Grupul Partidului Popular European (Creștin Democrat)


Italia - Forza Italia (Italia)

Data nașterii : , Napoli

Explicații scrise ale votului Fulvio MARTUSCIELLO

Deputații pot să depună o explicație scrisă privind modul în care au votat în ședință plenară. Articolul 194

Un încărcător comun pentru echipamentele radio mobile (RC-B9-0070/2020, B9-0070/2020, B9-0072/2020, B9-0074/2020, B9-0075/2020, B9-0076/2020, B9-0085/2020) EN


. ‒ I expressed my favourable vote towards the joint motion for a resolution on a common charger for mobile radio equipment, as I strongly believe that the use of wireless charging technology entails additional potential benefits such as mitigating e-waste. I would like to highlight that many mobile telephones already use wireless charging methods and that fragmentation in this area should be avoided. With this vote I call, on the Commission to take measures to best ensure the interoperability of different wireless chargers with different mobile radio equipment.

Diferența de remunerare între femei și bărbați (B9-0069/2020, B9-0073/2020, B9-0083/2020, B9-0084/2020) EN


. ‒ I voted in favour of the motion for a resolution on the gender pay gap since I believe gender equality policies are drivers of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and a precondition for promoting prosperity, competitiveness and employment, as well as inclusiveness and social cohesion. Hence, I call on the Member States to take effective measures to promote equality in education and employment in order to address labour market segmentation by investing in formal, informal and non-formal education and lifelong learning and vocational training for women to ensure they have access to high-quality employment and opportunities so as to reskill and upskill for future labour market demand. I strongly believe that there is a need for greater promotion of entrepreneurship, STEM subjects, digital education and financial literacy for girls from an early age in order to combat existing educational stereotypes and ensure more women enter developing and well paid sectors.

Acordul privind retragerea Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii și Irlandei de Nord din Uniunea Europeană și din Comunitatea Europeană a Energiei Atomice (A9-0004/2020 - Guy Verhofstadt) IT


Ho votato in maniera favorevole sul recesso del Regno Unito di Gran Bretagna e Irlanda del Nord dall'Unione europea e dalla Comunità europea dell'energia atomica. Tale decisione rispetta la volontà democratica da parte dei cittadini inglesi di uscire dall'UE. È una tappa fondamentale perché preserva i diritti dei cittadini inglesi ed europei che vivono e lavorano nell'Unione europea e nella Gran Bretagna. Questa sofferente decisione è solo l'inizio di una lunga fase di transizione e negoziati che coinvolgeranno tutte le commissioni ed i gruppi politici del Parlamento europeo.

Situația din Venezuela după alegerea ilegală a noului președinte și a noului birou al Adunării Naționale (lovitură de stat parlamentară) (B9-0051/2020, B9-0052/2020, B9-0053/2020, RC-B9-0048/2020, B9-0048/2020, B9-0049/2020, B9-0050/2020) EN


I expressed my favourable vote towards the joint motion for a resolution on the situation in Venezuela after the illegal election of the new National Assembly Presidency and Bureau. With this vote I recall that the EU stands ready to support a genuine process towards a peaceful and democratic resolution of the crisis based on the roadmap adopted in the National Assembly of Venezuela. I would like to stress that previous attempts to address the crisis through a process of negotiation and dialogue have not yielded any tangible results, therefore I request that the European External Action Service (EEAS) continue to work through initiatives such as the International Contact Group. I strongly believe that respecting democratic institutions and principles and upholding the rule of law are essential conditions for finding a peaceful and sustainable solution to the crisis in Venezuela for the benefit of its people.

