Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ
Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ

8ª legislatura Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ

Gruppi politici

  • 01-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Gruppo dell'Alleanza progressista di Socialisti e Democratici al Parlamento Europeo - Membro

Partiti nazionali

  • 01-07-2014 / 29-06-2016 : Uniunea Națională pentru Progresul României (Romania)
  • 30-06-2016 / 01-07-2019 : Partidul Social Democrat (Romania)


  • 01-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Commissione per lo sviluppo
  • 14-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione per le relazioni con l'Assemblea parlamentare della NATO
  • 15-04-2015 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione per le relazioni con la penisola coreana
  • 19-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Commissione per lo sviluppo
  • 11-09-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione alla commissione parlamentare Cariforum-UE
  • 12-09-2017 / 14-11-2018 : Commissione speciale sul terrorismo

Membro sostituto

  • 08-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Commissione per i problemi economici e monetari
  • 08-07-2014 / 18-01-2017 : Sottocommissione per la sicurezza e la difesa
  • 14-07-2014 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione per le relazioni con il Giappone
  • 26-11-2014 / 31-03-2015 : Delegazione per le relazioni con l'Iran
  • 31-03-2015 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione per le relazioni con l'India
  • 31-03-2015 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione all'Assemblea parlamentare dell'Unione per il Mediterraneo
  • 07-07-2015 / 01-07-2019 : Delegazione all'Assemblea parlamentare paritetica ACP-UE
  • 19-01-2017 / 28-10-2018 : Commissione per i problemi economici e monetari
  • 19-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Commissione per gli affari esteri
  • 19-01-2017 / 01-07-2019 : Sottocommissione per la sicurezza e la difesa
  • 06-11-2018 / 01-07-2019 : Commissione per i problemi economici e monetari
  • 22-11-2018 / 01-07-2019 : Commissione speciale sui reati finanziari, l'evasione fiscale e l'elusione fiscale

Attività parlamentari principali

Contributi alle discussioni in Aula

Discorsi pronunciati durante le sedute plenarie e dichiarazioni scritte relative alle discussioni in Aula. Articolo 204 e articolo 171, paragrafo 11, del regolamento

Relazioni in quanto relatore

In seno alla commissione parlamentare competente viene nominato un relatore incaricato di elaborare un progetto di relazione su proposte legislative o di bilancio o su altre questioni. Nel redigere la relazione, i relatori possono avvalersi della consulenza dei pertinenti esperti o soggetti interessati. I relatori sono inoltre responsabili di elaborare gli emendamenti di compromesso e di condurre i negoziati con i relatori ombra. Le relazioni approvate in commissione sono quindi esaminate e votate in Aula. Articolo 55 del regolamento

Relazioni in quanto relatore ombra

Per ogni relazione i gruppi politici nominano in seno alla commissione competente un relatore ombra per seguire i progressi e negoziare testi di compromesso con il relatore. Articolo 215 del regolamento

Pareri in quanto relatore

Le commissioni possono elaborare un parere sulla relazione della commissione competente in cui trattano aspetti rientranti nelle proprie attribuzioni. I relatori per parere sono inoltre responsabili di elaborare gli emendamenti di compromesso e di condurre i negoziati con i relatori per parere ombra. Articoli 56 e 57 e allegato VI del regolamento

PARERE sul discarico per l'esecuzione del bilancio dell'Autorità bancaria europea (ABE) per l'esercizio 2017

24-01-2019 ECON_AD(2019)629651 PE629.651v02-00 ECON
Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ

PARERE sul discarico per l'esecuzione del bilancio dell'Autorità europea degli strumenti finanziari e dei mercati (ESMA) per l'esercizio 2017

24-01-2019 ECON_AD(2019)629653 PE629.653v02-00 ECON
Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ

PARERE sul discarico per l'esecuzione del bilancio dell'Autorità europea delle assicurazioni e delle pensioni aziendali e professionali per l'esercizio 2017

24-01-2019 ECON_AD(2019)629654 PE629.654v02-00 ECON
Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ

Pareri in quanto relatore ombra

I gruppi politici possono nominare, per ogni parere, un relatore ombra per seguire i progressi e negoziare testi di compromesso con il relatore. Articolo 215 del regolamento

