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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 11 February 2004 - Strasbourg OJ edition


  Fatuzzo (PPE-DE). (IT) I had a dream, Mr President. I dreamt that Mr Berlusconi, President of the Italian Government, had a halo and so I can call him San Berlusconi. San Berlusconi said to me, ‘I know that tomorrow you are to vote on the Cercas report concerning working time and it seeks to prevent those who are exempt under the minimum working time directive from working too much. Look at me: I work all day, from six in the morning until two the following morning. See how young I am, how active I am, how alert and satisfied I am at work! My advice to you therefore is to vote against this Cercas report so that everyone can work as much as me and be as satisfied and as young as I am’.

At that moment I woke up and realised it was a dream. I felt free therefore to vote according to my conscience and so, in fact, I voted in favour of the Cercas report, even though San Berlusconi advised me to vote against.

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