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Verbatim report of proceedings
Thursday, 17 November 2005 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Explanations of vote

  Kurt Joachim Lauk (PPE-DE), in writing. (DE) On Thursday 17 November 2005, the plenary in Strasbourg will be voting on Guido Sacconi’s report, ‘REACH: establishing a European Chemicals Agency – Persistent Organic Pollutants’ (A6-0315/2005).

It is my firm conviction that, although the fundamental objective of this Regulation is to be welcomed, its implementation will be faulty and will eventually handicap the EU in competing on global markets. The fact is that it piles excessive rules and regulations upon businesses – whether they be large, medium-sized or small. It follows that the Regulation is inimical to growth and employment and makes Europe much less attractive as a place for the chemical industry to do business.

In the final vote, then, I shall be voting against the report. I believe that we should send the proposal – in the form in which it stands before us now – back to the Commission from which it originated.

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