Parliamentary question - E-011611/2015(ASW)Parliamentary question

Joint answer given by Mr Mimica on behalf of the Commission
Written questions: P-012161/15 , E-011611/15


The European Union supports the implementation of the International Conference on Population and Development Programme of Action[1] and the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 5 on maternal health and universal access to reproductive health[2]. This approach is recalled in the Council conclusions on the EU Role in Global Health[3] and a transformative post-2015 agenda[4].

The video extracts referred to reveal that Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) participates in a tissue donation programme for medical research which is legal in the United States (US). As for any medical research donation programme, the cost of transporting samples is paid by the scientific unit carrying out the research. In the US strict laws and ethical guidelines exist for tissue donation and foetal tissue samples require the donor's consent.

The EU provides assistance through its external financing instruments[5] which, in line with the Financial Regulation[6], also support civil society organisations, among which the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF). PPFA is a member of the IPPF. EU-supported services through IPPF reach the most vulnerable people in developing countries and provide them with access to life-saving services. Millions of women, men, girls and boys benefit from these programmes. Suspending these could result in risking women's and their babies' lives, as adequate support during pregnancy and childbirth might no longer be available, or in an increase in unwanted pregnancies due to unavailability of family planning.

The Commission is aware about the fact referred to by the Honourable Member. It is for the European Union Courts alone to decide on requests by third parties to participate in the procedures before those Courts.