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Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 7 September 2000 - Strasbourg OJ edition


  Flesch (ELDR).(FR) Mr President, after congratulating our colleagues Mrs Zabell and Mr Mennea on their reports and the suggestions they contain, of which I very largely approve, I shall make do with two observations. Firstly, I should like to stress the need for Community participation in the World Anti-Doping Agency, which would enable the European Union to make a vigorous and coherent contribution to the struggle against doping.

Secondly, as I did yesterday, I plead again today for the inclusion in the Treaty of a legal basis relating specifically to sport. I am thinking here of a compatibility clause of the sort that exists in the cultural and environmental domains, a clause that would make it possible to take due account – and I stress the word ‘due’ – of the specific nature of sport in the formulation of the general policy or specific policies of the Community.

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