Grupp tal-Partit Popolari Ewropew (Demokristjani)


il-Bulgarija - Citizens for European Development of Bulgaria (il-Bulgarija)

Data tat-twelid : , Sofia

Spegazzjonijiet tal-vot (in writing.) Eva MAYDELL

Il-Membri jistgħu jressqu spjegazzjoni bil-miktub tal-vot tagħhom fis-sessjoni plenarja. Artikolu 194 tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura

Oġġezzjoni skont l-Artikolu 111(3) tar-Regoli ta' Proċedura: Rekwiżiti speċifiċi ta' iġjene għal ċertu laħam, prodotti tas-sajd, prodotti tal-ħalib u bajd (B9-0211/2024) EN


I supported the report as it skillfully addressed the potential adverse impacts of the Commission's delegated regulation on the fishing industry and local communities, highlighting the risk of job losses and economic repercussions, particularly in regions reliant on fisheries. Moreover, the report underscored the importance of transparent information for consumers through proper labeling, advocating for consumer awareness and protection. Overall, it provided a comprehensive analysis of the regulation's implications, advocating for evidence-based policymaking and stakeholder engagement to uphold public health and industry sustainability.

Ftehim ta' Sħubija bejn l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Istati Membri tagħha u l-Membri tal-Organizzazzjoni tal-Istati Afrikani, tal-Karibew u tal-Paċifiku (Riżoluzzjoni) (A9-0159/2024 - Tomas Tobé) EN


I supported the report because it signifies a crucial step towards fostering deeper cooperation between the European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (ACP). The Samoa Agreement, with its provisionally enforced modernized framework, offers an ambitious platform for collaboration, prioritizing crucial areas like human rights, sustainable economic growth, and environmental sustainability. By aligning with global initiatives such as the UN 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement, the Agreement showcases a shared commitment to tackling pressing global challenges. Moreover, the emphasis on stakeholder engagement underscores the importance of inclusive decision-making and effective implementation, further strengthening the Agreement's potential for driving meaningful and sustainable development.

Ftehim ta' Sħubija Volontarja UE/Kosta tal-Avorju: l-infurzar tal-liġi, it-tmexxija u l-kummerċ fis-settur forestali fl-injam u fil-prodotti tal-injam lejn l-UE (Riżoluzzjoni) (A9-0137/2024 - Karin Karlsbro) EN


I voted in favor of the report on the EU/Côte d’Ivoire Voluntary Partnership Agreement because it acknowledges the importance of sustainable forest management and governance. The report highlights the need for the swift ratification of the agreement to address deforestation rates in Côte d’Ivoire, particularly in relation to cocoa production. It emphasizes the significance of stakeholder involvement, including local and indigenous communities, and stresses the importance of integrating gender perspectives throughout forest management practices. Additionally, the report calls for support for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and smallholder farmers, as well as measures to address corruption and ensure fair remuneration for workers in the timber and cocoa sectors. Overall, the report provides a comprehensive framework for promoting sustainable forest management and governance in Côte d’Ivoire.

VAT: emenda tal-Ftehim UE–Norveġja dwar il-kooperazzjoni amministrattiva, il-ġlieda kontra l-frodi u l-irkupru tat-talbiet (A9-0057/2024 - Irene Tinagli) EN


I supported the report, as the addressed amendment aligns the cooperation between Norway and EU Member States with recent enhancements in VAT fraud prevention and administrative cooperation tools introduced since the Agreement's initial implementation in 2018. By enhancing the Eurofisc network, introducing joint audits, and facilitating information sharing, the amendment strengthens the fight against VAT fraud and improves cooperation between Norway and the EU. Overall, this amendment ensures a solid legal framework for robust cooperation between Norway and EU Member States in combating VAT fraud.

Ftehim bejn l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Iżlanda dwar ir-regoli supplimentari fir-rigward tal-istrument għall-appoġġ finanzjarju għall-ġestjoni tal-fruntieri u l-politika dwar il-viżi, bħala parti mill-Fond għall-Ġestjoni Integrata tal-Fruntieri (A9-0146/2024 - Malik Azmani) EN


I supported the recommendation because it represents an important step towards ensuring effective border management and visa policy. This agreement brings Iceland into line with EU regulations, promoting cooperation and solidarity in maintaining security in the Schengen area. By adhering to these rules, Iceland is contributing to respect for fundamental rights, while strengthening the overall functioning of the Schengen area. I therefore approve of this agreement, as it promotes cooperation and strengthens security measures.

