 Celotno besedilo 
Postopek : 2006/0809(INS)
Potek postopka na zasedanju
Potek postopka za dokument : B6-0644/2006

Predložena besedila :


Razprave :

Glasovanja :

PV 12/12/2006 - 11.1
CRE 12/12/2006 - 11.1
Obrazložitev glasovanja

Sprejeta besedila :


Dobesedni zapisi razprav
Torek, 12. december 2006 - Strasbourg Pregledana izdaja

11.1. Imenovanje bolgarskega komisarja (glasovanje)

  El Presidente. Pasamos al turno de votaciones.

(Para los resultados y otros detalles de la votación: véase el Acta)

De acuerdo con el orden del día, empezamos con las propuestas de decisión sobre los nombramientos de los nuevos Comisarios propuestos por Bulgaria y Rumanía, respectivamente. Tiene la palabra, en nombre de la Comisión, su Presidente, el señor Barroso.


  José Manuel Barroso, President of the Commission. Mr President, today you are asked to give your opinion on the appointment of the two Commissioners that have been nominated by Bulgaria and Romania, Mrs Meglena Kuneva and Mr Leonard Orban. It is the first time that an accession treaty explicitly makes provision for consultation of the European Parliament on the appointment of Commissioners from new Member States. I very much welcome this important role given to your institution as it increases both the democratic rights of Parliament and the Commission’s accountability.

I stand here before you today to ask for your approval of our two new colleagues. I do this because I sincerely believe that they both fulfil the highest standards. The approval by the European Parliament of the appointment of the two Commissioners-designate will allow the Council to formally appoint them. Mrs Kuneva and Mr Orban will thus become full Members of the Commission as of 1 January 2007.

As Commission President I am particularly happy and proud that Mrs Kuneva and Mr Orban – two remarkable personalities – will join my team. Both have worked incredibly hard to help their countries to successfully complete their final preparations for accession. With their experience and their European conviction, both will bring a valuable contribution to the collegial work of the Commission on moving Europe forward, including the institutional settlement necessary to ensure a more democratic, transparent and efficient Europe.

In the course of the last weeks many of you had the opportunity to get to know the two Commissioners-designate, be it in a bilateral context or through the hearings. Mrs Kuneva and Mr Orban have successfully passed in the relevant parliamentary committees. It is my firm belief that both candidates in the course of the hearings proved their personal integrity and independence, their general competence and professional experience, as well as their deep and genuine European commitment.

The promotion of linguistic and cultural diversity in the European Union touches the very substance of our European values and identity and is the prerequisite for communicating Europe and multicultural dialogue. I am sure that Mr Orban is the right person to do this job.

The protection of consumer rights is central to the interests of each and every one of our citizens. I am sure that Mrs Kuneva is the best person to do this.

1 January 2007 will be a truly historic moment. The accession of Bulgaria and Romania will complete the fifth enlargement of the European Union. Enlargement has not only contributed to peace, prosperity and stability throughout Europe but has also made all of us richer socially, economically, and culturally. With Bulgaria and Romania becoming members of the European Union, we will see the fulfilment of the ambitions and hopes of so many people who have fought for freedom in Europe for so long.

The new Member States will now be firmly anchored in the community of European values which inform and permeate the public purpose of the European Union. Their rightful place at the heart of this community will give them new confidence and new dynamism which I am sure will generate benefits for the whole of our Union.



  Hans-Gert Poettering, im Namen der PPE-DE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident! Um ehrlich zu sein, bin ich etwas überrascht, dass ich hier sprechen soll. Aber das Leben ist immer voller Überraschungen. Ich habe mit Freude gehört, was der Kommissionspräsident gesagt hat. Die Anhörungen haben stattgefunden, und die Ergebnisse waren so, dass sowohl Frau Kunewa als auch Herr Orban die Zustimmung der zuständigen Ausschüsse bekommen haben. Es ist für mich eine Ehre und eine Freude, unser Ja zu diesen beiden Kommissaren geben. Wir werden als EVP-ED-Fraktion bemüht sein, sehr gut mit beiden zusammenzuarbeiten. Unser guter Wille ist da, und wir sagen ja zur Benennung dieser beiden Persönlichkeiten!



