
Ziņojumi, kas sagatavoti, pildot referenta pienākumus - 5. sasaukums Markus FERBER

Parlamenta atbildīgā komiteja ieceļ referentu ziņojuma sagatavošanai par likumdošanas vai budžeta priekšlikumu vai citiem jautājumiem. Sagatavojot ziņojumu, referenti var apspriesties ar attiecīgajiem ekspertiem un ieinteresētajām personām. Referenti ir atbildīgi arī par kompromisa grozījumu izstrādi un sarunām ar ēnu referentiem. Komitejās pieņemtos ziņojumus pēc tam izskata un par tiem balso plenārsēdē. 55 pants

Report on Draft Supplementary and Amending Budget No 3/2001 of the European Union for the financial year 2001 (9802/2001-C5-0271/2001-2001/2049(BUD)), Section III - Commission, Section VI - Economic and Social Committee, Section VII - Committee of the Regions and on Draft Supplementary and Amending Budget No 4/2001 of the European Union for the financial year 2001 (9803/2001-C5-0272/2001-2001/2094(BUD)), Section III - Commission - Committee on Budgets EN

26-06-2001 A5-0239/2001 PE303.586 BUDG
Jutta HAUG Markus FERBER

Report on the Draft Supplementary and Amending Budget 2/2001 of the European Union for the 2001 financial year - Section II - Council - Committee on Budgets EN

26-04-2001 A5-0138/2001 PE300.018 BUDG

Report on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directive 97/67/EC with regard to the further opening to competition of Community postal services - Committee on Regional Policy, Transport and Tourism EN

28-11-2000 A5-0361/2000 PE286.604 RETT

Report on the estimates of revenue and expenditure of the Parliament for the financial year 2001 - Committee on Budgets EN

19-04-2000 A5-0121/2000 PE289.524 BUDG

Report on the guidelines for the 2001 budget procedure - Section I - European Parliament, Section II - Council, Section IV - Court of Justice, Section V - Court of Auditors, Section VI - Economic and Social Committee, Section VII - Committee of the Regions, Section VIII - Ombudsman - Committee on Budgets EN

21-03-2000 A5-0068/2000 PE232.976 BUDG