
Ways out of the agricultural crisis 

MEPs will quiz EU Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan, on Tuesday, on details of the Commission's latest aid package to help EU farmers cope with combined impacts of falling prices, costly inputs and the Russian embargo on EU foodstuffs, inter alia. They will also assess the effectiveness of the 2015 package and present their ideas about an efficient response to the ongoing agricultural crisis.

EU lawmakers will stress aid must primarily reach farmers in the worst-hit sectors and improve their market position. They might also reiterate their previous call for additional measures, including legislative ones, to strengthen farmers' positions and introduce more balance in the food supply chain.

MEPs will also discuss ways to make EU agriculture more resilient to any future shocks or disturbances beyond the EU's borders. They will probably call on the Commission to ensure farmers' access to flexible and innovative financial instruments to better protect their income and react promptly to market changes.

Question for oral answer to the Commission


Debate: Tuesday, 12 April

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