  Martin Schulz, im Namen der PSE-Fraktion. – Herr Präsident, meine Damen und Herren! Die Anhörung von Kommissionsmitgliedern ist ein wichtiges Recht des Europäischen Parlaments, das dieses Parlament ernst nimmt. Wir stellen fest, dass die Kommission dieses Recht des Europäischen Parlaments auch ernst nimmt. Das ist der Grund, weshalb Herr Vosgenian als erster Bewerber aus Rumänien gar nicht erst den Weg bis zu Anhörung gefunden hat, denn die hätte er nicht überstanden. Dass Sie, Herr Kommissionspräsident, die Konsequenzen gezogen und aktiv geworden sind, um einen anderen Bewerber zu bekommen, war ein richtiger Schritt, und es zeigt, dass die demokratischen Strukturen in Europa funktionieren, wenn die Institutionen ihre Aufgaben ernst nehmen.

Dieses Anhörungsverfahren ist keine Formalität, sondern ein echtes Prüfverfahren. Beide Kandidaten, Frau Kunewa und Herr Orban haben dieses Prüfverfahren nach Ansicht der Sozialdemokratischen Fraktion gut durchlaufen. Sie sind nach unserer Einschätzung den Aufgaben, die man ihnen zuweist, gewachsen. Deshalb werden wir in der Abstimmung für die Benennung dieser beiden Bewerber stimmen.

Dennoch bleibt zu sagen, dass das Portfolio, das der Kommissionspräsident Herrn Orban übertragen hat, auch durch den Brief, den Sie, Herr Barroso, als Antwort auf die aufgeworfenen Fragen geschrieben haben, nicht klarer wird. Das zeigt, dass die Suche nach dem Portfolio bei einer Kommission von 27 Mitgliedern nur eine Interpretation zulässt: Diese Kommission wird auf der Grundlage des Vertrags von Nizza gebildet. Dieser Vertrag war nach der Einschätzung derjenigen, die ihn verfasst haben, schon für fünfzehn Staaten nicht geeignet. Er ist erst recht nicht geeignet für 27 Staaten.


Deshalb befinden wir uns institutionell an einer Grenze. Man darf diese Kritik nicht verschweigen, aber sie geht nicht zu Lasten von Frau Kunewa und Herrn Orban, denen man das auch nicht negativ anrechnen darf.

Nun, Herr Orban und Frau Kunewa, wir wissen nicht erst seit den Anhörungen, dass Sie keine glühenden Anhänger der sozialdemokratischen Bewegung sind. Das sei Ihnen verziehen, das Recht auf Irrtum hat jeder Mann und jede Frau. Dennoch appellieren wir an Sie, dass Sie, wenn Sie Mitglieder des gesamten Kollegiums sind, darauf achten, dass dieses Kollegium die in Europa notwendige politische Balance zwischen dem ökonomischen und dem sozialen Verantwortungsbereich nicht aus den Augen verliert. Wir vertrauen mit unserer Stimme, die wir für Sie abgeben, auf diese Ihre Einsicht.



  Graham Watson, on behalf of the ALDE Group. – Mr President, the imminence of the accession of Romania and Bulgaria is underlined by today’s vote on the nominees for the posts of two Commissioners and two Members of the Court of Auditors.

Both Meglena Kuneva and Leonard Orban were deeply involved in the negotiations for their respective countries’ membership. Each was dealt a tough hand of cards, especially if you think of the distance that each country has travelled on its road to membership. It proved tougher than expected and needed two years more than other countries emerging from the former Europe.

We must learn now to adapt our Union to a wider membership – a fuller house – with inevitable family disputes. All must learn to give a bit if they are to take. Whether we yet have a full house, of course, is still a matter for debate and maybe Mr Brok would enlighten us towards the end of this week?

It is fitting that those who bore the burden of accession negotiations bear some of the fruit of their labours. Mrs Kuneva and Mr Orban have a great deal to contribute to Europe. The depth of knowledge they have gleaned from the talks will stand them in good stead for their collegial decision-making on the upper floors of the Berlaymont.

Whether they choose to play the Queen of Hearts or the Ace of Spades in President Barroso’s House of Cards is up to them, but I remain convinced that Romania and Bulgaria will be an asset to the Union, and not a burden as some would have us believe.

I know that some in this House are thinking of voting against one of the nominees for the Court of Auditors. If we are serious about bringing two countries into the Union, let us be serious about bringing them in properly and not play games with the nominees.

