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Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 13 March 2003 - Strasbourg OJ edition


  Raschhofer (NI), in writing. (DE) The reduction in the incidence of suspected fraud and irregularities in 2001, by 37% over against the preceding year, obscures the report's real message, which is a powerful one. The reality is that, in comparison to previous years, this is the second highest level that figures for suspected fraud have reached. These results, which emerge from the report, give cause for concern. Although there have been improvements in the combating of fraud, it seems utterly impossible to get misuse or the irregular use of EU funds under control.

I repeat my long-standing criticism that the structures mean that abuses are inherent in the system. I appeal to the Member States to make greater efforts in this area in order to put an end to these abuses. Cooperation with other Member States, as well as closer checks at home, is absolutely vital, and not just in view of the imminent enlargement.

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