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 Test sħiħ 
Verbatim report of proceedings
Wednesday, 24 October 2007 - Strasbourg OJ edition

Council Question Time


Question No 15 by Johan Van Hecke (H-0717/07)

Subject: Growing number of European agencies

There are currently 23 European agencies, spread over a number of EU countries and cities. There is scarcely any scrutiny of their activities or operation. The latest agency set up is the Agency for Fundamental Rights, which has its seat in Vienna and currently employs 100 people. The purpose of the agency is to monitor the protection of human rights in the European Union, although this task is already perfectly taken care of by the European Court of Human Rights and, in fact, also the Council of Europe, both of which have their seat in Strasbourg. All these agencies spend around 1 billion euros a year of taxpayers’ money. Some observers take the view that hardly a European Council summit goes by without a new agency being set up.

Does the Council intend to set up more new agencies? Is the need to set up an agency carefully considered in each case? Is the Council aware of the financial impact on the European budget? Is the Council prepared to abolish some agencies if their existence is not justified?

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