Let me offer a word of advice to President Barroso as he chews on how to use the talents of his two latest recruits: there are not enough jobs for 27 Commissioners. That is why we supported the Constitution’s provisions to slim the College down. Please ensure that Members of the Commission act in the Community interest and not as representatives of their home states; define their jobs clearly, more clearly than you have done in your letter to President Borrell, allegedly ‘clarifying’ the role of intercultural dialogue. It has left many of us with more questions than answers. However, we wish you success. We wish the two new Commissioners success and we expect that you will do the job we need to advance the cause of Europe.



  Monica Frassoni, a nome del gruppo Verts/ALE. – Signor Presidente, onorevoli colleghi, il presidente del gruppo dei Verdi e Alleanza libera europea voterà a favore dell'integrazione della signora Kuneva e del signor Orban nella Commissione.

Desideriamo a tale proposito congratularci con loro per la loro nomina e ci auguriamo che sapranno lavorare in una squadra la cui coesione interna, motivazione e visione europea non è, purtroppo, quella che noi auspichiamo e che l'Unione europea richiede.

In questo senso, il nostro voto positivo di oggi costituisce più un segno di benvenuto ai due nuovi Paesi membri, qui rappresentati dai due nuovi Commissari, che un sostegno alla Commissione attuale e alla sua politica.

Signora Kuneva, lei si renderà conto molto rapidamente che nella Commissione in cui lei entra oggi le lobby industriali hanno un accesso e una vita molto più facile rispetto ai movimenti dei consumatori. Spero che lei saprà in questo senso innovare e, in qualche modo, resistere.

Signor Orban, lei si renderà rapidamente conto che la protezione della dimensione culturale dell'Unione europea è un compito molto più arduo, in una Commissione forse anche troppo aperta a una parte del nostro mondo piuttosto che ad altre.

Signor Presidente, partecipare positivamente a questo voto significa per noi anche creare in qualche modo un precedente, che è quello del voto sui Commissari singoli, che noi abbiamo spesso auspicato e che speriamo di poter realizzare in futuro.



  Francis Wurtz, au nom du groupe GUE/NGL. – Monsieur le Président, Monsieur le Président de la Commission, au nom du groupe de la Gauche unitaire européenne/ Gauche verte nordique, je veux souhaiter la bienvenue aux deux nouveaux commissaires, Mme Kuneva et M. Orban. Mon groupe va approuver cette double nomination.

J'aurais, pour ma part, préféré que le président de la Commission saisisse l'occasion de l'achèvement de cette étape de l'élargissement pour se prêter à un débat de fond sur un bilan d'étape de son collège, pour rebattre les cartes, le cas échéant, au sein de la Commission élargie et, finalement, pour soumettre son équipe dans son ensemble au vote des députés. À l'heure où tant de questions se posent sur le fonctionnement, sur les orientations et sur l'avenir de l'Union, cela n'aurait nui ni à l'autorité de la Commission ni à la démocratie parlementaire. Tel n'a pas été le choix retenu, nous en prenons acte. Bon vent quand même à Mme Kuneva et à M. Orban!



  Brian Crowley, on behalf of the UEN Group. – Mr President, today we mark another step in the progress of Romania and Bulgaria towards welcoming them back into the family of democratic nations within the European Union. I welcome the appointment of Commissioner-designate Kuneva and Commissioner-designate Orban, and I hope that all colleagues within this Chamber will not use political points to try and attack them in the important role that they will undertake in the future.

In particular, the respect for diversity that will be required in the European Union of the 21st century is encompassed by the portfolio that Commissioner Orban will have, and I call on all colleagues to be as generous as possible towards him, and to all the Commissioners, but in particular to be helpful towards him in suggesting new ways in which that diversity can be protected within the European Union.

Finally, at this important juncture, it is vital that all peoples across Europe come together and unite, and understand that, no matter what may divide us in our different ideologies, or in our different political opinions, or, indeed, in our different religions, the things that bring us together, the things that we share, are far more powerful and far greater, in order to effect change for the good, not only in Europe but on the world stage. Rather than being bogged down in mere politics, let us look to the bigger picture. Let us grasp the opportunities that have been given to Romania and Bulgaria today, but, most importantly of all, let us grasp the opportunities which have been given to the European Union to act as a beacon of hope, of democracy, of freedom, of respect for human rights, across the world. In particular, let us ensure that we can do this collectively for the betterment of all mankind.



