Niektoré dokumenty nie sú prístupné vo vašom jazyku. Automaticky vám budú ponúknuté v inom jazyku. Na začiatku sa nachádza ikona symbolizujúca náhradný jazyk (napr. ).

  Selection procedure for and profile of the director of the European AI Office

Priority question for written answer P-001077/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Kim Van Sparrentak (Verts/ALE), Svenja Hahn (Renew), Axel Voss (PPE)

11-04-2024 P-001077/2024

  Investigation into Viet Nam’s use of Predator to spy on officials and MEPs

Priority question for written answer P-001059/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Saskia Bricmont (Verts/ALE)

10-04-2024 P-001059/2024

  German companies helping to rebuild Russian-occupied Mariupol

Priority question for written answer P-001050/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Kosma Złotowski (ECR), Anna Fotyga (ECR)

09-04-2024 P-001050/2024

  ‘Misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ in the pandemic treaty

Priority question for written answer P-001044/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Robert Roos (ECR), Angel Dzhambazki (ECR), Tom Vandendriessche (ID), Mislav Kolakušić (NI), Ivan Vilibor Sinčić (NI), Jorge Buxadé Villalba (ECR), Francesca Donato (NI), Margarita de la Pisa Carrión (ECR), Hermann Tertsch (ECR)

09-04-2024 P-001044/2024

  Complaints by Greek Air Traffic Controllers Association concerning safety issues and failure of Greece to comply with EU air traffic rules

Question for written answer E-001051/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Elena Kountoura (The Left)

09-04-2024 E-001051/2024

  Review of implementing acts concerning the closure of vulnerable marine ecosystems

Question for written answer E-001041/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (Renew)

09-04-2024 E-001041/2024

  North-South discrimination in the closure of vulnerable marine ecosystems

Question for written answer E-001040/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (Renew)

09-04-2024 E-001040/2024

  Request for clarification on changes to football governance in the light of the recent European Court of Justice ruling

Question for written answer E-001039/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Marco Campomenosi (ID), Nicola Procaccini (ECR), Stefania Zambelli (PPE), Fabio Massimo Castaldo (Renew)

09-04-2024 E-001039/2024

  Macro-financial assistance to Egypt under Article 213 TFEU

Priority question for written answer P-001033/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Erik Marquardt (Verts/ALE), Tineke Strik (Verts/ALE), Mounir Satouri (Verts/ALE), Rasmus Andresen (Verts/ALE)

08-04-2024 P-001033/2024

  Tender procedure for beach concessions on state-owned land in the Municipality of Jesolo

Priority question for written answer P-001025/2024
to the Commission
Rule 138
Elisabetta Gualmini (S&D)

08-04-2024 P-001025/2024


Otázky na písomné zodpovedanie

  • Otázky so žiadosťou o písomnú odpoveď môže predsedovi Európskej rady, Rade, Komisii alebo podpredsedovi Komisie/vysokému predstaviteľovi Únie pre zahraničné veci a bezpečnostnú politiku položiť ktorýkoľvek poslanec, politická skupina alebo parlamentný výbor.
  • Otázky, ktoré nie sú prioritné, sa musia zodpovedať do šiestich týždňov od ich oznámenia príslušnej inštitúcii.
  • Lehota na zodpovedanie prioritných otázok je tri týždne od ich oznámenia príslušnej inštitúcii. Každý poslanec, politická skupina alebo výbor môžu každý mesiac označiť jednu zo svojich otázok za prioritnú.

Vyhlásenie o ochrane osobných údajov