PARERE sull'attuazione del regolamento (UE) n. 978/2012 SPG

24-01-2019 DEVE_AD(2019)629507 PE629.507v02-00 DEVE

PARERE sulla proposta di regolamento del Parlamento europeo e del Consiglio che istituisce, nell'ambito del Fondo per la gestione integrata delle frontiere, lo Strumento di sostegno finanziario per la gestione delle frontiere e i visti

07-12-2018 AFET_AD(2018)628605 PE628.605v02-00 AFET
Eduard KUKAN

PARERE sul progetto di decisione del Consiglio relativa alla conclusione, a nome dell'Unione, dell'accordo di cooperazione sul partenariato e sullo sviluppo tra l'Unione europea e i suoi Stati membri, da una parte, e la Repubblica islamica di Afghanistan, dall'altra

22-11-2018 DEVE_AD(2018)623970 PE623.970v02-00 DEVE

Proposte di risoluzione

Le proposte di risoluzione vertono su tematiche di attualità e possono essere presentate su richiesta di una commissione, di un gruppo politico o di almeno il 5 % dei membri che compongono il Parlamento. Esse sono poste in votazione in Aula. Articoli 132, 136, 139 e 144 del regolamento

Interrogazioni orali

Una commissione, un gruppo politico o almeno il 5 % dei membri che compongono il Parlamento possono rivolgere interrogazioni con richiesta di risposta orale seguita da discussione alla Commissione europea, al Consiglio o al vicepresidente della Commissione/alto rappresentante dell'Unione. Articolo 136 del regolamento

Interpellanze principali

Una commissione, un gruppo politico o almeno il 5 % dei membri che compongono il Parlamento possono rivolgere interpellanze principali con richiesta di risposta scritta seguite da discussione alla Commissione europea, al Consiglio o al vicepresidente della Commissione/alto rappresentante dell'Unione. Articolo 139 e allegato III del regolamento

Altre attività parlamentari

Dichiarazioni di voto scritte

I deputati possono rilasciare una dichiarazione scritta sul proprio voto in Aula. Articolo 194 del regolamento

Elenco dei paesi terzi i cui cittadini devono essere in possesso del visto all'atto dell'attraversamento delle frontiere esterne ed elenco dei paesi terzi i cui cittadini sono esenti da tale obbligo in relazione al recesso del Regno Unito dall'Unione (A8-0047/2019 - Sergei Stanishev) EN


I welcome the Commission proposal for a regulation amending Council Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 listing the third countries whose nationals must be in possession of visas when crossing the external borders and those whose citizens are exempt from that requirement, as regards the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the Union. The proposal is part of the legislative measures to adjust Union law to Brexit. It aims to clarify the situation of UK nationals when Union law ceases to apply to them as regards visa policy. The report recommends inserting the United Kingdom as regards British citizens into Annex II to Regulation (EC) No 539/2001 (i.e. in the list of third countries whose nationals are exempt from the visa requirement).

Orientamenti per le politiche degli Stati membri a favore dell'occupazione (A8-0177/2019 - Miroslavs Mitrofanovs) EN


. ‒ The purpose of the report is to adopt guidelines for the employment policies of the Member States. The instructions were first taken together in 2010, underpinning the Europe 2020 strategy. In 2018, they were aligned with the principles of the European Pillar of Social Rights, to drive reforms at national level and to serve as a compass for a renewed process of convergence across Europe. I voted against the report while the validity of the broad economic policy guidelines is not limited to any specific period. The employment guidelines need to be drawn up each year. The Commission considers that the employment guidelines adopted in 2018 should remain stable to ensure a focus on their implementation.

Prescrizioni di applicazione e norme specifiche per quanto riguarda il distacco dei conducenti nel settore del trasporto su strada (A8-0206/2018 - Merja Kyllönen) EN


The current evaluation of the social legislation in road transport in the EU has shown shortcomings in the current legal framework and problems regarding enforcement. Furthermore, several discrepancies exist between the Member States in interpretation, application, and implementation of the rules. This creates legal uncertainty and unequal treatment of drivers and operators, which is detrimental to the working, social and competition conditions in the sector. The Commission aims to amend the existing rules unsuccessfully to make the road transport sector fair, efficient and socially accountable, while at the same time to mitigate the excessive regulatory burdens on operators and preventing distortions of competition. Therefore I strongly oppose it since we need fair, equal conditions for all European drivers.