Ftehim bejn l-Unjoni Ewropea u l-Konfederazzjoni Żvizzera dwar ir-regoli supplimentari fir-rigward tal-istrument għall-appoġġ finanzjarju għall-ġestjoni tal-fruntieri u l-politika dwar il-viżi, bħala parti mill-Fond għall-Ġestjoni Integrata tal-Fruntieri (A9-0145/2024 - Jadwiga Wiśniewska) EN


I supported this proposal because it provides for mechanisms to ensure the flexibility of the agreement with Switzerland, allowing for prompt adjustments in response to changes in Union legislation. This adaptability is essential to ensure alignment with evolving legal frameworks, such as the Financial Regulation and the Common Provisions Regulation. In addition, by extending budgetary and financial controls to Switzerland through the agreement, we maintain transparency and accountability and ensure consistency of financial management and control across all participating institutions. This fosters confidence in the integrity of the border management and visa policy programmes, increasing their effectiveness and impact.

L-istabbiliment ta' sistema ta' Taxxa tal-Uffiċċju Reġistrat għall-intrapriżi mikro, żgħar u ta' daqs medju, u l-emenda tad-Direttiva 2011/16/UE (A9-0064/2024 - Lídia Pereira) EN


I supported the report as it highlights the critical need for simplifying the regulatory and tax framework for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) operating within the Single Market. This initiative acknowledges the significant burden that tax compliance places on SMEs and underscores their essential role in driving economic growth and job creation across the European Union. Furthermore, the report provides measures aimed at reducing administrative barriers and ensuring greater accessibility to the opportunities offered by the Single Market. By proposing amendments to widen access to the Head Office Tax system, guaranteeing indefinite duration for the application of rules, and streamlining application processing, the report demonstrates a commitment to empowering SMEs and fostering a more conducive business environment.

Il-kodiċi tal-Unjoni relatat mal-prodotti mediċinali għall-użu mill-bniedem (A9-0140/2024 - Pernille Weiss) EN


I supported the report as it represents a significant update to the EU's pharmaceutical legislation, addressing key issues such as regulatory data protection, market protection, and environmental risk assessment. The compromise amendments adopted in the ENVI committee reflect a balanced approach, extending the scope of environmental risk assessment while ensuring flexibility for manufacturers. Additionally, the agreement on regulatory and market protection periods strikes a fair balance between incentivizing innovation and ensuring timely access to medicines. Overall, the report represents a positive step towards modernizing and harmonizing the regulation of medicinal products for human use in the EU.

Is-sikurezza tal-ġugarelli u t-tħassir tad-Direttiva 2009/48/KE (A9-0044/2024 - Marion Walsmann) EN


I voted in favor of the report, as it emphasizes the importance of enhancing toy safety regulations to address evolving challenges in the market. The transition to a Regulation signifies a commitment to ensuring a high level of protection for children and promoting fair competition among toy manufacturers. Key measures such as banning hazardous chemicals and providing support for SMEs to comply with the new rules demonstrate a proactive approach to safeguarding consumer safety while fostering innovation in the industry. Additionally, the focus on transparency and effective market surveillance through the product passport system reflects a commitment to accountability and consumer empowerment. Overall, the report represents a significant step forward in promoting child safety and strengthening the integrity of the EU toy market.

L-istabbiliment tal-Kodiċi Doganali tal-Unjoni u l-Awtorità Doganali tal-Unjoni Ewropea, u t-tħassir tar-Regolament (UE) Nru 952/2013 (A9-0065/2024 - Deirdre Clune) EN


In my opinion, establishing the EU Customs Code reform represents a crucial step toward modernising customs operations and enhancing cooperation with traders, particularly in managing online orders. The proposed establishment of the EU Data Hub as the primary tool for customs authorities is essential for streamlining communication and enabling more accurate data analysis, including AI assistance to detect potential risks such as tax fraud. This reform is vital to ensure the safety of goods entering the EU while promoting efficiency for businesses operating within the single market. That is why I voted in favour of it.



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