
Spegazzjonijiet tal-vot (in writing.) - It-tmien leġiżlatura Mike HOOKEM

Il-Membri jistgħu jressqu spjegazzjoni bil-miktub tal-vot tagħhom fis-sessjoni plenarja. Artikolu 194 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura

Applikazzjoni tal-istadju Euro 5 għall-approvazzjoni tat-tip ta' vetturi b'żewġ jew tliet roti u kwadriċikli (A8-0346/2018 - Daniel Dalton) EN


. ‒ UKIP MEPs voted against this legislative, first-reading report on type-approval of L-category vehicles. They are against type-approval because it is total harmonisation, which we are strongly against. They also voted against because it allows the Commission to adopt delegated acts for another five years, and are against extending the Commission’s power.

Il-kummerċ ta' ċerti oġġetti li jistgħu jintużaw għall-piena kapitali, it-tortura jew trattament jew pieni krudili oħra (kodifikazzjoni) (A8-0387/2018 - Lidia Joanna Geringer de Oedenberg) EN


. ‒ UKIP voted to abstain. This was a codification whereby the text was only updated to include reference to legislation that may have been superseded or amended. There was no change to the substantive text.

Il-Fond għall-Asil, il-Migrazzjoni u l-Integrazzjoni: L-impenn mill-ġdid tal-ammonti li jkun għad fadal (A8-0370/2018 - Miriam Dalli) EN


. ‒ UKIP MEPs voted against this legislative report. UKIP opposes the re-commitment of this funding programme which assists in the cost of relocating asylum seekers. UKIP believes that Member States which wish to relocate asylum seekers should bear the cost, not the European taxpayer. Moreover, UKIP opposes calls in this report for the funding to assist legal routes of migration which will, unquestionably, attract further migration into Europe.

Adeżjoni tas-Samoa mal-Ftehim Interim ta' Sħubija bejn l-UE u l-Istati tal-Paċifiku (A8-0376/2018 - David Martin) EN


. ‒ We voted in favour of this, as we wish to help a Commonwealth country continue to sell its produce on the EU market. We would ask the EU to be respectful towards Samoa and when the time comes to make a permanent deal, to do so fairly.

Mobilizzazzjoni tal-Fond Ewropew ta' Aġġustament għall-Globalizzazzjoni: applikazzjoni EGF/2018/003 EL/Attica publishing (A8-0377/2018 - Eider Gardiazabal Rubial) EN


. ‒ UKIP voted against this budgetary proposal as it will give over EUR 2.3 million to 550 workers who have lost their jobs in Greece. The money will be spent on support services such as job search and counselling. UKIP is against as we oppose British taxpayers’ money being spent by unaccountable EU institutions as dole for poor economic decisions in other countries.

Riintroduzzjoni temporanja tal-kontrolli fuq il-fruntieri mal-fruntieri interni (A8-0356/2018 - Tanja Fajon) EN


. ‒ UKIP MEPs voted against this legislative report. UKIP firmly believes in the sovereign right of all nations to control their borders. UKIP MEPs are, however, extremely disappointed that amendments to this report have drastically reduced the length of time for which Schengen states can introduce temporary border controls, as this report reduces the capacity for Member States to control their own borders.

Regoli komuni għall-operat ta' servizzi tal-ajru (A8-0150/2018 - Claudia Țapardel) EN


. ‒ UKIP voted to abstain. This vote ensures the continuation in wet-leasing in the event of aircraft and personnel not being available due to demand. In view of the UK leaving the UK at the end of March 2019, it is important to ensure that there are no interruptions to air services and that passengers are not inconvenienced.

Oġġezzjoni skont l-Artikolu 106: Dikromat tas-sodju (B8-0548/2018) EN


. ‒ UKIP abstained on this motion for a resolution. UKIP recognises the potential carcinogenicity of sodium dichromate and believes it should be used with caution.

L-Iskandlu Cum Ex: il-kriminalità finanzjarja u l-lakuni fil-qafas legali attwali (B8-0518/2018, B8-0519/2018, B8-0520/2018, B8-0521/2018, B8-0525/2018, RC-B8-0551/2018, B8-0551/2018, B8-0552/2018) EN


. ‒ Tax scandals are used by Parliament to extend the power and control of the Commission; there are genuine problems with tax compliance but they should be solved at national level. Accordingly UKIP abstained.