Periodi di guida massimi giornalieri e settimanali, interruzioni minime e periodi di riposo giornalieri e settimanali e posizionamento per mezzo dei tachigrafi (A8-0205/2018 - Wim van de Camp) EN


The Commission’s aim is to adapt and clarify the social rules in the Union in road transport to improve business and working conditions in the sector. I voted against the report since I strongly believe that it will lead to a significant reduction of international road freight transport with negative consequences for the Eastern European economy.
The most recent study by the European Commission highlights an acute shortage of secure parking places for trucks at the European level. It is clear evidence that negotiations on the mobility package are heading in the wrong direction, as the proposed rules on driving times and rest periods, and the banning of regular weekly rest in the cabin, will be impossible to observe.

Adattamento all'evoluzione del settore dei trasporti (A8-0204/2018 - Ismail Ertug) EN


I am not supporting the Commission’s proposal, which is part of the Mobility Package, and so I voted against it. I believe it will lead to a significant reduction of international road freight transport, with negative consequences for the Eastern European economy. The report restricts Eastern carriers’ access to the EU transport market and seriously affects the fundamental freedoms of movement within the EU single market. Restricting cabotage is an EU departure from the road to the free market, and the provision on the obligation to return home is unacceptable as it affects the fundamental freedom of movement in the EU with a negative impact on transport efficiency and the environment, which is contrary to the EU’s objectives of reducing CO2 emissions from transport. The report restricts the liberalisation of the road haulage market and introduces more restrictive conditions for carriers and a ‘waiting period’ in the country of origin before moving to another. Cabotage is a concern and will have a significant adverse economic impact on the Eastern transport market.

Norme comuni per il mercato interno del gas naturale (A8-0143/2018 - Jerzy Buzek) EN


. ‒ I welcome the Commission proposal, which aims to extend common rules for the internal market in natural gas to gas pipelines from third countries. An integrated gas market is the cornerstone of the Energy Union and a key Commission priority. Directive 2009/73/EC (the Gas Directive) has made a significant contribution towards the creation of the internal market in natural gas. However, it does not explicitly set out a legal framework for gas pipelines to and from third countries. I voted in favour of the provisional agreement.

Fondo europeo per gli affari marittimi e la pesca (A8-0176/2019 - Gabriel Mato) EN


. ‒ The proposal establishes the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund for the period 2021-2027 and ensures that the Union budget will continue to support fisheries and maritime affairs policies.
Europe’s maritime sector employs more than 5 million people, generating almost EUR 500 billion a year, with the potential to create many more jobs. The output of the global ocean economy is estimated at EUR 1.3 trillion, and that figure could more than double by 2030. Fisheries are vital to the livelihood of many coastal communities in the EU and are an essential part of their cultural heritage. Along with aquaculture, the fisheries sector also contributes to food security and nutrition. Therefore I voted in favour of the report.

Piano pluriennale per le attività di pesca che sfruttano gli stock demersali nel Mediterraneo occidentale (A8-0005/2019 - Clara Eugenia Aguilera García) EN


. ‒ I welcome the Commission proposal, for which I voted, since its purpose is to establish a multiannual plan for fisheries exploiting demersal stocks in the Western Mediterranean Sea. The Western Mediterranean is one of the most developed sub-regions in terms of fishing in the Mediterranean. It accounts for around 31% of its total landing (EUR 1.35 billion out of a total of EUR 4.76 billion) and about 19% of the officially reported Mediterranean fishing fleet. Demersal fisheries are highly sought after by fishermen due to their high commercial value. They are complex and involve many species of fish and crustaceans. The main demersal species caught in the Western Mediterranean are hake, red mullet, giant red shrimp, deep-water rose shrimp, blue and red shrimp and Norway lobster.

