Menetlus : 2006/2270(INI)
Menetluse etapid istungitel
Dokumendi valik : A6-0248/2007

Esitatud tekstid :


Arutelud :

PV 10/07/2007 - 6
CRE 10/07/2007 - 6

Hääletused :

PV 11/07/2007 - 7.12
CRE 11/07/2007 - 7.12
Selgitused hääletuse kohta

Vastuvõetud tekstid :


Istungi stenogramm
Kolmapäev, 11. juuli 2007 - Strasbourg Uuendatud versioon

7.12. Finantsteenuste poliitika 2005-2010 (valge raamat) (hääletus)

- Informe: van den Burg (A6-0248/2007)


- Antes de la votación del apartado 26


  Ieke van den Burg (PSE), rapporteur. – On this paragraph, I propose withdrawing the oral amendments but asking the PPE-DE Group if they can agree that both amendment 5 from their side and amendment 17 from the ALDE Group are compatible and that we can vote on both of them. If that is the case, we will vote in favour of your amendment as well. If not, we will vote against it and I can then withdraw my amendment 23.


- Antes de la votación del apartado 34


  Ieke van den Burg (PSE), rapporteur. – I should simply like to add ‘group’ to paragraph 34, so that it is the ‘European Investment Bank Group’ instead of just the bank.


(El Parlamento admite la enmienda oral)

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