Audierile în curs în temeiul articolului 7 alineatul (1) din TUE privind Polonia și Ungaria (B9-0032/2020) EN


I voted against the motion for a resolution on ongoing hearings under Article 7(1) of the TEU regarding Poland and Hungary as the hearings have not yet resulted in any significant progress. I am concern that the hearings are not organised in a regular, structured and open manner. Hence, I urge the Croatian Presidency and other forthcoming presidencies to organise the hearings regularly. Moreover, the hearings must be objective, fact-based and transparent, and the Member States must cooperate in good faith throughout the process in accordance with the principle of sincere cooperation enshrined in Article 4(3) of the TEU. My vote recalls that the Council address concrete recommendations to the Member States in question, as enshrined in Article 7(1) of the TEU, as a follow up to the hearings, and to indicate deadlines for the implementation of those recommendations. I believe that mutual trust between Member States can be restored only once respect for the values enshrined in Article 2 of the TEU is ensured and I would like to call on the Council to act in that direction.

Activitățile Ombudsmanului European în 2018 (A9-0032/2019 - Peter Jahr) EN


On 16 January 2020, in Strasbourg, I fully endorsed and voted in favour of the annual report 2018 on the activities of the European Ombudsman. Restoring citizens’ trust in the European Union is crucial to building a solid and thriving Europe, and the role of the Ombudsman is key to achieving remarkable results. In an era where disruptive technologies are shaping our lives and the way of doing business, I truly believe that a new, more accessible and user-friendly Ombudsman’s website for European citizens should be further developed. Moreover, my vote was intended to praise the achievements of the Office of the Ombudsman and foster its efforts in increasing transparency and accessibility for EU citizens to the European Institutions.

Pactul ecologic european (RC-B9-0040/2020, B9-0040/2020, B9-0041/2020, B9-0042/2020, B9-0043/2020, B9-0044/2020, B9-0045/2020, B9-0046/2020) EN


I voted in favour of the European Parliament resolution on the European Green Deal. Climate change is imposing unprecedented challenges to our planet, causing land degradation, threats to biodiversity, major damage and loss of lives as it provokes unpredictable extreme weather events and food insecurity, further aggravated by increasing demographic pressure from the Sahel and North Africa regions. Moreover, our economies and financial systems are suffering and need to be aligned with environmental requirements, which have already demonstrated that they can bring considerable social and economic benefits. I further stress that the energy sector is key to a sustainable transition to a net-zero greenhouse gas emissions economy and will considerably reduce the EU’s reliance on foreign energy providers. Therefore, I believe that the European Union needs to play a leading role in this challenge of building a sustainable and highly efficient production system.

Implementarea și monitorizarea dispozițiilor privind drepturile cetățenilor din Acordul de retragere a Regatului Unit (B9-0031/2020) EN


I voted in favour of the European Parliament resolution on implementing and monitoring the provisions on citizens’ rights in the Withdrawal Agreement, as the both UK and EU citizens shall continue to enjoy those rights as granted by the EU. I am fully convinced that relationship between UK and the EU should continue to work in the interest of citizens and their freedom of movements, which implies benefits for the EU internal market and professional qualifications.

Raport anual pe 2018 privind drepturile omului și democrația în lume și politica Uniunii Europene în această privință (A9-0051/2019 - Isabel Wiseler-Lima) EN


I supported and voted in favour of the annual report 2018 on human rights and democracy in the world and the European Union’s policy on the matter. My vote stems from the critical momentum our people are witnessing, as human rights and democracy are constantly threatened as never before and are violated by civil wars, the lasting political instability affecting several EU bordering countries, and climate change, whose impacts are expanding uninhabitable regions for millions of people, who are forced to flee to survive. I stress the crucial role that the EU should play in order to prevent human rights violations and support democratic transitions in unstable countries as a means to foster inclusiveness and prevent violent extremism and radicalisation.

Raport anual referitor la punerea în aplicare a politicii externe și de securitate comune (A9-0054/2019 - David McAllister) EN


I expressed a favourable vote towards the Report on the implementation of the common foreign and security policy, as I believe that the EU’s external action has a direct impact on the wellbeing of its citizens both within and outside the EU. Moreover, it sets out to ensure security and stability while promoting the European values of freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights. The credibility of the European Union as a global actor for peace and security rests on its practical adherence to its values, therefore meaning that value-driven foreign policy is in the Union’s immediate interest.



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