Rafforzamento della sicurezza delle carte d'identità e dei titoli di soggiorno rilasciati ai cittadini dell'Unione (A8-0436/2018 - Gérard Deprez) EN


I welcome the Commission proposal for which I voted in favour of the provisional agreement. The purpose of the report targets strengthening the security standards applicable to identity cards and residence documents issued by the Member States to European Union citizens and their family members respectively. Identity card ownership is compulsory in 15 Member States from twenty-six EU Member States.
In line with Directive 2004/38/EC, mobile citizens and their family members, who are not nationals of a Member State, also receive documents proving their residence in their host Member State. While these residence documents are not travel documents, residence cards for those family members of mobile EU citizens, who themselves are not nationals of a Member State, used together with a passport grant the holders the right to enter the EU without a visa when they accompany or join an EU citizen.

Equilibrio tra attività professionale e vita familiare per i genitori e i prestatori di assistenza (A8-0270/2018 - David Casa) EN


I welcome the report for which I voted in favour of the provisional agreement. The report establishes a renewed framework to strengthen equality between men and women to labour market opportunities and treatment at work across the Union and to repeal Directive 2010/18/EC. This proposal for a Directive is part of a package of measures to deliver on the Commission’s commitment. It aims at addressing women’s under-representation in employment and support their career progression through improved conditions to reconcile their working and private duties. The current legal framework at the Union and Member States’ level provides limited provisions for men to assume an equal share of caring responsibilities with women. Reducing the gap is crucial to achieving greater gender equality.

Informatizzazione dei movimenti e dei controlli dei prodotti soggetti ad accisa (A8-0010/2019 - Kay Swinburne) EN


The purpose of the proposal is to provide a base for the governance of further automation of processes defined by Union excise legislation. Decision No 1152/2003/EC is the founding decision for the computerised system (Excise Movement and Control System – EMCS). At the moment, it covers only movements of excise goods under excise duty suspension.
In order to allow the automation of the procedure for the movement of excise goods which have been released for consumption in the territory of one Member State and moved to the area of another Member State to be delivered for commercial purposes in that other Member State, Decision No 1152/2003/EC has to be modified. Since most provisions of the Decision are affected by that modification, the Decision should be recast in the interests of clarity. Given the objectives of the proposal, which I fully support, I voted in favour.

Riutilizzo dell'informazione del settore pubblico (A8-0438/2018 - Neoklis Sylikiotis) EN


The public sector information (PSI), e.g., meteorological data, digital maps, statistics, and legal information is a valuable resource for the digital economy. Therefore, the EU has been promoting the re-use of public sector information for several years. Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information (‘PSI Directive’) aims to facilitate the re-use of PSI throughout the Union by harmonizing the basic conditions for reuse and removing major barriers to re-use in the internal market. I voted in favour of the report which aims overall to contribute to the strengthening of the EU’s data-economy by increasing the amount of public sector data available for re-use, ensuring fair competition and easy access to markets based on public sector information, and enhancing cross-border innovation based on data.

Piano pluriennale di ricostituzione del pesce spada del Mediterraneo (A8-0389/2018 - Marco Affronte) EN


During the 2016 ICCAT Annual Meeting held in Vilamoura (Portugal), the contracting parties and cooperating non-contracting parties, entities or fishing entities to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) took a decisive step to address the alarming situation of Mediterranean swordfish (Xiphias gladius) by adopting a 15-year recovery plan in the ICCAT Recommendation 16-05. The proposal for a Regulation lays down rules for the conservation, management, and control of the Mediterranean stock of swordfish as to achieve a biomass corresponding to a maximum sustainable yield by 2031 with at least 60% probability of achieving that objective, therefore, I voted in favour of the report.

Requisiti minimi di formazione per la gente di mare (A8-0007/2019 - Dominique Riquet) EN


I strongly support the Commission proposal that aims to maintain a high level of maritime safety and pollution prevention at sea, and it is essential to improve the level of knowledge and skills of the Union’s seafarers by developing marine training and certification in line with international rules.
The training and certification of seafarers were regulated at the international level by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 (‘STCW Convention’), which was revised in 2010. Further amendments to the STCW Convention were adopted in 2015 and 2016. An evaluation was carried out and concluded that the Directives are fit for purpose and, to a great extent, met the initial objectives and expectations. However, it also identified elements that have hindered the effectiveness and efficiency of the legislative framework.

