• EN - English
Parliamentary question - E-003967/2016(ASW)Parliamentary question

Answer given by Mr Vella on behalf of the Commission

The Commission considers that the alleged pollution in Western Beach is likely caused by the poor performance of the collecting system that serves La Línea de La Concepción and has therefore decided to treat it together with more than 200 other alleged cases of non-compliance with Directive 91/271/EEC[1] in a so-called horizontal approach. The Commission will therefore proceed by launching a so-called ‘horizontal case’, as a more systematic approach through addressing several agglomerations at once which is more efficient and equitable to address widespread problems.

It should also be noted that, according to Article 1, the objective of this directive is to protect the environment from the adverse effect of waste water discharges. In this sense, distinctions cannot be made on the basis of where the effect takes place, when referring to individual cases that can be horizontally grouped.