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Parlamentin kysymys - E-000380/2012(ASW)Parlamentin kysymys
Asiakirja ei ole saatavilla haluamallasi kielellä. Voit tutustua toiseen kieliversioon, joka on valittavissa esitettyjen kielten joukosta.

Answer given by Mr Barroso on behalf of the Commission

The rate of registration in the common Parliament-Commission Transparency Register keeps a constant pace of about 130 new entities per week. This element shows that the Register is still in the early stages of development and that, until signs show that it has reached its full level, it would be premature to draw any conclusion on the success or failure of this instrument or to question the principles which were agreed together with the Parliament for the launching of the Register under its present format.

OJ C 73 E, 13/03/2013