Trattamento fiscale dei prodotti pensionistici, compreso il prodotto pensionistico individuale paneuropeo (A8-0481/2018 - Sophia in 't Veld) EN


I voted in favour of the own-initiative report on the tax treatment of pension products, including the pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP). The internal market for individual retirement savings products remains highly fragmented, particularly concerning tax reliefs. However, a study on the feasibility of a European Personal Pension Framework of June 2017 demonstrated that fiscal incentives are critical to the uptake of the PEPP.
The report calls on the Council to elaborate proposals regarding incentives for PEPP savers to enhance the uptake of the PEPP.

Meccanismo per rimuovere gli ostacoli giuridici e amministrativi in ambito transfrontaliero (A8-0414/2018 - Matthijs van Miltenburg) EN


. ‒ The proposal to have an EU cross-border mechanism was first put forward by the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council in 2015, leading to the creation of an informal working group of Member States to develop this tool. Following an EU-wide cross-border review in 2015-2017, the Commission published a Communication on Boosting Growth and Cohesion in EU Border Regions on 20 September 2017, setting out a 10 point action plan, with the Commission stating it would consider the options to take this new instrument forward.
It is necessary to find a balanced approach and reduce legal burdens in order to boost and promote cross-border projects, make them easier for citizens and private and public authorities. Therefore, in favour of the report, I share the opinion that the latter foresees for the EU to reduce bureaucracy and legal obstacles for cross-border regions with the aim to create jobs and puts forward projects for citizens, leading to further social, territorial and economic cohesion.

Progetto di accordo sulla cooperazione tra Eurojust e la Georgia (A8-0065/2019 - Sylvia-Yvone Kaufmann) EN


The Eurojust-Georgia Cooperation Agreement follows the model of similar agreements concluded by Eurojust in the past (for example, Eurojust-FYROM, Eurojust-US, Eurojust-Norway, Eurojust-Switzerland, and most recently Eurojust-Albania). The purpose of such agreements is to foster cooperation as regards combating serious crime, especially organised crime and terrorism.
In favour of the report, I support the approval by the European Parliament of the Council’s draft implementing decision approving the conclusion by Eurojust of the agreement on cooperation between Eurojust and Georgia.

Valutazione delle tecnologie sanitarie (A8-0289/2018 - Soledad Cabezón Ruiz) EN


In favour of the report, the proposed Regulation will define a support framework and procedures for cooperation on clinical assessment of health technologies at Union level and common methodologies for the clinical assessment of health technologies. However, pricing and reimbursement of medicines will fall within the exclusive national competence of the Member States.
I share the opinion that HTA shall be used to promote innovations that produce the best results for patients and society in general. It should enable health professionals, patients and health institutions to know whether or not a new health technology represents an improvement of existing health technologies in terms of benefits and risks.
A coordination group composed of representatives from Member States’ health technology assessment authorities and bodies should be established with responsibility and proven expertise for overseeing the carrying out of joint clinical assessments and other joint work within the scope of this regulation. In order to ensure the high quality of work, members of the Coordination Group will be drawn from national or regional health technology assessment agencies or bodies responsible for that field.

Istituzione di un quadro per il controllo degli investimenti esteri diretti nell'Unione europea (A8-0198/2018 - Franck Proust) EN


There is currently no comprehensive framework at Union level for the screening of foreign direct investments on the grounds of security or public order, while the major trading partners of the Union have already developed such frameworks.
In favour of the report, the proposed regulation establishes a framework for the screening by Member States of foreign direct investments into the Union on the grounds of security or public order, for a cooperation mechanism between Member States, and between Member States and the Commission, with regard to foreign direct investments likely to affect security or public order. It also includes the possibility for the Commission to issue opinions on such investments.
The Regulation is without prejudice to each Member State having sole responsibility for its national security and to the right of each Member State to protect its essential security interests. Nothing in this Regulation shall limit the right of each Member State to decide whether or not to screen a particular foreign direct investment within the framework of this Regulation.