  Jeffrey Titford, on behalf of the IND/DEM Group. – Mr President, today we are being asked to approve the nomination of European Commissioners from Bulgaria and Romania. Well, I do not approve. I voted against the accession of Bulgaria and Romania, as did many of my colleagues from the IND/DEM Group.

My colleagues and I from the UK Independence Party were vilified in 2004 because we opposed the accession, but we did so for several reasons, not least that we are totally opposed to the European Union’s empire-building because it is a thoroughly undemocratic organisation that undermines self-government. We also voted against it because we knew that there would be mass migration from some of the new Member States to Britain – a mass migration with which my country’s infrastructure cannot cope. Two years later we have been shown to be right: an estimated 650 000 people came to Britain from the accession countries during the first year of membership. Furthermore, such has been the drain of skilled workers, that we now have the ridiculous situation in which the President of Poland is putting out statements calling for his fellow countrymen to return to their homeland.

Will the EU empire-builders ever consider the immense social cost of their actions? We now stand at the cusp of a tragedy: two further countries, which have recently thrown off the yoke of communism and grasped their freedom, are about to throw it away by taking on the yoke of Brussels, with all its suffocating bureaucracy and its relentless pursuit of power. It will not be many years before Bulgaria and Romania discover what a mistake they have made in subjecting themselves to the will of an intolerant European Commission. It will be like exchanging an iron curtain for a vast curtain of paper, which could end up being almost as big a threat to civil liberties and prosperity as was its predecessor.

Freedom is indivisible. It should never be given up in the pursuit of economic gain, particularly when it has been won at such a high price.



  Bruno Gollnisch (NI). – Monsieur le Président, chers collègues, je souhaiterais ajouter deux petites remarques à ce que vient de dire M. Titford au sujet de ces commissaires issus de deux nations amies - l'une slave et l'autre latine -, récemment libérées, c'est vrai, du joug du communisme, et dont nous espérons qu'elles ne vont pas tomber sous un autre joug.

Première remarque, c'est que le portefeuille de M. Orban, le multilinguisme, doit servir en priorité à l'apprentissage et à l'utilisation des langues nationales des États membres, y compris au sein des institutions européennes. Or, mes chers collègues, nous allons tout à l'heure nous prononcer sur la nomination de deux membres de la Cour des comptes. J'ai ici les versions françaises de ces rapports: l'un d'entre eux a été élaboré par M. Pomés Ruiz, rapporteur espagnol, sur un candidat bulgare; l'autre, par un rapporteur hongrois, sur un candidat roumain! Dans ces versions françaises, les biographies des membres de la Cour des comptes et les questionnaires sont en anglais: voilà un chantier important pour M. Orban, celui qui consiste à faire respecter la diversité linguistique dans nos institutions!

Je voudrais aussi souhaiter bonne chance à Mme Kuneva. Il lui a été très difficile de défendre les intérêts de ses compatriotes bulgares au cours des négociations: j'espère qu'il lui sera plus facile de défendre les intérêts des consommateurs européens.

Je voudrais enfin rappeler notre opposition à l'application du protocole, annexé au traité de Nice, qui prévoit qu'à partir du moment où l'Union européenne comptera vingt-sept membres, le nombre de commissaires sera inférieur au nombre d'États membres, ce qui reviendra à priver certains d'entre eux de représentation au sein de cette institution. Il reste deux ans et demi pour démontrer qu'une telle mesure est parfaitement inutile et contraire à l'égalité des nations qui doit présider aux destinées de notre organisation internationale.


  El Presidente. De conformidad con el orden del día, someto a votación la propuesta de decisión sobre la aprobación del nombramiento de la nueva Comisaria propuesta por la República de Bulgaria, Sra. D.ª Meglena Kuneva. La votación será nominal de conformidad con las disposiciones del apartado 4 del artículo 99 de nuestro Reglamento.

(El Parlamento aprueba la decisión)

(Grandes aplausos)

Muchas gracias. Señora Kuneva, permítame que le felicite. Pocos Comisarios habrán recibido un aplauso tan largo e intenso como el suyo.

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