Ir-rwol tal-Uffiċċju Ġermaniż għall-Welfare taż-Żgħażagħ (Jugendamt) f'tilwim fil-familji transfruntieri (B8-0546/2018) EN


We regard this report as being an exercise in virtue signalling. Germany has been unusually generous and helpful towards its many newcomers, however unwise their immigration policy may be. We note that the fact-finding mission conducted to investigate the claims of discrimination made in this report were groundless. We feel that a claim which has been investigated and disproven requires no further action.

WTO: it-triq 'il quddiem (A8-0379/2018 - Bernd Lange, Paul Rübig) EN


. ‒ We voted against this as we feel the EU has shamelessly used trade as a means to bash out a highly partisan and unhelpful political agenda. This creates ill will with trade partners, and goes against the spirit of the WTO and international trade. We call on the EU to stick to trade, and not use trade as a political weapon.

Rapport tal-2018 dwar is-Serbja (A8-0331/2018 - David McAllister) EN


UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding report. We are opposed to further accession of states to the European Union and the extensive interfering in the affairs of these states by the European Union during the process. In particular we are opposed to the infringements on Serbia’s right to conduct an independent foreign policy.

Rapport tal-2018 dwar il-Kosovo (A8-0332/2018 - Igor Šoltes) EN


UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding report. We are opposed to further accession of states to the European Union and the extensive interfering in the affairs of these states by the European Union during the process. Further this report attempts to infringe the rights of Member States to conduct an independent foreign policy by attempting to ensure they recognise the independence of Kosovo. The European Union should not have such extensive relations with a partially recognised state and should certainly not be inviting them to join the EU.

Rapport tal-2018 dwar l-Eks-Repubblika Jugoslava tal-Maċedonja (A8-0341/2018 - Ivo Vajgl) EN


UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding report. We are opposed to further accession of states to the European Union and the extensive interfering in the affairs of these states by the European Union during the process. Whilst we support the normalisation of relations between the FYROM and Greece, we are concerned at attempts by the Commission to interfere in the internal affairs of the two states and the procedures for both countries to legitimise the Prespa Agreement. The settling of the naming dispute should not be used to catalyse the FYROM’s accession to the European Union.

Rapport tal-2018 dwar l-Albanija (A8-0334/2018 - Knut Fleckenstein) EN


. ‒ UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding report. We are opposed to further accession of states to the European Union, and to the extensive interference by the European Union in the affairs of these states during the process.

Rapport tal-2018 dwar il-Montenegro (A8-0339/2018 - Charles Tannock) EN


UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding report. We are opposed to further accession of states to the European Union and the extensive interfering in the affairs of these states by the European Union during the process.

Difiża tal-libertà akkademika fl-azzjoni esterna tal-UE (A8-0403/2018 - Wajid Khan) EN


UKIP voted against this non-legislative and non-binding recommendation. Whilst we support the principles of freedom of expression and thought that this issue represents generally we are opposed to the consistent politicisation of the internal affairs of Hungary to attempt to discredit the democratically elected government by the European Union.

Is-sitwazzjoni tan-nisa b'diżabilità (B8-0547/2018) EN


UKIP MEPs voted to abstain on this non-legislative report. The resolution calls to ensure that more is done to tackle gender-based violence, that there is adequate access to healthcare, and that labour regulation, application for maternity and paternity leave, and education are all tailored to the needs of those with disabilities. Although there are some calls on Member States and the Commission for more action and legislation, which we would otherwise oppose, this report is of a sensitive nature: we cannot oppose giving those with disabilities better access to services.

Kondizzjonijiet tax-xogħol trasparenti u prevedibbli fl-Unjoni Ewropea (A8-0355/2018 - Enrique Calvet Chambon) EN


UKIP voted against this legislative decision. We do not recognise the European Union’s authority to legislate for the Member States. The framework through which legislation is created within the European Union is fundamentally undemocratic. We oppose the interinstitutional negotiation process as it is non-transparent.

Id-drittijiet u l-obbligi tal-passiġġieri tal-ferroviji (A8-0340/2018 - Bogusław Liberadzki) EN


UKIP abstained on this report because it is important to ensure that the rights of those passengers who are disabled or have difficulty with mobility are always safeguarded. However the problem is that the rights of passengers should not be something that is dictated by the EU. Matters of such importance should be dealt with at Member State level.