United in our efforts to combat terrorism and tackle root causes, says LIBE chair Claude Moraes after extraordinary JHA meeting 

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“We must be united in our efforts to combat terrorism to tackle the root causes of terrorism including radicalisation. This means that the LIBE committee of the European Parliament which is heavily involved in both legislative and advisory measures will add ever greater urgency to its work in the coming days", said Claude Moraes, chair of the Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs committee in a statement on Wednesday following the extraordinary Justice and Home Affairs meeting.

“There is strong political will to ensure that the PNR Directive is adopted in the April 2016 plenary session of the European Parliament together with the data protection package. We urge the Council to play its part in ensuring that as a matter of urgency these votes take place and that the member states implement the proposals also as a matter of urgency."

“The European Parliament plays a strong role in the EU’s security and anti-terrorism agenda. In the coming days we will ensure that the Parliament does its job effectively in key areas such as the start of negotiations on the Terrorism Directive, ECRIS, the amendment of the Schengen border code, our part in the proposal of a review in the Firearms Directive and further measures on terrorism financing within the Money Laundering Directive."

“This indicates the serious response the European Parliament’s LIBE committee will take along with its history of trying to deal with the root causes of terrorism such as radicalisation (the DATI Report) in the coming important days following the terrible events of 22 March 2016.”

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