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Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 14 March 2007 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Compliance with the Charter of Fundamental Rights (debate)

  Ignasi Guardans Cambó (ALDE). – Mr President, I would like to congratulate Mr Voggenhuber on his report.

Saint Teresa used to say that the devil is the detail. It is obvious that the European Commission is not one day going to approve a piece of legislation that blatantly violates fundamental rights: nobody expects that. But, for example, we have situations, as in the case of restrictions on liquids in aeroplanes, where comitology has been used in a shameful way to impose, through a secret piece of regulation – and I emphasise, a secret piece of regulation – duties on citizens which cannot be reviewed by any court in Europe, national or European.

This is a case of the European Commission not being a witness to a violation of fundamental rights but itself legislating in a way that goes against respect for fundamental rights and the most basic rules on transparency. These things happen, so let us stop the rhetoric and begin applying to ourselves what we pretend to apply to everybody else, to our neighbours and to our partners throughout the world.

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