Interoperabilità dei sistemi di telepedaggio stradale e agevolazione dello scambio transfrontaliero di informazioni sul mancato pagamento dei pedaggi stradali nell'Unione (rifusione) (A8-0199/2018 - Massimiliano Salini) EN


I voted in favour as the objective of the proposal is to ensure the interoperability of electronic road toll systems on the entire road network, urban and interurban motorways, major and minor roads, and various structures such as tunnels, bridges and ferries. I consider that it is very important to facilitate the cross-border exchange of information on the failure to pay road fees in the Union. The revised proposal for a directive should finally bring the deployment of the European electronic toll service, which will allow drivers to use only one on-board piece of equipment for paying road fees across the entire EU. Until now, Member States have not been able to enforce unpaid road fees by foreign drivers. This will change now, since the revised Directive establishes a mechanism that will enable it. Air quality in cities is a big concern for our citizens. Cities tried to cope with this through the establishment of Clean Air Zones, which only clean vehicles can access, previously having faced huge difficulties in terms of penalising non-compliant foreign vehicles because there was no legal base for cross-border data exchange.

Interrogazioni scritte

I deputati possono rivolgere un numero definito di interrogazioni con richiesta di risposta scritta al Presidente del Consiglio europeo, al Consiglio, alla Commissione e al vicepresidente della Commissione/alto rappresentante dell'Unione. Articolo 138 e allegato III del regolamento

Risposte alle interrogazioni alla BCE e concernenti l'MVU e l'SRM

Risposta alle interrogazioni alla BCE e alle interrogazioni concernenti il meccanismo di vigilanza unico e il meccanismo di risoluzione unico. Articoli 140 e 141 e allegato III del regolamento

Proposte di risoluzione individuali

A norma dell'articolo 143 del regolamento del Parlamento europeo, ogni deputato può presentare individualmente una proposta di risoluzione su un argomento rientrante nell'ambito delle attività dell'Unione europea. Tali proposte di risoluzione esprimono le posizioni dei singoli deputati che le hanno presentate. Le proposte ricevibili sono deferite alla commissione competente, la quale decide se dare seguito alla proposta di risoluzione e, in caso affermativo, quale procedura seguire. Quando una commissione decide di dare seguito a una proposta di risoluzione, questa pagina riporta informazioni più dettagliate sotto la risoluzione in questione. Articolo 143 del regolamento

Dichiarazioni scritte (fino al 16 gennaio 2017)

**Questo strumento non esiste più dal 16 gennaio 2017** Una dichiarazione scritta era un'iniziativa riguardante un argomento rientrante fra le competenze dell'Unione europea. Poteva essere cofirmata dai deputati entro tre mesi dalla sua pubblicazione.

DICHIARAZIONE SCRITTA sull'adesione dell'UE alla Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite sui diritti del fanciullo (UNCRC)

12-12-2016 P8_DCL(2016)0135 Decaduta
Data di apertura : 12-12-2016
Scadenza : 12-03-2017
Numero di firmatari : 120 - 13-03-2017

DICHIARAZIONE SCRITTA sui diritti degli anziani e l'invecchiamento

24-10-2016 P8_DCL(2016)0109 Decaduta
Monica MACOVEI Raffaele FITTO Filiz HYUSMENOVA Elisabetta GARDINI Miroslav POCHE Tomáš ZDECHOVSKÝ Marijana PETIR Ivan JAKOVČIĆ Doru-Claudian FRUNZULICĂ Enrico GASBARRA Piernicola PEDICINI Nicola CAPUTO Deirdre CLUNE José BLANCO LÓPEZ Eleftherios SYNADINOS José Inácio FARIA Patricija ŠULIN
Data di apertura : 24-10-2016
Scadenza : 24-01-2017
Numero di firmatari : 66 - 25-01-2017

DICHIARAZIONE SCRITTA sulla salute mentale dei richiedenti asilo

12-09-2016 P8_DCL(2016)0082 Decaduta
Data di apertura : 12-09-2016
Scadenza : 12-12-2016
Numero di firmatari : 104 - 13-12-2016


Tutte le dichiarazioni riportate di seguito sono state firmate dal deputato, anche se la firma non è visibile nella versione online.