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Verbatim report of proceedings
Tuesday, 14 September 2004 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Humanitarian situation in Sudan

  Zani (PSE).(IT) Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, I personally am not inclined to use the word genocide too freely. Nevertheless, the situation in Sudan is extremely serious and requires a radical change in the European Union’s position.

It is not enough to provide aid, but the populations need to be able to have access to it in complete safety. It would therefore be helpful if Parliament took a harder line in condemning the actions of the Sudanese Government, which is continuing to arm militias with the aim of terrorising the civilian population of Darfur. The Sudanese Government is cunningly playing for time in order to gain a unilateral advantage, while also benefiting from the difficult international situation that sees the supranational institutions and the whole of public opinion concentrating on the fight against global terrorism.

Parliament therefore needs to pass a new resolution, which must include a demand for a total arms embargo as well as selective sanctions that can put pressure on the government and the armed forces without hurting the civilian population. From now on the Sudanese Government needs to feel the eyes of the world upon it every day.

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