
Schriftliche Erklärungen zur Abstimmung - 8. Wahlperiode Jill EVANS

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Vertrag von Marrakesch zur Erleichterung des Zugangs blinder, sehbehinderter oder anderweitig lesebehinderter Personen zu veröffentlichten Werken (A8-0400/2017 - Max Andersson) EN


I voted in favour of this report for mandatory exceptions to copyright for beneficiaries and authorised entities. My constituents in Wales fully support this initiative.

Zuständigkeit, Anerkennung und Vollstreckung von Entscheidungen in Ehesachen und in Verfahren betreffend die elterliche Verantwortung und internationale Kindesentführungen (A8-0388/2017 - Tadeusz Zwiefka) EN


I voted in favour of this report. I welcome this proposal because it aims to better protect the best interests of the child by simplifying procedures and enhancing their efficiency. The report aims to ensure that the child is heard and rapid enforcement of decisions in other Member States. The rights of the child and the issue of child abduction is of great importance to my constituents in Wales, where the first ever children’s Commissioner was appointed.

Umsetzung der Beschäftigungsinitiative für junge Menschen in den Mitgliedstaaten (A8-0406/2017 - Romana Tomc) EN


I voted in favour of this report. With one of the highest rates of youth unemployment in the UK with nearly one in five out of work, my constituents in Wales could benefit from the Youth Employment Initiative. The Welsh and UK governments refused to implement it. Nevertheless, funding must be increased and there should be guarantees of quality offers and sustainable employment.

Umsetzung der Richtlinie über die Anerkennung von Berufsqualifikationen und Notwendigkeit einer Reform der freiberuflichen Dienstleistungen (A8-0401/2017 - Nicola Danti) EN


I voted in favour of this report. As it stands the report highlights the importance of regulation of professions for ensuring service quality and protection of public interest objectives. Improving the qualifications directive and implementing reforms in professional services is important to my constituents in Wales, particularly as the UK negotiations to leave the EU.

Kontrolle der Ausfuhr, der Verbringung, der Vermittlung, der technischen Unterstützung und der Durchfuhr betreffend Güter mit doppeltem Verwendungszweck (A8-0390/2017 - Klaus Buchner) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report, which introduces stricter rules for the export of surveillance technology. A range of controls that make it harder for undemocratic states to silence civil society and human rights activists is crucial for the promotion of democracy. I welcome the strengthening of the EU’s human rights policy, and undoubtedly so do my constituents in Wales.

Förderung der Nutzung von Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen (A8-0392/2017 - José Blanco López) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report. I welcome the significant increase in the EU-wide renewable target to 35% and the strengthening of sustainability criteria for biofuels. My constituents fully support the shift towards a sustainable economy that benefits the people of Wales.

Energieeffizienz (A8-0391/2017 - Miroslav Poche) EN


I voted in favour of this report on energy efficiency. A binding, EU wide energy efficiency target of at least 35% brings us closer to achieving the EU energy and climate goals. We must remain committed to protect future generations continue efforts to improve energy efficiency because this is how we achieve the targets of the Paris Agreement and this is what the people of Wales want.

Governance-System der Energieunion (A8-0402/2017 - Michèle Rivasi, Claude Turmes) EN


I voted in favour of this report. It is a crucial step toward a highly energy efficient renewables-based economy which is in line with the Paris Agreement. This is of importance to many in Wales.

Technische Maßnahmen für die Erhaltung der Fischereiressourcen und den Schutz von Meeresökosystemen (A8-0381/2017 - Gabriel Mato) EN


I voted against this report. While I am opposed to the practice of pulse fishing, the number of outstanding issues, particularly the failure to include an overall, EU-wide quantitative objective for the regulation means that at this time I cannot give my support to the report. Neither does it go far enough in preventing cetacean bycatch.

Frauen, Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und Klimagerechtigkeit (A8-0403/2017 - Linnéa Engström) EN


I voted in favour of this landmark report. Given the fact that climate change disproportionally affects women, we must recognise not only women’s position but the important role they have in designing solutions to address climate change. My constituents in Wales would welcome such an initiative.

Verhandlungen mit dem Vereinigten Königreich nach dessen Mitteilung über den beabsichtigten Austritt aus der Europäischen Union (RC-B8-0237/2017, B8-0237/2017, B8-0241/2017, B8-0242/2017, B8-0243/2017) EN


I abstained in the vote on the joint motion for resolution on the negotiations with the United Kingdom because I believe that the devolved governments in the UK, including Wales, should play a full part in the discussions and decision-making on our future. I submitted amendments on this during the drafting process but it was not included in the final text. The Welsh Government and Plaid Cymru jointly published a White Paper setting out a comprehensive and constructive plan to allow Wales to continue to participate in the Single Market. I do not accept that our views are ignored and I wanted recognition of our position. I agree with the resolution but I could not give it my full support without a single mention of Wales.

