refrain from taking unilateral action to change the status quo. Above all that means China putting an end to its military actions in the Taiwan Strait. To that end, I fully support Taiwan’s meaningful participation in relevant international organisations and a resumption of official dialogue between Beijing and Taipei, both of which are in the best interests of all concerned. Numerous European Parliament resolutions have stressed the preservation of peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region, which is of substantial interest to the EU and its Member States, and for that reason I urge the EU to continue its efforts to support the development of peaceful relations between China and all its neighbours, notably Taiwan.

Posledná úprava: 17. mája 2019Právne upozornenie - Politika ochrany súkromia