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Parlamentarische Anfrage - E-008480/2011(ASW)Parlamentarische Anfrage
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Answer given by Mr Barroso on behalf of the Commission

The Commission would like to draw the attention of the Honourable Member on the new Transparency register[1] launched together by the European Parliament and the Commission, following an interinstitutional agreement signed on 23 June 2011[2] as part of their commitment to transparency. This instrument, managed by a joint secretariat made up of officials from both institutions, aims at the registration of the organisations ‘engaged in EU policy making and policy implementation’.

Registrants have to declare in this public register a number of information regarding their activities, including some financial information such as, in the case of NGOs, their overall budget as well as a breakdown of their main source of funding. Their registration binds them to respect a code of conduct which includes their commitment to ensure that, to the best of their knowledge, information which they provide upon registration and subsequently in the framework of their activities within the scope of the register is complete, up to date and not misleading; Should they violate this code they are subject to a grid of possible sanctions such as a suspension or deletion from the register.

As foreseen by the interinstitutional agreement (Annex II — Information to be provided by registrants), it is required for all registrants to declare the amount and source of funding received from the EU institutions. Non-governmental organisations, think tanks, research and academic institutions, organisations representing churches and religious communities, organisations representing local, regional and municipal authorities, other public or mixed entities, are required to declare their overall budget, together with a breakdown of their main sources of funding.

OJ C 154 E, 31/05/2012