Rahmenregelung der Union für die Erhebung, Verwaltung und Nutzung von Daten im Fischereisektor (A8-0150/2016 - Marco Affronte) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report on the establishment of an EU framework for the collection, management and use of data in the fisheries sector. The report contains some good points on the collection of data for the protection of the marine environment, and tightens the compliance time for Member States to reply to data requests. Efficient and sustainable management of fisheries is an important issue for my constituents in Wales.

Verfassungsmäßige, rechtliche und institutionelle Auswirkungen einer Gemeinsamen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik: Möglichkeiten aufgrund des Vertrags von Lissabon (A8-0042/2017 - Esteban González Pons, Michael Gahler) EN


I voted against the Common Security and Defence Policy report because I do not agree with the development of an EU defence policy. Many in the peace movement in Wales share this view.

Eine integrierte Politik der EU für die Arktis (A8-0032/2017 - Urmas Paet, Sirpa Pietikäinen) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of this report as we need to increase our practical regional cooperation with the Arctic in sustainable development, public health and social wellbeing, culture, environmental protection, logistics and transport. I visited the Arctic last year and saw at first hand the excellent work being done. Wales can and does contribute to combating climate change globally.

Digitale Demokratie in der EU: Potenzial und Herausforderungen (A8-0041/2017 - Ramón Jáuregui Atondo) EN


I voted in favour of the Jáuregi report on e-democracy. New IT tools have tremendous potential and are a great opportunity to complement those currently used by public institutions to improve transparency, citizens’ participation, and efficiency in management. This report encourages the use of encryption in communications, it calls on the EU to fully implement laws on hate speech both online and offline, and emphasises the importance of multilingual translation for citizens in countries with more than one official language. It also calls on the EU and its Member States to provide technical education to improve ICT literacy amongst citizens. Improving the quality of our democracy is important to my constituents in Wales.

Abkommen zwischen der EU und Brasilien: Änderung der Zugeständnisse in der Liste Kroatiens im Zuge seines Beitritts (A8-0052/2017 - José Ignacio Salafranca Sánchez-Neyra) EN


I voted in favour of this decision. Brazil exports much of its produce to Croatia and is almost the single provider of sugar to Croatia. I think it is right to compensate Brazil for the higher tariffs placed on its goods after Croatia’s accession to the EU as the tariff loss is considerable. In the coming years, Wales will itself be involved in more trade deals so we can learn from the experience of other negotiations.

Zustimmung der Kommission zum überarbeiteten Plan Deutschlands, eine Straßenmaut einzuführen (B8-0180/2017) EN


I voted in favour of this resolution on road tolls in Germany. The efficient functioning of our roads and highways is crucial both in Wales and across the EU.

Verantwortliche Haltung und Pflege von Equiden (A8-0014/2017 - Julie Girling) EN


I have consistently worked to improve animal welfare legislation in the EU. Consequently, I voted to support the report to increase the welfare standards of animals in the EU’s equine sector. This is of importance to many in Wales.

Quecksilber (A8-0313/2016 - Stefan Eck) EN


I voted in favour of this report on the regulation of mercury. The new law will reduce the trade and use of mercury, the risk of contamination, and bring legislation in line with the Minamata Convention on Mercury signed in 2013. It includes a ban on using dental amalgams from July 2018 on children younger than 15 and on pregnant and breast-feeding women. The legislation will also see an end to the hazardous storage of liquid mercury underground which is important for the safety of my constituents in Wales.

Kontrolle des Erwerbs und des Besitzes von Waffen (A8-0251/2016 - Vicky Ford) EN


I voted in favour of adopting this directive on the control and acquisition and possession of weapons. It contains some good points on the prohibition of certain semi-automatic and converted firearms, improved measures for deactivation, improved information exchange between Member States of the EU and compulsory medical and psychological checks. This represents a step in the right direction on gun control, and closes some important loopholes in the current legislation. There has been a large lobby from hunters and sport-shooters, who were worried that this might affect their ability to practice their hobbies, but this legislation takes into account responsible gun-owners. The safety of the citizens on the EU, including my constituents in Wales, is paramount.